
By DeadDontLie

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In the supernatural world, the creatures are countless and they manifest among the living undetected. The mos... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 39

42 7 12
By DeadDontLie

General POV.

Mia slept under the influence of the extreme exhaustion. She and Harry leaned their backs against the wall next to Louis and she kept weeping on his shoulder until she fell asleep. Harry carried her lightly and quietly and rested her on the couch.

He stood next to Louis, both of them starring out the window.

"You didn't change much." Louis started a conversation.

"Neither have you." Harry smiled.

"Thank you, Louis. You're truly a loyal friend, I vow to always be there for you." Harry said sincerely after a few silent moments, facing Louis but the latter continued to look out the window.

"It's okay. Besides, I'm happy you got over Grace." Louis said, winking at Mia.

"Oh. No, I'm not over it." Harry said picking out the list, and showing it to Louis.

"Hang on a second...... You son of a bitch!" Louis exclaimed and Harry nodded, gazing back at the forest through the window.

"Does she know?" Louis asked.

"She will soon." Harry replied.

"Wow. You can really pull off an act." Louis said, still amazed.

"Yes. Thank you." Harry replied mindlessly.

"So, now that we're in Bradford, where's the city's guardian?" Louis asked trying to lighten up the mood.

"Dead." Harry said grimly. A brick expression on his face.

"Oh my God. Dear lord, I'm so sorry." Louis apologized.

"Thank you."

"I know you guys were close but excuse my bluntness, have you any idea who killed him?"

"Josh Harrison."

"What?! That's some messed up shit that happened. I really need to keep up." Louis said with a head shake.


"Please tell me you've given up your crazy plan." Louis pleaded.

"Come on, he just killed Zayn, you know me better than that." Harry indicated a no.

"Harry, what if somebody found out?" Louis tried to persuade him.

"I'm a Gamer, Louis. I have tons of backup plans." Harry smirked, cockily.

"Right. You keep feeding us this crap, you shit mastermind." Louis snickered.

"I-I'm alive. I'm not breathing." David appeared in the hallway, inspecting his hands.

"David?" Harry didn't know how to express the relief.

David's head snapped up at his name and he murmured something, twisting his neck and revealing the remarkable bite that covered his neck in blood.

"You!" David shouted, pointing at Harry.

He took large vengeful steps forward, his eyes dangerous and his face fuming. He forcefully wrapped his fingers around Harry's neck, slamming the back of his head to the window as he pinned him.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!" He said, slamming Harry's head one more time and the glass behind Harry's head cracked, a little blood dripping from the crack.

"HeyHeyHey! He saved your life that's what." Louis interfered.

"Dave?" Mia had been awake but too stunned to speak and now she finally found her voice.

"Mia." David released Harry, swirling around.

Mia had her hand covering her mouth, a couple of tears running down her face. She looked at Harry with concern and as soon as she spoke David's name, he sprinted towards her and attacked her in a hug.

"Oh my God! You're okay." He said through her hair. Meanwhile, Louis was checking on Harry who dismissed him and fixed the glass in a snap of his fingers.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?" David turned to Harry as soon as he pulled away from Mia.

"I did. And hello to you too, my name is Louis Tomlinson." Louis said.

"What happened?" David still talked to Harry, who was rubbing his neck.

"After I called you, Justin eliminated me from the field and Mia was all alone with her gun. So under the influence of many uninviting Justin mirages, Mia accidentally shot you when you arrived to her." Harry narrated.

"I'm so sorry." Mia wept.

"And?" David asked.

"And it was a bullet in the chest you ass, if Harry hadn't contacted me you would've been dead." Louis said.

"And what? Now I'm alive?" David rhetorically asked.

"David, why are you giving us such a hard time?" Mia asked gently, stepping close.

"Um, I don't know? Maybe because you decided for me to live eternally?" David said sarcastically.

"Would you just get over it, little lad?" Louis said disrespectfully."Now we need to figure out what you are." He continued.

"What I am?" David repeated.

"Yeah I JUST said that..... Mia cut your arm please." Louis said.

"WowWowWow! Excuse you mister!" David said, defending his friend.

"This is for you, foolish. Don't you think a two thousands year old vampire can resist a little girl on her period?" Louis said scornfully, David and Mia just looking surprisingly at each other and Harry.

"Is he always like that? Or is it a bad day?" David asked Harry.

"Not everyone is as polite as Harry. Now would you cut your hand Mia?" Louis demanded, cutting through quickly.

"Louis, take it easy." Harry said.

"Do we really have to do this? Within 3 days The Mentor would give him his task and we'll know what he is." Harry reasoned.

"Well, guaranteed you're going to watch him 24/7 and stop creatures from recruiting him?" Louis raised his eyebrows and Harry sighed, grabbing a small kitchen knife and a napkin and walked to Mia.

"Here, look at me. It's not going to hurt." Harry said as he approached her.

