My Dumb Life

By HiddenInside2000

449 6 16

I am in love with writing this book, it is a were wolf teen fiction, I hope you love it as much as I do! More

Chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's Note

Chapter 4

24 0 0
By HiddenInside2000

I was so happy! I got to see Max and Judy. The idea of the park had left my mind hours ago. Travis and I got invitations to go to Judy and Max's wedding. I was so happy. Those two were so adorable. "Logan!" I yelled and jumped on his back when we left the store. He laughed as he ran around with me on his back. 

Travis was on Jordan's back too. We looked at each other and laughed. We hopped off and yelled, "FOOOOD!!!" We ran towards the food court our boyfriends following behind us shaking their heads at our childishness. Travis and I made it to the food court he pulled out a 50 from his wallet and we whooped and hollered. We got in the pretzel line. 

I just got my pretzel when two strong arms curled around my waist. "Logan!" I squeaked as he picked me up and carried me to the table. He sat down first, sitting me on his lap. I looked over and saw Travis sitting on Jordan's lap. I looked around and everyone was staring. "Take a picture it will last longer!" They stopped looking except for one boy. He had dirty blonde hair, dark brown eyes, and a slight build. He walked towards me and said, "Hey beautiful, come over here with me why don't ya."

I felt the growl reverberate through Logan's chest and I shook my head. The boy gripped my wrist and pulled me to my feet. "That is enough Marx." Travis said as he stood up. Logan was shaking and he was extremely angry. I pulled myself from the boy and went to my boyfriend. I kissed his lips softly and felt him relax under my touch. 

I turned around to the other boy, "So your name is Marx huh, let me tell you this, I belong to him." I  pointed at Logan. Then I went back to Logan and sat back on his lap again. Marx walked towards Logan, "I see you have a new play toy, is she up for grabs." Logan looked like he was going to transform right then and there. If I wasn't on his lap he would have. He wrapped his arms around me protectively. He growled at Marx.

"Get out!" Marx smiled slyly at this and shook his head. I stood up and shoved Marx, "Go!" Anger flashed in his eyes, he punched me in the jaw and I hit the ground. Logan picked me up and ran out of the food court. He took me into a store and checked out my jaw. 

He had tears rolling down his face. I kissed his tear stained cheeks the salty taste on my lips. I connected our lips and gently kissed him. I pulled back as Travis and Jordan came running into the store looking for us. They ran over to us and asked if I was okay. We decided to leave the mall and go to the park at that point. 


I just sat there and watched as he hurt her, I couldn't do anything. When she kissed the tears from my face I realized how much she really loved me. I looked down at our intertwined hands and smiled. She was the picture of perfection, I loved everything about her. Lori was everything I have ever wanted and more.  

We walked through the park hand in hand she pulled me to the swings and had me push her, I laughed at her childishness. I was still distracted by what Marx had done. He was in our rival pack the Blood Moon, it really pissed me off when he hurt Lori. 

a few days later: Lori had been sick for days. She had been throwing up everything she ate and just felt terrible. I finally decided to take her to the doctor. "Well son, congratulations, you are going to be a dad." My breath hitched in my throat. I had to protect her this time. I couldn't lose another pup and I certainly couldn't lose my mate.

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