Trap Queen (Lucas Coly)

By MiXeDchiiiik

92.6K 2K 215

Destiny Case traveled to LA and she's trying to seek her career with no interruptions. She meets a cold heart... More

Side Note✨
I had an idea
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 3 (rewrite)
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Side Note
another note
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (part 1)
Side Note
Chapter 9 (part 2)
Chapter 10 part 4
SURPRISE!! (Chapter coming lil bih)

Chapter 9 (part 3)

868 27 14
By MiXeDchiiiik

"Destiny.." I blinked more than twice trying to focus my eyes.

This nigga Jayshawn really had guts coming up to my door possibly knowing that Lucas's apartment is across from mine.

My expression changed into an unpleasant one so I put my right hand on my right hip waiting for his explanation about being at my door. "Listen, I know you wasn't expecting me to be at your door but I'm here to apologize for being an ass to you."

"I think Lucas should be the one you apologize to.. I mean you did shoot him am I right???" I stared at him waiting for a response as he stood there silent.

I shook my head and tried closing the door but his foot blocked me. I sighed and opened it back so he could hurry up and speak. "What? You think it's just a 'oh no it's okay Jayshawn'. Well it's not because your full of shit, you and I both know that. Your a snake that needs to get away from my door before Lucas comes out here and beats your ass because all you use to fight are guns." I smiled a sarcastic smile.

"D, look I know me and you had some problems in the past so could you just be a big person and forgive me...." He said making me sigh thinking about it for a minute. "Jayshawn. We have problems right now, you started all that shit in the store last time and you expect me to forgive you? All the shit you put me through?? I'm not a desperate bitch I know what I'm going for" I stared at him dead in the face while talking.

"You know what... maybe I do forgive you and maybe we can move on from the past but.. that's all it could ever be... nothing. So don't ever come to my door again, and don't speak to me again.. in your life. Let me follow my dream and stay focused." He stayed silent.

"You never have anything to say anyway.." I rolled my eyes and closed my door all the way without him stopping it again with his foot.

I took a deep sigh of relief from getting everything off my chest and put my back to the door.

Right then and there I thought about Lucas. I thought about everything and looked up at the ceiling debating on whether or not to go talk to him about how I really feel about him but I feel like he's still drunk.

I've seen the way Jasmine gets mad at Lucas for bringing females over their mothers apartment so I'm pretty sure he's not with the other girls.

I shook my head and leaned up from the door turning around to look out the peephole.

Luckily I didn't see Jayshawn in front of my door anymore which was another relief. I fixed up my shirt and looked around for my slippers and quickly slid them on before fixing my hair up.

I took another deep breath and put my hand on the door handle and kept it there.

There were doubts in the back of my mind that I shouldn't knock. I felt that he'll turn me down, even though he likes me back but I turned him down earlier. Maybe I should stop and not do this.

I hope he didn't get turned off quickly by my refusal.. I just hope he doesn't do what I did to him.. to me. I hope we can work things out.

I don't care if Lala feels for him because I care about what I feel and I need to let it be known that I take responsibility for my feelings.

I turned my door knob and opened the door and as soon as I looked up I seen him standing there leaning on his door.

His eyes looked tired but at the same time it looked like he tried to fight the tiredness. Our eyes locked and I felt everything all at once. The beginning, the future, but ironically no end, which made it exciting.

All I focused on was him and that was it.

"You know you gone be mine sooner or later right?" I was silent, still staring. "You know all that shit you makin up ain't even t-true" His words started slurring. "You know you w-wana be with me.. Don't you..?" I was silent as my heart started beating out my chest.

He stepped closer to me to where I could smell the alcohol on his breath and that's when I realized he was still drunk. I sighed and slightly pushed him back shaking my head.

"You should go to bed Lucas." "Is.. you gone make me Destiny." He tried to budge his way in a little but I put my hand on the door frame, but my smart ass forgot he's obviously stronger than me.

He pushed my arm back with less trouble than I thought and headed to my room.