Mia nodded and closed her eyes as the blade touched her arm. "Look into my eyes." Harry assured and she obliged, embracing the shimmering green emeralds as they radiated support. She barely felt anything, just a sting.

"Okay, Romeo I do not intend to disrupt this romantic moment, but we have 19 other possibilities so Drake, do you feel anything? Lust? Hunger?" Louis said and they all anticipated David's reaction.

"Disgust, Lewis." David backfired.

"Okay scratch vamp." Louis said and Harry tied the napkin around Mia's wound.

"Can you hear heartbeats?" Louis asked David.

"Um, no."

"Do you smell anything sharply?"

"Do you hear the neighbour's conversation at the moment?"


"Scratch werewolf." Louis said and thought for a while.

"Okay, let's limit our options here. You ought to become the creature most parallel to your personality. Any characteristics you'd like to share? Mia, Harry thoughts?" Louis asked them.

"He's protective." Mia said.

"Okay, we need something only keepers do."

"Shields." Harry replied.

"What do you mean shields?" David asked.

"It's never going to work this way." Harry said, his eyebrows furrowed in thought.

"David. Fight back." Harry said, taking off his coat.

"We better get out of the way, my lady." Louis took Mia's arm, wiggling his eyebrows and heading to the bedroom.

"Fight back?" David took a few steps away from Harry.

"Focus all your energy on countering and hurting me, ready?"

"Okay....." David said unsure.

"Oh and don't get too surprised. Expect high standards."

"I have a bad feeling about this." David said as Harry's fists rose to his face, similar to a boxing position except there was this electronic pumping sound.

Slowly, both fists started illuminating and streaks of actual electricity started forming.

"What the hell?" David's eyes widened and he backed away, hitting the wall.

Harry's fists by now were connected by those streaks of electricity and in one forceful push. He aimed the bolt of electricity towards David and David, caught off guard, just ducked getting out of its way. Then gaping at the big black mark it caused on the wall.

"What are you doing? I can't do this! Why can't we just wait!" David said, shaking his hand and head.

"FIGHT BACK!" It was the first time David had actually heard Harry shout and God, it was scary.

"No, I can't! I'm gonna ........die." David trailed off as his eyes landed on Harry's fists for the second time. Only this time they're lit in flames.

"Stop that! Right now!" David commanded, his panic and fear overpowering him as Harry created this ball of flames and smirked behind it.

"Don't do it." David warned as if he was anything but helpless at the moment.

"Focus all your energy on defending yourself. On distinguishing this fire by any means." Harry encouraged, neglecting him and the fireball flew towards David ready to devour his face in angry flames and David thrusted his arms over his face for protection.

He closed his eyes and tried to envision this ball of flames put out, disappeared or hitting another target. Anything but himself.

With his eyes closed, he could sense light emerging from the right and heat climbing up from his knees to his face occurring with the scent of burnt leather.

He opened his eyes and screamed, his couch was on fire and Harry had that supportive smile on his face.

"WE'RE GOING TO DIE!" David screamed, taking off his jacket and trying to put out the fire.

"You tossed it away." Harry said proudly.

"Are you a maniac? We're going to die!" David panted from the fire and Harry mindlessly snapped his fingers, wiping everything clean.

"Please tell me I could do that." David said.

"You can but first I need you to be able to defend yourself. Louis is right. I can't be here all the time and if somebody sensed you're a newly bit free creature they will manipulate you. So I need you to defend yourself in those 3 days, okay? Until Isabelle gives you the task." Harry said and David nodded, leaving his jacket on the couch.

"Bring it on." He gestured it with a challenging smile that Harry returned a smirk.

His raised his palms, behind him all the cutlery in the house, clean and dirty, were hanged in the air in neat rows facing the ceiling.

David hoped the next move isn't what he presumed it was. But besides murmuring 'holy shit' he took it calmly.

Confirming his speculations, indeed as Harry directed his hands towards David, all the cutlrey's pointy edges faced David and with a snap of his fingers they flew straight at him.

David closed his eyes and just when the knife's edge was about to cut him, he faded. Teleporting elsewhere, leaving them hit the wall.

"What a progress?" Harry exclaimed.

"YES! I FUCKING DISAPPEARED! OH MY GOD!" David jumped in excitement, his voice coming from behind Harry.

"Okay so now you showed me two basic abilities. I need at least five more to guarantee your survival in a small fight."

"Small fight?" David raised his eyebrows.

"Yeah, you really think you can survive a real fight? Just tell me whenever you're in trouble and until I come, defend yourself." Harry said.

"Tell you? What if there was no signal?" David wondered.

"David, we don't need phones." Harry said irritatingly.

"What do you mean?"

"Telepathy." Harry ironically, replied to him telepathetically and David flinched.

"How can I do that?"

"Feel the urgency to tell me something, nobody else needs to know." Harry shrugged.

David shut his eyes tightly, and remained flexed for a while then he opened his eyes, his face lighting up.

