The Crescent

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I’m a rogue, what can I say? Born into the Crescent Pack, my parents disowned me, convincing the Alpha to ba... Több

Chapter 1, Another Day of Hell
Chapter 2, Rogue vs Rogues
Chapter 3, Alpha Cody
Chapter 4, Cake For Breakfast!
Chapter 5, Part of a Pack
Chapter 6, The Happenings of Yellowknife
Chapter 7, The Ginger Wolf With The White Sock
Chapter 8, Deal With The Devil
Chapter 9, Meet The Parents
Chapter 10, The Strange Stench
Chapter 11, Claimed
Chapter 12, Forced Meeting With The Parents
Chapter 13, Another White Wolf
Chapter 14, The Ginger Wolf With The White Sock
Chapter 15, Halo vs Need For Speed
Chapter 16, Night On The Town
Chapter 17, Kidnapped
Chapter 18, It's War Then!
Chapter 19, Vera vs Dingo
Chapter 20, An Uptight Pack
Chapter 21, Cell Buddies
Chapter 23, The Official Meeting
Chapter 24, Coming Home
Chapter 25, Rocky The Flying Squirrel
Chapter 26, Facing Reality
Chapter 27, The Tenacious Beta
Chapter 28, Dead White Wolf
Chapter 29, An Interesting Day
Chapter 30, Day On The Town
Chapter 31, Mates
Chapter 32, Official Luna
Chapter 33, Home Again.....
Chapter 34, Putting On My Game Face
Chapter 35, The War Is On!
Chapter 36, Post War Meetings
Chapter 37, Chasing Gerald
Chapter 38, The Human Colony
Chapter 39, Unexpected Reunion
Chapter 40, Still Alive
Chapter 41, Coming to Terms
Chapter 42, Just a Sip
Sequel and Author's Note

Chapter 22, Prison Riot

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Chapter 21

He must have known I’d come here, he must have known something!

Standing there before me was Seth, his fingers twirling the key that he had obviously grabbed from somewhere he shouldn’t have.

‘Did you know I’m an important part of this pack; I help lock up the rogues that they sentence and guess who’s name popped up’?

Cringing further into the corner, I could smell my own fear seeping through my skin, something that must have smelt like victory to Seth.

‘Don’t be scared Vera, I will be sure to kill you quickly and painlessly; well I lie, it won’t be painless’.

Barking a loud growl in Seth’s direction, he was like lightening, opening the door and racing over to clamp a hand over my mouth.

‘You need to be quiet Vera; we wouldn’t want your friends finding you dying here in your cell, now would we’.

My eyes meeting him, understanding clear in my pupils, Seth stepped back over to the door, leaning on its metal frame as he looked at me.

‘I heard you jumped from a three story window out of my building; that’s pretty impressive, what could have possibly driven you to be so……suicidal.  We are wolves but we are not unbreakable and that stunt was shy of death’.

Beginning to panic at what Seth would do, I didn’t know what else to say, screaming at myself in my head.

‘You know Dingo wasn’t a difficult customer to break; hanging from the same window you had jumped from, seemed to upset him enough to spill the beans.  I just wonder what you said to change his mind’.

Staying silent, I didn’t want to give Seth any ideas.  I could only imagine the pain Dingo would have gone through trying to protect me and crippling in the end; I swear my brother was a sook!

A silver blade caught my attention as I watched Seth pull from his belt, oh so silently; a pocket knife with small writing engraved on like it was a song verse.

‘The verse matches some lyrics to a song I grew fond of when I was younger’.

‘My mother played them at my father’s funeral; a funeral that was caused by the war between packs, something I plan to destroy, the will to have war’.

Pulling the knife from his belt, Seth stepped closer to me; now waiting for me to react.

His voice came out at a whisper now, low and threatening.

‘Come on white wolf, you will not be the first or the last of your kind to die but once you are dead; your pack will be vulnerable and I will take it over’.

Hissing as I sat staring at Seth, his feet crumbling the small rocks that had somehow being brought into my cell; the eerie silence returned like a plague.

My inner wolf taking control of my mind; my body shifted under Seth’s gaze, his eyes daring me to take him on, like he knew how I would move and when.

My whit wolf snapped in his face, his eyes still showing his human was somehow in control.  Getting to my feet and preparing to attack Seth, his body moved like I had seen no human before; his knife coming at me to cut my throat.

My wolf watched the scene unfold as she darted around the blade, the knife stabbing into the cement wall, making me wonder what sort of metal would do that.

Turning to prepare for another try; Seth had locked us in here, he wasn’t planning on leaving anytime soon and I had no hope of getting away from him.