I stood at the door wondering what he was doing right now. I never had to take care of anybody like that. He took too long to come out so I quickly closed the door and headed in his direction looking for him.

I opened my room door to see an empty room. I sighed.

"Lucas where are you.." I spoke calmly. "Come out right now please." I waited but still heard nothing.

I folded my arms and walked to my closet and opened it, nothing in there. I raised an eyebrow starting to really wonder where this boy was because if he isn't in the closet he might be under the bed, which is really childish.

"Oh I found you now.." I chuckled to myself and quietly walked to my bed before slowly kneeling down and lifting the covers up and leaning my head down into the darkness.

I reached my arm out under the bed and felt for something.

But there was nothing but air.

This time my heart started to beat faster and faster because he's really hiding from me... and he's drunk.

I dropped the cover back down to where they hang from the bed and picked myself up with the bed onto my feet. I wondered for another second and finally realized he's in the bathroom because that's the only place left anybody could hide.

I looked over at the bathroom door in my room and froze. If he's not in here.. Then he died and turned into a ghost coming back to haunt me.

I shook my head at my wild thoughts.

This time I tiptoed towards the door and put my ear to it, hearing nothing obviously.

I slowly put my hand to the doorknob and twisted it, pushing it open while it made little noises.

I took a deep breath trying to nigga-up about the situation and walk inside so I swung open the door to see pitch black. The only thing I could see was the mirror looking back at me and my figure but nothing else through it.

I crept inside and looked through the shower curtain to see nothing once again.

I sighed to myself once again about to start yelling his name making a fool out of myself until I felt a warm hand cover my eyes and mouth making my spine shiver.

I didn't feel scared though. I felt like something was about to happen.

I smirked to myself turning around pushing him into the light coming in through the door way letting me see his full face.

He looked down at me and smirked then licked his lips as if he was about to make a move.

I walked towards him and put my hand on his neck making him lean towards me so I could whisper in his ear.

"I found you.."

He lifted me up by my legs and sat me down on the sink leaning into my neck leaving wet warm kisses on it down to my collar bone.

I didn't want him to stop either I just wanted him to keep going.

I put my hands on his shoulders and leaned my head back into the mirror as Lucas constantly sucked on my neck probably leaving hickeys.

I breathed slowly thinking it was going to lead somewhere. Almost hoping.

My mind drifted to the future of us, succeeding together, having a family, and that's when I stopped.

That came out the blue. Focus.

There's no such thing as two people doing everything together in my world. Never going to happen.

I never will let that happen and I never let anybody touch me this way ever since Jay-..

I sighed and snapped out of my trance when I heard a knock at my door.

I pushed Lucas off me and fixed my clothes heading out the room to answer the door.

I looked through the peep hole to see Jasmine.

I put a smile on my face before opening the door so she wouldn't expect anything.

"Hey girl, have you seen Lucas.." When I heard her say his name my spine tingled remembering what could've happened.. because it didn't happen, I wasn't going to let it happen, I knew better. I think.

"As a matter of fact he's i-" "She was helping me throw up....... cause I wasn't feeling good." Lucas said popping up close behind me. I looked at Jasmine's confused face and quickly nudged Lucas in his arm so he could give me some space.

The look on Jasmine gave away that she was hesitant in saying something but I'm glad she was choosing not to say anything to this awkward moment. "Okay then, I was just checking to see if you seen him.." She looked at me then Lucas giving us the side eye and turned around walking into their apartment.

Lucas sighed like he was holding his breath and turned me around, reaching for the door behind me and closing it.

"So what, you think you funny for pushing me off you.." He asked. "I think I'm smart."

"Well from the way I see it, you didn't want to stop" I rolled my eyes at his cocky sense of humor.

"Don't flatter yourself, that kiss was not anything special." I said as his face fell a little.

"Wow." He chuckled.

"So that's what it is?" I looked at him confused. "Lucas what did you think it was going to be, I have a whole life to deal with. I don't need 2"

"So you think I want you to babysit me??" "From what your sister said to me, yes" He took his arms from around my waist and glared at me.

