The Tale Of The Uzumaki Twins

By Naomi_Uzumaki_

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What if Naruto had a twin sister?What if he did it would it change the story?Well this is the story of the U... More

Chapter 1 :Enter Naruto and Naomi Uzumaki!
Chapter 2:Naomi and Sasuke:Friends Foes or Something else?
Naruto Uzumaki
Naomi Uzumaki
Chapter 3:Pass or Fail Survival Test
Chapter 4: You Failed! Kakashi Final Decision!
Chapter 5:A Dangerous Mission!Journey to the Land of the Waves!
Chapter 6:The Assassin of the Mist1
Chapter 7: The Forest of Chakra
Chapter 8:Battle on the Bridge! Zabuza Returns!!
Chapter 9:The Number One Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja Joins the Fight!!
Valentines Special (Naomi)
Valentines Special (Naruto)
Chapter 10: A New Chapter Begins: The Chunin Exam!
Chapter 11: Chunin Challenge Rock Lee vs Sasuke!
Chapter 12: Genin Takedown! All Ten Rookies Face Off!
Chapter 13:Start Your Engines: The Chunin Exam Begins!
Chapter 14: Special Report: Live from the Forest of Death!
Chapter 15: The Chunin Exam Stage 2: The Forest of Death!
Chapter 16: Naruto's and Naomi's counterattack! Nevr give in!
Chapter 17: Bushy Brow's Pledge: Undying Love and Protection!
Chapter 18: Sakura Blossoms!
Chapter 19: The Scroll's Secret: No Peeking Allowed
Chapter 20: Surviving the Cut! The Rookie Ten Together Again!
Chapter 21: Showdown! Naomi Vs Kabuto!
Chapter 22: Kunoichi Rumble: The Rivals Get Serious! Sakura vs Ino!
Chapter 23:The ultimate Battle Naruto vs Kiba!
Chapter 24: Neji vs Hinata! Byakugan Battle: Hinata Grows Bold!
❤|50 Ways To Piss Off Sasuke| 200 Vote Special!❤
Chapter 26: Ebisu Returns: Naruto's Toughest Training Yet!
Chapter 27: Jiraiya Returns! Another legendary Sannin? Tsunade the Slug Queen!
🎄|A Christmas Special| 🎄
Chapter 28: The Summoning Jutsu: Wisdom of the Toad Sage
Chapter 29] Live Or Die: Risk It All To Win It All!

Chapter 25: Gaara vs Rock Lee: The Power of Youth Explodes

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By Naomi_Uzumaki_

  Chapter 25: Gaara vs. Rock Lee: The Power of Youth Explodes!

"Woah Choji, glad I'm not you, I mean you still have the toughest ones left." Shikamaru exclaimed to his other male teammate. "I wouldn't want to face any of them, that creepy guy from the sound village and Rock Lee is got to be tough if he took down Sasuke, and especially not to mention that guy from the Sand. I don't even like being in the same room as him." Hearing the words from his wise teammate Choji held onto the railing's bars sliding down. "Maybe I ought to forfeit...." He mumbled to himself.

Asuma shook his head and crouch down next to the brunette boy encouraging him, making his other students look at him.

"Come on Choji, if you win I'll buy you all the barbeque you can eat, plus if the fight gets to out of hand I'll stop it with the other Jounin. Think of it all the short ribs you could eat." Asuma ranted to him.

That's low playing in the guy's weak spot. Ino thought with an unamused face.

When did he step in and stop the fight anyway. Shikamaru thought with a bored expression.
"ALL THE BARBEQUE I CAN EAT! WOOOOHOOO!" Choji cheered happily.

Naomi tapped her fingers against the railing exchanging silent words with Naruto, standing away from the others to think.

Naruto couldn't help but have Hinata's words go through out his head.
'I-I.......I-I never give up.....on my word.........B-Because that too is my nindō, my ninja way....'
He shook his head trying to focus. Hinata.....I will win for you and that is a promise! He eagerly thought to himself.

Naomi sighed to herself quietly, she visited Hinata earlier and they said she would be fine all she needed was rest, but the thought of Neji trying to kill her friend stayed stuck in her mind.
"Hey you two!" A voice snapped both of the Uzumakis out of their small daze, turning their head they saw the puppet guy from the sand, Kankuro.

"Why are you two all by yourselves? Why aren't you guys hanging with your buddies?" The older ninja asked.