My wolf bent her head down low, a loud howl building in our chest as she let go; the howl echoing off the walls for what felt like kilometres, a warning howl of sorts but also a calling to Cody.

I gave my wolf control, sitting back in my mind and watching the show; the froth building at her mouth was enough to tell she was going to have a pretty damn good go at killing Seth, his eyes only now beginning to show his wolf betraying his human wishes.

Barking loudly at Seth, his wolf growled back.  Throwing the knife at me now, my wolf only ducked just in time, a fair cut scrapping between her ears as it hit the wall behind us, outside the cell.

Seth stood there arms open as he let me come at him like he wanted to die.

Unable to stop my wolf, she lunged towards him; his body slamming into the wall, shaking most of the hallway.  Her teeth lashed in his face as his smirk remained wide; her eyes seeing this and pushing herself against him for a minute before she went for the kill.

Her teeth ripped against his flesh, claws digging against his chest, as she stood on her hind legs; her head curling around Seth’s throat as the teeth grabbed and now sunk in.

Seth crying out in pain, my wolf ignored his pleas, pegging him across the room; she was going to kill him and he surely must have known this.

Voices cursing around us, my wolf jumped at Seth again; now pinned against the door, she swung her weight into it, a deafening crack sounding in the cell as Seth’s neck was surely broken but my wolf continued to go at him like it was some kind of game.

Her teeth now grabbing his ankle as Seth’s eyes rolled back in his head; she jumped up, using the force to throw Seth back into the corner of the cell as she charged over to him again.

Blood spraying the various four corners of the room, I could feel Seth’s blood dripping from my lips; my wolf only being more motivated to make him pay with his taste so close to her.

My wolf now standing over Seth again, his body was lifeless; no sign of life present in any of his features and I really wondered if my wolf was considering eating him after all she’d done.

Her senses finally hearing something other than Seth’s body flying into various parts of the cell; her head flicked up, looking in the doorway as a wolf charged at her; almost taking her by the neck as she jumped out of the way, now in the other corner, ears pinned as she glared at him.

Having all the control my wolf was stronger this way, using our consciousness against everyone.

The same sandy coloured wolf from before was standing over Seth, almost protecting him as he growled at my wolf; her instinct making her want to lunge at him.

He was barking at us, almost warning us to back down before we regretted our decision.  Our ears then absorbed the voice of Chase, who was standing and screaming at us through the bars.

‘Vera, Stop; you killed Seth, you have to stop’!

Looking up at Chase, our eyes saw the hurt in his.  He looked like he’d been crushed, a small tear sitting in his eyelid that he was trying so hard to hold back.

We must have been distracted too long as the sandy wolf pretty much tackled us to the ground, obviously thinking we’d go for Chase next.

Looking back over at Seth as two men walked towards him, thinking I was finished my culling; my wolf pushed the sandy wolf off like he was nothing, jumping at Seth again with the two men stepping back, like they didn’t want a fight.

‘You know what you’ve done rogue; you’ve killed our third in command, I hope you know the penalty for killing another pack’s wolves’.

Standing over Seth; I wanted to tell them Seth was evil but my wolf would not let me back; her teeth snapping at them, not actually trying to hurt them but being intimidating enough to make them stop approaching.

This was all happening so fast as I felt from under me, Seth’s body going cold from the blood now draining onto the ground.

My head perked low as I watched each of the men, including the sandy wolf that looked at them, seeming torn with what to do.

Only minutes later, the sandy wolf lunged at me again; his blows directed more at restraining me than trying to kill me but he seemed torn when my wolf jumped out of his way; her teeth snapping at his fur warningly.

His teeth coming for my wolf again, her teeth this time were not warning; digging into his side as he soon turned faster than I’d imagined, his teeth ripping into my jaw, the force of his efforts slamming my head into the cement wall.

A ringing noise piercing my hearing momentarily, my wolf tried to recover fast but she was not quick enough as the sandy wolf took hold of her neck once more, his head purposely using so much force; the wall cracked as our head hit the cement.

Hitting it with both speed and force; my wolf soon slumped to the ground, letting out a small whimper as our vision grew foggy, almost like we were going to pass out.

Trying to shake the feeling off, the speckled dots covering our vision only grew bigger; as our head hit the ground, everything becoming too hazy to make sense of as I saw a pair feet standing at our head before the darkness welcomed us.

‘Why didn’t we just kill her when she was out’!

‘Because I want to hear her side of the story’

‘Why!  So you can hear every gory detail of why she slaughtered Seth when we were only in the next room’!

‘I don’t believe she did it out of spite’.

‘You’re Alpha, you’re supposed to protect you pack’!