"What she say." He said almost demanding a response.

I stopped to realize what I had just said. "Nothing Lucas, just go home and go to bed... it's late."

"Nah matter of fact, maybe we shouldn't talk at all"

"I'm telling you how it is and you have a problem with it" I said with a frown on my face shaking my head as he fanned me off.

He walked out of my apartment. I couldn't even say anything else

I sighed after he closed the door behind him and walked back into my room into the dark.

I dropped face down groaning, on my bed trying to push the thought of that make out session to the back of my head.

I don't want to argue with myself over that moment, I don't want to argue with Lucas.

It just happened that one time and it's not going to happen again.


I got up and pushed the covers halfway ready to get in bed just in time for my phone to be ringing.

I sighed and grabbed it looking at the caller ID and sighed again once I seen Aunt Nina calling and lay back down before pulling the covers on me.

I picked up.

ME: "Hey Aunt Nina"

A.NINA: "Hello beautiful, how are you today"

ME: "I'm okay.. how was your date last night."

A.NINA: "Wonderful. He was such a gentleman, he opened the door and pulled a chair out for me"

I chuckled.

ME: "Oh so romantic"

A.NINA: "I know right" I smiled.

It's not one day my Aunt Nina can catch me upset around her because she'll have me smiling in 2 seconds.

A.NINA: "Did you think about when your coming over to visit me?" I thought this very moment.

ME: "How about I see you in a couple weeks."

A.NINA: "Sounds like a plan"

About 10 minutes later we get off the phone saying our 'Gooodnights' and I thought of my apartment that I need to paint and decorate.

It's been a while since I've really payed attention to it because of all the drama that's been happening in my life. I pushed the thought from my brain because I did not want to think about all that unexpected, unnecessary drama, it really drains my energy.

So I drifted off to sleep.


I felt my warm blankets get snatched from my grip and felt a shock of cold wind touch my legs and arms, making me lift my body up, scared.

I looked up at Lucas with wide eyes. "Really Lucas what the fuck.." He looked at me with an "idgaf" face.

"Get up, let's talk." I shook my head. "No."

He cocked his head to the side still looking at me.

"Let me rephrase that..... Let's talk. Now." And I will admit that I was getting real turned on by his forcing tone.

I huffed and stretched before putting my knees to my chest. "Why you always huffin and puffin, Destiny?" I shrugged. "What else am I supposed to do?? Not breath??" He sat down on the edged of my bed with his back turned to me.

"Destiny." "Lucas." I mimicked.

"I'm serious, you need to stop playing games, what if I was playing games with you?" "You are." I replied.

He chuckled making me raise my right brow.

"Congrats Destiny.." He turned to me. "'re playing yourself." I rolled my eyes at his nonsense.

"You didn't even wanna talk and you barging in my apartment like it's nothing.." I said. "Well lock yo front door.." he said paying attention to that one topic which made me chuckle.

"Where's Jasmine." "Speaking of my sister." He stood up and turned around as my eyes followed his movements.

"Stay out my business.. matter of fact, our business."

Is he serious right now?

"Why are you always trying to pick up an argument with me Lucas?? Go home, go fuck other females, go take care of Delilah.."

He looked at me with a smirk.

I didn't mean to blurt it out that way but I'm sure he would take it the same way if I would have maybe put it in a different sentence.

"You jealous.." He said laughing while pointing out the fact that I am. I shook my head.

"You are losing your mind if you think I'm jealous about people you fuck in your past"

"Well I mean yeah, but you'd be more 'jealous if it was more than just 'fucking." We looked dead at each other.

"I mean.. was it?" He shook his head no.

"Then there's nothing to be jealous over."

Oh yeah, I was jealous about the fact that Lala fucked him someone I care about now. But what really triggers my attitude is how she wants him because I started paying attention to him.

So I'm actually not as jealous and hating as she is towards me.

"Whatever Destiny." I smiled childishly.

"But really where is Jasmine" He looked at me like he remembered something.

