𝘽𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙘 𝘼𝙘𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙮―�...

By BandGeek4Life8

8.8K 144 47

Amelia Mills and her sister, Ramona Mills, go to the Bionic Academy to control their bionic abilities. The on... More

Chapter 1 Bionic Academy
Chapter 3 Learning Something About Chase
Chapter 4 Gold and Prophecies
Chapter 5 Adam Steps Up
Chapter 6 Ideas, Planning, and Phone Calls
Chapter 7 Operation Rattlesnake
Chapter 8 Commando App Engaged
Chapter 9 Sebastian, Spin, and Bob
Chapter 10 Birthday Twins... And Malphas?
Chapter 10 Part 2 Malphas?
Chapter 11 Naturally Paranormal
Chapter 12 Carlos

Chapter 2 Officially Meeting Bree, Adam, and Chase

1.2K 23 17
By BandGeek4Life8

A/N: The song Amelia sings to Ramona to calm her down. 

Previously on the Bionic Academy

I need to learn about this on my own, but how was I supposed to tell Mr. Davenport that I wanted to have a self-study? I guess I would have to deal with that later. For now, I need to finish organizing my shelves, and then go take a nap.

Today has been stressful enough, so I'm going to take a nap when I get done. At least nothing happened while I was napping. Well, none that I knew about.


"Mr. Davenport, can I, please, take a minute or two minutes out of your time to talk to you, please, sir?" I asked him.

"Do you want to talk to me about my signature good looks and my fabulous, brilliant brain?" Mr. Davenport asked me cockily.

"No." I replied.

"Then, no you cannot." He stated.

"But, sir, it's really important... to me." I stated.

"You do realize I'm busy?" he asked me.

"Please. We both know that sitting at that table reading another book with the good vs. evil cliché doesn't count as being busy." I retorted.

"Your smart. Most people would just I don't know let me keep on reading." He said.

"Sir, its Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. It'll take the average human about a month to read, but for me it only took 2 weeks, four days, nine hours, thirty-seven minutes, and fifty-two seconds." I told him proudly.

"Hm. Okay, let's get down to business. What do you want?" he asked me.

"I want to do my own self-study. Please, it will make things a whole lot easier." I explained.

"Your mother, your step-sister and her daughter made it perfectly clear that you would be studying with a class, so you can control your abilities and one day be rid of Malphas." he told me.

"Please, I didn't get anything learned yesterday. If I did this, I feel like I could ascend the ranks and one day soon be rid of the demon stirring inside of me." I pleaded.

"Fine, but you will have to have one on one sessions three times a week with one of the mentors. Do you have a specific choice of who you want?" he told me.

I thought about this for a while. Bree from what I heard was pretty cool and awesome and had speed. Adam was all strength. One of those two could help me with my ability. There was also Chase who had super intelligence like me who could somehow understand it, but my answer was clear.

"I don't care which one it is. I just want to have a self-study." I exclaimed.

"Great. Since your mentor was already Chase, how about Chase be your one on one mentor?" Mr. Davenport suggested.

"Cool. I really don't care." I exclaimed.

"Great. I'll tell him immediately. Your first session can be tonight." Mr. Davenport said.

"Wait. Tonight?" I asked him.

"Yes. Do you have a problem with that?" he asked me.

"No, it's not a problem. It's just that every Tuesday for the past five years, my sister and I would make hats for Mikey, our ferret." I told him.

"Do you want to have a self-study?" he asked me.

"I do, very much, sir." I exclaimed.

"Then, you should be willing to take sacrifices." Mr. Davenport replied.

I shut up after that. Ramona will surely be angry with me, but it isn't my fault that I want a self-study and the only way I could do it was to have one of the mentors teach me. I know that isn't the definition of a self-study, but it's the only way my mother will see my progress.

"Okay, I'll let Chase know as soon as possible." Mr. Davenport said before leaving me.

I stood there before I walked to my room to get some reading done. To be fair, I've read every book I brought with me about two dozen times. When I got to my room where my ferret was, I opened the door and a ball of white fur attacked me.

Well, it didn't attack me. It whizzed past me so fast I didn't have time to blink. Oh no again. This happens every day back in Storybrooke.

"Not again." I stated before chasing after it.

The ferret ran into the lounge area and kept jumping onto people to get away. Why does this always have to happen to me?

"Stop that ferret." I shouted still chasing after it.

I felt a gust of air next to me making me trip and fall to the floor. I got up to see Bree with my ferret in her arms.

"Excuse me." she said coming up to me.

"Yes? Am I in trouble?" I asked her.

"No, you're not. Is this your ferret?" Bree asked me.

"Yes, thank you for catching him for me." I said to her as she handed me the ferret.

"I'm Bree." she said.

"I'm Amelia, but you can call me Amy." I responded.

"You're that girl from yesterday messing with Leo, aren't you?" Bree asked me.

"Oh, so that's the scrawny kid from yesterday who has no muscles name." I exclaimed.

"Yep." I said popping the p.

At that exact moment, my sister walked over to us.

"What's going on here?" she asked.

"Oh, hi, Mona." I said.

