Speak//Ashton Irwin

Por Haylee_morgan98

4.8K 246 65

Brooke had been mute ever since she was five years old but nobody knows why, she is now sixteen and falling f... Más

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 16

154 7 6
Por Haylee_morgan98

"Can you sit still for two minutes?" Ashton teased and grabbed my Coke out of my hand before I spilt it. I was wriggling around in my seat in excitement. Our plane was gliding across the sky to Italy. I was so happy to be going away. I shook my head at him and stuck my tongue out.
Ashton rolled his eyes. "Really, Brooke."
I had spent every day with him since school ended, and I still wasn't getting bored of his company. In fact, I wanted more time with him. Although we weren't officially together we may as well be. Neither of us was in a rush to have it official. It would only complicate things anyway. The fewer people involved at this point the better.
I was between Ashton and Louis on the plane, and for the last thirty minutes they'd been talking solidly about cars. I watched an in-flight movie to occupy myself until they'd finished and Ashton started to tease me about my excitement level.
It was stupid, but the more distance between me and England the happier I felt. Dad was with me, on this plane, going to Italy, but I still felt more at ease.
"Bet I pull more girls than you!" Louis, wiggling his eyebrows at Ashton.
He would because Ashton didn't play stupid games like that, but I almost had a mini heart attack.
"I know you will, man. I don't screw everything with a pulse." Ashton discreetly brushed his leg against mine to reassure me that he didn't want anyone else. It was fine, I knew that he would never do anything with another person while we were 'together'.
Louis frowned in disappoint. I guess it wasn't fun unless you were in a competition with someone else. My brother was disgusting. I couldn't stand how he used women. It wasn't all his fault – I understood that – if women were stupid enough to believe he would want more after he said he didn't then he couldn't be blamed for that.
"You're young, mate! You should be getting as much as you can, from whoever you can!" Louis was goading Ashton. He suspected we were more than friends, and I could feel the reluctance to admit it from Ashton. If I didn't agree that we should be secret until we knew what was going on between us, I'd be hurt.
"You're a pig, you know that?" Ashton retorted.
Louis laughed and nodded. "Yeah, but a sexually frustrated pig I am not! Don't worry, we'll go out and find you a nice blonde."
As Ashton stared blankly at Louis, I started to find it amusing too. Poor Ashton.
As the plane started to land, I felt lighter; like my problems had been left behind in England. I smiled, looking out of the window at the Italian airport. Time to relax. Here I could just be me. There was no before in Italy.
Once off, we retrieved our suitcases quickly and made our way to the hotel. The minicab drove up the mountain and stopped at our gorgeous little hotel. It was set into the mountain, only about a third of the way up. The infinity pool stretched to the very edge. It was breath taking, and I couldn't wait to get in the pool and look out at the landscape.
A tall, skinny, and very glamorous woman greeted us as we strode into the entrance. She wore high-heeled black sandals and shocking red lipstick: the type of woman that made guys fall at her feet and women sick with envy. Confidence oozed from her perfect, white smile. I felt like a troll next to her.
"Hello and welcome," she said in a thick Italian accent. "My name is Carmella, and I'm going to be showing you to your rooms." Her English was almost as flawless as her looks.
"Thank you," Dad responded politely, giving her that warm smile that won over absolutely everyone he met.
That's why no one will ever believe you.
I stepped closer to Ashton.
Carmella helped us to check in and gave us wristbands that showed we were all-inclusive in the resort. Mine and Ashton's were the only ones with holes punched into them – for people under eighteen.
Ashton scowled as Louis pointed and laughed. There would be no free alcohol for him on this holiday. It didn't bother me because I never drank the stuff. I had to keep a clear head. If you slip up everyone will find out. A drink wasn't worth my family.
"Let's unpack and meet by the bar in half an hour?" Mum suggested once as Carmella wished us a lovely stay and sauntered off. Louis' eyes never left her arse.
Anne nodded. "Sounds great!"
My room was small and connected to my parents', but it also had its own entrance, so I could come and go whenever I wanted. It was light, bright, comfortable, had enough storage and air conditioning. Although it wasn't a huge suite, it had everything I needed.
I turned the locked on the adjoining door and was only satisfied when I heard the click.
No one can get in.