"What's it to you?" They asked in unison, turning their gaze away from him. Kankuro couldn't help but chuckle silently. Well...well.....touchy. He thought to himself.
"So tell me about this guy Neji, I get the feeling we didn't see the full extent of his powers in the last fight did we? So what's his story?" Kankuro asked.

"WE'RE GOING TO PULVERISE HIM! THAT'S HIS STORY!" They shouted dramatically sticking their fist to the air. Kankuro sweatdropped lightly, "Okay....but that's not quite what I meant....." His said with his voice trailing off. Man....these idiots are out of their leagues.... "You know you seem like a nice pair of kids, I like you." He said with a forced smiled.

Naomi and Naruto turned to him. "Don't take this the wrong way," Naruto started. "But we don't like you!" They said looking up to him. Kankuro looked at them amused grinding his teeth lightly.

These kids, are toast! He thought to himself.

Hayate coughed to get everyone's attention. "May the next match be chosen." Making everyone from the sidelines look to the screen as names flashed.

"Lee! Stand up proud! I can feel it you're going to be next! Are you ready Lee?" Gai said happily. Lee shook his head briefly. "No, I have been waiting so long I may as well go last!" He exclaimed. Sakura blinked slightly tilting her head. What's wrong with he sulking?

The names flashed up on the screen.

Gaara of the Sand vs. Rock Lee

In an instance the red head shinobi from the sand put his fingers together, making him appear down in the arena fight area. Come on already!

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRRRRGHHHH!" Choji screamed catching the attention of his fellow peers. "SAFE AGAIN!" He shouted to no one in particular. That action got him a bomp on the head from both of his teammates. "Stop that!" Ino scolded. "Do you want everyone to know you're a chicken?" Shikamaru said.

Sakura gasped lightly. "Lee!" She said looking to his direction. Lee kicked the air grinning. "It worked like a charm! I knew if I said I wanted to be last I would be next! I simply applied the principal that states the surest way to hit something is to stop trying to hit it! It is a form of reverse phycology!"

"Hoo wyah! That's my student!" Gai said proudly. "I abosolutely was not going to be last! I sure fooled them! Did I not!" Lee said practicing his punches.

"Now then listen carefully! The piece of advice you must get before you begin." "Sir!" Lee saluted leaning his ear towards his sensei. "Look see that gourd Gaara is wearing? Watch out there's something weird about it."

"Good advice sir!" Lee stated writing it down in his notepad. "Don't write it down what are you thinking! You won't have time to read any notes in the match are you!?" Gai scolded him. Lee nods. "Ahh more good advice!" Lee said continue to scribble down Gai's words to his notepad.
He's just NOW figuring this out about the gourd? Kakashi asked himself internally.
Sakura sighed. I just hope Lee will be okay.....

"NOW ROCK AND ROLL!" Gai shouted pointing to the arena. Lee nodded jumping down. "OHHH YEAH!" Lee shouted as he reached the ground landing elegantly.

Lee looked towards his opponent with a smiles plastered on his face. "I knew that we were meant to meet sooner or later, but I am glad it is sooner."

Kankuro snorted lightly. "I don't know what kind of moves that guy with the dumb haircut is got but there is no way, he's going to beat Gaara, not in this lifetime."
Naomi shook her head. "Wrong." Naruto said. "What?" Kankuro asked. "Lee's a lot stronger then you think." Naomi said. "What do you mean...?" Kankuro asked. "Just wait and see." Naruto told him.

As much as I hate to admit this....Sasuke.....Sasuke.....he'! He's one of the strongest people I've ever the fact that Lee just beat him without trying has to mean Lee's a lot stronger then everyone thinks.... Naomi thought to herself leaning against the railing. Speaking of that duckbutt....I wonder how he's doing...pssst not like I care or anything..... Of course you do! He's your teammate....Okay maybe I do a tiny bit....but he's still an emo obnoxious cocky duckbutt! Naomi grunted quietly to herself.

Lee's hand shot up catching an item in his hand. "Why are you in such a hurry?" He asked Gaara, dropping the cork from his hand. The redhead kept silent not feeling as if he had to explain himself.
"Well...If your both ready, you may begin." Hayate announced. Lee charged towards Gaara as the word "Begin" left Hayate's mouth.

"Leaf Hurricane!" A small gasp left Lee's mouth as sand blocked his attack. He jumped back as the sand grew taller. A Sand Manipulating Justu? It will not be easy, but easy is boring! Lee thought watching the sand retreat back into the younger Genin's gourd.

