The visit~5

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Cat: Ok a few things I want to say really quick I'm changing the time skip from 2 years to 5 years so justin is 4 and everyone is 5 years older so I might re-write the chapters with the old time skip and Justin's middle name is now Alex instead of peter

Damian: ok we get it cat now shut up and get on with the story

Cat: shut up Damian the story it starting

Jason: both you shut up or I'm taking Damian's cats and your wifi cat

Me and Damian: ...........

Jason: 😏 that's what I thought

Jason's pov

I slowly woke up to someone pushing me "dami five more minutes" "jaybird you need to get up and Damian is upstairs you need to help him pack the rest of his stuff so get up" "five minutes" "no now" I get pulled off the couch and face first onto the floor "owwww was that necessary" "yes it was now go help him pack" "fine"

As soon as stood up off the floor I felt something collide into my legs which made me look down at justin so was hugging my legs "what's wrong justin" "are you leaving us" "justin can you let go" justin let go and I picked him up "I would have to be dead to leave you guys come on let's go find your mom" "what have I told you two" "mommy"

I put justin down and he ran around looking for dick and Damian walked up to me and rested his head on my shoulder "did you finish packing your guys stuff" "ya and it's in your car" "ok hey Damian would you let me take justin to the manor for a visit" "I was actually going to ask you if we could pay a visit to settle there minds"

Someone hugged my legs so me and Damian looked and it was justin....again "are we really going to see the manor" "yup you get too meet uncle Timmy and gramps" "Jason" I got slap the back of my head "ok you are going to meet uncle Timmy, Alfred, and your grandfather" "there you go" "yay"

Justin started to run around and ran into dick "sorry uncle d" "it's fine justin but why are you running around" "we are going to the manor for the rest of the day" dick ran up and tried to pick up Damian he got Damian to be on the balls of his feet "why are you people so tall"

He dropped Damian "justin come on we are leaving" "coming mommy" me and dick we're trying not to burst out laughing "one of you laugh and you will regret it" we tried every more not to laugh till justin came back "is everyone ready to go" "yup" "ready" "I can't wait to see grandpa" "well lets get going"

Damian was about to leave but I grabbed his hand "what's wrong Jason" "can I talk to you alone" Damian's face changed from happy to worry "ya sure uh dick can you go help justin get in the car and watch him" "ya sure let's go Justin"

I watched them leave to turned back to Damian and took both of his hands "yes Jason" "I love you with all all my heart Damian" "I love you too Jason but what's wrong" I slipped the small box out of my back pocket with my right hand and get on my left knee so I had my right knee bent and was holding Damian's left hand

"J-Jason" "Damian will you marry me" "yes a thousand times yes" I slid the ring into Damian's right hand ring finger and got up from the floor and pulled Damian close who stood up on the balls of his feet and kissed me

"LOVE BIRDS LETS GO" Damian pulled away "we better get going or Grayson is going to come get us" "as cute as that was you two get out of my house so I can finally have my guest room back" "ok ok let's get going bye jo" Damian dragged me out of the house and pushed me to the driver side of the car then walked to the passenger side and got in

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