//You// A Matty Healy and Geo...

By hesgotafunnyface

32.6K 343 41

Alice meets Matty and George from the 1975. They start off as sexual partners but end up more after enduring... More

//This Is How It Starts//
//Don't You Mind//
//I Wanna See You But You're Not Mine//
//What's That Boy Doing//
//You're All I Need//
//I Don't Want To Be Your Friend//
//God Only Knows But You'll Never Leave Her//
//Babe, You Look So Cool//
//When I'm Closer To Your Height//
//The City//
//I Wanna Kiss You Neck//
//Now She's Doing It All The Time//
//I Love You All Too Much//
//I Adore You//
//Bye Bye//
//If You Just Take Off Your Mask//
//Everything Has Gone Wrong//
//Is It The Same For You//
//Bleeding. Depleting//
//I Love You//
//Never Gonna Quit It//
//I Forgot To Call You//
//Dressed In White....//
//Putting Off Crying//
//Talk To Matty About It//
//I'm Not Scared//
New Story
HOLY CRAP 900+?!?!
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5 Years Later

454 5 6
By hesgotafunnyface

Thank you everyone for the support. Here is the time jump :).

I felt my body being pushed around and a giggle coming from his lips.
"Mmmm. Where's the fire?" I groaned and put a pillow over my head. George threw it off and got on top of my body planting gentle kisses on any bit of flesh he could.
"Joyeux anniversaire!" He said into my mouth kissing me roughly. I smiled wildly at him thinking about the man he was when we first met.
"You know. You sound cute speaking French."
"And you would look cute in a French maid outfit." I blushed and he giggled assaulting me again with his lips.
"Get off me before we have another baby." I moaned into his mouth.
"We aren't stopping til we reach 5.I want to start the Daniel 5"  He jokes rolling off my body.
"A honeymoon in Paris.. This must be my dream." I joked back until I looked into his eyes and saw the sadness. Losing Matty hit us hard. George had a hard time coping with it so he sometimes sees a shrink to talk about it. I do too. I know I left the man but God the relationship we had ignited an intense love for him. I respected Matty and adored him. Something that would never change. A tear fell down his cheek and I wiped it away gently then kissed it.
"I-I I'm gonna take a shower." He announced getting up and scrambling to it. This is normally code for crying so I waited to hear the shower turn on and went to join him. He was faced towards the shower head crying and rubbing his tears. I undressed then rubbed his back softly catching him off guard.
"Mind if I join you?" He smiled softly and I kissed his cheek.
"I love you, Alice. I'm sorry it just caught me off guard. " His arms wrapped around my hips as we kissed more deeply. 
"I love you more, George and I understand baby. Now let's finish up I have a surprise for you."
"That sexy maid outfit?" He laughed softly kissing my neck.
"No even better."
"The anticipation is killing me baby." I smirked at his comment and we lathered each other's bodies up.

After showering, making love and drinking a little a loud knock was heard on the door.. My surprise(s). George answered it thinking it was a maid or room service but it wasn't. Two aging faces he remembered as teens were there to greet him.
"Adam?! Ross?! How did you---"
"Alice knew it wouldn't be a holiday without us!" Adam grinned and hugged George.
"Yeah she rang us up and here we are."
They all shared a group hug and left for the hotel bar.

"So how's the kids you old married people." Adam politely asked with his hint of sarcasm. 
"Great! At home with my mum well Ashley is. Timothy's at music camp."
A group of girls were grinning and looking over recognizing them.
"YOURE THE 1975!!!" One girl squealed.
"No. We're just Adam, Ross and George." George replied sadly stirring his drink slightly.
"So you are the 1975?" The girl kept pressuring not understanding George's grief.
"Hey um you mind giving us some privacy? Sorry it's George's anniversary weekend and him and his lovely wife would prefer to be left alone please." The girls nodded understandingly and were on there way. I rubbed George's shoulders pressing a gentle kiss to his lips.
"Happy anniversary, baby. I love you."
He smiled softly and kissed back.
"I love you too and I'm so thankful I have you for a wife. Thanks for being so patient and understanding."
They spent the afternoon catching up before Adam and Ross gave them privacy and made plans to meet up for breakfast. We got back to our room and went out to the balcony to smoke. The stars in the sky shimmered brightly and George's face glowed in response as he held my hand.
"You know Alice... All of my life I've thought about marriage. When I was younger I wanted it to be to my best friend. As I got older and my heart got broken I stopped believing in it. I just wanted to have fun and then I met you and everything changed. From the moment I first laid eyes on you I knew something was special about you. Sure we went about things the wrong way at first but anytime I was anywhere near you my heart raced. Anytime I was away from you was just unbearable. Now I get to come home to you everyday and the kids and I'm so thankful to have you in my life. I love you." He said on the verge on tears kissing my hand.
"And all of my life I wanted to find my best friend and marry him. I didn't expect it to find it in one of the most talented musicians I've ever had the pleasure of hearing. If anyone would've told me I would fall in love with you and marry you I would've laughed. This has been such a great journey I've taken with you. I'm glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you and our kids. I'm thankful and I love you more then you can imagine."
He finished his cigarette and wrapped his arms around my waist kissing me roughly. "You know we only have 3 more to go until we have the Daniel 5." He teased kissing my cheek.
"George!" I giggled into his mouth as his infectious laugh filled the air. He lifted me up and carried me into the room closing the balcony door before depositing me into the bed. His lips touched mine desperate, passionate and needy as I felt my shoes being taken off. George rubbed my legs slipping my panties off and tugging at my dress. His breathing got louder and I slid his shirt off then he kicked his shoes off.
"1 more." I said gasping for air as he kissed my neck.
"Let's get started then." My dress was ripped off my body exposing my lack of bra. He kissed my chest tenderly before undoing his pants.

George was lying in bed with his arms draped around me snoring making me try my best not to giggle. It soon became soothing as I drifted off into my slumber. The dream was vivid. A memory from the flat we use to live in with Matty. Back before George and I. Back when I was pregnant with Brandon making my heart ache. Only I looked down and didn't see a baby bump. Matty looked older. More silver strands in his hair but still looking young and vibrant as ever. He kissed me tenderly and for a moment I could taste his lips on mine one last time. His smile setting the mood for our home. George wasn't there. Maybe sleeping in the room or out or something. He grabbed me by the hand getting me up and twirling me around the living room humming softly.
"Congratulations, I'm so happy for you. For the both of you. I'll always love you. Tell George I said hi---- and I miss him. I miss you too, Alice. Don't ever forget me." His body faded away from the dream first and I jolted awake. Panting and waking up George.
"Babe! Are you ok? What's wrong?" He asked scared turning on the lamp and holding me tightly.
"I--I---I had a dream. He said--he misses us---and don't forget him." I stammered out crying into George's chest. He held me rubbing my back and hair.
"Oh love. I'm sure he does. I miss him too. I don't think anyone can forget someone like him." He laughed trying to keep himself from crying. I laughed too as we swapped stories about Matty eventually falling back to sleep.

A month later George and I discovered we were pregnant with our 3rd child. We later found he was going to be a boy and named him Matthew.

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