So that's what's in that guy's gourd! Sand! Who would have thought! Naomi and Naruto thought staring at Gaara's gourd.

The older genin ran back to Gaara, every swing, punch, and kick was blocked by Gaara's sand. Lee quickly grasped a kunai in his hand as he started blocking the sand's movement towards him. His eyes widen as the sand advanced his range of speed.

Lee threw his shuriken towards the gourd, which only concluded in a miss. Lee grunted slowly becoming frustrated with the situations as a bead of sweat went down his head. How is he doing this He hasn't lifted up one muscle!
"The sand! He's using it as shield!" Naruto said in awe, Kankuro chuckled dryly. "He's not doing it, the sand is protecting him from his own accord."



"It's almost like it's a living thing." Kankuro said giving them a side glance as he explained, "It wil come to Gaara's defense without him doing anything. That's why Gaara has never been injured. No one has even been able to touch him..."

"Well? Is that all? I hope you haven't finish entertaining me, we haven't even had enough blood." Gaara spoke up, for the first time since the match started. The sand shot towards Lee getting a quick grasp on his leg, giving him a side-to-side movement before slamming his body to the wall.

Lee instantly got back onto his feet charging at Gaara again, over and over again.

Sakura quietly furrowed her eyebrows together before speaking up. "Why doesn't he use ninjutsu? Taijutsu is obviously not working if he got some distance and does a ninjutsu move he'd have a better chance." Sakura asked no one in particular.

Gai cleared his throat not looking towards her, still watching Lee. "That's a good idea that is if he had any." Sakura let out a small 'huh' before focusing her gaze on Lee's sensei. "Lee has no ninjutsu or genjutsu skills at all." Gai explained to the pinkette. "You're kidding!" Sakura exclaimed.

Gai chuckled softly. "That's nothing, you should have seen what he was like before I met him. He was hopeless. No talent what-so-ever." "R-Really? I can't believe it...." Sakura said quietly.

Lee jumped back quickly, but the sand speed was too much for him. He slipped on the sand falling onto his back, his eyes widen as sand came forward to trap him.

"Lee!" Sakura exclaimed. Gai shook his head with a proud grin directing his attention to the air where a back flipping Lee landed on the highest point in the arena.

"A ninja who cannot do ninjutsu or genjutsu is a rarity, Lee only has his Taijutsu to rely on. Some may consider that a disadvantage, but that's what makes him a winner. Alright Lee! Take em' off!"

Lee slowly saluted. "But...Gai-sensei....I thought you said it was a las-" Lee started only to get cut off by Gai. "That's right I did! But this is an expectation!" A grin gradually made it' way to the bushy browed boy's face. "Really!?" Lee said happily as he slid off his leg warmers and took off one weight from each both his legs.

"Is that....." Ino started. "How old fashion...." Shikamaru commented, watching Lee take them off. "Totally awesome!" Naruto and Naomi shouted with a goofy grin. "Totally dumb." Kankuro mocked, them.

"Ahh! That is much better! Now I will be able to move freely!" Lee said dropping the weights from his fingertips.
Does he really think dropping a couple of weights will help him beat Gaara? Temari thought with a sly smirk.
The weights hit the ground breaking the cemented floors, tossing them up, wildly. Temari's smug face turned into a shocked one. "W...What..."

Naruto, Naomi and Sakura's eyes turned into wide Saucers. "WHAT!?" They screamed. Kakashi held a light sweatdrop. are just too much sometimes.....

"Alright! NOW GO LEE!" Gai grinned, a sparkle appearing in his teeth, "Okay Sir!" Lee shouted jumping off and like a flash appeared in front of Gaara. This time without the weights he was able to move more freely, gradually being able to land closer hits then before, making Gaara surprised as he witnessed the speed happening in front of him.
Lee's foot appeared above Gaara with one smack down, he enforced Gaara's head down leaving a cut on his cheek, shocking, the sand siblings but mostly Gaara of all.

G-Gaara has never been hurt! Temari exclaimed in her head. "I-Impossible..." Kankuro stuttered out. "Woah! That's scary and I thought he was quick on his feet before!" Naruto exclaimed.
So....looks like Uchiha didn't even witness half of Lee's speed....I've never witness such speed before...Has he been this fast the whole time? Naomi awed.

"YEAH LEEEEE! LET THE POWER OF YOUTH EXPLODE!" Gai screamed throwing his fist out to make a thumbs up. "YES SENSEI!" Lee screamed back with fire in his eyes.

"Over here!" Lee said from one side. "No over here!" Lee taunted. "No! Right here!" Lee shouted landing a punch on Gaara's cheek. Finally....a direct hit! Lee thought proudly to himself.

"He's just too quick! I..It's amazing! Lee! You nailed him!" Sakura shouted. SHANNARO! That was amazing! Sakura thought.

"I've...never seen someone so fast...." Ino breathed out watching. "It makes me dizzy just watching the guy!" Choji exclaimed.

Gaara sluggishly stood up, the sand from his gourd leaking out.

"Uh...oh..." Kankuro said watching his younger brother get off the ground. "Uh oh! That's right! Your friend is getting creamed!" Kankuro snorted at the twins. "That wasn't what I was talking about brats."
"W...What the hell is happening!?" Naruto asked with wide eyes. "The...dude's face is falling off!" Naomi exclaimed.
"What..." Lee said quietly watching Gaara. What is going on.... The sand swirled around Gaara until it went back into the gourd leaving a scratch less Gaara.

"I don't get it! Is this he made of sand!?" Naomi started. "All those blows! Kicks....punches...Lee it him with...! Didn't they get through!?" Naruto exclaimed.

Kankuro shook his head. "No, it's like he's wearing a suit of armor." "WHAT!?" "Ordinarily those clouds of sand are enough to shield him, but in the event where the shield is penetrated, Gaara can also wear the shield as armor. It's a last line of defense." Kankuro explained to both Uzumakis.

" mean...he has armor now!?" Naruto said, "Does he have ANY weak spots dattebayo/dattebane!?"
If only you knew, kids......that armor is one big weak spot Kankuro thought with a serious expression on his face. Unlike the sand shield....the armor can be broken and then there's the enormous amount of chakra Gaara has to use to keep it in place that takes its toll.

Temari placed her hands on her hip unconsciously. That's proof Gaara is feeling the pressure. He would have never resorted to the armor otherwise. This Lee is good no doubt about it, he may not be as easy as we thought. But the outcome will still be the same, there's no way Gaara can lose.

"Well? Is that all?" Gaara asked.

My speed will not be enough. He's impossible to get at behind those sand defensives, but maybe if I could get him up and away from the sand and hit him hard from above...with the lotus.... Lee thought unsurely, but his decision changed once he saw the man he looked up to, the one who helped him in his helpless time, nodded in approval. Lee decided to go with it, as he began to unwrap his bandages from his hand, making sure to only have a strand only two feet from touching the ground, on both of his arms.

The boy wearing the green spandex held his arms in a stance. "Get ready.." He said with a straight face. Gaara looked to his opponent with an unamused face as he watched him, running around him in a circle.

"What are you waiting for?" Gaara asked in his deep voice. "Okay! You asked for it!" Lee shouted, appearing in front of Gaara and throwing his leg up into the air, hitting him in the chin. Pushing Gaara up into the air slightly.
"He's not floating!" Sakura exclaimed watching.

"Try this!" Lee shouted, throwing kicks in different areas trying to make his opponent go higher and higher up into the air.

"What an incredible series of kicks..." Kakashi stated crossing his arms watching his rivals' student.
Gai clasped his hands together closing his eyes. Even an ordinary lotus puts an enormous strain on the body, let alone this...You have got to finish him off now!

Lee grunted in pain, closing his eyes for a second from the pain, then rapidly Lee got his bandages to wrap around Gaara and latched onto him as the started spinning faster in the air, "Primary Lotus!" Lee shouted out.
Shock escalated around the room as the look to the crash into the ground, gravel shot up into the air, and opaqued their view of the red head and black head boys.

Lee pleasingly landed on the ground, he looked to Gaara who was laying on the crushed up rocks, cracks on his arms, legs, torso, to the head up, as well as his clothes.

" over...I got him!" Lee said proudly.

"RIGHT ON LEE!" Gai cheered.

"Amazing....he really did it dattebane/dattebayo....." Naomi and Naruto said amazed.

"No.....I don't believe it...." Kankuro said unsure of the situation.

"Alright! You did it! Great job Lee!" Sakura shouted.

".....He's not dead right...." Shikamaru said through his shock.

