The Scream Behind The Screen...

By PorcelainSoldier

127K 4.6K 4.9K

"Please! Please just remember me! Look in my eyes and tell me you remember!" "She was a good sister." "I didn... More

Hi, Mark!
I Never Existed
Lunch Friends
Infinitely Broken
Sweet Smiles
Run Run Lost Girl
My Name
Best Friend-iversary
I Died A Little Inside
The Strong Boy's Arms
It's Okay Now
True NightMares
Singing. At Night!
Leaving Did Something To Me...
If Love Is Blind, So Are The Idiots.
Gifts For The Broken
Maybe They Don't Need Me
Hey. It's Me. (Y/N)
Luck of the Irish
Walking On Darkness
Life Could Be Cliché
A Ray Of Hope.
Gifts For The Woken
Hospital Beds
The Doctor's Highly Recommended Prescription
Somebody To Die For
Sleepless Thoughts Of The Poets
A Single Step To A Second Chance
A Time Before Fear
The Silent Night
My Shield
Oh, How The Tables Turn
I Hate Hospitals
Letter From The Author

Crazy About Him

2.3K 72 198
By PorcelainSoldier

Don't play the song yet.

«A little Smut is included»
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"Are you okay?" His voice on the phone relaxed me a bit. I huddled inside the covers a little more, comforted in the warmth it offered. "It's been a few days but it's been crazy and unexpected. I can't blame you for still worrying..."

"Yeah, I still feel that scare..." I shuttered. "I don't want to have another experience like that."

"I can come over, if you want."

My fingers tightened around the phone. "You don't have to do that. I'll be fine by myself."

Through everything, Mark has been a sweetheart. He's been here for me... I'm so stupid, though. I'm... ugh.

"I'm coming over." He asserted himself. "I'll be there in a few."

"Wait, Mark!"

"Too late." I could see that grin on his face right now.


His line went dead, mine let the tone beep over and over.

I ended my own line.

As much as I love you, you're still an ass.

Feeling an idiotic grin spreading across my face, I burrowed even further into the blankets warmth.

I'm such an idiot for this... Why did my heart have to slip away from my grasp?

A sigh released itself from my lungs while I started walking down memory lane.

I never realized that I fell for him until the night of Jude's attack. Mark basically moved in my house, staying with me all day and night. I even went on independent studies to be home more often, so did Mark. I'm too scared to leave or be alone again. Mark understood that. That's what I loved. He does these things for me that no one else has, not even Jude! Mark became the source of my affection.

I just feel bad now. He went out with his brother to hang out... he called me a few hours later to check on me. He calls every hour, but I worried him with each conversation. I don't understand how I did that though.

"(Y/N)?" The front door creaked open. "I'm here. Where are you?"


I threw the covers away, launching myself to the floor to reach for the Nerf guns under my bed.

I will show you how good of a ninja I am.

The floor under my feet understood the importance of my silence. My feet glided, one after the other, seeking cover against the walls.

"Come on, I know you're here, Miss (L/N)."

Peeking around the corner, his back to me, shots were fired.

"Ah!" He ran for cover, dolphin diving in the safety the couches offered.

I followed suit, vaulting over the couch. He raised his arms in surrender.

"Victory!" I fist pumped the air.

I didn't notice the smirk he had.

I was hit.

He pulled out some of his own Nerf guns from under the couch. Being the over dramatic stereotype that I'm not, I over did it.

"No..." I coughed, falling to the floor after slipping off the couch. "Tell Adda..." I gasped and coughed again. "I love her like a sister."

I exhaled my 'last' breath.

Mark crawled over me, smiling. "What about me?"

Filling back with the life I never lost, I met his eyes. "You already know how I love you."

He pursed his lips, only to have a bigger grin. "I love you."

"I love you, too, Mark."

"No, I really love you."

"And I really love you." Obviously not understanding.

He chuckled. "How long have we known each other?"

"Wow. Uh." Thinking about it, I've known him about what, four years?

"Four years, three months, two weeks, six days, seven hours, thirty five minutes and 17 seconds." He grinned.

I coughed 'obsessed' a few times.

He grabbed my cheeks and squished them, making my lips pucker. "I'm not obsessed. I just love you. Plus I made that up."

"That moment when two people love long romantic walks on the beach together but only one of them is aware of it."

He laughed, getting off of me. "Seriously, listen to me." He smacked me with a pillow.

"Abuse!" I cried, pointing at him.

"It's not abuse!"

"Prove it!"

"It's different because I love you!"

I tackled him, knocking him on his back, the both of us laughing.

"Stop!" I nibbled his shoulder. "That tickles!"

He grabbed my sides right near my ribs and pulled me close to him for a hug, his strong arms around me.

"Let me go!" I squealed.

"No!" He laughed. "I'm never going to let go!"

I squirmed, trying to get out of his arms.

