Truly Sincere [Part 1]

נכתב על ידי etuphb

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Is it possible for a broken person to fall in love all over again? Can a broken person be fixed? do soulmate... עוד

Authors Note


50 6 5
נכתב על ידי etuphb

It's been two weeks since the incident, I was trying to recover my health, and to overcome my worst nightmares I was seeking psychological care. I was trying to surround myself with positive people, Lads often came around to keep me on the positive tract, but Harry wasn't ready to go to work, I was unable to convince him that I was recovering well

"Okay! Promise me that you'll consider leaving for work after tonight's party" I scowled standing in the closet looking for an outfit for my unfit frame, for Alex's engagement party. When I got no answer I peeked at Harry behind the door of closet and he just sat there unbothered quietly sipping his tea while reading the morning newspaper on the near sofa

"Honey!" I called him sweetly with the hint of sarcasm in my voice, and he raised his eyebrow at me showcasing his front teeth at me

"Oh! Yeah I'll see" he again buried his face in the newspaper more closely now. I sighed disappointedly and my phone rang on the edge of the bed, I took Alex's call

"Are you coming?" She asked abruptly as I put phone on ear and I chuckled at her response

"do I have a choice?" I laughed as I walked towards the glass door holding a dress

"I said Hello" Harry kissed the side of my cheek as he disappeared into bathroom

"Harry says hello" I sighed heavily

"Hi harriee" she laughed, and when I sighed again "What's wrong!?" Even on phone she counts how many times I sigh and she knows something's up

"It's just, he's not ready to go back to sets, I know that they are almost done, and I understand that they gave him relaxation for one week, but it's been two weeks now" I sounded like a child who blurts their baggage to their mother after a long day at school 

"besides I'm recovering well now but I'm worried about him" I said and I looked farther at the wall of the lawn and I took the breath of relief that we had setup the security system there too now, James just suggested the other day, while talking to Harry as he was sipping his coffee casually on the balcony and Harry took it seriously, I thanked them both later for their little play

"That's the only reason you're not telling him about that email, I understand" she sighed at the other end of phonecall

"I'm planning on to tell him later, but right now he needs to focus on his work, my miscarriage is enough on line for now" I sighed heavily

"He'll understand, but you can be relieved too" she said and I frowned

"How come!" I asked

"That dyke was only messing up with you, and the flowers he sent were mere an apology" Alex blurted happily and I nodded appreciating her observations and calculating the logic behind it

"I suppose you're right" I mumbled as I recalled the perfect heels for party "let's catch up later at your party, I have to get ready on time" with that I hung up phone and rushed towards the closet.

I heard my phone chime again, I ignored it while putting on the dress, I scooped in the air to zip up the dress, but my hands didn't meet behind, I sighed giving up as I walked out of the changing closet to seek Harry's hand, my dress was practically falling off my shoulders I looked at the phone screen when it chimed again, it was an email. I became alert at once, fidgeting, I picked up my phone in panic state and it was your order has been shipped email, and I sighed closing my eyes, I closed the email and I noticed there was an unread text, I recalled that my phone chimed twice.

"I need to talk to you Jasmin
-your Ray" My breath hitched looking at the text, we were wrong about Rayyan, he's really after me, what if he's again leading the paps pack, what if he shows up at party, can I cancel the party at last moment

"Well look at this" I felt Harry's hand on my bare back as he traced my neckline with his lips, placing soft kisses, he sniffed my scent as he hugged me from behind, I clutched my phone in between my hands as I placed them on his arms

"What are you doing on your phone?" He asked before kissing the side of my cheek

"My..order has been shipped, I ...just received the email" I answered him, good! I've learned to lie, I'm lying to the person whom I never thought I'd lie to

"Which order" his chin moved on my shoulder and I suppose he smiled

"That... I don't recall" we both laughed as he pulled back, he traced his hands on my bare back before zipping it up for me

"You look beautiful as always" Harry said looking at me from road as we head towards the party venue, I scoffed at his compliment and looked at front of the road "I'm telling you, don't steal Alex's spotlight tho" and we both laughed

He knew how much I was insecure about the unfit figure beneath the pretty floral dress, but I didn't say anything, I had learned the hard way to accept the consequences and be grateful no matter what. I looked outside to my side recognizing the board that usually comes before our studio

"I miss coming here" I sighed as I looked up at Harry, he let out a small laugh "what!" I frowned at him and he looked at my breasts, I lifted the hem of strapless dress to cover my cleavage

"no! don't do that" he laughed again looking at me from the road

"why are you laughing?" I frowned at him annoyingly and he stopped the car, but I was still looking at him to answer

"its just,.. Alex is a good player" He scratched his side of lip with his index finger, and waved his hand and I looked at him cluelessly "look!" he asked me to look in front of us, and it was our studio, decorated with the lights, people were coming and filling up the space

"Party's here?" I squealed as I was still looking at the building from where our car was parked at a distance, we could here the soft music reaching our ears which I didn't notice before

"she asked me to not tell you that its here, and you didn't even ask, so it was easy to get along the plan" he smiled at me and I was smiling through happy tears, of course Alex knew how much I was missing this place, I was homesick for studio, we got off the car "shall we" Harry folded his arm for me to grab and walk along with him

"I love this place" I mumbled as we walked towards the main door of the studio

"by the way, you can lower that dress later tonight when we get back home, I'll help of course" he chuckled

"we'll see" I winked at him and he laughed at me as we entered the building the music blasted in our faces, and my jaw dropped seeing the place jam packed with people I didn't recognize them at that instant

