Make Your Heart Race

By CutSixHeard

128K 3.5K 1K

An Uta no Prince Sama fanfiction!! my very first fanfiction. it is a yaoi (boy x boy) love story with many pa... More

Make Your Heart Race
Remember when..?
Truth or Dare
Kiss.. him?
Feelings For You
Embarassed, no Worse.
Not Good Enough...
Shared Feelings
Such a Tease
The Pain, The Regret
Realizing These Feelings
Learning More
A Little Unexpected
**Author Note**
I Love You
Loving, and Caught
What Happened?
I Love Him, He Loves Me
Search Party
All The Same
Not Yet
Awkward Enough?
No.. No, God No..
A Big Mistake...
The Following Days
The Voice
**Author Note**
Yours Forever
Will You Be Mine?
Of Course
The Condition
Unexpected Entry
The Vacation Plan
The Nervousness finally!
Nervous silence

Heavy Sleeper

2.3K 72 6
By CutSixHeard

Tokiya P.O.V

I inhaled deeply, 'a day to go out.. finally..' I smiled slightly, absorbed in my thoughts.

"Hey, guys!" Natsuki's exclaim brought me back to the present.

"Oi," I greeted. Ren smiled, and waved.

"Wait, where's Syo?" Masato questioned,

"Syo-chan wanted to sleep more. so he won't be coming." Natsuki explained, rubbing the back of his head as he turned to me.

"Where's Otoya-kun?" he asked, I sighed.

"Well, he wouldn't wake up. no matter what I did."

"How did that go?" Natsuki asked,  I chuckled at remembrance of my troubles.

*flash back*

"Otoya!" I yelled, "Otoya get up!" I shook him. He merely turned his back to me and murmmured something inaudible. I groaned while I softly smacked Otoya's cheek. Then again, and again.  Harder and harder, I stopped when I realized how red his cheek had become, I sighed.

I leaned over the sleeping body, my mouth over his ear, I inhaled deeply,

"OTOYA GET UP!" I yelled at the top of my lungs, my own ears ringing. Otoya's lay in the same position, not seeming the least bit disturbed. I sighed in defeat, as I pinched and.massaged the bridge of my nose. I leaned down and kissed Otoya's forehead softly,

"Fine.. I'll leave you here then.." I sighed then smiled slightly at his sleeping features. So flawless..

*END of flashback*

"Believe me, it was hell.." I chuckled slightly. Natsuki nodded,

"Then shall we go now? If anything I know I need a break" Ren smirked,

"Yeah, let's go." I agreed then we left the building. To head to whatever activities awaited us.


Another short chapter.. well this means one more after this to make up for it. okay? okay :3

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