Chapter 9 (part 3)

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"Destiny.." I blinked more than twice trying to focus my eyes.

This nigga Jayshawn really had guts coming up to my door possibly knowing that Lucas's apartment is across from mine.

My expression changed into an unpleasant one so I put my right hand on my right hip waiting for his explanation about being at my door. "Listen, I know you wasn't expecting me to be at your door but I'm here to apologize for being an ass to you."

"I think Lucas should be the one you apologize to.. I mean you did shoot him am I right???" I stared at him waiting for a response as he stood there silent.

I shook my head and tried closing the door but his foot blocked me. I sighed and opened it back so he could hurry up and speak. "What? You think it's just a 'oh no it's okay Jayshawn'. Well it's not because your full of shit, you and I both know that. Your a snake that needs to get away from my door before Lucas comes out here and beats your ass because all you use to fight are guns." I smiled a sarcastic smile.

"D, look I know me and you had some problems in the past so could you just be a big person and forgive me...." He said making me sigh thinking about it for a minute. "Jayshawn. We have problems right now, you started all that shit in the store last time and you expect me to forgive you? All the shit you put me through?? I'm not a desperate bitch I know what I'm going for" I stared at him dead in the face while talking.

"You know what... maybe I do forgive you and maybe we can move on from the past but.. that's all it could ever be... nothing. So don't ever come to my door again, and don't speak to me again.. in your life. Let me follow my dream and stay focused." He stayed silent.

"You never have anything to say anyway.." I rolled my eyes and closed my door all the way without him stopping it again with his foot.

I took a deep sigh of relief from getting everything off my chest and put my back to the door.

Right then and there I thought about Lucas. I thought about everything and looked up at the ceiling debating on whether or not to go talk to him about how I really feel about him but I feel like he's still drunk.

I've seen the way Jasmine gets mad at Lucas for bringing females over their mothers apartment so I'm pretty sure he's not with the other girls.

I shook my head and leaned up from the door turning around to look out the peephole.

Luckily I didn't see Jayshawn in front of my door anymore which was another relief. I fixed up my shirt and looked around for my slippers and quickly slid them on before fixing my hair up.

I took another deep breath and put my hand on the door handle and kept it there.

There were doubts in the back of my mind that I shouldn't knock. I felt that he'll turn me down, even though he likes me back but I turned him down earlier. Maybe I should stop and not do this.

I hope he didn't get turned off quickly by my refusal.. I just hope he doesn't do what I did to him.. to me. I hope we can work things out.

I don't care if Lala feels for him because I care about what I feel and I need to let it be known that I take responsibility for my feelings.

I turned my door knob and opened the door and as soon as I looked up I seen him standing there leaning on his door.

His eyes looked tired but at the same time it looked like he tried to fight the tiredness. Our eyes locked and I felt everything all at once. The beginning, the future, but ironically no end, which made it exciting.

All I focused on was him and that was it.

"You know you gone be mine sooner or later right?" I was silent, still staring. "You know all that shit you makin up ain't even t-true" His words started slurring. "You know you w-wana be with me.. Don't you..?" I was silent as my heart started beating out my chest.

Trap Queen (Lucas Coly)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن