Affair De Coeur (Dramione)

By WoodsyBear06

13.8K 282 139

(Veela Story) Hermione is a smart, young witch who just wants to make the best of her last year. What happens... More

That Summer
Trouble In Paradise
Frequent Encounters
So Wrong But So Right
Keeping Secret

I'm Being Watched

1.6K 38 18
By WoodsyBear06

Heart racing and terror taking over his boy Draco frantically shot out of his bed running for the door. As he grabbed the handle to turn it his eyes cleared and he found himself in his dormitory bedroom. Taking stock of himself he realized the feeling wasn't coming from him... it was coming from Hermione. Looking at the clock he couldn't figure out what kind of trouble she would be in at this hour. His instincts were telling him to run to her while his head knew that even if he did, he couldn't get into the Gryffindor tower nor would she want him there. Sitting back on his bed he recalled something from one of the books he had read and decided to try it out. He laid back on his pillow and took long deep breaths with his eyes closed, Hermione he said to himself over and over wake up your safe he thought trying to connect with her and stop her pain. Slowly but surely she eventually calmed down. Warmth spreading threw his chest at what he knew was the connection strengthening.

He looked back at his clock seeing it was 6 in the morning... classes didn't start until 9. He decided to get up anyway cause he knew he wouldn't be able to fall back asleep now. He walked through his room gathering everything for his four classes. He would have Potions, Transfigurations, DADA, and care of magic creatures today. He didn't care much for any class except potions, despite the fact that he was second in every class, that was what he was best at.

He quickly realized that he had plenty of time to spare so he tossed his uniform in his bag and his other shower supplies and made his way up to the prefects bathroom.
He charmed the door so his fellow prefects knew it was occupied and he stripped down and stood under the scolding hot shower.

***(Draco POV)***
I let the shower run over my head and back trying to soothe my sore muscles. The water welled up against my ankles, sending a comforting warmth through me. Seconds later slight splashing of small feet came from behind me. I stiffened not knowing who it was until I felt the two small hands run their way up my back, and a soft kiss placed in the middle along my spine. I shivered, my body immediately knowing who it was. I turned around and wrapped my arms securely around her waist pulling her towards me. Her skin was soft and warm as it pressed against mine and I brought my lips down on hers.

Her hands found their way around my neck and I could feel her heart beating out of her chest.
"Draco" She whispered against my lips tossing my body into a hungry frenzy of want for her, but all too soon it came to a screeching halt.

Draco swayed out of his vision realizing what was happening to him. He needed to act and he needed to act fast because the next thing would be visions during class and at meals, he couldn't give himself away like that. Quickly finishing his shower he dried off and changed into his school uniform. Rushing back to his dormitory he knew what his first move needed to be. Without a second thought, he made his way to the other side of the dungeon hoping Professor Slughorn would be in his classroom preparing for today's classes.

"Professor, Professor are you in there," Draco asked knocking on the door rapidly but not enough to seem threatening.

"Draco, whatever are you doing here at this time?" Professor Slughorn asked as he opened the door to the classroom

"I know it's only the first day but I have a favor to ask of you, Professor... you see I'm in a certain magical predicament, I've found out that I am part veela. I beg that you tell no one... but I have found my mate and I need a way to get close to her. I guess what I am asking is if you'd consider making her my potions partner for the term. I know it's a lot to ask but she hates me and I need to change that" Draco said pleading with the man

"Whose the lucky girl my boy?" Slughorn asked smiling at Malfoy

"Hermione sir, Hermione Granger" Draco informed him and shock appeared briefly on his face.

"Very well then, I believe I can arrange for that, I'll see you last class Mister Malfoy," Slughorn said ending the conversation and getting back to his work.

Draco left the classroom pleased with himself for thinking of the idea and made his way to the great hall.

"Hermione, you've got to be kidding me I still have an hour to sleep" Ginny groaned as she tossed and turned trying to get away from the light of Hermione's wand. Trying to be quick Hermione gathered her things and used a simple washing charm to save her time going to the shower. She quickly changed into her uniform and slipped out of the room. Walking down to the fire-lit common room she could see the sun just starting to rise and she smiled to herself happy to be back. Feeling exhausted from last night's nightmare she slowly made her way down to the great hall. As she reached the bottom of the stairs she thought she heard the echo of footsteps behind her. She kept her eyes in front and told herself she had nothing to worry about and continued on her way to breakfast, although she couldn't shake the feeling of eyes on her.

