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Leon Vargas is one of the youngest and most famous actors. He's the Leon in Leonetta, the trending tag on every social network. His new movie is Violetta : El Gran Cambio De Tini and the producer happens to be the father of one of the only girls who doesn't like him.

Francesca Caviglia believes hate is a strong word. So she rarely uses it. Only when talking about Leon Vargas. She believes he's a fake. He puts on an act so that everybody can love him. A load of rubbish if you ask her.

At the set of the new movie, Francesca and Leon are caught together. The press -the liars that they are- make the new headlines Leon's New Girlfriend. This boosts his popularity and Francesca finds herself being Leon's girlfriend.

Through this lie they've been thrown into, Francesca learns that Leon isn't as bad as she thought, but on the other hand, not what everybody else thought. She finally has the chance to expose him. But will she?



ships sinking


Writing : started : tbh I forgot, but sometime before the 20th of June or something

finished : 2.07.2017

Posting : started : 31/07/2016 (HARRY POTTER AND THE CURSED CHILD!)

finished : 23.07.2017


This is mainly a Leonesca fic, so don't be shocked when Leonesca happens and stuff. Well it can't be much of a surprise that I'm writing Leonesca.

Anyhoo, I am still unsure of all the ships that will be in this book. Also, I'm not sure about the characters. All Violetta Characters may not be in this book. But I will try my best with them.

I hope you enjoy -this totally unoriginal- book. And I hope you don't get too bored :')

~Lexy 😈

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