Twenty Three In Which She Doesn't Watch Her Step

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IF YOU EVER asked her, she hated being ignored.

It wasn't necessarily that Francesca liked having all the attention on her, she wasn't some spotlight hogger but she despised it when people blatantly ignored her.

The most she had gotten out of Leon and Diego was a victorious smirk from the latter. He could clearly see that this was taking a toll of her, but I mean how could it not?

She walks to her laptop and she shudders. It had been a few days since the secret day, but she could still feel that slight thrill when she wrote the article. It felt good to finally get back at Leon. She goes to her messages and finds her group chat with Camila and Federico.

She hadn't been able to spend much time with since they recently started dating. Yes, she had wanted that in the beginning, like really wanted it. Being their best friend she could see the chemistry between them, Federico's subtle glances didn't go unnoticed by her. She had always hoped that they would get over this shy stage and just make out already and they did.

Basically one of the nights that Francesca had to go on a date with Leon to keep up their image of course. They went to a movie together and Federico finally had the balls to ask her out on a date! And from there things escalated quite quickly between them. She guessed it was because of their years of friendship they were way past that awkward what's-your-favourite-colour stage.

Now, don't get her wrong, she supported their relationship wholeheartedly but on the other hand she felt a little left out. It was hard to go out on a couple. It's not like they ever went on a double date and they especially wouldn't now, so everything was always awkward.

She was the third wheel.

But now considering that Leon and Diego were giving her the cold shoulder that she admittedly deserved and Caio was busy shooting. They could only hold off shooting other scenes for so long, so currently Violetta and Caio were working double time to perfect their scenes.

Francesca was basically alone.

She shuddered again.

She quickly sent a message and her friends still lacking a social life replied instantly. She couldn't help but smile. Maybe today wouldn't be a day when she'd have to be the third wheel, maybe it could go back to normal.

Before Leon.

Her mind flashed back to the day he arrived. She loathed him. And now look, nothing much seems to have changed. And she loathed that. It was only this way because of her unfaithfulness. Her phone buzzed next to her laptop and she picked up with a start.

Morning Fran! Have an awesome day! I'm bummed we can't hang out today but how 'bout tomorrow? Love you lots - C

She smiled at the message. Caio was the most romantic boyfriend you could ever have, and she was grateful for that. There was also this nagging guilt that she was pulling Caio into a complicated situation that could easily ruin his reputation. He was taking a risk. For her.

She glanced at the time and winced. She had to meet Camila and Federico in half an hour at the smoothie shop. She felt a small wave of nostalgia wash over her as she thought of it. Before Leon had come, the three of them use to make a weekly trip to Coolie Smoothie, nowadays she could barely even remember what her usual orders were.

Leon had been here for a few months and it felt like he really messed her life up in many ways.

She quickly changed into a pair of cream shorts, a white tank top with an almost see through shirt over. She slipped on some cream pumps. That was the easy part. She walked to her dressing table and started to braid her hair, which probably took the more time that changing. She simply applied some mascara and lipgloss and then rushed out of her bedroom.

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