𝘽𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙞𝙘 𝘼𝙘𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙢𝙮―�...

By BandGeek4Life8

8.7K 144 47

Amelia Mills and her sister, Ramona Mills, go to the Bionic Academy to control their bionic abilities. The on... More

Chapter 2 Officially Meeting Bree, Adam, and Chase
Chapter 3 Learning Something About Chase
Chapter 4 Gold and Prophecies
Chapter 5 Adam Steps Up
Chapter 6 Ideas, Planning, and Phone Calls
Chapter 7 Operation Rattlesnake
Chapter 8 Commando App Engaged
Chapter 9 Sebastian, Spin, and Bob
Chapter 10 Birthday Twins... And Malphas?
Chapter 10 Part 2 Malphas?
Chapter 11 Naturally Paranormal
Chapter 12 Carlos

Chapter 1 Bionic Academy

2.5K 28 16
By BandGeek4Life8


I walked into the halls of the bionic academy with my head between by shoulders. I didn't want anyone to know who I was or what my powers were. My best friend and sister, Ramona, stood next to me as I walked to where my dorm would be.

The funny thing is my sister and I have always been roommates and Mr. Davenport let us once again be roommates as long as we both made friends here. I knew that would be easy for Ramona, but that would be difficult for me.

I was always the repel end of friendship while my sister was the attract end of friendship. The only good thing about this was that I had my ferret, Mikey, as my companion. A note sat on the table from Mr. Davenport.

Put on uniforms and come to lobby- Donald Davenport.

My sister did as she was told taking her assigned uniform to the bathroom to change. I stayed behind, and organized our stuff with molecular kinesis as I put my books on the shelves in the correct order.

I was halfway done with it when Ramona finally came out of the bathroom. In a flash, I was in the bathroom getting my uniform on. After I was finished, Ramona and I walked to the lobby where all of the students were at.

Like usual, I wasn't paying attention as I kept my hands in the pockets of the hoody I managed to grab out of my bag. My uniform was orange as was Ramona's uniform. I noticed already that Ramona had already struck up conversation with a few bionic girls.

Like always, people would give one glance at me and look away almost immediately. I was used to it, but I could feel it was stirring inside of me talking to me from the outside. Only one person took interest in me.

That was another girl wearing the orange who walked up to my wanting to strike a conversation with me. To be fair, I didn't want to talk to anyone.

"Hi, I'm Meghan!" she said enthusiastically taking me off guard.

"I'm Amelia." I answered hesitating to shake her hand.

I ended up shaking her hand as my hand was immediately grabbed by hers, and she was shaking it fast. I can guess what one of her bionic abilities is: super speed.

"Why are you here?" she asked me.

"What do you mean?" I said.

"I was a part of bionic army, and I didn't see you there in the aftermath of everyone, so my question remains. Why are you here?" she asked me.

"My sister and I are here to see if by harnessing and controlling my abilities, we can snuff out the demon that still lays inside of me ever since an accident when I was younger caused it." I explained.

"You're that girl with the creepy, horror movie like powers that get you into trouble for no apparent reason." she exclaimed.

"Yep, that's me." I laughed nervously.

Meghan looked at me weirdly before laughing nervously and slowly walking away. Great. Just great. I ruined the only opportunity to have a real actual friend. Finally, the Davenports and Mr. Davenport came in. Me being me had to eavesdrop on their conversation, and I did just that.

"Don't "Hey Leo" me. I look like a bionic bumblebee." the one I think is Leo exclaimed.

"Hey, so what do all of the different colors mean?" the girl I believe her name is Bree questioned.

"Mr. Davenport and I assessed each of the kids' bionics, and the colors represent their level of mastery. Red for expert, and it goes all the way down to yellow for beginner." the one I believe is Chase explained.

"I'm a beginner?" Leo asked him.

"Don't worry. I am too." a younger and shorter boy exclaimed.

Well, this just became interesting. I kept eavesdropping on the conversation as I knew it would get even more entertaining by the minute. It might be the darkness that flows through my blood, but I love watching people become angry seeing as its funny.

Leo turned around before looking around to see the boy there. The boy raised up his hand for a high five.