I dumped my suitcase on my bed and opened the tiny balcony door. Stepping out into the warm air, I sighed. The view was beautiful. To my right were the mountains. Right at the top they were covered with a dusting of thin, white cloud. To my left was the sea. The sea abroad was so different to the one in England.
Someone knocked on the door. Reluctantly, I forced myself away from the amazing view and answered the door. "You're not ready," Ashton stated, pointing to the warm England clothes that I was still wearing.
I smiled and ripped the zip of my suitcase open and grabbed a pair of denim shorts and a blue tank top. Holding one finger up, I told him to wait and went into the bathroom to get changed.
Checking my reflection in the mirror, I despaired. My hair was a mess from the sudden change in temperature.
Please don't let my hair be like this for the whole two weeks, I prayed.
Pulling the hairband off my wrist, I tied my hair in a loose bun and got changed. There was just enough room to get dressed in here but when Ashton wasn't standing in my room I'd definitely change in there. Although it was very much a single room I loved it.
I yanked the bathroom door open, eager to grab a quick drink with our parents and then get down to the beach. My jaw dropped when my eyes landed on Ashton. He was lying on my bed, swinging my bikini top around his finger.
Oh, no!
Jumping forward, I swiped it out of his hand and shoved it back inside my suitcase. My face felt like it was on fire. I wanted to kill him! Don't meet his eye.
Ashton burst out laughing. "You should have seen your face," he choked, blocking my arm as I waved it beside me in an attempt to whack him. "Sorry. Couldn't resist. You ready now?" His tone didn't sound sorry at all, but then I didn't expect him to be.
With a deep sigh, I stalked out of my room, trying not to smile myself. Seconds later, he grabbed my hand. "Sorry, but that is one sexy little bikini!"
I slapped his chest and closed my eyes, wishing the ground would open up and swallow me whole. As much as I liked when he said things like that, it did made me nervous. That side had to end sometime, right? I couldn't be like this with him forever. If things progressed eventually the physical side of our relationship would be normal.
It has to be.
My chest ached where I willed it to be true. I couldn't be this person for the rest of my life, hiding away, flinching inwardly at touch, wanting to cower and hide whenever someone looked at me in that way.
He laughed again, and then I felt his lips press against the side of my head. Looking up, I smiled happily and nudged his shoulder. I wouldn't shy away from Ashton's touch, no matter how many mixed feelings it gave me. When I stripped back every ugly, self-loathing layer there was something at the very core that enjoyed everything Ashton did to me. I loved how being with him, having him want me, made me feel.
I held my hand up in a ta-da manner when I was dressed. "Got your key?" he asked, and I nodded. It was Ashton who forgot room keys, not me.
We headed out towards the lift, full of plans for the day. Thankfully the plane journey wasn't long and the time difference was small so we wouldn't have to worry about losing any holiday time to jetlag.
"Drink, then sea," Ashton said as he jammed his finger into the call button for the lift.
That sounded good to me. The beach was a fifteen-minute walk but it was all downhill so we planned to walk there and get a taxi back. It was hot, and I wasn't walking uphill under the boiling sun.
When we got to the bar, Mum told us to skip the drinks and head straight out as long as we were back for dinner. Ashton couldn't get me out of the hotel quick enough.
"We just walk straight down there and it's literally at the bottom," Ashton said, pointing to the path at the side of the winding road. It couldn't be too hard to find since we could see the sea. All we had to do was walk towards it.
"Nicer than ours, huh," he said, running his thumb over my knuckles.
We'd just made it to the bottom of the mountain and the beach stretched out in front of us. It was beautiful. The water was a clear aqua blue, and soft golden sands stretched out as far as I could see. There were people dotted around the beach, lying on colourful towels, and children running around, building sand castles. A few people were swimming in the sea and playing with large beach balls.
I looked up at Ashton and smiled happily. This is where I belonged. And I wasn't referring to our location.
We sat on the beach and watched the tide gently ripple against the shore. Ashton stared out at sea. He was so tranquil it made my heart ache.
"I'd ask if you want ice cream, but that's a pretty stupid question, right?" he said teasingly. It'd only been about fifteen minutes since we sat down, but I was always up for ice cream. Reading my overeager expression, Ashton laughed, stood up and pulled me with him.
Ashton ordered us both Belgian chocolate ice cream and we walked back to our spot on the sand. Before sitting down, Ashton peeled his t-shirt off and spooned ice cream into his mouth. I bit my lip, frowning at the squirming feeling in the pit of my stomach.
