Friendship that blossomed int...

By Lucinda_love39

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This is the sequel to the bonds of a genuine friendship, but this is PG 13 more characters are added also Ko... More

Friendship that blossomed into true love (A Josh Hutcherson love story)
Chapter 11 still at their interview on enews.
Chapter 12 The promise.
Chapter 13 their first time .
Chapter 14 the next morning Josh P.O.V.
Chapter 15 Koretta and Amelia's first meeting.
The return of Josh and Koretta doctor's appointment.chappie 16.
Author's Note Important read before please!!"
CHAPTER 18 Koretta's next appointment with Dr Shaw.
Chapter 19 the unexpected phonecall.
Chapter 20 (getting ready for the double date with Ben and Amelia)
Chapter 21 ( on the date)
Chapter 22 ( the tragic accident of young actor Conner Hutcherson!!)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (Koretta's P.o.v.)
Chapter 25 (Koretta and her mom's convo)
Chapter 26 (Josh reaction)
Chapter 27 (later that night and next morning)
Chappie 28 (Josh wedding proposal and Zendaya's P.o.V.)
Chapter 29 (both Michelle's and Conner discharge and Conner P.O.V.)
Chapter 30 Connor's P.o.v. and his his gift for Zendaya.
CHAPTER 31(still Connor p.o.v On my way home and Koretta and Josh text convo)
Chapter 32( five months later and Koretta getting contraction pains)
Chapter 33( K and J old school friend maddison Gates p.o.v.& the hospital)
Chapter 34( One week later and Koretta's and the twins discharge)
Chapter 35 ( Zendaya babysits London and Paris while K&J on their date))
Chapter 36( The wedding Invitations and Bridal shopping)
Chapter 37 (Koretta's Father and family visit from barbados and P.O.V.)
Chapter 38 ( Jason's P.O.V. and Katherine and Koretta visit to bridal store)
Title: Chapter 39 (Koretta Hen night and Josh stag do and Elena's P.o.v)
Chapter 40 Koretta and Josh Wedding day!!:)
Chapter 41 ( Wedding Reception(aka)the after party
Chapter 43 (EPILOGUE(AKA) THE END OF My Sequel.!!!! :(

Chapter 17 Josh Arrival and Koretta hidden talents.

1.6K 6 0
By Lucinda_love39

Chapter 17

/Josh P.o.v./

now  my private  jet  was  over the field of the baseball stadium  back in cali where we arranged for it to land  then Colin my chauffer  would take me back home to my house cause i'm really missing Koretta and i'll just go straight to Koretta's place cause i've got a surprise for her too.

The end Josh P.o.v.

my private jet has landed now   so i got out of it  and outside  it  Colin  was waiting for me  with  the limo  to take me home  so i  got in the limo  i  closed the door  then he drove me back home just in ten minutes we were home sweet home  so it was home sweet home again for me i was so happy and excited knowing that i would  be seeing my beautiful girlfriend Koretta again  so i just went straight to her place i rang the door bell  her mom Patrice opened the door to me  but she did'nt look like she wanted to see my face again  but she just gave me a fake smile  "hello Josh come on in  Koretta is upstairs in her bedroom" she greeted me and told me  "hello mrs Desilva  and thanks for the info " i greeted her and told her

i run up the stairs  and soon i was in Koretta's bedroom  she was on her laptop  doing  a video call with  someone  she sounded  really happy  but i really wanted her to see me now so i was about to step over to where her laptop desk was when  she said something that shocked!! me really hard

"but no one is not going to signed me  when i look  like a elephant the biggest land animal " so why bother to practice  for?" well yeh i know that i've always wanted to be  a singer  since the age of  three cause i remember  when me and Josh  as in Josh Hutcherson  my boyfriend  now  we used to be bffl but we upgraded " always have singing competitions but i would win him all the time"  she told the person talking to her

i  wanted her to see me now so i took my chance  and walk over to her desk and before she could see me i cover  her eyes "guess who Koretta "?"  JOSH!!" she shouted while she gave me a very huge hug we slowly pull away  "i missed you so much Josh " she said  " well i missed you too and i said that i would stay in touch with you by text messages and phonecalls but i was too busy  but i'm really  sorry for not letting you know what was what " i said sadly "   thats ok  Josh " she said  but  the thing is i  went to see  dr Shaw  today  Josh  cause i've been sick  all day yesterday   and  i  threw up also 

i told him everything that happen yesterday and he ran a pregnancy test  aswell and the results came out  positive  so when i came home from the hospital i told your parents the news and they were thrill to become nan and grandad and one more thing dr shaw cut down the dose of my  medication   and  dr shaw said that you have to come with me on my next appoiintment  ok " Koretta  said  i was shocked! and surprised !! to what Koretta said  that was great  i  could just imagine how its gonna be having my first born at age 19   now i was so happy that  Koretta was  pregnant  it was great news    she went back to her laptop   "sorry about that long wait Justin "   "thats ok Koretta  thats how every loving couple is  "said Justin as in Bieber  yes thats the one   where  can we meet  then  tomorrow ?"  she  ask   "lets meet at the empty hall near to the pier  downtown and i wanna hear you sing too so i'll bring another singer with me  more experienced in the singing industry ok so lets  say 12 noon tomorrow ok"  " ok then see you tomorrow 12noon bye "  she  told him " cya Koretta bye "     he said.

/ video call was over now /


now that mine  and Justin  video call was over   and Josh was still here too i went in  my walk in closet and look for my  favourite instrument  that my dad bought me  for my fifth birthday    i took it out of its hiding place and thats my red and black  guitar   i took it out of the case  and sat down beside Josh and sing and play  Taylor Swift jar of hearts  after i was finish singing and playing  "you are great!! Koretta" Josh said very shock! " and before i forget here is a surprise for you  " he said  and presented me with a  large square box  that was sitting outside my room door  "thanks so much Josh  although i don't know what it is yet"  i  said tearing through the gift wrapping paper  and i opened up the huge box  and it was  a beautiful very fancy white silk dress with sequences it was strapless too with  a deep split at the side  go down  it came with  the shawl  that  is worn  over your shoulders  it was amazing ,fantastic,great  "Josh!" i shouted this is amazing!  and started kissing him  it turn out into a make out session but no further than just a make out session though   after  we were finished   Josh went home  and i went and took a shower   soon i was finish i brush my teeth came out went back to my bedroom and got dress    i was starting to worry about  Amelia what if she's sick  and and what if  Jason kill her all those thoughts were going through my mind but i had to push them aside.

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