"Huh? Did you hear me?" David asked excitedly.

"" Harry replied and David's shoulders sank back.

"It's okay, try again." Harry encouraged and David nodded, repeating his actions.

He tried and failed, six more times and finally at the seventh trial, Harry was able to hear the words broadcasting in his head and through his ears.

"Hello, Harry." Was that sentence.

"Hello to you too." Harry replied normally not telepathetically.

"Thank God." David sighed in relief.

"The best way I can evoke abilities out of you, is by putting you under pressure. I'm not going to tell you don't worry, because I need you to." Harry said, grabbing a blade from his coat.

"Harry, what are you doing?" David asked, backing away.

"This is made of cursed steel, child's blood, bones of a nephilim and Gamer's venom. By far, the most lethal blade created." Harry explained as he slowly and tauntingly walked towards David.

"C'mon, man. You can't do this." David said as Harry cornered him to the wall and stabbed the blade where his face was, but David dodged it.

The blade was stuck to the wall, Harry pulled it out forcefully and returned to David, who was frozen in place, his face pale and his chest rising and falling rapidly.

Harry dove forward with his right hand that gripped the knife, it was straight to David's neck and the latter in response, backed away a little and held Harry's stretched arm and forcefully pushed it to the wall. He repeated the action in order to make Harry drop the blade. Indeed, it worked only Harry caught the blade with his free hand and aimed for David's neck again.

He stroke confidentally, but stopped midway. David had his full gaze at Harry's hand and thus it started to shake and the knife's handle reddened.

Harry gave it a glance, hissing in pain as he dropped the blade.

"Heat manipulation. Good one." Harry said, holding his now red puffy hand.

"Too bad it won't stop you, will it?" David said.

"That's right." Harry smiled, extending his healthy hand to the blade commanding it to fly to his grip.

He dashed forward to David again and the latter firmly gripped his hand and twisted it. Then realizing there's another free arm, he held it as well. Pinning Harry's both arms behind his back and finally getting ahold of him.

In response, Harry kicked him in the knee, causing him to fall on his knees as he broke free.

Harry stood in front of David, looking down at him as he knelt. He tightened his grip on the blade and pushed David to the ground, flattening him to the floor and diving over him, pinning one of his arms and aiming at his heart.

"NOO!" David shouted, bringing the free arm over his face as to not see his own death.

But surprisingly, it never came. Not a single ounce of pain he felt so he withdrew his arm, allowing his vision.

Harry was frozen. His eyes perfectly still on his target, never blinking. His mouth pressed in a tight line. His expression hard and his eyebrows furrowed. His arm was unmoving, hung in the air, the blade fixed in his tall fingers. His other hand still pinning David's arm.

"Harry?" David asked unsure whether he should panic or thank the lord. Harry remained still, not a single feature in his face changing.

David finally decided to snap out of it and do something. He took the blade from Harry's hand,which strangely allowed it and stayed untamed. And carefully, lifted his grip from over his other arm and left it on the floor.

Then with some miracle, he dragged himself from beneath Harry's body leaving him on his knees, with his palm on the floor and the other ready to strike the floor.

David stood up, baffled at what to do next. All he wanted to do is figure out what the hell happened. So he listed a few assumptions in his head and time-freezing topped them.

He glanced at the click on the wall to get confirmation and indeed it was still. That or its battery died.

"See what I did there!" David bragged, shouting proudly at Harry's frozen figure.

He laughed victoriously, playing with the blade in his hands. "Most lethal blade, you say?" David smirking, tempted to stab Harry multiple times in the back.

"Okay, it's no longer fun." David said, snapping his fingers and watching Harry's fist hit the floor in satisfaction.

Harry's features were preplexed and it took him very few moments to regain his composure, standing up and swirling around.

He smiled when his eyes rested on David as he held his blade.

"I was so tempted." David said, giving the blade to Harry.

"Keep it if you'd like. It's just a silver knife." Harry shrugged.

"Of course you lied." David smiled, rolling his eyes.

"You froze time, huh?" Harry asked and David nodded eagerly.

"Only one creature perfects this ability-" Harry started but Louis interrupted, barging in the living room.

"Harry, it's Ed." He had the tragic look on his face.

Harry, caught off guard, didn't understand at first and then his enemy's warning flooded in his brain.

Ignoring David's questions, he grabbed his coat and without even wearing it, he teleported to Ed's place.

Blood, blood everywhere. Pooling on the floor, splattered on the walls. On his desk, his chair and papers.

Harry didn't know where to put his eyes, until they landed on his feet and he noticed the traces of blood. Footprints coming his way, more like Josh walking out. So Harry walked against them, knowing they'd lead him to his friend's body.

"No." Harry frowned, kneeling down beside Ed's body.

He couldn't bear his gaze for long. His eyes wide open and blood all over his face and body. He couldn't even stare long enough to identify the cause of death.

But is it worth it? His friend's lives for of the The Key's information.


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