‘You will do as I say!  If I say she lives then she lives; you will not question my authority’!

‘Okay I meant no disrespect; what do we do about her Alpha’?

Silence seemed to settle over the room as the argument ceased, my head now beginning to pound as I became aware of what was going on.

‘We will let him come, if he falls out of place; we will kill him also’.

Groaning I was no longer my wolf; trying to open my eyes, I felt my leg twitch a little, a reaction to my body jerking.

As my leg twitched, material brushed against me, letting me know I was at least covered with something.

She had given me back control now, obviously feeling the threat had been destroyed which it bloody well had; considering Seth was almost in pieces!

A set of footsteps grew softer as I knew I was left with only one person and I could only imagine who that would be……

Opening my droopy eyes, they focused instantly on the cell door as my nose took in a weak sniff, registering this must have been a different cell and I had been moved.

My head was propped on my left arm, my body sagged as the floor held it up, my legs hanging out the bottom of my body in a mess.

I was in some sort of jumpsuit looking outfit, not that I cared.

Shaking my head, it didn’t help the pain as I looked around hearing a voice.

‘Good morning Vera, so let’s just get this over with; tell me why you killed Seth and I may let you live’.

Seeing the Alpha sitting on a metal chair, rocking it as he spoke; to say he was holding back his anger would be an understatement.

Right now I thought he was ready to rip my head apart.

‘Answer me before I have your head removed’!

Trying to think back to when I had killed Seth, the moment came back to me as I pictured his lifeless body on the ground, almost throwing up the contents of my stomach.

My voice barely audible as I still tried to wake up, the Alpha would hear me fine, he was the Alpha after all.

‘Do you remember the Crescent Pack’?

The Alpha scoffed anger clear in his voice.

‘I didn’t ask for a history lesson she-wolf; now tell me what I want to know’!

Growling at the Alpha, he seemed on the edge of losing his temper as he got to his feet; throwing the chair at the bars as it bent and crumbled; a loud banging echoing through the building.

His eyes darkening, his breath was fast as he approached the bars, resting his head on them.

‘He was a spy; he was not your precious soldier’!

The Alpha tore the bars apart as in seconds; he was towering over me, still human somehow as an almighty kick slammed into the side of my gut; bones snapping from the impact.


The Alpha paused his angry spell for a minute, his face calming down considerably as he thought about this.

‘Where is your proof she-wolf; everything you have said could be lies for all I know’!

My head now recovered, I sat there; my eyes now able to follow the Alpha as he paced the room.

‘Where is your god damn proof’!

Sighing, I looked up at the ceiling, somehow hoping it would give me the answer I wanted.

‘Follow my trail north; where it connects up with a stream, follow the current upstream and you will find what you so desperately want; your proof’!

The Alpha seemed to consider this as he paused for a minute looking in thought as I figured he had asked some wolves to do exactly what I had just asked.

‘Be warned though, the territory you will cross will be filled with rogues; your wolves will never return and they will die there; how’s that for proof’!

I sounded spookier than I had hoped but it seemed to almost win the Alpha over as he considering it for a minute before walking out of my cell; slamming the bars back to how they were before.

His eyes met mine one last time, before he turned away; ‘I hope for your sake, you are right she-wolf, I will have no shame in killing you myself’!

Nodding, I rested my head back on my arm as he left; my body aching from having probably every rib shattered from the impact of that last kick.

My stomach growing hungry, I knew there was no food today; I would be treated like any other rogue; sentenced to rot in here until I died.

Listening in my head; Cody was no longer trying to contact me, obviously feeling I would not reply.

I wondered if he was close or if the pack had been overrun now by the rogues that were attacking on Seth’s behalf.

His plan would go on without him; he had wanted me to kill him, he had just used his words and threatened me to rile me up.

I had let my wolf take so much control that I couldn’t take it back; I felt sorry for that poor sandy wolf that seemed to cop all my anger.

Hearing someone step forward towards my cell; I looked up to see a man with blond hair as he brought his own chair and sat it down where the Alpha’s had been.

‘You like to go out with a bang, don’t you; simply killing Seth would have been too easy hey’?

Looking at this guy perplexed; I sniffed the air trying to work out if I knew him, until it hit me that he was the sandy wolf; the Beta of this pack.

‘Why are you standing up for me if you are Beta; should you not want me to hang like everyone else’?

The blond shrugged; he didn’t seem fazed by any of it, maybe this was why he was Beta, he kept his cool under extreme circumstances.

‘I may be Beta, but I didn’t like Seth; something about him was off, there was just no evidence to say that there was, but now he’s dead, between you and me, this pack is probably better off………’

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