Guardian Wolf (Sam Uley LS)

By AngelWings00

1.5M 30.7K 2.9K

Every 10 years a young girl from a special bloodline transforms into a pure white wolf at the age of sixteen... More

Chapter 1: Becoming A Guardian Wolf
Chapter 2: Tribe searching
Chapter 3: Pack Meeting
Chapter 4: La Push
Chapter 5: Midnight Run
Chapter 6: Imprinting
Chapter 7: Happy
Chapter 8: Seeing Him
Chapter 9: Bonfire
Chapter 10: A Morning With Him
Chapter 11: Hanging With The Pack
Chapter 12: Jessica VS Leah
Chapter 13: First Date
Chapter 14: Sweet Moments & Surprise
Chapter 15: Parents
Chapter 16: Jacob's Friend Bella
Chapter 17: The Cullen's
Chapter 18: Newborn Army
Chapter 19: Fight And Hurt
Chapter 20: Screams Of Pain
Chapter 21: Jacob
Chapter 22: A Few Words
Chapter 23: Finding Jacob
Chapter 24: A Vampire Wedding
Chapter 25: The Next Step
Chapter 27: Party Time!
Chapter 28: Maddison Meets The Pack
Chapter 29: Shopping Trip Disaster
Chapter 30: Jessica's Gone Missing
Chapter 31: In A Spot Of Trouble
Chapter 32: Telling The Pack
Chapter 33: Bye Bye Cullen's
Chapter 34: Celebrations
Chapter 35: I Do
Chapter 36: Honeymoon
Chapter 37: Rushing Home
Chapter 38: Isabella Cullen
Chapter 39: Something Unexpected
Chapter 40: Afterwards

Chapter 26: Jessica's Birthday

29.3K 558 23
By AngelWings00

I've been living with Sam for a few months, and I have never felt so content in my life. My wolf is calm always been next to her mate. Not much has happened in the last month, the Cullen's haven't left yet as Bella has not been changed, we don't know the reason why. My guess is she wanted to spend time with her father, but what chewed me the most was that she was still trying to phone Jake; who has learnt to ignore her.

Anyway today was my birthday, we were all preparing for a barbecue in the back garden, I was so excited for all the tribe to get together.... Also my parents are returning from visiting my other family, they all wished me a happy birthday and told me that my parents were bring my gifts home with them. Also my parents and Sam told me they had a special gift for me.

I tried to flirt my way into finding out.... But he resisted; only just. Poor Sam was red in the face and what made it worst the pack was around. However I did pay for it that night with his teasing and leaving me wanting more; which I got in the end.

I walked through to the kitchen to see Sue baking "Hey Sue" I placed a kiss on her cheek, she was the sweetest women ever. I heard her and Bella's father Charlie were getting closer, in fact she invited him to the gathering with her.

"Hey Jess" She smiled at me before going back to her pie.

"Do you need any help?" I asked looking around the kitchen for something to do.

Sue shook her here "No, your the birthday girl" I gave a smile and nodded my head "How about you go out the back to see if the boys are working"

I let out a chuckle "I doubt it Sue" We both giggled, I gave her a warm hug and left the kitchen to the back garden to see a two wolves in the middle play fighting and the others cheering them on. I raised my brow and folded my arms over my chest before clearing my throat "Boys!" I scowled at them, the boys paused and look over at me, fear held in their eyes.... Huh I guess I'm scary "What are you doing?"

"Umm" Most of the mumbled, I rolled my eyes at them "We were just..."

"Just..." I said asking for an answer.

"It was Paul's idea" Seth piped up, earning a growl from Paul.

"Was not" He denied, glaring at the young. I sighed and shook my head.... Boys, what can you do?

"OK" I shouted before a real fight would break out "I don't care who's idea it was" I glared at each and everyone one of my wolves "What I do care about is that Sue asked you to set up the garden and you haven't" I growled.

"She's right guys get to work" Sam says from behind me, the boys nod and set off to work. Sam wrapped his arms around me and placed butterfly kisses along my jaw.

I pulled away and turn to him, he stared deeply into my eyes, he leaned forward as did I, before our lips could touch I took a step back "The same goes for you buddy" Sam looks at me in shock as I walk away from him and over to Jacob; who was sorting the tables out.

"What did you do to Sam?" Jake laughed looking over at his Alpha.

"Oh, That" I mumbled "I didn't do anything" I innocently say, helping him with the table cloth "I mean all I did was make him think he was getting a kiss the simply walked away"

Jacob barked out a laugh "Man, you evil" He says pulling me to his side and places a kiss upon my forehead "Happy birthday little sis" He says and pulls away before reaching into his pocket and pulls out a bracelet, It was white and red "The colour of our fur" I held my hand out for him to put it on for me "In the eyes of the tribe you are my sister" He spoke up as he tied it, he gave me a wide smile "It's a sibling bracelet Jess"

Tears form in my eyes, I can't believe he made me this. I mean we always says we are brother and sister but this makes it truth "I love you big brother" I pull him into a bear hug.

"I love you too little sis" He mumbles in my hair. A clearing of the throat made us pull apart, they stood Sam, I smiled at him and rushed over to him.

"Look at what Jake made me Sammy" I beamed, I see Sam nod at Jake "Isn't it beautiful"

"It sure is baby" Sam grabs hold of my hand and guides me back in to the house, he leads me upstairs to our bedroom, he drops my hand and goes over to the wardrobe "Here, one of my presents to you" I walk over to see him holding a gorgeous black dress and a pair of black flat shoes "I thought you could wear them tonight" He nervously says, rubbing the back of his neck "Leah and Sue helped me pick it out" My heart leaped in shock, Leah helped... I guess she wasn't so back after all.

"Thank you Sam" I replied, leaning up and pecking his lips "I love them and will wear it tonight" Sam let out a sigh in relief.

"Good" He captures my lips and pushes me to the wall, I moaned happy at the contact, before we could get any further, Sam pulls away. He raises his hand and stroke gently over my cheek "Go get a shower and have time to yourself" He kisses my forehead and moves away "I'll come and get you in a couple of hours"

"Okay" I breathed out "I love you Sammy"

He pauses at the door and looks over his shoulder "I love you too Jessy" and leaves the room leaving me alone with my thoughts.... Man how did I get so lucky.

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