Unbearable | Jeon Jungkook

By adlerskiyo

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Falling in love isn't always about butterflies, rainbows, flowers and smiles. As Park Hyori realizes that she... More



111 10 10
By adlerskiyo

Unexpected Events

"Thank you for the snack," I held the paper bag against my chest. "Drive safely."

"Yeah," Jungkook nodded before he glanced away. "And we should hang out more. We couldn't really spend time the previous months so let's catch up."

My heart fluttered. Biting my lower lip, I tried to stop my smile from growing wider. "Uh, okay. That would be nice."

I waved him goodbye before he made his way to his car, throwing me his signature smirk once again before driving away. I quietly walked inside the house only to find the maids setting the table and preparing the food.

"Hyomin," I caught sight of my little sister who was sitting on the couch quietly with her coloring book was on her lap. "Where's Eomma and Appa? Are they home yet?"

She turned to look at me for a minute before she gave me a curt nod. "They just arrived, Unnie."

"Okay..." I said, scanning my eyes up and down her face again. Hyomin and I aren't similar in anything. Although we both have porcelain skin, none of our features seem to look alike.

At dinner, I announced at the table that I was going to join the elimination round for the Lion's Sketch. My parents were looking forward to it - since they both saw my passion towards drawing and anything else that has something to do with arts. For some reason I was much happier during dinner, I couldn't help but smile every time I speak and laugh whenever someone makes a joke - regardless of how funny or not it may sound.

I knew Eomma sensed my extremely good mood, causing her to ask me what happened earlier today. In response, I just told her that I'm completely overwhelmed by the fact that I'm joining the elimination round. Well, that's partly true - Eunhye and Jimin did make me happy when they said I can join and sign up. I was reluctant, yes, but that's because I lacked confidence. I don't believe much in my abilities but I'd love to participate in such a great contest.

However, I'm completely aware that it's not just the Lion's Sketch. I'm smiling for different reasons. I never knew I can feel giddy and happy inside like this just because of a simple 60-minute hang out with Jungkook.

Even just for this day, I refused to think of the what ifs and consequences. Just this once, I wanted to be greedy. For the first time, I borrowed him from his girlfriend; I became selfish. There is a tinge of guilt within my system but I know that at the end of the day, we are only acquaintances. And to me, that's enough. I won't ask for something I know I can never have.

Yes, maybe there really is a part of me that doesn't want them to be together, but I can compromise. A part of me also says that they're for each other - and that's the side I'm going to favor.

There's nothing more important than family, for them I can sacrifice little things like infatuation.

When I came upstairs to rest, I decided to open the storage room before sleeping.

Opening the lights, I saw my works - the paintings I worked hard for, the canvas covered with various colors of paint. They were all hanging up the wall, some were vertically on the ground. My art kits were on the floor as well; they were a bit dirty since there were traces of paint on them and over all, they were dusty.

The only materials you could see inside the room would be my paintings, brushes, watercolors, pencils, and markers. A few writing tools were scattered on the ground. The room was a bit messy but I didn't mind; I kept my eyes on the paintings on the walls, smiling to myself.

I haven't been painting in a while. I've been so caught up with school, with Eunhye, with Jungkook that I'm losing time to do the thing I loved the most since I was a child. Arts became a big part of my life. Maybe that's why I love make up and clothes too - I like exploring, discovering what colors blend well, and for me putting make up and trying on outfits can be considered art, too.

I took a glance at my paintings once again before heading to the door, shutting it before walking to my room to sleep.

"You can do it!" Eunhye grinned, cheering on me before pushing me inside the room. "We'll see you at class! Fighting!" She added before completely leaving.

I sighed. It's currently lunch time and it just so happens that the Art Elimination Round is held at the same hour. It's not much of problem though, I somehow managed to eat a regular sized burger before coming in here - so I guess I saved myself from starvation.

Breathing in, I turned my head and scanned the surroundings. I spotted several competitors, all of them were scattered around the room. We're inside a vacant class room but instead of arm chairs, we had long tables to give us better access to draw and construct better portraits. There was still no proctor. Quietly, I headed to a vacant spot and spread my materials on the table.

"Good afternoon," my heart beat turned haste as my ears reached that professional tone. "My name is Han Dong-woo. I will be your proctor for today."

A man looking at his mid-thirties stood in front in a button down white shirt and ordinary dark slacks. He wore glasses and had some papers on his hands; he wasn't one of my teachers and that fact scared me - I'm not familiar with him and I'm growing more nervous than ever.