"That's actually part of why I came here.. Jasmine invited us- well you if you brought me- to this pool party at her friends-sisters house.." I looked puzzled then quickly understood what he meant by "friends-sisters" and looked at him raising my brow up and down like I was a rapist.

"Do you.... Lucas, want to go to the pool party with me????" I got on one knee as he nodded and grabbed my arm picking my whole tiny body up.

I chuckled and turned around and walked to my closet looking for my one swim suit.


I closed the door behind me and walked up to their door before knocking twice.

I felt uncomfortable in my thin see-through ass body suit but I'm grown so I need my inner self to grow up and do some things different.

I looked down at my nipples practically exposed and shrugged.

Jasmine opens the door and sighs. "Girl. I'm ready, Lucas not ready he taking forever and he got this attitude that's making me want to choke his ass out." I shook my head as she said that all in one.

"Let me go see if I can help" she shook her head.

"Okay, I tried a little but I don't have the energy today." "Girl it's okay.."

I walked into their apartment and up the stairs.

I seen a familiar door and quickly remembered that it was theirs mother's room. I knocked twice and slowly walked into seeing their mother on her bed sleep.

Once she heard me close the door behind me, she smiled at me like I was just the person she wanted to see.

"Hey pretty girl.. how are you" I smiled back at her while stepping to her bedside.

"Im good, I was just checking in on you because I haven't seen you in a while..."

"I'm fine, I'm not better, but I'm fine.." She says with a raspy voice.

"Well I'm hoping you get better..." I said while looking down. She took my hand and spoke. "How are you and Lucas."

I looked up looking at her face that held a look of humor. "Girl I know.. mama knows everything.... so tell me what's wrong, I can tell when you're holding something in and I just met you."

I looked clueless as fuck.

"What do you mean.."

I can tell she was glad to explain. "For example,...." She started. "The first time you met me, I felt the sense of abandance."

I tried to understand where she was coming from, but it just didn't ring the bell.

Someone who senses feelings?

"Girl... I'm psychic." I looked at her with my mouth open.

I literally just came in their mom's room, feeling like I need to speak to her and out the blue she tells me she's psychic?

Woah. That escalated.

"Does Jasmine and Lucas know?" She shook her head.

"I know you have to go miss lady, but my best advice to you is: hold them down no matter what. It's you that they need at hard times."

I don't know why I'm getting emotional inside but I think I feel a type of connection I have with Jasmine and Lucas's mother.

I don't know what it is.

Damn it's been 3 minutes and I didn't check on Lucas.

I nodded my head and walked out her room after hugging her. After I closed the door behind me I sighed a deep sigh with my back to the door and looked to my left which was Lucas's room.

I walked to his door and sighed again feeling like it was my thousanth sigh.

I rolled my eyes waiting for him to answer the door as I heard music playing.

His slow ass probably didn't even hear my knock.

I put my hand on the door knob and twisted it while pushing it open.

Lucas was standing in the middle of his room on his phone half naked with just a towel around his waist.

I paused and slapped myself in my brain. Bitch wtf.. really.

Lucas looked up at me smirking not caring. I almost felt embarrassed.


He walked to his speakers to turn them down. Possibly to see what I wanted.

"Lucas really, we gotta go." "Who are y'all to be tellin me what the fuck to do.." I snapped at his attitude Jasmine told me about in the first place.

"Who are you talking to??" I said lowly so I wouldn't disrespect his mother's house-hold.

"Casper. Just get on.. get out." I chuckled and decided to walk right to his bed and be petty.

I sat my little ass down as he huffed.

"Go get dressed in the bathroom Lucas I'm not playing, goodbye." I waved at him.

He smirked and walked to his door and closed it letting his towel drop off his waist and right on the floor.

It was before my eyes.

My heart dropped but then got back in place when I realized he had on underwear.


I thought I was gone- nevermind.

I exhaled lowly and looked at him like he was stupid.

"Yeah you thought.." he licked his lips like he was slick.

I picked up his little pillow and sat up to throw it at him.