Lee's mouth dropped slight. " . . . " Gaara's face started breaking apart, pieces breaking off and falling apart.
"I-It's just a shell!" Sakura yelled in confusion. "!" Gai shouted with her. Kakashi cleared his throat and spoke up. "I was when you closed your eyes to pray, Lee closed his eyes as well from the pain that came with his attack."
Lee breathed heavily, turning his back to see Gaara behind him. Horror went throughout Lee's eyes and facial expression.

A creepy chuckled escaped Gaara's mouth, with a vicious smirk plastered onto his face. Temari's eyes widen, "Oh not it's...!"

"'s happened! Just what I thought!" Kankuro said to himself clutching onto the railing with a tighter grip then before. " his eyes, that can only mean the demon inside of him has been awoken....."

Lee fell back as the sand become more and more rough, the hits getting more and worse than before. His body shook as he stood up slowly, only to fall back onto his butt. What is this guy......?

Gaara placed his hand together making a sign. "RUN LEE!" Naruto and Naomi shouted, watching a huge wave of sand behind Gaara rise. Lee still trying to catch his breath, put his arms to form an 'x', unable to get up, the sand swooshed him around the room at a quick pace.

BAM! Dust formed in one area of the arena, Lee unable to see what's happening around him. Gaara smirked and licked his lips, an evil aura appearing around him.

"Poor guy, he can't do anything, Gaara is just toying with him now..." Kankuro muttered watching the youngest of the sand siblings.

"I don't get it! What's Lee doing just standing there?" Sakura exclaimed, "With his speed he should be able to get out of the way of those blast! Why doesn't he just dodge them?"

"For a very simple reason...He can't dodge them." Gai said.

"Huh? Why is that?" Sakura asked.

"The lotus is what you might call a double edged sword...." Kakashi said looking at his student.
"What...what does that mean?" Sakura said in confusion.

"You know it's a forbidden technique, why do you think that is? The lotus isn't ninjutsu or genjutsu, its taijutsu requiring extreme physical effort. The strain it puts on the body is unbelievable, no one can handle it. Right now Lee is in so much pain, he can hardly move." Kakashi explained further more to Sakura.

"No Genjutsu....." Sakura's voice trailed off.

"All he's got is his taijutsu....and not much of that..." Ino spoke.

"There's no way he'll win..." Choji cried out.

"Win? He'll be lucky if he even survives!" Shikamaru claimed.

Lee..... Gai thought to himself.


"Alright you guys keep it moving! You want to run 200 more laps?"
"Hehe dummy! Why even bother! You'll never be a ninja!" A boy called out with a cocky smirk.
"Yes I can!" Lee said.

"Whatever..! I don't even understand why you're even at this ninja academy when you can't even do ninjutsu or genjutsu, not to mention your worse than average when it comes to Taijutsu! It's idiotic!" The same boy snorted at Lee.
"Hey you know what everyone here is calling you, don't you?" Another kid said nudging Lee, who covered his ears.

"Dork Lee!"

"Dork Lee!"

"Dork Lee!"

They chanted making him run away still covering his ears.
"Hey Lee! Get back here and get in line!" His academy sensei shouted out for him.
Watching from the window Gai let out a humble chuckle. "So that's the no talent, overachiever, I heard an awful lot about."

Kakashi glanced at his green spandex wearing friend. "Yeah...he kind of reminds me of someone.."
"Hm?" "Especially....around the eyebrows." Kakashi shrugged.

Rock Lee....The dork who has nothing going for him but a little lousy Taijutsu.... Gai thought to himself.
~Flashback Over~

Gai crossed his arms watching Lee, who refused to forfeit the match. But you kept at it...didn't you? You kept practicing your little lousy Taijutsu.


"394.....395.....396......397.....398.......399.....400... If I can't do, 500 kicks then its 500 squats!
404....405...406!"Lee shouted.

Gai stopped in his tracks before starting to turn on his heel. "Oh...someone is already here...I'll just come back later." He said to himself walking away.

Gai raised his eyebrow as he came back. He's still at it..... He thought slightly amazed.
"If I cannot do 2000 punches then I have too 2000 jump ropes!" Lee cried out punching.
~Flashback Over~

"I pity the kid, Gaara will just toy with him till he begs for mercy!" Kankuro exclaimed to the tow Uzumakis.
"Well then...Gaara is in for a very long match, because that will never happen. Lee doesn't know how to give up..."
Lee will struggle on long to the point where others would have quit...... Gai thought to himself.