"I'm on the same level as him?" Leo asked. "He's tiny."

"I'm young. What's your excuse?" he asked him.

I decided to walk over there.

"It's okay. Not all of us have an inventor as father, so I'm sure you'll ascend one day." I told him.

"Who the heck are you?" Leo asked me.

"I'm Amelia Cora Mills. I'm sure you've heard about me." I insisted.

"No, I haven't. What have you done anyway while they have been saving lives?" Leo asked me.

"I've been To Neverland, Camelot, Storybrooke, The Enchanted Forest, Oz, Arendelle, DunBroch, and my all-time favorite the Land without Magic. My mother, my step-niece, its complicated, my step-sister, and my adoptive brother who also happens to be my step-great nephew have been saving towns from many things.

"We saved the town from Peter Pan who wanted to possess the magic of the town to make himself immortal and go make mortal humans his henchmen and slaves, the town from turning into monkeys and killing thousands and possible millions of people, the curse of shattered sight which would have killed billions of people, villains getting what they want, because that would make them unstoppable, and a kingdom from the Dark One which would make all of the light be snuffed out, and no one would be able to stop anyone. What in tarnation have you've been doing?" I retorted.

"Obviously not any of that. How does a teenager find time to deal with that?" Leo asked me.

"You find time when the only learning you get is from the demonic genius who haunts your dreams every night. October 13, 2005. That was a dark day in Neverland I tell you. I could still see the laughs of the dozens of boys as I screamed because of seeing demons." I exclaimed.

"Wait, you're that troubled girl that gets in trouble because of her bionics right?" Bree asked me.

"Is it that obvious? I don't try to cause trouble, but Malphas overrules me on that one." I explained.

"You have a commando app?" Chase asked me.

"No, when I was younger I was possessed by a demon to save my family from dying. He is still there and once in a while he wakes up, and controls all of my abilities. He's also a reason October 5, 2005 was a dark day for me." I explained.

Suddenly, my ferret, Mikey, got out from my hood and started to sniff around before staring intently at Bree before retreating back to the hood.

"Sorry about that. Mikey is very curious and how should I put this in a nice way. A clever, humorous jerk." I stated.

"Well, that doesn't sound anyway mean." Leo sarcastically commented.

I shrugged my shoulders before walking away towards my sister. In a matter of minutes we had started this stupid student orientation.

"Hello, and welcome to the world's first Davenport Bionic Academy." Mr. Davenport said.

The students including me and my sister clapped and cheered for this.

"When do I get to throttle people?" the young boy from earlier stated.

"We don't throttle people, Mighty Mouse." Leo barked at him.

"Leo's right. You're not soldiers anymore. You're students. I know you've had it rough, and you're still adjusting to the outside world, but we're here to help. See there are blah, blah, blah." Mr. Davenport said.

I didn't listen to him, so I just waited until things got a bit more interesting.

"I don't want to be a Donald. I already gave myself a name. It's Spin." the boy from earlier stated.

"That's not really a name. Why do you want to be called that?" Mr. Davenport asked him.

"'Cause I can do this." He stated before spinning creating a small tornado scaring Leo in the process.

"All right. You're Spin. I did not even know he could do that. Forget yellow, you just moved up to green." Mr. Davenport said.

"Yes." Spin exclaimed.

"Oh, come on. He twirled." Leo emphasized.

"Mr. Davenport, I would like to change my name from S3 to Sebastian." The dude standing next to on the ground closest to the tall Davenport exclaimed.

"Really? 'Cause I always saw you as a Julio." Mr. Davenport stated.


"What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical person?" my mentor, Chase, asked.

To that, everyone around me started laughing, but I didn't. I have no time to schedule a meeting with humor unlike my sister who is with the Alpha dogs/girls.

"As your mentor, I have scheduled today's activities by military time. If you'll direct your attention to the virtual blackboard. Donald III, no questions until 1100 hours." Chase exclaimed.

0700 hours- Bionic Agility Training

0830 hours- Math

0900 hours- General Horseplay 6 ½ minutes only

1000 hours- History

1100 hours- Q & A with Chase

1200 hours- Lunch

1300 hours- Science

1430 hours- English 102

1600 hours- Mastering Your Bionic Abilities

1700 hours- Pick My Brain

1800 hours- Weapons Training

1900 hours- You Are Dismissed

"Chase, it's only the first day. Take it easy on 'em." Sebastian stated.

