Autumn's Tears

By appstrules97

386 34 38

Luke's life was always normal, until he met Autumn the love of his life, and she completely changed his persp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11: Part 1
Chapter 11: Part 2
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

18 3 3
By appstrules97

I'm speechless, Autumn is here, dressed in all black her hair in a ponytail, and she's wearing my belt of stolen weapons. As she unties the ropes, I hear some yelling down the hall, it's muffled, but I understand it.

"We have an intruder!" Says one man.

"Impossible, our compound is secret, and impenetrable. Check his cell!" Another says, and as he finishes I hear footsteps coming toward our cell. Autumn is rushing to untie the knot before the men get here. The footsteps inch closer and closer to the door. Autumn takes her jacket off and unfurls her wings, and they wrap around us. She closes her eyes, there's a flash of light, it's quick and dull, but noticeable. Then the door is kicked in, and the guards panic immediately, and start yelling that I'm gone and there is an intruder and to find them immediately. When they leave, I turn to Autumn and ask,

"Why did they pass us? Did we turn invisible?"

"Yes, I put camoflauge sheets over my wings, invented by my friend you were supposed to meet at the hospital." She answers, and finally undoes the knot. "Ok Luke it's undone," I try and move my arms, but I can't, and it's hard to even move with my broken ribs. Getting her first look at me as I turn Autumn gasps and covers her mouth with her hands, "Oh Luke, what did they do to you?" I try and calm her down, but she starts crying at the sight of the mess which has become me. "Oh Luke, I'm so sorry. If only I saw them earlier, I could've warned you, and this never would've happened." She says, looking at me, cleaning the blood off my face, and half crying while doing it. She then rolls up my sleeve and looks at my 6 scars from Nate's blade. "Oh my..." she says, speechless at what they did. She chokes up and starts weeping, her head cradled in her hands. I kick the chair out from underneath me, and use my knees to break my fall. I then put my arm which is moveable (but painful when it does move) around her, and try and comfort her.

"It's ok, I'm fine now. You did everything you could, and you're here now. Everything's ok, I don't care if it took 6 days or not, you're here now." I tell her, but as I finish, she looks up at me indisbelief. Then she starts crying again, she tries to talk but chokes up a lot, and then forces it out.

"They lied, Luke. This happened before, and they caught a mortal on my squad, and they did the same thing to her, the lines aren't to say how long you've been here. It's ancient angel language it says 'All mortals shall perish,' and the date theory is wrong too." She chokes up again, but clears her eyes and begins again. "Luke you've only been here 2 days, I had to pinpoint your location, that's what took me so long." She says, and I'm utterly shocked. Autumn then asked about any other injurys while helping me she's helping me up, I crumple to the floor because of the pain of my broken ribs. She helps me up again, "It looks like you're gonna need a hospital, or we'll get Alex to look at you in the van." She half carries me to the portal, which is still opened, and she tells me to jump through, I do. And in an instance, I'm on the floor of a van, and an older gentleman with glasses and a hat looks at me as I lay on the floor.

"Ahh, so you're the lucky man? Hm... well, I guess I outta look at'cha then, hm?" As he finishes his sentence Autumn falls through the portal and jumps in the driver seat, Alex presumabley, the old man, jumps in the passenger seat and asks for the info about the breakin. Autumn fills him in, half-choking up at the part about my injuries and the scars. Then suddenly Alex says to stop, Autumn does this, and they pull into a Wal-Mart parking lot.

"Well, Luke, let's have a look at your injuries." Alex says, he places his hand on my chest, and closes his eyes. "His heart seems fine," he moves his hands, "oh, broken rib, sketch that two broken ribs." He moves his hand to my arms, "broken arm, and well, a less broken arm," he moves to my back and his whole body tightens up, "uh-oh, that's not good. Let's have a look shall we?" He lifts my shirt up, and takes it off, exposing my back and chest. "Um, Autumn, you might wanna look at this." Alex says, and Autumn walks over and half-shrieks and half-gasps.

"Dear God...Luke... No! Alex don't touch it!" Was the last thing I heard before, he touched it, and a sharp excruciating pain, and my whole body tenses up. I hear Nate's cold, evil voice, "Three days mortal, and you die. Make 'em worth it." I feel energy from my body getting sapped away from me and I pass out.

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