Reinya- a Legolas Love Story

By Kt_love

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Ten years passed since Elemmire was sent away on the back of a horse, and no one has heard of her. Though in... More

Reinya- a Legolas Love Story
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Authors Note
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Interview Questions

Chapter 22

2.7K 125 14
By Kt_love

Chapter 22 ~Gorell’s POV~

“Father, I have a question...” I started, walking cautiously into the room, knowing how he felt about Reinya and the stunt she pulled last night.

“It better not be about your wife,” Thranduil spat, turning away from the window. “I told you she was not royalty material.”

“You told me nothing of that,” I spat back, stalking towards my father. “Only that you disliked her. I hate to remind you that Reinya is now permanently my wife, as well as your daughter-in-law, so I will ask you to show her a little more respect.”

“To someone who ran away on their wedding night? Just for a friend-”

“That friend was dying, and was Lady Galadriel’s daughter.” I cut him off, shaking my head.

Thranduil paused for a second, searching his mind for a good comeback. “That is still no reason for how a princess should act. Reinya left the reception, and many of your guest were confused at her sudden disappearance.”

“Would you rather have Lady Elinya fall to the ground in the middle of the reception, sick? Would that have been better than leaving the guests confused? Would you rather them to be disgusted and shocked by Elinya’s sudden illness, or confused by the bride’s disappearance?” I asked, enraged, clenching my fists tightly, shaking a little.

Thranduil turned on me, anger swirling in his eyes. “Why are you here son? To prove to me that Reinya’s choice was better than the other?” He asked, “If you haven’t noticed, you are already married. I have no reason to disapprove of Reinya anymore, as she is now your wife, but I will continue to dislike her as she comes from no social or noble standings. She’s still a nobody, even if she wears a crown on her head!”

“I have nothing more to say to you,” I told him, before exiting the room. I nearly bumped into Reinya, who had her ear pressed to the door for one second, before straightening up, and regaining her composure.

“He still hates me, huh?” She said, tilting her head to the side.

I let the door close silently, and I pulled her into my arms. “I guess so. I just hate that he said you’re a nobody. He doesn’t even recognize you were the best warrior-”

“He doesn’t care if I was an incredible warrior,” Reinya pointed out, “He wants to see a ‘proper’ princess as your wife, not some elf from a distant village who knows how to throw boomerangs well.”

“You’ll be a great queen when the times come, I know it,” I promised, kissing her forehead.

“I’m not so sure,” She said, pulling away from me, “Maybe we should give Legolas that role. He’ll be the next King, and we both know King Thranduil likes Lady Elemmire better than myself.”

“I’m not renouncing my title,” I said bluntly, “Legolas and Elem-Elinya can rule Lothlorien when the time comes.”

Reinya remained silent, and we walked down the hall. “We have to go to Mount Doom soon, to put the Fire Flower back,” Reinya said sadly, “Another reason for King Thranduil to hate me. He’ll see it as me run it away, and you following me. We can’t simply do anything anymore, without King Thranduil suspecting me of doing something like treason, or-”

“I wouldn’t go that far.” I intercepted, “I don’t think he would suspect you of treason.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t put it past him.” Reinya accused, and she started to lead us to the stables. “But we have to go to Mount Doom.”


~Elinya’s POV~

“Hey, Elinya!” Reinya called, sitting down beside me on the stone bench I was currently sitting on.

“Hey Reinya.” I greeted, giving her a little bow. “It is quite a beautiful day, isn’t it?”

Reinya didn’t answer, but she went to examine my face. “Are you feeling sick, at all? Anything at all?” She asked.

"I'm fine," I protested.

"I know you are lying to me," Reinya stated, "I can see it in your eyes."

"Alright," I sighed, "what did you want to talk about?"

"I was talking with Gorell earlier today, and Thranduil has been in a bad mood lately," Reinya explained, "So it is going to be harder for us to go to you know where."

"That's alright I can go by myself," I attempted to talk Reinya out of accompanying me to Mount Doom. It would be too dangerous to let anyone else sacrifice their life for.

"Are you crazy!" Reinya looked shocked, "We may not be able to leave on good terms, but we are still coming. No way am I going to let you go alone. I was going to say, that Gorell and I have made plans to sneak out of the west gate at midnight.”

“Are you sure this not too risky?” I asked.

“Oh Geeze, you’ll be fine,” Reinya smiled, “You and Legolas will meet us at my Ranch at midnight.”

“Sounds good,” I forced a fake smile across my face.

“See you later,” Reinya winked standing up from the bench and walking back into the castle.  

I kept a smile across my face until Reinya walked out of sight. There was no way I had any chance of persuading Reinya to change her mind. What was I to do? What was I to do?  

After some time, I stood up and walked out into the dense forest. By now I knew my way around well enough, that I did not worry about getting lost. But sure enough, despite my confidence in knowing the area, I found myself in an unfamiliar place, but when I turned, I could still see the Mirkwood palace distantly through the trees.

I turned my head to north of the palace when I heard horse hooves hit the ground behind me. Spinning around I saw flash of white behind the trees. “Anyone there?” I asked, but there was no answer.