"I am taking it easy on them. If you had bothered to look at the magenta block, you would see that I scheduled six and a half minutes of general horseplay. Shenanigans, as you will." Chase exclaimed.

"Oh, okay. There it is. Guess I must have missed it since I don't have microscopic vision." Sebastian sarcastically stated.

"Hah. I do. This guy." Chase stated.

"Look, I'm just saying if I was in charge-." Sebastian started.

"Well, you're not in charge, okay? You're in my class, so why don't you sit down and pay attention?" Chase interrupted.

"I have a better idea. How about we have our six minutes of fun right now?" Sebastian suggested before messing with Chase's blackboard.

"What are you doing? You touched my blocks. Nobody touches my blocks." Chase scolded him.

I took a deep breath before walking up to blackboard and putting it back together.

"Well, I think she just touched your blocks." Sebastian commented.

"I'm only doing this, because at least I want to get something done besides this comic strip I had time to make while I was listening to you two fight and argue." I retorted before moving back to my seat.

"Oops, sorry. Must've slipped, just like now." Sebastian exclaimed before messing up the blocks again.

"That's it. You just earned yourself detention, mister." Chase fumed.

"Good. I don't even know what that is." Sebastian responded.


Awhile later, I was still doing nothing besides reading Divergent. I was in a good part with the whole (Spoiler ALERT) capture the flag part when I heard someone walk in. I looked up just in time to see Chase walk in.

"Oh, look. He's here." Sebastian stated earning a look combined with disgust and shock.

"What do you think you're doing?" Chase asked Sebastian before Sebastian walked over to him.

"Look, I'm just trying to make people laugh before you put 'em to sleep." Sebastian explained.

"I don't put people to sleep. I motivate them to think with their eyes closed." Chase countered.

"Oh, well, do you also motivate them to snore?" Sebastian replied.

"That's it. It's time I show you whose boss." Chase stated.

"Really? Are you sure you scheduled enough time for that?" Sebastian mocked.

"I'll make room." Chase retorted as his sister walked over.

"Hey. Stop it. You can't pick a fight with him; you're a mentor now." Bree told him.

"He's turning my group against me." Chase told his sister in pouting like voice.

"I haven't turned against you." I stated earning a couple of looks from Bree and Chase.

"I told you she would be on your side." Bree muttered to her brother before turning to Sebastian.

Oh, here we go again.

"Sebastian. You may not like the way Chase runs his group, but it's his, and if you can't respect that, then maybe you should find a different one. Okay, when did I start talking like a mom?" Bree stated before walking away.

"She's right. The two of us in the same group isn't going to work." Sebastian exclaimed.

"Finally, something we can agree on." Chase muttered.

"Good. So I'm gonna take half of your group, and make my own. Let's go guys." Sebastian stated.

Then, half of the group left with Sebastian. I knew this wouldn't end well, but I decided to stay to see how this turned out.

"Hey, you get back here. You can't do that." Chase shouted at him.

"Just did." Sebastian shouted back as Donald III raised his hand.

"Does it look like 1100 hours to you?" Chase yelled at him as he put his hand down.

"Calm down, sir. You'll get over this eventually." I stated optimistically. "Well, I'm leaving. I've been here for a couple hours, and I have not learned anything. See you guys tomorrow." I said before a gust of smoke came transporting me to my room.

I need to learn about this on my own, but how was I supposed to tell Mr. Davenport that I wanted to have a self-study? I guess I would have to deal with that later. For now, I need to finish organizing my shelves, and then go take a nap.

Today has been stressful enough, so I'm going to take a nap when I get done. At least nothing happened while I was napping. Well, none that I knew about.

A/N: Okay, so that was the first chapter of the story. What did you like about it? Now, I know most stories have Chase Davenport immediately falling for the girl, but this is going to take a long time. You will see a few chapters that are actual episodes. Keep in mind that most of this book isn't at all related to the fandom besides the location, characters, and a few episodes. Don't forget to comment or/and vote.

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