"Look at them" I looked at Harry and held his hand again, I was scared to walk alone into the crowd, he smiled at me and held me closely as he walked along with me

"Keep walking" Harry talked in my ear so that I could hear him in the blasting music, Alex spotted us and ran towards us in her long heels to greet us

"You made it" she was smiling the brightest of her smile holding the champagne glass in the air she embraced me with the other hand and rocked me happily, Harry gave a slight kiss on her cheek

"You look gorgeous hon" I smiled at her and she flipped her hair taking the compliment

"you didn't let me get a hint of the venue, very clever" I said and she laughed her heart out, probably she was overwhelmed with the champagne and compliments, talk about hosting a party

"I'm so glad that you could make it and I knew you would love it" she kissed my cheek

"Excuse me ladies, I have to go and meet someone, will you be okay with her Jas?" Harry asked concerned

"Of course" I laughed and he kissed my cheek as he walked away to chat with someone

"Are you okay? How's it going?" Alex draped her arm around me as we walked slowly towards the lounge through people

"Yes I am okay, I don't want to spoil your night, so let's keep it all about yourself" I said and she picked up another champagne glass off the tray from the waiter passing by before placing the empty one back

"You won't be spoiling it, we'll talk after the party, okay?" She took a sip and she screamed in gaiety

"Alex don't get wasted, you're the hostess" I scrunched my nose before taking the glass from her hand

"Hey Jasmin" James came and greeted me, "you're drinking that?" James asked looking at the champagne glass I was holding

"What! No, it's Alex's, bubbles get to her head before she knows" I explained him and he laughed taking the glass from my hand and took a sip 

"You're right, I'll just give her some water, before she acts all Alex in front of everyone" he laughed and I nodded smiling at him

"Who are these people by the way?" I asked looking around at fancy young adults all dressed up nice

"These are people of some charity Gala, I've been attending every now and then" James answered and I nodded looking over the group he was pointing at

"and over there are, um! that newbie producer, that girl is my friend, and apparently she brings four people to her plus one" he laughed

"Impressive" I chuckled

"Those are the corporate agents in the company I work" he explained and I looked at him confusingly that how come I don't know what type of Job he actually does

"Wow! I got it, most of the people are from your side" I said quickly before he spots other people and tells me that they are zombies of his boring agency

"Hi Jasmin" a lady I didn't recognize comes and shakes hands with me

"Now that's someone I invited" Alex laughed her wasted laugh and I looked at her my jaw agape

"I'm Lesley, Alex's old friend" she smiled at me

"Oh! Nice to meet you" I smiled back at her

"Sorry about your baby, I saw the news" she says tapping my shoulder and I gave her a light nod smiling at her without saying anything, and for unknown reason I recalled Rayyan's text, I realized that I don't know a lot of people here, but everyone is actually secretly pitying on me

"Stop it Lesley" Alex said rudely and she nodded at me before walking away

"She's not really my friend" Alex tapped my shoulder looking in my eyes concerned and she hiccuped

"She needs water" I told James and he took her hand, I sighed as I looked around, I walked towards the couch of lounge, I smiled spotting Louis sitting there, I covered his eyes from behind

"Agh Finally" Niall said looking at me

"Of course, Jasmin!" Louis laughed as he pulled my hands and they both greeted me, I sat down near Niall

"Where's Liam?" I asked looking around

"He's getting drinks" Louis told me

"And Harry?" Niall looked at me

"He's probably catching up with a lot of people" I smiled at him

"Look who's here" Liam cheerfully placed the drinks on the table and hugged me before taking a seat across us

"Did you bring your mango juice?" Louis teased me

"No! Why would I?" I laughed

"Because you gotta drink something at a party" Niall said and they all laughed, my phone vibrated in my clutch, I took it out and read the text

"I'm waiting for you outside" in that moment I had to make a decision to do something daring for the sake of my family's safety and to sit there cowardly, assuming conclusions all by myself, and keep lying to my husband, or be scared

"There you are" Harry said behind me as he climbed over the sofa and greeted everyone, he came and sat too close to me that I could smell his breath

"You've been drinking?" I whispered in his ear and he scratched his forehead nervously and looked at me, his pupils were wide

"Uh!...I met a producer, he might be helpful with the next project" he said and I raised my eyebrows at his answer

"And he offered you a drink first" I said in a low voice smiling at him

"Yes" he looked at me sheepishly, "I'm sorry" he mumbled as he pulled his face closer to me and kissed me, I felt sad, breathing in the drink he had, I didn't kiss him back, I pulled mouth away and kissed his cheek

"Don't be sorry" I whispered and he looked at me appalled

"Oh! They are calling for the couple dances" Niall told us and Harry took my hand, I smiled at him and we went on stage. We danced to the slow music, I was smiling at Alex who seemed much sober but happier now as she danced with James

"I adore them" I mumbled and Harry didn't say anything, I felt his eyes locked up on me, I looked in his eyes and they were sad, he was broken, I didn't want to be harsh on him, for whatever I was going through he has been going through the same situation, it was justified of him to slip away a little and get carried away in the moment, but it was wrong

"Jasmin" he said my name and I could still smell the alcohol and I didn't move my eyes off of his "kiss me" he pleaded and I looked down at his lips before placing my lips softly on his, he leaned his head down and kissed me back, I pulled back and he smiled at me, I placed my head on his shoulder and we completed the rest of the song, dancing slowly.

"I need some air" I smiled at him when the song ended as I walked up to the door

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