"If you let me go, I'll get you something!"

"Oh!" He let me go, being careful when he moved me off him. "That reminds me!"

He got up and rushed to the door, running back with a decorative, frilly, pink box in his hands.

"What's that for?"

"Adda gave this to me to give to you." He handed the box to me. "Before you open it, it goes on record that I have no idea what she did or what she got you."

My eyes squinted. "Okay..."

My fingers played with the frills before untying the ribbon on top of the box. Lifting the lid to see some scented pink tissue paper, my suspicions raised. I dug to the gift itself and raised it out of the covering paper.

Mark's face instantly turned red.

"Uh..." I blushed, holding it up against my body.

Mark turned around, head up. "Who knew Adda would've gotten you a Victoria's Secret sexy gown."

I threw it at Mark.

Damn it, Adda! Stop trying to help me get laid! Strange how that's my first thought.

"Imma go take a cold shower." He's gone the moment I looked up from the floor.

I sat on the couch, hearing the faucet turn on. I've never had such an embarrassing moment like this. Ever. Except for the night he saw me naked. That remains number one.

I've never owned or touched any form of sexual attire. This is so strange. I've never felt my heart flutter, my stomach sloshed butterflies and vomit around.

Stop thinking about it and get Mark's clothes ready for him.

Still on the memory of what just happened, I went to Mark's suit case and grabbed his black t-shirt and some tattered jeans, including his pink mustache undies.

My mind stayed silent, no comment making itself known as I stared at the neatly folded clothes in my arms. There's no light on in the hall, being swallowed in darkness once the light from Mark's room turned off.

Left. Right. Left. Right. My feet stepped one after the other. No sound except for the soft steps of my feet.

That was embarrassing... I don't know why-

Somehow, I smacked into a wall and fell to the floor. The only thing that proves my theory wrong is the hot, wet body that's pressed against mine... apparently with a friend that has a thing for me.

"Well, this is awkward." I turned my head to face the wall. "I didn't know it was my turn."

"I'm so sorry!" He got up as fast as he could, helping me up off the floor.

"It's okay, Mark." I bent to grab his clothes. "I brought you your clothes."

He flipped the light switch on. "Thank you."

When I turned to hand him his clothes, I realized he wore a towel around his waist... everything else is some awesome shit to see.

"H-here." I stuttered.

God, what is wrong with me?

He bit his bottom lip, his fingers wrapped around my wrists, pinning me against the wall, his forehead against mine, the tips of our noses touched, his body getting closer to mine, like every girl ever dreamed. This small, tiny, little crumb of sin is what I wanted. This sin, it's the one I craved... I just denied myself it.

"(Y/N)." His voice made me quiver, gentle and warm. "What do you feel for me?"


"Mhm." He licked his lips.


"I love you." He quietly said.

"I love you, too."

A corner of his lips lifted, chuckling. "Do you really love me?"

"I love you, Mark, so much."

"Why were you hiding it?"

"Let's admit it, I'm not very good at it." I felt my cheeks get warm.

"Then..." His lips pressed against mine, warm and soft.

(Play music here)

He backed up to see my face, smiling again then met my needs. His arms wrapped around me, my arms wrapped around his neck. I've never been in love until now.

This man.

This gorgeous man.

I hated it that he wasn't mine.

I bet he hated it when I wasn't his.

His tongue begged entrance to wrestle with mine. I granted.

The way his hands ventured my body excited me. His hand went under my shirt and his fingers traced my spine.

He picked my leg up, holding it high against his body, still kissing me. I wrapped my legs around him when he picked me up. He walked with me, not letting my lips leave his for a second. I felt his towel fly away.

He gently threw me on his bed, taking my shirt off, reluctant to let out of the kiss, doing so anyways. He admired my body, smiling to himself for a moment as I unbuttoned my shorts.

I stood on the bed, letting them fall to my ankles.

His hands grazed my legs. "Are you okay with this?"

I lowered myself to his level, grabbed his hand and placed it under my bra. I smiled when he turned red. "I've always wanted to be yours."

I wasn't sure but I think he had some tears in his eyes.

He crawled on top of me, unhooking my bra. "I love you, (Y/N)."

"I love you, too, Mark."

He went for a kiss, lifting my leg against his once more.

He let his friend play at the entrance of my womanhood, being gentle as he slowly went deeper.

I felt the pain of my vagina expand, losing my virginity to this man.

His hand glided on my skin, feeling around to grab my breast.

Once the pain started to die down, he started moving faster, our breath getting heavy.

This moment.

This moment will never be forgotten.
~ <3~

Under the blanket together, his arm held me close to his body, our bodies recovering from our little 'activity'.

"Are we together now?" Mark chuckled, breathing heavy.

My fingers intertwined with his.


Oh God, what did I write.

Well there ya go!

You lost your virginity.

I've never written anything like this before. So I'm sorry if it sucks.

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