"You two know each other?" Bree questioned us.

"Yeah, she's my fraternal twin sister." Ramona said.

"I knew there was something similar about you two. I just couldn't put my finger on it." Bree exclaimed.

"Yeah, but when you're us you hear that a lot." Ramona told her.


A few hours later, I was in the training room seeing if I could use anything in here to work with my abilities. I found the weights that were a hundred pounds a piece. With my magic, I made the 100 pounds 1000 pounds.

I went to grab them when some dude stopped me.

"Wow, pretty lady. You could really hurt you with that. Be careful." one of the mentors, I believe is Adam told me.

"It's okay. I might not look like it, but I have super strength that comes from my manipulation of earth ability. It's a very unique ability, and I'm the only known person to have this ability alive." I bragged.

"Wow, so the other people with the ability is dead?" Adam asked me.

"To be fair, I got this ability from my grandmother and I accidently killed the people when I found out I could manipulate both lava, magma, and metal." I told him.

"Okay, but you still want to take it easy if you want to keep that pretty face of yours." Adam told me.

I picked up the weights with my right hand that is the weaker one, and threw the weights across the room only for me to use my use of air manipulation to stop it, and bring it back over to me.

"How is that for being careful?" I asked him.

"You're still going to get hurt. By the way, my name is Adam." He told me.

"I'm Amelia." I said as I shook his hand.


So today has been a weird day. I met both Adam and Bree, and just about an hour, I would be meeting Chase, the smart one of the trio. The only problem was that my sister was here. I had to tell her what was going on, but her anger could be disastrous.

"Mona, I have to speak with you." I told her.

"What do you want to talk about?" she asked me.

"I can't make hats with you." I exclaimed.

"What? Why? We've been doing that for five years. Why would you want to stop now?" she asked me.

"Because I asked Mr. Davenport if I could have a self-study. He said that the only way for me to do that was to have one on one training and classes with one of the mentors, and I don't who it is." I explained.

"That is no excuse." she shouted at me.

That was when I saw her eyes turn hard and cold. Oh, no. Here comes Seraphina, her commando app. What did my mother say what to do when she gets there?

"Seraphina is back baby." Ramona/Seraphina shouted before storming towards the book shelves.

Seraphina ripped the bookshelves from the wall. She split a platinum chair into two. What was I supposed to do when she is in commando mode? Seraphina then threw the dresser on to the floor, and then went to the door.

My reflexes were on point, and create a force-field around the doorknob and locked the door. She couldn't get out now. When she did try, it wouldn't open. Seraphina came up to me, and I didn't flinch.

"Look me straight in the eye when I'm talking to you." she shouted at me.

I looked her dead in the eye, and she was glaring and roaring at me. She even went as far as snapping her jaws like an animal. Sing her the lullaby. The voice in my head told me. I hope this works.

"Lay by my side, and we'll sail away
Off to the shores of another day
All set to go once I hear you say
Goodnight my friend, until the morning
Up we will float as we close our eyes
Stars all around us like fireflies
Just me and you drifting through the skies
Goodnight my friend
Not a thought
Not a care
Resting safe and sound
With each other there
And so we'll rock on a nighttime ride
Cozy and warm on the rolling tide
Till we arrive on the morning side
Our journey's end
Sleep tight
We're going to be all right
Goodnight my friend." I sang.

My sister calmed down and she fell to the floor before getting up to balance herself. My sister was okay, but she has never used her commando app. The only reason we know about it is that our mother told us about it.

"What happened to me?" she asked.

"You became Seraphina when I told you I couldn't go make hats." I told her wincing to see if she would turn back into Seraphina.

"Okay, that explains everything. I really didn't care, but I think Seraphina just wanted to come out and play, since she hasn't done that before." she said.

"You should probably leave. Whoever Mr. Davenport put in charge of my one on one studies should be here any moment." I exclaimed.

She left without a single comment or statement in a puff of smoke. Right on schedule there was a knock on my door. I looked around. This would take a long time to clean up and an even longer time of explaining.

I flicked my wrist and everything was how it was supposed to be about. I love magic. I went to the door and opened it to reveal Chase.

"Hi, so Mr. Davenport told me that you wanted a self-study, but wouldn't let you do it, so he offered you to have one on one teaching. Is that correct?" Chase asked me.

"That's both accurate and correct. So, what do you want to do?" I questioned him.

"I don't know. I didn't volunteer for this. What do you want to do and where do you want to do it?" Chase told me.

"Before we go straight into the learning segments of this session, what is your name?" I asked him.

"I'm Chase, and you are?" he said.

"I'm Amelia, but you can call me Amy." I said.

"Oh, you're that girl from yesterday that embarrassed Leo yesterday." Chase said.

"Yes, it is. Let me guess you're the smart one." I said.

"Yes, I am." Chase boasted.

"But also arrogant." I stated.

This was going to be long session, an even longer day, and an even longer night. Why did I agree to this thing in the first place? I'm starting to wonder if all of my choices come from Malphas.

A/N: I have two questions for you. Who is Malphas? How are you liking the story so far? Don't forget to vote and/or comment.  

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