Broken - Book One

By Makedah

30.5K 322 116

"I Didn't Wish For This To Happen." This is the story of four people going in different directions of their l... More

Broken. (Intro)
Broken. (1)
Broken (2)
Broken (3)
Broken (4)
Broken (5) From Trey.
Broken (6)
Broken (7) From Trey.
Broken (9)
Broken. (10) From Ash
Broken (11) From Trey.
Broken (12)
Broken (13) From Ash.
Broken (14) Khayla And Ash.
Broken (15) Khayla, Ash and Trey
Broken (16) Khayla and Trey
Broken (17) Khayla And Dami.
Broken (18) Dami and Khayla - The Big Shock
Broken (19) - The Big Shock
Broken (20) Happily Together Forever?
Broken (21) - From Trey.
Broken (22) - From Trey.
Broken (23) - From Trey and Khayla.
Broken (24) From Khayla and Trey - Scary Changes?
Broken (25) - The Truth Hurts
Broken (26) - Realisation
Broken (27) - What If?
Broken (28) - Trey, Khayla And Dami. (Can't Cope)
Broken (29) - Khayla and Trey (End Of An Era)
Broken (30) - Trey, Khayla, Ash. - (Leaving)
Broken (31) - Outro

Broken (8)

929 11 3
By Makedah

Broken (8)

(Authors Note - Remember the stars mean someone else's thoughts. Please Vote, Comment And Become A Fan. Kedah x)

Trey was taking his time in the bathroom so I was just being nosey around his room because that's my nature. His room was always neat so it was hard to cover up my sneakiness but he knew I snooped anyway so he didn't mind. I was looking on his bookcase because he keeps various books, letters and jewellery there which are updated all the time for some reason. I picked up the gold chain I got him for his fourteenth and it brought back memories for me because I remember when I was in the shop buying it, I was with him. He said that he liked him, went off and then I bought it without even flinching at the price. Commitment is a strong thing for me yet I was the one wanting Ash. It felt like a long time ago since me and Ash were just friends and not talking about getting into a relationship but my feelings for Ash have always been there and I couldn't help that no matter what. However it was always Trey that had my heart. He made me feel special and I couldn't give up on us not yet. Not for anyone.

*Trey - At the same moment.

She loved me and I did that. I couldn't stand myself right now, I let her down....*

I heard Trey splashing about in the bath, he made me laugh sometimes. Why couldn't he just have a damn shower? But I guess his OCD is just a part of him I have to live with. As I mentioned before, he hated untidiness which was a rarity for a boy but it was a good thing on the whole. When Trey told me about his OCD and what it was, it made me open my eyes to what I already knew and at least it was diagnosed so he and I knew. I helped him through it all because he didn't want to have OCD, he didn't chose to be this "clean", it was just a little voice telling him too. When he was upset about it all, I was there making....

"TREY! TREY! YOU LEFT YOUR WATCH!" A voice shouted from out of the window.

I opened the window and looked out to see Dami.

"Oh hi, Dami. I'll come down and get it."

She looked startled to see me in spite of this I just smiled.

"Umm ok, Khayla."

As I was passing the bathroom door, Trey poked his head around it.

"Who was that?"


"Oh...What did she want?"

"You left your watch round her house silly."

"Oh ok."

He went back into the bathroom. I walked downstairs and opened the door to collect the watch.

"Thanks for returning the watch."

"No problem."

She turned to leave the front of his house.

"Why don't you come in?"

"No thanks, I to do."

"Oh, ok, bye then."

I closed the door to run back upstairs into Trey's bedroom. Trey was in his room, redressed.

"Did you get the watch?"

"Yeah." I gave it to him.

"Khayla you know that I love you, right?"


"Oh ok."

"Why? What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I just feel guilty and I don't want to say it but I can't."


"I don't want to hurt you."

"Well you're hurting me without telling me."


"Go on, tell me."

"Your birthday is in two weeks and I don't know what to get you."

"Is that it?"

"Yeah." He chucked.

"You had me worried for a moment, haha."

*Trey - At the same moment

I was going to tell her about Dami and me but I decided not to at the last moment. How is the best way to tell your girlfriend you've been cheating on her? How was the best way to tell her and not to lose her?*


After spending about two hours talking about what I was doing for my birthday and who I was going to invite, I had to leave before it got too dark. I was on Trey's doorstep, me outside, him in the door.

"Bye babe."

"Bye bye boo."

* Trey - At the same moment

I closed my door and at almost the same time my phone was vibrating in my jeans as I pulled out my phone, I noticed I got a text from Dami.

I opened it:

. I cnt deal wid the guilt. I gt to tell her. Damz x

I texted back almost instantly, she was messing with my life, my girl. Why would she do that. Why would she jeopardise what we had?

I text back:

. DON'T! Gimme time plz. T *

Everything felt alright for once and I was in one of the best moods, I've been in for a while. As I left the road that Trey's house was on, I walked towards the bus stop to get back. I was connected my headphones to my iPod when the street lights came on...


Who was that? It was too dark to see but the street lights lit up a mystery figure just well enough for me to see.

"KHAYLA!" They shouted again. It was a girl, I could just about make out her voice but I wasn't sure who it was.

"I've got to tell you something." She said. Out from beneath the light I could see Dami.

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