"If I cannot do 2000 jump ropes then I will do 2000 punches! 1117....1118.....1119.....112-" Lee tripped over his jump rope hitting his head on the training log, making the spying Gai gasp softly.
Lee's body trembled as he got up into a sitting position, tears going down his bruised up face. "Lee...Taking a break already?" Gai's voice called out from behind, quickly getting up from the ground. Lee wipes his tears before responding to his sensei in an emotionless voice.

"What is it Gai sensei?" He asked getting his leg into a kicking position, "If it is about me messing up on the last assignment, I already said that I was sorry...."

"Lee...its true you're different from Neji and the others, you have no gift for Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, your Taijutsu also needs a lot of work but then again you have a gift Neji doesn't have. Not as flashy but probably more important...-"
"You do not need to make me feel better sensei..."

"You you really think I would waste my time on that? All I'm saying is that you have the gift of perseverance and that's what makes you a genius too."

Lee's hand embraced the log as he gripped onto it tightly, like a newborn to their mother.

"But...Is that true sensei? I wonder...." Lee's voice trailed off, his hands trembling slight while he spoke. "I use to believe that if I trained harder than Neji....two or three times harder....! Then I would make myself strong enough... But now....I do not believe if I could make myself strong enough to beat gifted talent...That....that is why I am always taking on Neji..... I-I keep thinking...all of...m-my efforts....will...soon enough pay off... B...But it is always the same. I am no match for him at all! Every time we have a ninja legs begin shaking! I do not know if I can take it.... Sometimes the whole thing seems completely pointless! Like....I am a loser! And I will always be a loser! I....I...I do not know what to do sensei!" Lee cried out, with tears falling at the speed of light.

"Your right...all your effort is pointless...unless you believe in yourself..." Gai said.
"You know Lee...we are a lot and I." Gai said looking up to the star filled sky.
"Do you mean the eyebrows..?" Lee asked from next to him.

" I don't mean.....our eyebrows....! You see I was a loser too once..." "What! You were a loser!?" Lee shouted.
"Oh yes indeed, but I made myself as equal as any ninja out there, even Kakashi. But I did it through pure effort. You say you want to show the world you're a splendid ninja even if you don't possess the gifts like others do, that's your nindō, your ninja way, right? Well I think that's a brilliant goal. As brilliant goal I'd ever heard."

Lee's lower lip starting trembling as he looked to Gai with tears forming in his eyes.

"Stick to it Lee, make me proud! Will you do that for me Lee?" Gai asked placing a hand on his student's head. "Yes sir!!"
~Flashback Over~

Lee looked up to Gai, his eyes twitching with the sand in his eyes. Thank you Gai sensei.... Gai looked down at Lee, proudness lingering in his eyes.

"Make him stop! Before he gets himself killed!" Sakura exclaimed.

Come on Bushy Brows....You can do this... Naruto and Naomi thought watching him.

I shall make you proud....Gai sensei...! Lee smiled, feeling his strength lingering coming back to him. He continue to doge Gaara's constant attacks on him.

"Lee's smiling!" Sakura said in disbelief. "Yes he is, but now its Gaara turn to run, The Leaf Village Lotus blooms twice."

"Wait a minute! I've heard that before...Lee told me that..." Sakura...The Lotus of the Leaf Village, blooms twice. When we met again, I will become an even stronger ninja, I promise!

" didn't!" Kakashi said, unsure looking at Gai. "Yes Kakashi...I did."

"So that genin...that able to open the eight inner gates...and use the hidden lotus?" Kakashi asked narrowing his eyes.

Hidden...lotus? Neji thought to himself.

" correct Kakashi..." "That is the most d- argh! many of the he able to open?"
Gai closed his eyes before answering. "Five of them."

"What the heck are you talking about!?" Sakura yelled gaining their attention.
Gai sighed as he explained what the eight gates are with Kakashi, continuing to further explain it.
"Wait a minute...even the Primary Lotus destroyed him! He could hardly move! What's going to happen to him if he takes it farther!?" Sakura said/shouted.

