Twenty Six In Which He Is Off The Figurative Hook

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AN INTERVIEW WAS THE LAST thing that Leon wanted to do right now.

Could he not try and recover from this on his own without live television involved?

But no matter how much Leon pleaded and begged Pablo would not cancel the interview since it would be too suspicious. The lie they were going with was too suspicious but heck, who was Leon to have a way in what ever goes on in his life.

Apparently what had been leaked was a copy of an old idea for the Violetta movie. It was the idea for Jorge's past that would be discovered in the film until the writers decided that Jorge was not important and that they should centre the entire film about Martina and her problematic life.

Because who wants to know about Jorge's drug infused past?

Certainly not the writers.

Leon thought the idea was incredulous and that nobody would believe it, but it was the only thing they had. The next idea was that somebody had simply made it up because of their utter disdain toward him.

Despite his long career in this business he had never gotten used to interviews. There would be people there, and then the interviewer themselves. Today it would be Nicholas. Leon hated Nicholas. Not from personal experience, but he had watched his show and he hated it.

Nicholas was one of those people that twisted whatever you said to make a story that he wanted. But, he was the only person who wanted to take Leon. Leon could feel his popularity dropping. This was another reason why the interview had to go perfectly today, it was the only chance left to save his career.

Leon hated live interviews because he was forced to answer the question on the spot. They could throw anything at you and in your head you had to formulate a perfect answer that would not offend anybody. It was difficult.

Something that should have reassured him was that Francesca would be joining him today, so unlike all his other interviews he wouldn't be alone. Confidence booster? Not quite for him.

The last three days had been filled with loneliness and confusion. Now that Diego was back together with Marco, guess who his cousin was spending most of him time with? And Francesca. . .well he still hadn't resolved the issues between them. He hated the decision had somehow been left up to him.

He definitely liked her. As much as he wanted to deny it he couldn't. But their relationship had just gotten messed up along the way.

Really, when he thought about it it was never ever really clear.

Maybe for a week. But before that they had been jerks to each other, about as rude as you can get (he still regretted everything he said) and then he kissed her. But then there were the good moments when they went out on their first date and they sat on the rooftop alone.

Their thoughts weren't clogged up when they were on the roof, they were able to connect with each.

Sometimes Leon found himself thinking if their relationship hadn't only been screwed up when she cheated on him. Maybe it was always messed up but only then did he realise it. Maybe that was the deal breaker.

He rolled his eyes at himself, he had gone from thinking about interviews to Francesca.

"Leon, you ready?" Diego stands in the middle of the doorway, his boyfriend right next to him.

Leon wanted to feel jealous but he couldn't. He was too happy for Diego to let jealousy overpower that emotion. He could see it in Diego's eyes, the way they just looked so much brighter.

Did his eyes ever look like that?

"No," Leon mutters standing up.

Diego chuckles. He slaps Leon on the back and pushes him forward.

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