"As you all know, Seoul High School is participating in Lion's Sketch, the biggest Art competition. We're going to send out a pair to compete and we already have one, his name is Park Jimin." Mr. Han started, scanning our faces. I'm sure everyone here knows Jimin - we're all girls, who wouldn't be familiar with him? "And through this elimination round, we will pick three winners but only the person who gets first place will join Mr. Park in the contest. The second and third placer will only receive additional points in their Arts subject."

The room was airconditioned but I could feel how sweaty my hands are by now. I breathed in, trying to calm myself. I hate that I have so little confidence in myself.

"So let's start," the proctor cleared his throat. "The theme is to draw your problem on that paper. Think about what's bothering you lately and put it in your canvas. Make it alive. Make it as creative as you want."

I furrowed my eyebrows as I let his words sink in to my head. My problem? Draw my problem? What kind of theme is this?

"You have two hours to complete your art work." He brought out a glass hour. "Timer starts now!" He then flipped the timer before setting it down on the nearest table.

The first thing I did was to tie my hair up to be able to work better. I took off my blazer and glanced at the other girls - everyone was working efficiently; they all seemed calm and confident.

I grabbed one of my pencils, shaking my hands first to prevent them from trembling too much. When I finally got a hold of myself, I carefully and neatly drew the first few lines. Draw my problem? Make it alive? What should I draw, then?

I couldn't afford to waste my time thinking so I immediately drew the first thing that crossed my mind. I can do this. I should be confident. I should trust my abilities.

With each line I constructed, I focused more and engrossed myself in the portrait. I will give this my best shot. I wouldn't try to think of the prices, I'll just enjoy all of these for now.

"Sixty minutes left."

I pressed my lips together as I painted the canvas. I was halfway done and I'll use the remaining time to let it dry and add a few shading.

My hands had traces of paint on them and sweat started trickling down my temple. The airconditioner isn't helping at all.

I heard the door creaking open but I didn't waste any time checking who went inside. I kept my eyes on my art work and finished painting the bottom part of the portrait carefully.

"Thirty minutes left!"

I started shading some dried parts of the painting with a use of oil pastels. The lower section was still a bit wet and I was nervous that it won't dry quickly. I cursed under my breath as I shake my hands again, preventing them from trembling.

"Ten minutes left."

I released a heavy breath when I gently dabbed a finger on the bottom part and felt that it was already dry. As quick as I could, I shaded some important parts as well to create a better effect.

"Five... four... three... two... one. Time's up!"

I let go of the paint brush and sat on a chair. I managed to finish it and that alone makes me happy. However, I'm not entirely sure if I can make it as the winner.

Just then, I lifted my head to look in front, only to see Jimin beside Mr. Han. Our eyes met and he smiled sweetly at me. I suddenly got conscious and grabbed the handkerchief from the pocket of my blazer, wiping them on my face if ever I have traces of paint on my cheeks.

"I, together with a two more faculty members will serve as the judges. We will post the winners on the bulletin board later. Expect to see the announcement after dismissal. Good work, you may now return to your respective classrooms." Mr. Han said, gesturing to the door.

I didn't dare to spare Jimin one more glance. I'm a mess, where will I get the audacity to do that?

Before returning to class, I went to the girls' washroom to clean my face. When I looked at the mirror, I scowled - I was right, I had paint on my face, much to my embarrassment. I hurriedly opened the faucet and cupped my hands, letting the water fall into my hands before splashing it to my face.

I rubbed my cheeks until the dried paint was gone, drying them afterwards with my handkerchief. Unfortunately, I don't have my bag with me, so I couldn't re-touch my make up.

"Can you give this to him, too? Please?" Ever since this morning, Eunhye has been bombarding me with non-stop questions about Jungkook and she still isn't giving it up. "And did he really say 'thanks'?"

I sighed. "Yes, yes he did, Eunhye. He said thank you for the sweets." I nodded before grabbing the paper bag in her hands. Once again, it's dismissal and she's asking me to head to Seiho.

Eunhye grinned, her cheeks turning red. "Thank you, Hyo! I promise to help you with Jimin!" She jumped happily before hugging me in delight.

I smiled, "It's no problem..."

"How was the elimination, by the way?" She asked, releasing me from her strong grip.

"Well... Mr. Han said they'll post the winners in the announcement board."

"Let's check it out!" Eunhye excitedly grabbed my arm and Soobin's (who was quiet as ever) towards the bulletin board.