"...Exactly..." Kakashi sighed, "By opening all eight can gain power...even stronger then the Hokage's...the only drawback'd die..." Sakura let out a gasp of horror as the words 'you'd die' left her sensei's mouth.
Kakashi averted his attention to Gai. "Look Gai...I don't know what this boy means to you, but I shouldn't have to tell you that our personal feelings should never come into play! I wouldn't have thought you were capable of this...."
"You have no right..! You know nothing about him, nothing at all!" Gai said looking at Kakashi from the corner of his eye. "This boy have something important to prove...and he's determinate to prove it! Even at the cost of his life!" I want to prove that I can be a splendid ninja as well! Even though I cannot use Ninjutsu or Genjutsu! I want to prove it to the whole world!

"And I, am determinate to help this boy reach his goal. Not for his sake...but because his goal is worth reaching.
Lee began powering up, catching the attention of everyone watching.

Gaara looked at Lee plainly. "I don't know what you're planning right now, but this match i over for you." "You are right, it is over. One way or another. Neji...and Sasuke....and..." Naruto AND Naomi.....

"And...I am not going to be the only one to lose here! Gai sensei! Please let this work! It is now or never!"
To protect and maintain one's own ninja way!

The third gate! Gate of light! Open!
"H-His whole body is changing!" Sakura said in awe. "He's" Naomi questioned, rubbing her eyes.
"He's at the third gate...he'll start attacking..." Kakashi stated. "No...he's not..." Gai said making Kakashi give him a look.

The fourth gate! The Gate of Pain!

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" (It's he's trying to be a super sayian the way he's powering up)
" one can do that from through effort alone...he really is a genius."
Lee finally got to where he wanted before he sprang at Gaara, landing kicks and punches. His speed bounced off the walls making dust fall up and about.

Kankuro's eyes widen as he searched the ground. "Gaara!" Damn it! Where is he! "Up there!" Shikamaru shouted, answering Kankuro's thought.

"Hiding behind that sand armor again, aye? Well we'll just have to see about that!" Lee flashed in front of Gaara smashing him right in the face, before disappearing and appearing next to him landing hits, making Gaara bounce off the walls like a bouncy wall. can't handle...this pounding....It's crumbling away... Gaara thought to himself, wincing in pain.
"One more and we are finished!" The Fifth Gate! The Gate of Closing! Open!

Lee flashed from right in front of Gaara to smashing his stomach with his fist with a single punch. The blow made Gaara's body jerk towards the ground, his eyes opening more slightly seeing as Lee held onto to the bandages wrapped around his body. The sand shield try to keep its guard for Gaara going as fast as it could to protect him.
Lee yanked the cloth in his hand, making Gaara's body jerk up. "HIDDEN LOTUS!"

Lee rolled onto the ground out of his transformation and panted softly. Gaara's body twitched lightly as the dust moved away revealing his Gourd had turned into a sand guard to protect his bottom half. Gaara slowly lifted his hand up, his sand moving to his every command.

Lee felt his body aching from pain as he tried to crawl away, but he didn't have the strength to get much anywhere.
The sand slowly began to form into a hand, making Shino tense a bit. I know what comes now..... Shino thought to himself.

Lee could hardly catch his breath as the sand came hurdling towards him. Impossible...not only did he survive The Hidden Lotus, he is still able to go and attack!

Gaara's sand crept up Lee's arm and leg, getting a good hold of it, Gaara made a fist muttering the words. "Sand Coffin." Lee screamed out in agony. "AHHHHHH!" His body fell back his eyes shut automatically, while he hit the ground. I will not be the one who loses! way!

More sand dashed to Lee, and Gaara had an emotionless face on. "Now you die!" He hissed.

Gaara sat up in annoyance seeing his attack being deflected. The red head shinobi looked at Gai in utter shock, memories ran through his mind making Garra hold his head. "W...hy? He....failed! Why save him?" Gaara asked.
"Because he' student, and also because he's precious to me." Gai stated calmly to Gaara.

Gaara stood up, his face turning back to normal, as if there were no cracks at all, walking away from Gai and Lee, he stated, "I quit."

"It's already too late for Lee....Gai interfered with the match, meaning Lee loses." Kakashi said.
Hayate coughed quietly, stuttering out, "The winner is....-" Before cutting himself off looking towards the direction, were small grunts were heard.

All attention, including Gaara's was focused on Lee, as he stood up wobbly, blood running down his arm and leg that was directed by Gaara's sand coffin.

Gaara turned completely around to look back at Lee, who stood up, his leg and arm shaking terribly while he held his hand up, in a "Come at me" motion.