He laughed at me as he walked to his bathroom.

His time in the bathroom had me remember his mother's words: "hold them down no matter what."

I kept it a note in my head to do so.

Lucas came out his bathroom dressed in some basketball shorts with a swim towel around his neck.

I glared at him. "See.. that was all you had to do, and you got this stank attitude."

"Stank attitude" he mimicked me making me roll my eyes.

I got up to walk out his room door but stopped when he said my name.

"Destiny.." I looked back at him with my brow raised. "Yees?"

He looked at me up and down like I was a meal making me feel more uncomfortable in my swimsuit.

"Yo booty looking good" I rolled my eyes even harder than before. "Let's go Lucas before I choke you out" I said as we both chuckled.

I walked out the room as he trailed behind me and closed the door behind himself.

"Is y'all done?? Because we are going to be late as fuck." Jasmine yelled from the downstairs front door.

I shook my head at her attitude. "Yeah girl he just got done eating me..." I heard a slight gag come from Jasmine as I was walking down the stairs.

"I'm just kidding" "Yeah I hope so.." She chuckled. "For real though is y'all ready?" I nodded my head yes.


We hear loud ass music playing as we step into the house and get greeted by Jasmine's friend.

"Hey how are y'all? Y'all looking good!" She said while looking at Lucas up and down thinking she's slick.

I slightly rolled my eyes and kept it moving, going with the flow with a fake smile that I perfectly pulled off.

"Don't trip D, Lucas don't even like her.." Jasmine whispered in my ear on the down low.

I wanted to laugh so hard at how she caught me mean mugging this girl.

Jasmine had an amused look on her face and started speaking.

"Claudia this is Destiny..." She smiled at me like she didn't see that I was standing there.

That's how I know she thirsty for Lucas.

A bitch not jealous though.

"And Destiny this is Claudia." I kept that same fake smile on my face and she reached in for a hug.

As she was hugging me Jasmine quickly took a picture of us to irritate me as Lucas was just standing there confused.

I patted her back fakely and pulled away from the hug.

Jasmine shook her head.

Claudia cleared her throat awkwardly. "Anyway, is y'all ready for this pool party..." Claudia says. I nodded like Jasmine and Lucas and Claudia quickly led us to the back yard where there was a crowd of people hovering over the corner.

"What the fuck is happening now.. Claudia huffed and sped walked towards the crowd.

I turned my head towards Lucas noticing how quiet he was. "You alright??"

He looked up from his phone unbothered and nodded his head.

He may have that unbothered look on his face but something is definitely bothering him..

I ignored it and grabbed a clean red cup off the table before pouring strawberry vodka inside.

Chris Brown's new song daddy just came on..

Every girl outside automatically strarted slow dancing like hoes.

booty grinding their friends, grinding niggas.

Whole lot of that drunk shit.

I took a sip of my drink and started to slow dance on the wall.

Jasmine laughed and cheered me on. "Fuck it up D!" She screamed as I started rotating my hips in a fastlike motion.

I peeped Lucas in the corner of my eye sitting down at the edge of the pool looking at me.

I turn around and put my left hand on the wall twerking full out to the beat.

I suddenly felt Lucas's pair of hands on my back making me arch it more letting me have access to twerk on him.

I twerked and suddenly felt his hands lower down my back and grab my butt making me smirk to myself.

"Nigga what the fuck you doin!" I stopped hearing Lucas's voice from far away and turned around only to see Jayshawn behind me.

Lucas pushed Jayshawn by his shoulder to make him turn around and threw a punch at him hard.

So hard I think that I heard a crack.

I stood up straight and got so angry.

I threw my drink on Jayshawn and was about to jump in right along with Lucas when Jasmine grabbed me and tried to stop me.

"No no no, Lucas got you!! Hold on"

Lucas was still throwing punches and suddenly knocked Jayshawn down.

Meanwhile, Claudia ran over to try and stop the fight.


Sorry i took so long. Y'all will be expecting more chapters sometime this year! <3.

Destiny in the mm

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