As expected, there were a lot of students who were checking the announcement. However, most of them made way when they saw Eunhye approaching, with Soobin and I trailing behind.

The three of us made it to the front and immediately saw the paper containing the names of the three winners.

"Oh my god, congrats!" Eunhye slung an arm around me. "You're amazing!"

I won second place.

I smiled.

Even if I admit it or not, I wanted to be first place. I wanted to compete in the Lion's Sketch. However, I'm in content with the results. I did my best.

I'm happy. I'm grateful that I won.

I looked over my shoulder and caught a familiar pair of eyes. Jimin showed me a thumbs up.

Soobin went home with her twin brothers as usual and Eunhye's driver picked her up. She told me she had a lot of things to do, considering she's an admin in the club she joined.

And I, of course, gave in once again to Eunhye's request to visit Seiho. And just like the previous time, I left my school bag inside the car and asked my driver to go home.

When the school guard noticed me walking through the wide pathway, he looked at me questioningly, "You again?" He glanced down and stopped on the paper bag in my hands. "Another one for Jeon Jungkook?"

I shyly nodded.

"Not to probe or anything, but are you in a relationship with him?"

At this point, I shook my head, hoping that he wouldn't notice the pink blush on my cheeks. He's the second person who assumed that - Nana being the first one. "This is just a gift."

"Somehow I have this feeling that I'll see you here everyday." He shook his head. "Anyway, are you going to wait for him or leave it again?"

"What time does he usually come out?"

"Workshops usually finish an hour after their dismissal. He'll come out at five, maybe."

I nodded in acknowledgement. I'll wait for him. I'm not expecting another 'snack' with him but... I want to see him today.

I headed to the waiting shed by the side - noticing that there was someone who was also sitting in the bench, fixing his shoe laces. He was wearing the Seiho gym uniform.

I sat next to him - but there was a decent space between us, of course. I placed the paper bag beside me. I caught him sparing me one secret glance, probably because of my different uniform and school crest. Of course, why would a Seoul High School girl be inside Seiho?

He stayed beside me for at least twenty minutes, fixing his gym bag and browsing his phone. He probably has practice, why is he not leaving yet?

I feel awkward around him but I breathed out when he finally stood up and left. I saw him walking towards the inside of the school - and geez, the school guard was sleeping. Is he allowed to do that while the school is still open? I shook my head.

I was tapping my foot against the ground impatiently, when suddenly my eyes dropped on the square-shaped leather wallet just beside my foot. I picked it up, opening and seeing a photo inside it - the picture of the boy earlier.

Hurriedly, I grabbed the paperbag and stood up. I walked to the entrance.

I could leave the wallet here... but I actually want to go inside for a look. I want to see Jungkook practicing his dancing or singing. Since when did I become like this? Is probing becoming my hobby now?

Carefully and as silent as possible, I walked forward and made it inside. My eyes widened. The walls were either light grey or white. Everything seemed neat and well ordered. The school was very clean and was simply pleasant to the eye.

There were no students outside. All the rooms were closed and I assumed everyone was in their workshops. I held the wallet tightly as I began to march, hoping I'd actually see that guy earlier.

My first attempt was to go to the gymnasium. Unfortunately, I still had to find it so I just decided to stroll randomly, wishing I would see it - somehow.

I stopped on my tracks when I heard acoustic music playing; it sounded very sweet, balanced, and calm that I was tempted to find where it came from. Quietly, I peeked through the small glass windows on top of the doors. My breathing hitched when I saw a group of girls and boys in one room, dancing beautifully as the music played.

Jungkook was there, dancing gracefully. He was in his uniform, minus his school tie and the first two buttons of his button up shirt was undone, giving me a perfect view of his collarbones. I blushed.

This was my first time seeing him dancing that I had to suck in a breathe everytime he moved. He had perfect reflexes, timing, grace, and he had an emotion in his eyes that I couldn't decipher. Still, I could tell he was immersed with the music.

I was still gawking over Jungkook through the glass when somebody from behind spoke, sending chills down my spine.

"Maroon checkered skirt, dark brown blazer - you're from Seoul High, I can tell," the deep voice said and I gulped. Oh crap. I shut my eyes for a second and felt my heart momentarily stopping when he grabbed my arm, forcing me to turn around. And when I did, I saw his blank face staring down at me.

"I was right. You have the Seoul High crest." He nodded. I glanced beside him and saw another boy, shorter than him but still taller than me. He had an unusual hair color - mint green.

Before I could explain, the taller one grabbed my wrist and dragged me away. "You're trespassing, Miss."

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