It's Just Acting

By Lexy_VLover

5.4K 229 172

❝could we pretend that we're in love? i'm sorry but i fell in love tonight.❞ Leon Vargas is loved by everybod... More

One : In Which He Is In Her House
Two : In Which She Calls Him An Arse
Three In Which He Says She's Conceited
Four : In Which She Slaps Him
Five : In Which He Has A Stone Cold Heart
Six In Which She Goes On A Date
Seven In Which He Sees A Rabbit On A Bicycle
Eight In Which She Faces Awkward Moments
Nine In Which He Is The Reason For Her Popularity
Ten In Which She Isn't Herself
Eleven In Which He Sees The Shore To His Beach
Twelve In Which She Plays Hide And Seek In A Closet
Thirteen In Which He Almost Punches Somebody
Fifteen In Which He Ruins Everything
Sixteen In Which He Revisits His Demons
Seventeen In Which She Meets The Fluffhead
Eighteen In Which He Bruises His Knuckles
Nineteen In Which She Kisses Without A Script
Twenty In Which He Ends Whatever They Had
Twenty One In Which She Is Sure Of Only A Few Things
Twenty Two In Which He Bends A Spoon
Twenty Three In Which She Doesn't Watch Her Step
Twenty Four In Which She Plays Matchmaker
Twenty Six In Which He Is Off The Figurative Hook
Twenty Six In Which She Decides It Is Time
Twenty Seven In Which He Ends It
Epilogue I
Epilogue 2

Fourteen In Which She Feels Like A Cliche

145 4 2
By Lexy_VLover

FRANCESCA SPOTTED CAIO throwing rocks into the water.

He threw them quite harshly, which actually made Francesca laugh. Caio turned to look at the noise, and a smile graced his face when he saw the girl. She was his only friend that he had made, Violetta was merely an acquaintance whereas he thought of Francesca as an actual friend.

When you hide in a closet together, it really brings you closer.

"The objective is to throw it lightly so it bounces," Francesca says pointedly. He shakes his head, his long black hair falling on his face.

"Not what I'm doing," He tells her.

"I thought you were walking with your boyfriend?" Caio says and Francesca chokes.

"Diego isn't my boyfriend," Francesca dismisses, before hastily adding, "Leon is!"

"Leon? The Jorge actor?" Caio asks, and Francesca nods, a fake wide smile plastered on her face.

"You two look good together," Caio comments.

Oh, you're not the only one who thinks that, Francesca thought.

Even though she hated to admit it, Francesca and Leon dating had brought Leon and the movie a lot of publicity. Many people had been wondering who she was, and if she was going to be in the Violetta movie.

All her classmates never gave her the time of day. She had complained in class countless times about being disturbed, and they would leave her for about five seconds before whispering in her ear again.

"So about that walk?" Francesca asks cheerfully after a moment of comfortable silence.

"Of course," Caio dusts his hands on his cream shorts.

He peels hair from his face, fighting against the wind. He holds out his hand and Francesca gladly takes it. After helping her over the rock, he dropped her hand almost instantly.

Boys, Francesca inwardly rolls her eyes.

She didn't know what it was today, but boys were being especially idiotic. She started asking Caio questions, to start a flowing conversation. He explained all the movies he'd done, and the awards as well as nominations, and Francesca had to admit that he was impressive.

And she thought Leon was the biggest star.

Leon was publicised a lot more than Caio, and loved by a lot more girls. It wasn't that Ciao wasn't attractive, on the contrary Francesca found him extremely handsome and was truthfully a little disappointed that she in a relationship, and couldn't make a move.

"And you? What's your life?" Caio asks her.

"Nothing compared to yours, I'm quite a boring person," Francesca shrugs.

"Just because you're not an actress doesn't make you boring," He winks, and she smiles slightly.

"Well, if you must know, I go to school five days a week. And during the weekends I'm at the set. My life isn't as exciting as a pop star of course. Must be pretty amazing," Francesca says and he shakes his head.

Francesca tilted her in intrigued. Leon had never really told her what it was like to be in showbiz, and as popular as he was. Well, she never asked. It hadn't occurred to her that it anything less than amazing.

Having girls fawn over you, knowing that you were one of those people who were hung up on walls—in a totally non-creepy way. Making millions every movie. He was a teen sensation, she had never thought there any cons.

"Sometimes it's not all the glamour that it is shown on the tabloids. You still have to audition, you still get nervous. Sometimes I hate being in movies. Because I know that as soon as I'm on the screen I'm being judged. My clothes, my hair, the way I speak, what I do. You're just judged," Caio takes a breath, waiting for Francesca to say something.

She doesn't.

"It's not always rainbows and fairies. Sometimes I just want to be like you. I don't have to be judged as much. Nobody really understands just how hard it is to get behind the camera, knowing that you could be doing it all wrong and that everybody will be talking about how bad you were the next day," Caio finishes, and by now Francesca's jaw had reached the ground.

She suddenly regretted all the times she had ever said somebody was a bad actor -except Leon of course- and looked at Caio, with a small smile.

"Thanks. That was pretty motivating. You really opened my eyes," Francesca thanks him.

"It's nothing," Caio shrugs. He comes to a halt, and curses kicking at the sand.

"What happened?" Francesca asks worriedly.

"We spent too long, I probably missed my scene," Caio says, and Francesca's eyes widen.

She grabs Caio's hand and starts running back to the set. Caio laughs, as he struggles to catch up with her. Francesca was so focuses on getting there before they got into immense trouble that she didn't even notice the large rock.

She tripped and fell forward, but soon felt herself getting pulled back up. She stumbled into Caio's chest breathing heavily. It was weird, she didn't think that what happened in all those cliche movies and books would actually happen.

She hugs Caio thanking him repeatedly. He chuckles, and rubs her back. Francesca soon realises what she was doing, and casually backs out of the kiss.

"Thanks for practically saving me," Francesca says, and he grins toothily.

They arrive at the set, and Caio is instantly whisked away by makeup artist and hair stylists. He waves at her, as he is dragged. Just when Francesca thought she was alone, Leon and Diego appear in front of her.

Did they do everything together?

"So where were you?" Leon asks curiously.

"Why do you care?" Francesca questions, not answering his question. It aggravated Leon a little.

"Oh c'mon Cesca," Diego winks, poking her arm a little.

"Wow, you've made him as annoying as you," Francesca says dryly.

"Actually he made me annoying," Leon says and Diego gasps melodramatically.

"You fucking liar!" Diego hisses.

And they argued over that for sometime, and Francesca just rolled her eyes.


So this was just about Francesca and Caio's blossoming friendship. .

And, the ending of this book is currently being debated in my head. Depending on which I choose I may add an extra chapter as an alternative ending, but of course it's not the real ending. I'm at quite a dilemma with what I want to do.

Merry Christmas! I hope you guys have an awesomely amazing day filled with laughs and joys and lots and lots of happiness! Anyway thanks for reading 🙈 sorry for any errors 💚 Merry Christmas again! I'll leave you with this adorable gif of Pooh Bear

~Lexy 😈

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