gone then found~3

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Damian's pov
I watch grayson pull at the window trying to get it open "let me guess airtight" "you know it kitten" "LET ME IN AND HUG YOU" "can you get my katana" "you better not be killing him" "I'm not......yet" I feel Jason poking me with the hilt of my katana "stop that" "then here"

I take my katana and take it out of it sheath and go to the window and open it with my katana pointed at Graysons neck "leave now Grayson" "let me get a hug and a reason why you are here in a cat onesie" "very well"

I backed away and lowered my katana "ok then" I watch Grayson clime in Jason comes up to me with the sheath I take it and put my katana in with that Jason kisses my cheek when Grayson was turned away from us

"It's clean" "ya Damian had to clean it or he was not staying here" "ok explain this" Grayson gesture to me and my bag "oh that well me and Bruce had a fight" "we all fight him" "no this one was different" "how so" "he slapped Damian and called him a piece of shit"

Grayson just gave us 'ya right' look "we not kidding I even have a picture of it" "when did you take a picture of my face" "when you passed out" "ok then let me see the picture" jason reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone then mess around on it then show the screen to grayson who just gasped and put his hands over his mouth "now do you believe us" "y-yes"

I walked over to the couch and jumped over the side with my face in a pillow "ok did you drug him" "no why" "he is acting weird this is not Damian Wayne" I felt my eyes water up

"Well let's go" "ya no he is not leaving" "yes he is" "he is staying here" "he is coming with me" they kept arguing about where I was going to stay I was never going back to the manor in my life

"What do you think Bruce will do if he goes back" "he won't hit him a second time" "and if he does hit him" "he won't" I turned my head and saw one of Jason's guns on the floor which was loaded

"He is staying here with me" "you can barely take care of yourself as it is" I grabbed the gun and pointed it to the ceiling we were on the top floor "I can and will take care of him" "no you won't" "yes I can"

I got up from the couch and dropped my head so I was looking at the floor with the gun in hand "you can't even take a shower without being told to take one" "at least I don't have to be told to calm down every five minutes"

I lifted the gun up over my head so I would shoot the ceiling "he is staying with me whether you like it or not" I pulled the trigger a couple times "I will choose who I will stay or go with" "very well choose"

This could go good or bad well it was stay here with Jason the love of my life or go back to the man who claims to love me but slaps me "I'm staying here, with Jason" "very well

I knew I wasn't going to stay here for a long time from my mother's doings along with Jason's and my doing to help out we watched Grayson leave with Jason's hand going up and down in front of my face

"Hey you ok?" "Ya, I'm fine why" "you were look off in space" "ok so" I started to walk in the direction of Jason's room "you sure that you're ok?" "I'm find jay jay" i shut the door and walk to the queen size bed and I lay right in the middle of it and pass out

Jason's pov

Something was wrong with my little kitten and I was going to find out what it was and soon "Damian can you open the door for me" I when didn't get a answer I slowly opened the door to find Damian fast asleep on my bed "Nap time it is" I walked in and cuddled up with Damian who was sound asleep

~time skip of 3 hours~

I slowly woke up without the warmth of Damian "Damian?" I got up and walked around my apartment "Damian" I looked for Damian's bag it was missing I was slowly getting hungry with my search for Damian I finally noticed that there was a note on the door I ripped it off the door

Jaydami: runaway {completed}Where stories live. Discover now