I then heard another hoof hit the ground behind me, and once again I spun around to see who was there, but nothing out of the ordinary was standing behind me. “What is going on?”

For a few more seconds, I stood there I listening to see if there was someone playing games or if it was just the wind. I was about to turn around once again, when I felt someone breathing down my back. Slowly and cautiously I turned to face the one behind me.

“Mearas,” I whispered. I could not believe my eyes. “The greatest horses in all of Middle-earth.” These horses were virtually untrainable, the only one in all of Middle-earth’s history was Felaróf, who was tamed by the first King of Rohan. Ever since then the horses have roamed the north.  

{Shadowfax was a descendant of Felaróf! He was also among the very few who of the Mearas that were trained}

    At first, I was afraid to even move because I thought that the horse might spook. But then slowly I raised my hand and gently placed it on the gelding’s forelock. He didn’t even flinch, if anything he leaned into my hand.

The gelding was breath taking, his beautiful white hairs laid perfectly on his back, without a single one out of place, or a single spec of dirt. He was beautiful. “What is your name pretty boy,” I asked stroking his fetlock.


I heard a voice in my head almost like the gelding was talking to me.

“Like Naertho the horse lord?” I ran my hand through his beautiful mane, and there was not a single knot.

Yes, I am a descendant of Felaróf.

The voice was back and I knew for sure that it was Naertho speaking. He spoke with such kind and gentleness, I automatically felt safe with him.

“I thought Mearas were just myths,” I stated. By now I had moved my way down his neck and to the withers. Naertho’s confirmation was perfect, nothing like I had seen before. “Why would a Mearas be traveling so deep in the Mirkwood forest?”

Because young Elemmire, it is destined for you to start your travels down to Mordor, and to do that you will need me.  

“Alright,” I smiled, this was working out better than I thought. Riding on a back of a Mearas, no one would be able to catch us. The only thing that worried me is that he also called me Elemmire instead of Elinya. “When do we leave?”


“Shouldn’t I get changed first?” I asked looking down at my dress, it was a long beautiful dark purple velvet, with the perfect balance of pink around the bodice. But it would do no use in traveling.  

We don’t have time, we must leave now. Do you have the Fire Flower?

“Of course, ever since yesterday, after Reinya wedding I have kept it hidden within my clothing,” I carefully pulled the Fire Flower out and held it in front of Naertho to admire.


Then the gelding knelt down so that I could easily swing my leg over his back. Naertho carried no saddle or bridle, but I felt entirely comfortable riding him. When I was seated comfortably on his back, I whispered in his ear, “Lle merna aut?” {Shall we go?}     

And with that, we were off racing through the forest like the wind. Naertho galloped fast, but so swiftly that it felt like we were standing still. I felt exhilarated, I had never traveled this fast in my life and I was riding a breed of horse that was known as almost untrainable.

Another thing I knew for sure is that Legolas and Reinya were going to be very disappointed with me. If I ever traveled back to Mirkwood, I knew for sure that in time Legolas would forgive me, but I had a bad feeling Reinya would want to ring my neck.


He could travel fast. We had been at a steady gallop for the past day. Naethro had the endurance to travel for days and nights on end.

From what I have read in the books at the palace library, we should make it to the borders of Mordor within the next few days. It took almost a full day to travel through the dense forest of Mirkwood. I wondered why Naretho decided to travel through the forest instead of going around, but I did not bother to argue because I had a feeling that he knew what he was doing.   

Soon the trees started to space out until the point where there were none in sight. We were traveling through the Brown Lands, and when the map showed nothing in sight, they really meant it. The only thing in leagues of this place were rolling hills, and the continuation of dead grass.

It did not take long before the Brown lands became boring of riding through, I just wanted to hurry up and get to Mordor.

But what would I do after I returned the Flower? I did not want to go back to Mirkwood and continually break Legolas's heart, but then again I really wanted to have Reinya around. Maybe I would just have to start my life over and make new friend. I decided. I wonder what Gondor is like?

Then out of the blue, Naertho slides to a halt. If It was not for the fact I was holding onto a big chunk of his mane I would have gone flying over his head.

"What is going on?" I asked regaining my position.

Naertho's voice in my head came back again, Everything has a reason.

"Umm.. Ok, but do you mind if we start moving again incase someone catches me!"

You need not worry, if we need to flee we can outrun them.

I still could not understand why we were stopped. I attempted to urge Naertho forward with my heels and give a little cluck, but the only reaction I got was:

Did you just try to cluck at me?

"That is one way to get a horse to move forward-," I explained.

But I am not a trained horse. You may be riding on my back, but I am still very wild. I will move when I want to move.

"Alright, when do you want to move?" I asked starting to get a little frustrated with the games Naertho was playing.

I waited a couple minutes for my answer, but I got none. This was definitely getting annoying. When I had enough of this, I slid off of his back and started walking towards the east in the hopes that Naertho would start walking with me.

Where are you going? Naertho's voice rang loud and clear in my ears.

"To Mordor," I called back.