Gai put his hand on Lee's shoulder. " don't have too... It's all over-.....Oh Lee...what have I done...." Gai said, a single tear going down his face and hitting the floor that mixed with Lee's blood. "Not even conscious...and still determinate to show the world what you can do...." Gai managed to say.

"He's out cold....nothing keeping him up but sheer will power..." Kakashi said quietly, watching everything thing as it unfolds.

Gai pulled Lee into a tight hug. "'ve already proven are a splendid ninja...." He said quietly to Lee, even though he knew his student wouldn't be able to hear him.

Hayate looks towards Gaara. "The winner of this Gaara...."
"Lee!" Sakura shouted jumping on the rail to go into the arena. "Sakura." Kakashi said in a stern voice. "There is nothing you can do for him right now. There are times when sympathetic words can only make things worse." Sakura slowly retreated back to her place before, keeping quiet.

"I knew he wouldn't beat Gaara..." Temari said crossing her arms.

But was a tougher match then we thought... Kankuro thought shoving his hands in his pocket.
Bushy Brow.... Naruto and Naomi thought before jumping down to the arena running past Gaara, locking eyes with him for a mere second. I can't believe Lee lost to this guy.... They stopped about 25 centimeters from Lee.
Naruto....Naomi.... Kakashi sighed heavily to himself.

"Hurry...this boy needs attention!" One medic called out to the other one. Another medic looked up towards guy. "You're his teacher, right?" Gai answered with a simple nod of his head.

The medic pulled guy to the side before properly explaining Lee's injuries to him.

"The boy's breathing is faint and steady. They're are bone fractures and muscles tears, throughout his body. He's facing a long rehabilitation. But I'm afraid...that's not the worst of it. His left arm and leg in particular have suffered massive damage. I'm sorry I know how much it means to you both, but he'll never be able to fight again. His days as a shinobi are over...." Gai's plus the eavesdropping Naruto and Naomi's eyes widen also.

"No...he's wrong..." "He's wrong! It can't be true!"Naomi and Naruto said.

'No thank you. The only one I want to fight is Uchiha.'

'Naruto, Naomi, I can see where you two are coming from! The rules say, all fighting must be done in an official match! I can already see it, the loser beating the gifted prodigy, even if I am not the one who must fight Neji. Of course you or my Youthful Lily ended up fighting him I would be alright with that too'

Naruto and Naomi's eyes twitched lightly staring at Lee's unconscious state.

Gai stepped up to stand on Lee's other side. Oh forgive me Lee...I couldn't bare the thought of you losing....I wanted you to achieve your goal, to prove your way was the right way. It's all my fault...I should have stopped it, forgive me.
"Easy for you to say it's over! What about Buhsy Brow huh!? What's he supposed to do now!?" Naomi and Naruto shouted in unison as the medics carried Lee away to get treatment as soon as possible.

"Failure! I thought you said we could win dattebane!" "I thought you were going to show how a failure could win! Was that all a lie dattebayo!?"

Kakashi sighed and appeared behind them cover their mouths. "That's enough you two."

They knocked his hand off their mouths not looking back at him. "It's not fair sensei!" Naomi started. "All he wanted was to prove himself against Sasuke and Neji!" "And that's what lead to his downfall. He was so fixed on that goal, that he sacrificed his body, his future to obtain it, and now that goal is untamable. But you're wrong about one thing Naruto, Naomi. It wasn't just Sasuke and Neji, he was thinking of it was the both of you too also. That's right he risked everything for the hope, to fight either of you in combat, make sure to remember that. Be worthy of his sacrifice."" Kakashi said patting them both on the head.

Neji closed his eyes and let out a grunt of annoyance. Lee. You didn't understand, even at the end. Faith will never smile on the fortunes of a ninja who seeks victory by falling on their own sword, or by demanding others fall on theirs.
Gaara disappeared from the arena and his sand reformed him next to Temari who welcomed him back.
Kakashi turned to Gai whose back was facing him. "Gai.. About what I said earlier it was out of line. I was being a self-righteous fool and I realize now that if I had been in your shoes, I probably couldn't have stopped him either." He glanced at the twins behind him, making them tilt their head.

Why's he looking at us like that....dattebayo/dattebane.....

"Gai, come on let's go up. They can't start the next match with us standing here." "Right." Gai nodded to Kakashi's statement, before heading back up before looking back at the door where they carried Lee away. Lee...

Author's Note: Yay another update and just before I start going back to school, hehe :D  

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