Chapter 2

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I jumped out of my deep sleep from somebody tappin on my shoulder. I suddenly heard someone chuckle making me look around. My eyes landed on a girl who looked about my age. I took a deep sigh of relief and chuckled. "Deep sleep" she asked smirking. "Yeah" she continued on her phone scrolling through something after shaking her head. "Happens to me all the time, don't worry" I rolled my eyes and relaxed. "So.. Where you coming from?" she asked looking up at me. "Actually coming from New Orleans." "But you don't even have the accent" I looked over at her as I seen she had a suprised look on her face. "I know.... Its crazy huh?" I giggled as she nodded her head. "Why are you going to LA?" She frowned with a questioned look on her face. "To start my life fresh" I sighed. "Oh so like... On your own?" I paused before answering her a millionth question. "Exactly..." "Oh....." She nodded her head finally understanding. "So.. What are you heading there for and where are you coming from?" "I'm coming from Texas .. But just like you I have a regular accent.. And finally I'm heading to LA because I'm visiting my mom." "Is everything okay?" I had a worried look on my face. "Not really... I don't like to talk about it but my brother... He's kind of going out o control while she's sick and umm... He's not doin his part so I have to take care of her." "Wait so.. Why were you away from her anyway?" She bit her bottom lip. "Is it okay if we talk about something else...." I nodded my head understanding. "Of course..." She smiled. "So what's your name" she looked at me. "I'm Destiny Case" I held my hand out for her to shake. "Jasmine Aiko" she shook my head.

We both fell asleep after having more quiet conversations since everyone on the plane was sleep.

I woke up an noticed that the plane had stopped letting me know that our flight was over. I tapped Jasmine's shoulder as she flustered her eyes open and looked up at me. "Are we done yet?" She asked as I nodded my head yes. "Yeah I think so.." "Where ya headed next" she asked rubbing her eyes and stretching.

The pilot announced something that made everyone stand up and unpack their luggage from each of their own sockets. .e and Jasmine stranded up as well. I grabbed my stuff as she waited for me to get mine and step out of the way. I did and she grabbed her stuff and closed her socket back up as I decided to wait for her.
"So where you headed now" She asked taking a deep breath as we walked out the plane. "I'm thinking about buying a small apartment.. For now atleast" I replied as she nodded her head in agreement. "Yeah I think you should to, I mean to atleast get a feel of it" I smiled. "Oh yeah and I know where you can get a cheap but great place yo stay.." She mentioned. "Really?.... That'd be great cause I have all my savings and some extra money that my Aunt gave me." She smiled. "Great so then we should go look for it together" I nodded my head. "Of course.. But let's excahnve numbers." She agreed as we both switches phones and put our numbers in. I locked my phone back and we walked out of the airport. We stood outside and looked around.

"I guess my friend Is coming to pick me up" I said checking my messages. "Oh well call me sometime" "Wait.. You wanna ride?" I offered as she shook her head no. "No its fine my brothers coming to pick me up." she said as a car honked coming our way. We both looked as she spoke. "Oh that's him.." She smiled. "Bye.." I waved as she did too.

I glanced at her brother who was already looking in my direction. I quickly looked away and looked at my phone texting Lala. I heard another honk and looked up seeing it was her. I walked up to her car and shook my head getting in. "I was just now callin you." She chuckled. "Where you tryna go.." "To yo house and then I met this girl on the plane who told me about this cheap but clean apartment for me.. So I'm gone see if she can get me the address and we can go from there." I shrugged as she nodded her head while driving off. "Just know I'm not kicking you out or some shit. You can stay as long as you need to." She said trying to makeme understand. "Yeah, yeah" I fanned her off as she chuckled.

We drove up to her large house as I gasped. Lala is rich. I knew her since childhood and we both lived in New Orleans. We were next door neighbors until she decided to live on her own just like me. Her mother was in a car crash with my parents and we got a phone call from the hospital saying that nobody made it. Its still hard to talk about it because when we do we bust out into tears.

Trap Queen (Lucas Coly)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon