Frenemy With The Bad Boy

By macaroonhoneybee

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#1 IN TEEN FICTION! Fren·e·my || a person with whom one is friendly despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry... More

Chapter 1 - I'm So Dead
Chapter 3 - Tell Me Something I Don't Know
Chapter 4 - Mi Lady
Chapter 5 - Screw You, Clayton.
Chapter 6 - What The Hell?!
Chapter 7 - Drama
Chapter 8 - Beautiful Disaster
Chapter 9 - Ditching School With Brody Dane
Chapter 10 - Oh Dear Lord
Chapter 11 - Truth Or Dare
Chapter 12 - Three Wishes
Chapter 13 - Monday, Oh, Monday
Chapter 14 - Nobody Flirts With My Girl, You Monkey-Butt
Chapter 15 - I Would
Chapter 16 - Can We Please Not Talk About It?
Chapter 17 - Elliot
Chapter 18 - Boyfriend Material
Chapter 19 - Drama...Again
Chapter 20 - Reality Show
Chapter 21 - Friday
Chapter 22 - As You Wish, Mi Lady
Chapter 23 - I'm Glad You Put Me Into Detention
Chapter 24 - Are We Dating?
Chapter 25 - Am I Ready For This?
Chapter 26 - Curiosty Killed The Cat
Chapter 27 - Lies Don't End Relationships, The Truth Does
Chapter 28 - I Can Treat You Better
Chapter 29 - The Truth Untold
Chapter 30 - The Evil Twins
Chapter 31 - Circles
Chapter 32 - Back To Normal
Chapter 33 - Fix What We've Broken
Chapter 34 - Keep Your Friends Close
Chapter 35 - Catching Up

Chapter 2 - The Gate To Hell Is Wide Open

9.1K 255 124
By macaroonhoneybee

"I can't believe you did that."

Claire said as she sat on the edge of my bed. I sent Clayton Wade to detention. I sent Clayton Wade to detention. After what happened, Claire decided to stay at my house for a while to 'discuss' what I should do to avoid him and what's coming for me in the future. She came to the conclusion there are two things that can happened,

1) Clayton will continue bothering me for the rest of my life

2) Clayton will kill me.

"That's not comforting at all, you know." I stated and crossed my arms on my chest in a casual manner.

"I know," Claire sighed. "But do you know what you've got yourself into? You just made yourself his target for the rest of the year."

"I know, but he kept on poking me. I couldn't help it." I defended.

She stood up and paced around in my room with a hand on her chin. She was thinking. If there's one thing I never see from Claire is her thinking. It's scary to think that I got her thinking by sending Clayton Wade into detention. "You know, he's probably still in detention you should go and apologize to him."

I furrowed my eyebrows at her. "Are you crazy?" No way in hell I would apologize for giving him something he deserved.

"No? Then, how about you skip school tomorrow? He probably will forget about it by then--" Claire trailed off until I cut her off. I grabbed her arm to stop her from pacing around my room like a mad man and waited for her to calm down. "Relax, okay? He's not going to kill me."

"But he will bother you for the rest of the year! How can you be so calm and relaxed while I'm the one freaking out and I'm not even his next target!" Claire exclaimed and sat on my bed in Indian style.

"Wait, we don't know if I'm his next target," I reasoned. "We all know his target is and always that kid, what was his name again..."


I snapped my fingers. "Yeah, him."

"Well, I think he already changed his mind by the way he was sending lasers to the back of your head." Claire stated.

I heaved a sigh. "Let's hope he didn't."

The next morning I woke up with a light headache because of the nightmare I was having. Guess what I dreamt of? Clayton effing Wade. Yes, I was dreaming of him. No worry though, all bad things. In my dream, I was chased by him until I fell into a hole. Do you ever had those kind of dreams where you fell and while you were sleeping you twitched as if you were actually falling?

To be quite honest, I couldn't sleep thinking about what will happend to me in the future. Yes, I'm scared of Clayton Wade. I know what he's capable of doing and I'm very scared. I'm scared for my dear life.

I walked into the bathroom and turned on the shower. While waiting for it to get hot, I walked back into my room to prepare the clothes I will be wearing. I pulled out a black Nirvana t-shirt and skinny jeans. Then I jumped into the now warm shower. Once I was done, I hop out of the shower to dry my hair. My hair has gotten longer than before, it's now a few inches above my waist.

After getting dressed, I went down to the kitchen for some breakfast before Claire came. It's her turn car pooling today so I don't need to waste some gas. As I reached downstairs I greeted my parents and brother.

"Pancakes? Mom, you know me so well." I said and kissed her on the cheek before grabbed a plate and sat on the table beside Sebastian who was just finishing his discussion with dad. He then turned to look at me. "What? Is there something on my face? Or am I just that pretty?"

He chuckled. "You wish, little sister."

Sebastian is a year older than me and currently in grade twelve. Sadly, we didn't go to the same school. He went to a private school in the city while I'm stuck here in a public school. If he went to my school though, he would be famous since he got all the good genes in the family. Sucks to be me.

Then I heard a car's honk. "That's my cue. Bye." I said quickly before getting up from my chair popping a piece of mint gum into my mouth.

I hopped onto the passanger's seat and greeted Claire whilst chewing the gum. She returned the greeting before drove out from my driveway. Claire was using her red mini cooper today. Her parents got it for her sixteenth birthday. Claire has a few cars, mini cooper is one of them.

Then I realized somebody was sitting at the back seat. I turned my head and widened my eyes as I was greeted with a smiling Brody Dane. I forgot he would be here. Talking about fun. Yay.

Today doesn't seem to be my day. First, I have to deal with Clayton Wade. Second, I just made eye contact with my other frenemy.

"Long time no see, Castello." Brody greeted with his devilish smile and took a bite out of his apple.

"Long time no see, Dane." I greeted him back and mentally sighed. This is just great. Let's hope we're civil towards one another today. I can't handle two bad boys at the same time.

"Remember what we talked about yesterday," Claire said. "You have to avoid him at all cost. You have to change your route to class and skip lunch or maybe hide in the janitor's closet-"

"Woah, twin. What are you talking about?" Brody cut her off and leaned to the front with an amused face. "Who are you avoiding, Castello?"

"She needs to avoid Clayton Wade because she might be his next target." Claire explained. Oh God, I don't need him to tease me now. Claire, I thought you're on my side.

"Clayton Wade?" Brody said and laughed. "What did you do to that as*hole?"

"I sent him into detention." I said.

Brody furrowed his eyebrows. "So what? I bet he has been into a lot of detention. He'll get over it," Brody said. "If he didn't, then you should check if he still has a penis. He might be a little b*tch."

"Dane! Watch your language!" I joked and Brody laughed.

"I don't think he'll get over this one. He said he had a football practice," Claire said. "And said the coach will kill him if he miss another practice."

"He's still on the football team? I thought he got kicked out?" Brody asked in confusion.

Clayton was almost kicked out from the football team because of a prank. He spreaded laughing gas all over the school so the whole school couldn't stop laughing. Even the principal was laughing whilst scolding Clayton. Clayton, Ethan, and Daniel was the only ones wearing masks. Unfortunately, I was one of the victims.

"Nope. Apparently, he's too good to be kicked out." Claire said and frowned.

Brody nodded. "Just tell me if he bothers you. I'll keep you away from him."

I turned my head to him, shocked. "For real?"

"For real." Brody nodded.

"Then we are good today?" I asked and handed out my hand.

He took my hand and shook it. "We're good."

"You two should clear up your relationship, for real." Claire said and we all laughed.

As we pulled into the parking spot, we all climbed out of Claire's car and walked to the enterance. Claire was by my left and Brody by my right. From what I'm witnessing, Brody might just be the school's new hot guy. Every girls we walked past were checking him out, they were all trying to get his attention. Huh, pathetic attention seekers.

I somehow managed to get through half of my classes without seeing Clayton today which only by sheer luck since him and his delinquents are always there everytime I turn around the corner. They're everywhere, it's like they teleported.

After I switched my books for the last period, I walked towards to English lit class, the only class I have with Clayton today. Please don't let him notice me, was the only sentence that runs through my head.

As I was in front of the class, I decided to take a peek before going in.

Oops, shouldn't have done that.

Only to realize that I should have not done that. I came face to face with the one and only Clayton effing Wade sitting on my usual spot while crossing his arms in a casual manner. He was wearing a white t-shirt with black leather jacket.

Can he look ugly for my sake?

Before I can take a step, Clayton moved faster than a cheetah and he already pulled me by the wrist to god-knows-where. Oh my god he's going to kill me. I didn't say anything because I couldn't, I have so much to say but they only came out as a whimper when I opened my mouth.

I widened my eyes as soon as I saw where he was taking me. He was taking me to the janitor's closet. Effortlessly, he ripped the door open and shut the door as we were inside.

I was about to scream when Clayton clamped his hand over my mouth. I looked at him straight in the eyes and was greeted his pretty brown eyes. I was expecting him to have a killer glint in his eyes but it was rather amused. "You little nerd, you have no idea how much I want to kill you," Clayton said and kept my eyes shut. "But I won't," He added. My eyes opened and I furrowed my eyebrows. Clayton's beautiful face was only an inch away from mine and he was smirking. I stayed silent because his hand was still over my mouth. "I have to say, nerd, I was impressed. You were the first girl to publicly claim that I have to be punished, however you should've known what you've got yourself into when you did that."

I pushed away his hand from my mouth. "What exactly did I put myself into, huh, Wade?"

I need to came out strong in front of him though inside I'm scared as hell.

He smirked and put his arm against the wall on the right side of my head but I moved away from it. "Please kindly put your face away from me." He smirked yet again and put his other arm against the wall on the left side of my head, trapping me.

"What's wrong, nerd?" He asked and moved his face closer until our nose are touching. "Does this bother you?"

I nodded and pushed him away but he doesn't budge. Well, I didn't really expect him to, considering the fact that he's a football player with a muscular body and much more taller than me. He chuckled, "Good because you'll be seeing more of me starting from today. I will drive your brainy brain crazy, nerd."

"Yeah, well, I hate you so I REALLY hope we don't have to cross each other's path ever again, how about that? We can forget this as if we never knew each other, just like before. I bet you hate me too, right?" I said carelessly.

"I hate you but nah, that's unfair. You almost got me kicked out of the team so I have to do myself a little justice. I'm going to bother you everyday from now on," He said and then he bit my right ear.


"See you tomorrow, mi lady." Clayton whispered in my ear and then left me alone in the janitor's closet.

TADA! Another chapter!

Hope you like it!

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