Jaydami: runaway {completed}

By roo-roo

6.2K 121 32

when Damian disobeys orders during patrol to save peoples lives when the duo get back to the cave Damian gets... More

Getting help
gone then found~3
New town,new life with out a bats control~4
The visit~5
Dead man walking~6
Book 2


1.5K 32 16
By roo-roo

~time skip to next day~

Damian's pov

"Todd, what time is it?" "It's past noon" "Oh" "Ya, you missed breakfast" "I can tell" "Oh shut your phone up or I will shoot it" "It should have died sure it's not yours" "Ya, I put songs as ringtones"

I check my phone I had missed like 20 calls even the justice league called "Ok that's just too much" "What?" "The justice league call" "What, really?" "Ya" I tossed my phone to Todd.

"That's really too much even for me no wonder. I wanted to shoot it" I shrugged and walked over to Todd and hopped onto his back "Wha- why are you on my back?" "Cuz I can. What's for lunch?" "What haven't you had to eat yet" "Uhh hamburgers, hot dogs. The list can go on"

I feel Todd go stiff "You have never had a hamburger?" "Ya, why?" "That will be fixed right now. Get changed and put some socks and shoes on" I hope off Jason back and do as I'm told.

"Ok, now what?" "Please tell me you have more then that to wear" "Umm no" "Food, then shopping" "As long I get food I haven't eaten in like two days" "I can tell well time to go"

Jason's pov

I watch Damian wolf down two hamburgers not that I can blame him he hasn't eaten in like two days and I thought Roy would stuff him with candy and give him back to me all hyped up like a grenade ready to go off.

"What are we doing next Todd?" "Getting you some clothes to wear" "Ok"

~timeskip to when they get done~

"I hate shopping" I ended up paying for 3 sweatshirts 6 shirts 2 pairs of jeans and 3 shorts and they all matched I thought dick should make him go miss match and give me a pain in the ass for shopping but nope easy as pie.

"Hey who was that kid you were talking to?" "Who?" "The redhead" "Oh You mean wilkes" "Who" "Colin wilkes" "Wait a minute do you Damian wayne have a friend" "No he is an acquaintance" "Ya, right then why did you give him a hug and none of us can"

Damian stopped walking as I smirked "I just don't like you guys" I watch Damian walk off in a different direction than the way home "Uh, Damian home is the other way" "Who said I was going with you i'm off to find wilkes" "Umm"

Next thing I know I'm all by myself on the sidewalk "I'm so going to die again if i don't find him" I walked all the way to my safe house to find dick banging on the door with tim "That's a poor attempt at waking someone who is already up and out the door"

Tim turned around and faced me "Where is he?" "Who?" "Damian where is he" "No clue" "Lair his tracker lead us here" "Ok, do you think I would let Damian be in my safe house without me" "He has a point. So where is he?" "No clue, we when out for food and go get him something to wear that doesn't smell like grease or his uniform then he just bolted off"

Dick dropped his head then lifted it "I blame you Tim" "WHAT I was gone for a month and came back yesterday" "I think he went to visit someone" "Who?" "Colin wilkes know him" "Nope" "Actually I think I might have an idea but we will need the big computer"

I nod "How did you two get here?" "Dick drove" "Oh, shotgun" "Great I'm in the back seat"

Dicks pov

We all walked down into the bat cave and Tim sat down in the chair in front of the computer "Name Jason" "Colin wilkes" "Ok" I watch Tim punch the name in and a lot came up along with a picture "Wow what's with this family and redheads" "Meaning...?"

I look at Jason who was looking over the information on the screen "Yup that's the kid alright" "says the he has been in foster care for a long time and been to many hospitals" I hear footsteps that were to light to be Bruce Jason must have heard he had his hand on a gun holster

"Who are you?" "Wilkes what have I told you" "Mind getting your brothers calmed down one has a gun" I watch a redhead come down I look at the picture again that was on the screen "Colin wilkes" "Ya, that's me" "Who let you in here?" "Dami anytime" "Busy wilkes"

I turn and face Damian who was trying to reach something "Wilkes help" "How could I help?" "If you help I will let you get a hug and I will pay for ice cream" "Deal" I turn back to the redhead who was three times his usual self and Jason dropped his gun

"What the-" next thing I know is Damian has a katana and give Colin a hug "Happy wilkes" "Not until I get ice cream" "Very well, let's go" "Yay" "Umm what's going on?" "No clue but I think Jason is jealous" "what makes you say that"

Tim pointed to Jason who was mad or sad who can tell "Wait, is he blushing?" "Yup" "Hey jaywing what's wrong, jealous?" "Maybe" me and Tim look at each other and nod.

"JASON HAS A CRUSH ON DAMIAN" "Would you two shut up" "So you amidite that you Jason Todd have a crush on Damian Wayne" Jason dropped his head "Yes" I looked at Tim who had his mouth open "Wait till Bruce hears" "I hear what"

I turn to face said person and was about to say something when Jason's hand went over my mouth "N-nothing bats" "Ok" I look at Tim who was nowhere near Jason's range without shooting him.

"Jason has a crush on Damian" "YOU DEMON" "Jason is this true?" "Yes" "Ok" I bite Jason's hand "Ow" "How can you be ok with this?" "You are just now noticing this I have known for a few months" "What?"

