Chapter 18

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Chapter 18 (Gorell’s POV)

It had been days, and Elemmire hand not improved, if anything she has gotten worse. Legolas never left Elemmire’s room. He always sat in the same chair in the same corner of the room staring blankly, he never ate, slept, or even moved for that matter. I don’t think he even blinked.

“Legolas, say something,” I looked at him worried, but he just sat there. “There is something on your mind, and I know it.”

Legolas seemed to consider speaking, but then he sighed, fidgeted in his seat. “I finally got her back, and she is slipping right through my fingers,” he whimpered.

    “We will cure her,” I reassured, “I am sure it will not be much longer before father finds a cure.”

    “Even if we do cure her, she still doesn’t remember me.”

“Then start over,” I suggested, “She loved you once, if you are meant to be, then she will love you again.”

“You are probably right,” Legolas sighed, “Do you see that ring on her finger?” I nodded my head, it look very expensive and it had a single red ruby shaped like a heart. “I had given her that ring hours before she lost her memory, minutes before I was stabbed by an Orc, and seconds after I kissed her,” his last few words come out bitter sweet.

“I hope you don’t mind brother, but I was hoping I could send out a search party… and umm,” I had no idea if he would approve of it, “look for Rei-,”

I was about to finish, when none other than Reinya comes bolting into room. “Dear my,” she said in a very motherly tone, “What did you get yourself into?” Reinya brushed Elemmire hair off her face.

“Reinya, nice to meet you again,” I sneered.

“Oh Shutup,” Reinya muttered under her breath still putting her focus onto Elemmire. “Get better Elinya, get better.”

“Her name is Elemmire,” Legolas corrected in a harsh tone, “And give me a good reason why I shouldn’t lock you up here and now?”

“Because I say so,” I spoke up, and the both of them shut up immediately.  I enjoyed a second of silence before Legolas and Reinya bickered like brother and sisters would.

~~~(Elinya’s POV)

I was dying and there was no doubt in my mind I would not last another day if this kept up. As I laid on the soft mattress, I would flutter in and out of consciousness. It would be impossible to explain entirely how I felt, but I did know that all my body heat felt like it had been drained.

I heard many conversation between the different elves that passed by my room. I shifted a little on the bed, and let out a yawn, Legolas lifted his head at my movement.

“Elemmire,” Legolas stood up from his chair and knelt beside where I lay.

“No,” I shook my head, “Elinya.”

“But-” he contradicted.

“I would like to go by Elinya,” I told him, “This Elemmire, might have been my past, but I don’t remember her. She sounds like a wonderful lady, however I can not be her."

Legolas looked as if his heart had been ripped out and shredded into a million pieces, but I could not lie to him, and tell him that I would be this Lady Elemmire. "I just want to go back to Reinya’s farm,” I sighed and a small single tear formed and rolled down my cheek. I felt awful for breaking the princes' heart, but there was nothing I could do.    

Reinya and Gorell burst into my room after running down to the kitchen to grab food. The second Reinya notices that I am awake, she drops the silver platter that held the food and rushed to my side.

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