A friendship with Shawn Mendes

By mendesfiction123

86.9K 1.6K 382

She was looking at me and smiling, this time it was truly the most real smile I could ever see from her. "The... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
New fanfic

Chapter 14

3.4K 66 3
By mendesfiction123

Victoria's POV:
I can't believe that Shawn and I kissed last night. I've always thought of him as just a good friend but those words he said to me last night have completely changed my mind. I can't stop repeating them in my head. In the way he said that we are meant to be together shook me up, touched me and showed me a complete different point of view of us that I've been too blind to see. It's funny how something you've been searching for can be right in front of you. Though, I'm still pretty confused about what that all leaves us. Does that mean that we're dating now?

While I was in my deep thoughts and philosophized about being blind and dumb for not realizing all this sooner I tried to get ready for school, and that combination didn't go that well. Looking in the mirror I realized I had put on all of my clothes backwards. "Great." I thought for myself.


Kylie: r u coming?? We're going to be late.

Victoria: yeah I'll be down in one minute!! I accidentally put on all of my clothes backwards...

Kylie: lol, didn't sleep well or something?

Victoria: kind of, tell u about it soon.

After me quickly trying to put on all of clothes the right way I grabbed all of my school essentials and jogged down the stairs to meet Kylie.

"Finally." She said after I got into the car. "But what made you forget how to function right? How do you manage to put all of your clothes backwards?" She laughed.

I looked at her and didn't have to say any word. We have always been very good at reading each other's face expressions and sometimes we'd communicate like that. It's maybe a strange thing but it's just a proof of us knowing each other very well.

"Oh my god Victoria... Can't believe that my otp are finally getting together!!" She said, gasped in surprise and throw her arms around me.

I laughed by her reaction. "Yeah, but we will see about that, I'm still not sure of what it makes us. You know, we've been friend for so long and-"

"It will be fine! You two have never been just friends anyway, so honestly I don't think it will make a huge difference between you."


"Hey!" I shouted at Shawn walking in the school hallway and caught up with him. I haven't really seen him that much today.

"Hey." He said uncomfortable looking down at the floor like he wanted to escape.

"What's going on?" I cringed my eyebrows and was starting to get worried about him, was this all about our kiss, maybe this was all just a mistake. "Is this about our-" I tried to ask but got interrupted.

"No, and I'm fine but I really need to go." He stuttered, quickly walked away and left me standing like a questing mark.

"What was that all about?" I thought out loud. I've never seen him acting this strange before and I'm pretty sure that there is something he isn't telling me.

Shawn's POV:
I can't believe this is happening, the worst timing ever. I obviously need to tell her but I don't know how or when. I'm not even sure of what I want to do about it. But for sure I need to stop running away from her because that's not going to solve anything. I hate myself for promising her yesterday that I would have never hurt her because now I'm scared of this being possible of changing things, and that's the last thing she needs.

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