I look at Jason who's whole face was red "You look like a tomato" "Shut up, dick head" "Make me"

Tims pov

I watch my older brothers fight "Jason do you know where Damian is?" "Not anymore, why?" "Can't find him" "Well he left with a redhead what is this family and redheads" "Why?" "Dick knows Wally and barbs Jason knows koir and Roy and apparently Damian knows a kid named Colin" "Oh, I know that kid"

I look at Bruce "How?" "Damian came with him after something happened and they came here it fix himself up" "Oh" "Ya, why?" "He might be with him" "Ok" "No promises though"

Damian's pov

"Hey Damian" "Hmm?" "Don't you need to go home?" "Nope, why?" "The sun, it's rising"
"Oh I better get going see you later Wilkes" "Bye dami" I started to walk towards Todd's apartment where my stuff was at.

"Todd you here" I slipped through a window "Ya, in here" it was quite not like Todd at all "You o- why is you face red?" "Come here" "Umm" I slowly walked close to Todd "What are you doing?" "Sit"

I look to a chair and pushed some newspaper off it and sat down in it "So, what is it?" Todd pulled my chair closer "Todd what are you doing and let go of my shirt" "Beautiful eyes you have" "W-what?"

I could feel my face getting red "Your eyes I have never seen a beautiful eye color" ok scratch that my fave had to be red "t-thanks" "it's nothing really kitten" I'm pretty sure that my face was red

"T-Todd what are you playing at?" "It's Jason beautiful" "I know what your name is" "Then use it" "W-why?" I'm pretty sure that we are in Todd's room "Why are we in here?"

I get a chuckle and Todd kissed my cheek "W-wha?" "What don't like it when I kiss your cheek let me try here" next thing I know I'm laying on my back with Todd's tongue down my throat and I was fine with it.

~insert your own lemon with time skip to the next day~

"Hmm" I look at and find a sleeping Todd no Jason "Morning kitten" I look at Jason's face "Morning" "Easy when you sit up" I sat up slightly and stopped when pain flared up.

"You ok?" "Ya, I think so" "Lay back down and I will get food" "Ok" I did as I was told and laid down again to only fall asleep again.

"Dami, wake up" "Hmm" I opened my eyes to find Jason with a bowl "What is in the bowl?" "Your breakfast" "Oh, give me food" "Chill out or you will spill it" I calmed down when Jason gave me the bowl of food.

"Slow down Damian don't want you to choke" "Too late I ate all of it" I hear Jason sigh "you are going to be the death of me" "ok so" I sit up a bit "my pants" "where did you throw them" "no clue"

I look around the room I find them on a chair "Jason over there" "Where?" "Chair" I point to the chair that had my pants on it "How did you get them over there?" "No clue now get me my pants so I can take a shower I don't want to smell like this if someone comes in"

I get my pants thrown at my face "Go take a shower smell kid" "Two thing that one I'm not a kid second you need one too" "I'm used to smell like this" "Not when I'm here or I will have dick sing let it go right in your ear or anything that will want to kill him" "Hurry up so I can take one"

I hurry up and get my shower done and find Jason looking through the stuff we got me "Looking for something?" "Ya, I got something for you" "Oh. Can you get my shirt out?" "Which one?" "The black one and what did you get?" "Remember I said that I couldn't get something for your birthday"

I grab my shirt and slip it on "Ya" "I didn't buy one" "I know that" "Remember I left you so you could look at pants be yourself" "Ya, I thought you left so it wouldn't be weird" "Yup and I was getting your gift" "Oh, what did you get me?" I slowly moving closer but was pushed away when I got to close.

"Let me see" "Ok ok remember I took your height" "Yes" "Close your eyes" "Why?" "It's not wrapped du" "Fine" I close my eyes and hear Jason mess with something "Ok open" I open my eyes to find a cat onesie that looked like snowball.

"Happy late birthday" "Thanks Jason. I'm so not telling Grayson that you got me this" I took the onesie "You better not or he will think you drugged me" "Yup" I ran off to put the onesie on "What are you doing?" "Seeing if it fits" "Hurry up I have snowball"

I came out in the onesie and took snowball from Jason and put him on my head "I'm a kitty cat" "You look adorable dick would take a billion pictures of you in that and with snowball on your head" I feel my cheeks heat up a bit.

"Shut up" I watch Jason run around looking for something "What are you looking for?" "This" "That's your phone" "I know don't move" "What HEY" Jason ran out the door and I went to the window but only after I locked the door.

"Damian let me in or I will send it to dick" I cringed if dick got the picture he would come running and squeeze the life out of me "so you going to let me in or not" but if I let Jason in I could maybe force him to come back with me

"You do realize if you send it dick will take me back the Bruce" "I will go with" I smirked "Then send it I won't let you in" I watch Jason come up to the window and press his phone to the glass saying that the picture had been sent and dick was responding.

"Let me in" I hear the phone Bing and look at what Grayson said "Grayson said he is on his way here" "Let me in" "Nu" "Fine no hugs for you" "I have a dog I can get hugs from" "I hate you" "Love you too" I get up sit on the couch I cleaned off well I clean the whole place.

"LITTLE D LET ME IN AND HUG YOU" I hear Grayson bang on the boot I get up and go to the window and pull the hood down so he can't see the ears "Hi Grayson" "Open the door little d" "Kitten, open the door"

I blush and unlock the window and push it open "Yes"Let me in" "No" "Come on wear the hood part" "No" "Was your first word no?" "No clue and Jason can come in" "Yes" I move and Jason dived through the window then I shut and locked it.


Till next time waffles

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