Ha, you would starve before you saw the end of these barren lands.

"That is reassuring," I said stopping in my tracks. “And why are you not helping me travel to Mordor, you said that it was what had to happen.”

No, I said it was destined for you to start your travels. I never said that it was destined for you to reach Mordor. You might as well take a seat, you will be here awhile.  

I took a second to think about this, but I had no other choice at the moment. So I co-operated and took a seat on the dead grass that crumpled as I sat down.

The second I was comfortably seated on the ground, he took off at a full gallop towards Mirkwood.

"Come back," I yelled, "What am I suppose to do?"

Don't worry, I will be back in time-,

"Oh great," I sighed, "Well then I had better make myself comfortable." I let out a deep sigh, and looked around at my surroundings. Everything looked so familiar, like I had been here before in some kind of a past life.

~~~(Reinya’s POV)

Legolas came storming up to me, and there was no doubt he was flustered. “Where is Elemmire?” He asked

“Last I saw her she was in the gardens,” I stated, unsure why he needed to find her so badly.

“Well, she is not there!” Legolas respond, “She is no where to be found in the castle.”

“I wouldn’t worry, she is probably taking a walk in the forest or something. My guess is she would be back soon.” Elinya always like to go on walks, so it did not surprise me that she was not in the castle.

“Then how come she took the Fire Flower with her?” Legolas crossed his arms over his chest.

“Oh God No!” I exclaimed, she really did run away, “Are there any horses missing?”

“They are all accounted for!”

“Elinya would not be that stupid, she would atleast have run away with supplies and a horse,” I stated.

“How do we know she ran away, and was not captured?” Legolas asked.

“It had better not be that witch!” I swore under my breath, because if she dare lay a hand on my friend she would never see daylight again, for the rest of her long miserable life!

Gorell then came storming in the room, “The search parties can’t find her anywhere, and father is starting to question why we have sent out search parties within the palace.”

“She is not here,” I shook my head finally coming to a full realization what was happening.

“We have to go find her,” Legolas said turning on his heels and walking out the door.

“Wait,” Gorell said stopping his brother, “We have no idea where to start, how do you expect to find her?”

“I don’t care, we have to do something,” he responded pushing past his brother.

“I am with Legolas on this one,” I said following him down to the stables. “I can’t sit around and wait for as search party to go and find her.”

“Reinya, I totally understand where you are coming from,” Gorell said his hand on my arm, “But if you do this my father will disrespect you even more.”

“I don’t care what he thinks of me right now! My friend is either in danger right now, or is going to be in danger soon. I am going to go save her.”

“Fine,” Gorell sighed, he knew there was nothing he could do to change my mind. “Then I am coming with you.”

With that Legolas, Gorell and myself sprinted for the stables. Soon we had three horses saddled and galloping out of the castle borders. All I hoped for was a sign to show us where to start looking.


Two hours passed and we had no luck. No idea of where to look, no sign of anyone actually, we had no luck on finding any tracks.

“We should head back soon it is getting late,” Gorell sighed in frustration, “Because otherwise we will be missing along with Elemm-,”

“Shut-up,” I said noticing a flash of white in the distance between the trees. For a split second Gorell looked a little taken back, but when he noticed what I was looking at, he had forgotten all about it.

“Are my eyes deceiving me, or is that a Mearas?” Legolas asked.

We all stood rock still as we watch the grey gelding. He was far off in the distance, but we didn’t want to spook him. Slowly the gelding walked towards us until he was about 10 meters away.

“That is definitely a Mearas,” I stated in awe. “A rumor has it that Mearas can communicate with the one they share a connection with.”

“How do you know that?” Gorell asked.

“I lived in Rohan for many years,” I remembered back to many years ago, “At one point I knew the old King of Rohan, and he said that his great grandfather trained one.”

Legolas quietly shifted in his seat, “Do you think he would know where Elemmire is?”

“We might as well try,” I jumped off of my mount and slowly walked towards the gelding so that I was in the halfway between Gorell/Legolas and the Mearas. “Hey there boy, you wouldn’t happen to know where are friend Elemmire is, would you?”

It was almost as if the gelding studied me for a second before nodding his head up and down. This was a good sign, I was pretty sure that the gelding could bring us to Elemmire. But what I wondered is why a Mearas would be wandering around the Mirkwood forest by himself.  

“Could you bring us to her?” I asked walking back towards to my horse to mount her.

The gelding leaned back on his haunches and reared up. Before he took off at a gallop. He was fast, very fast, and all three of us had troubles keeping up with him.

We followed the horse south with high hopes hopes of finding Elemmire. I did have some question about this horse, like how come he knew where she was? How did he know where we were, and how did he know to come to us? Also why was he helping us?  

Sorry it took so long for me to update, the week flew by so fast!!!!!!!!!!! I hope you like the chapter :) and let me know what you think :)

I am going to ask this on just about every chapter :P but are there any interview questions for Elinya/Elemmire/Legolas/Gorell/Reinya/YouCantHandle/Myself :)

Please vote, comment, fan :) thanks YouCantHandle and Kt_love

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