This time I didn't look away. His chest looked like it was carved from stone. He took care of himself and worked out, and I'd never appreciated that so much before. My heart was working overtime. The longer I looked at him the harder it beat.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Calm down.
"You okay?" he said after a minute. I nodded and scooted closer to him so our arms pressed against each other's. The feel of his skin against mine gave me goose bumps.
I was falling again.
After an hour of lying around the beach, we decided to check out the hotel properly and grab some drinks. We walked back along the beach to find a taxi, and his hand brushed against mine. I stole a sideways glance at him. He was biting the inside of his mouth, deep in thought. Again, his hand brushed mine. He usually made the first move where handholding was concerned. And everything else, actually. Take his hand, Brooke. Stop being such a baby!
A small smile pulled at the side of Ashton's mouth and he wound his hand around mine, intertwining our fingers. Could he hear my thoughts?
"Oh, we're going there," he suddenly said and nodded his head towards a little wooden shack on the beach.
The crafted wooden sign just above where a gorgeous, honey-tanned man stood read 'Water Sports'. Something was also written above it, which I assumed was the same in Italian.
I protested silently but followed him. Although I had absolutely no desire to get into the ocean I would do it for Ashton. And it'd be good to actually do something. I shied away from anything scary, but I wouldn't on this trip.
Time to be brave...at least this once.
"Hi, can we book diving lessons please?" Ashton asked, without looking at the prices.
Tall, dark, and gorgeous nodded his head and flashed us a perfect, pearly white smile. He looked like a very gorgeous advert for surfers.
"Sure. I just need to see some ID," he said in an Australian accent and pointed to me.
Ashton shook his head. "ID?"
"Yeah, you need to be over sixteen or accompanied by an adult." I looked at Ashton and smiled victoriously.
"Here's my ID. I'm eighteen. That counts as adult, right?"
I narrowed my eyes at him. The little bugger had a fake ID. Ashton was still only seventeen. Gorgeous nodded again and checked the ID. Surely, he would know it was a fake?
"Thanks. You wanna go tomorrow at ten?"
My mouth dropped open. He'd bought it. This was really happening then.
"Sounds good, thanks." Ashton gave our details and then paid. Diving did actually sound fun, especially in the Italian sea, but I was still worried about the equipment breaking and me drowning. Or getting eaten by a shark.
"You'll enjoy it," he promised as he read my worried expression. I wanted to enjoy it. I gave him an 'eek' look, and he laughed. "You'll be fine, Brooke. I'm not gonna let the sharks get you!" That really wasn't helping, but I still grinned and shook my head. And how did he know about the sharks. "I'm kidding! Let's get back now? I need a beer and some food."
Not with that wristband.
We took a taxi back up and headed to our rooms to change. I was hot, sweaty and sandy. My hair was a fuzzy mess on top of my head and probably would be for the entire time.
"Where are you going?" Ashton asked as I turned the wrong way for our rooms. There was something I wanted to do...
He followed behind me as I walked down the stone staircase to the lower floor. Pointing to the spa sign, I grinned. "No. Way, Brooke, not happening!"
Yes, it was.
I nodded and walked up to the treatment board beside the reception desk. Two ridiculously beautiful women were sitting behind the desk, looking at the computer screen. Was being stunning a requirement of working here?
"You can't be serious?" he asked, begging me with his eyes to leave. "Do you want my balls to drop off?"
I grinned wide and cocked my head to the side.
"Let's just go, yeah?"
Couples massage, I read in my head. Couples. I really wanted to relax together, but was a couples massage jumping the gun a little? Would he see it as a hint?
Just get a grip and do it.
Gathering the courage, I pointed to the massage and waited for his reaction.
"Just that?" he asked with a small smile playing on his lips. Shaking my head, I also pointed to the facial. He snorted. "You can do that, too, but there is no way I'm putting any of that shit on my face!"
I scowled at him.
"No. Just, no," he said defiantly.
"Can I help you?" One of the women asked, grinning in amusement at our little exchange.
Can we book the couples massage and the rejuvenating face thing for her, please?" Ashton asked, nodding in my direction. I slapped his arm and decided to go with a different approach. I pouted and fluttered my eyelashes. Ashton wasn't budging.
"Not. Happening."
The woman, who looked like she should be a model and not a receptionist, laughed.
"You want him to do both?" she asked. Her English was slightly better than Carmella's, but her Italian accent was thicker. I nodded and hoped she wouldn't ask me anything else. I didn't want to seem rude. That was always a problem with strangers, not being able to answer them made me look like a bitch.
He groaned and turned back to the supermodel. "Okay. Both please."
"Of course."
She booked us in for tomorrow afternoon and handed us our appointment card. At least after diving in the morning I'll be able to relax and get pampered. With Ashton.
He tucked the appointment card in the pocket of his shorts and glared at me playfully. "You owe me big for this!" I raised my eyebrow. I owe him nothing. I'm getting in the sea tomorrow! He chuckled and casually threw his arm over my shoulder as we wandered back through the hotel.
After eating dinner with our families, we walked along the mountain a little. It was so nice to just go out and do whatever we wanted to do. I loved it just being us.
On holiday our parents gave us a lot more freedom. As long as we told them where we were going, stuck together and met them once a day for the evening meal we pretty much had free reign.
It was getting pretty late and neither of us wanted to go into town for drinks with both our parents or clubbing with Lauren and Louis, so me and Ashton decided to turn in. Our rooms were close together, but as I stopped at my door and turned to say goodnight, I met a nervous looking Ashton.
"Can I stay for a bit?" he asked, scratching the back of his neck. I nodded, not wanting him to leave, like, ever. "Sure? I don't mind if you just want to go to sleep..."
Unlocking the door, I pointed inside the room and raised my eyebrow.
"Bossy," he muttered, walking into my modest room.
We kicked off our shoes and got on my bed. Lying next to him felt so right. There was nobody else in the world I would feel comfortable being this close to. Ashton would never hurt me. I was certain of that.
"You asleep?" he whispered. His low voice sent a shiver down my spine. I shook my head and rolled onto my side. He really was impossibly good-looking.
I love you, I declared privately as my heart swelled double the size.
You think I could stay here tonight? I could sneak out early in the morning."
Biting my lip, I considered it. I wanted him to stay, but I was scared of getting caught. If we did though, we could easily lie our way out of it, say he fell asleep. I would love to spend the night with him.
Making my decision, not that it was very hard to make, I nodded, and he smiled so wide I felt lightheaded.
"Well, get ready for bed then!"
I got off the bed, flipped my suitcase open and pulled my shorts and tank top pyjamas out. Was he looking forward to the normality of being a couple and going to bed together as much as I was? I mean, technically, we weren't a couple but that didn't matter. I went into the bathroom to change and brush my teeth.
By the time I got back, Ashton had taken his clothes off and was sitting in bed. Heat flooded my face. Was he naked? We had to work up to that. I'd only just got used to him shirtless. I stumbled the few steps to bed with shaking hands.
Oh, bloody hell.
I bit my tongue as I slipped into bed beside him. I was so nervous and more than a little scared. I couldn't see if he was wearing boxers. I shuffled down and pulled the cover up to my chin, being careful not to touch him. After a minute, he did the same.
"You look tired."
I nodded against the pillow.
Seconds later, his breathing became heavier. The atmosphere between us was thick and heated. We weren't even touching but I was on fire. He brought me, my body, to life in a way I thought had been robbed forever. I wanted to reach out and touch him.
Groaning, he leant forwards and kissed me, taking me by surprise. Nothing mattered as our lips moved together. I didn't care that I wasn't good enough for him. I didn't care that I shouldn't want him. I loved him, and I wanted him.
I was whole.
He made a soft moaning sound and dug his fingers into my hair, holding my head in place. Suddenly, he rolled over and pinned me to the bed beneath him. I felt the initial panic start to rise, but it disappeared as quickly as it came. The panic was replaced with something else. Something good. Something I wanted more of.
When he pulled away just as quickly after a long and passionate kiss, I sagged in disappointment at the loss of that feeling. Ashton tucked me into his arms. I was worked up and needy, but I understood why he'd stopped us. When we went further, when we touched each other, it had to be when we were official. We couldn't be friends with benefits.
"Goodnight," he murmured.
Wrapping my arm over my chest, I closed my eyes and fell asleep almost instantly.

Authors Note
Thank You to everyone that has read this and voted it means a lot if you have any questions or feedback don't be afraid to comment :) More chapters tomorrow.
Musical.ly- @hayleewhalen
Snapchat- @Vdg7356

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