Staying back several steps he knew she could feel his presents by the way her heart sped up. As she finally entered the great hall he came out from his hiding spot behind the stairs and made his way in as well. When he reached the doors he noticed that he and Hermione were the only ones there. Thinking quickly he wandered over and straddled the bench she was sitting on.

"What do you want Malfoy?" She asked clearly tired and already annoyed

"Calm yourself, Granger, I just wanted to discuss head duties, since we aren't living together yet this is a better time than any," He told her, studying her face. She slid her elbow across the table half asleep and rested her head sideways on her hand.

"Fine, what is it that needs to be discussed?" She asked being civil

"We have rounds tonight and we need to assign the prefects each their floors and decide where we will be going," Malfoy told her
"Who said there was a 'we'? I think it would get done faster if we split up" Hermione grumbled clearly not wanting to be with him

"Listen, Granger, Mcgonnagal is expecting us to do this so just suck it up and help me figure it out. Everyone goes in pairs for safety, let's not deviate from that just because we have difficult tolerating one another" he said annoyed, feeling her anger bubbling up.

"Fine, each set of prefects can take two floors starting at this one, we can take the dungeons, the grounds, the Astronomy tower, and the library," Hermione told him and he nodded in agreement.

"What time do you think we should start?" He asked trying to make conversation with her

"Probably a half hour after curfew, just to give people a chance to get back to their rooms," She said with her eyes closed looking as though she was about to fall asleep. Draco watched her with wonder in his eyes. She looked so peaceful and beautiful like that. He felt himself moving closer to her and she opened her eyes.

"That's fair I think," He told her trying to draw her away from realizing how close he was.

"Why so tired Granger?" He asked her and she rolled her eyes

"Listen Malfoy, I don't wanna make small talk with you, heck I don't even want to talk to you to begin with. Please leave" She said and just like that, he felt the rip in his chest. He doubled over his hand on his chest and his forehead almost hitting the bench. He tried to recover himself quickly, he knew his chest would be soaked in black. He got up running out of the hall and back to the dungeons.

Hermione was confused at what was happening feeling a slight pain in her chest herself but brushed it off as her friends walked into the hall.
"Mione there you are," Ginny said taking a seat next to her "I missed you this morning so I figured you were probably already here" she added making small talk "So are you all excited for the beginning of your last year of classes?" Ginny asked us

"I'm just glad we have Hagrid first period, I don't know if I could handle much else this early in the morning," Ron said filling his plate with the food that had just arrived.

"I'm interested in who our new transfiguration professor will be, since Mcgonnagal is headmistress there is no way she will take both roles," Harry added

"How does one go about applying to teach at Hogwarts do you think?" Hermione questioned, thinking of wanting to do that one day herself.

"Who knows, I'm sure it's not that hard, you've seen some of our past DADA Professors, it was a laugh," Harry said rolling his eyes.

"Guys I think I'm going to go prepare for class early, I'll see you there, bye Gin" Hermione said and grabbed a blueberry muffin before heading out the doors.

Walking at a fairly slow pace threw the grounds she wanted time to think more than anything. She had Malfoy on her brain for some reason and she couldn't seem to kick it. Why was he being nice to her, she wondered as she walked. It's not like she had put forth an effort to befriend him... but maybe she should. What was more mind-boggling to her was this morning's incident though, what could have caused him so much pain that he would act the way he did, and in front of her nonetheless.

As she walked down the hill and just past Hagrid's hut to the outskirts of the forest she felt eyes on her again like she did this morning. She stopped and looked around to see if anyone had followed her, but to her disappointment, she was the only one there. She took a seat on a stone ledge nearby and decided to start on her class readings.

"Are you ever going to get your head out of a book?" A voice asked as it approached her

"Not again" she mumbled under her breath

"I just wanna talk Granger, there's no harm in that, you don't have to be rude about it," He said walking over to take a seat next to her.

"How did you even hear that," She asked bewildered and wide-eyed looking into her book.

"That's not important, how are you? You look better than when we talked this morning" He observed

"Is this whole conversation going to be about insulting me, I look like crap Malfoy, I get it" She said rolling her eyes and looking away from him "I just didn't sleep well okay?" She added looking back at him. He smiled and tucked a loose piece of hair behind her ear, both of them feeling shocks at the encounter.
"I'm sorry about your nightmare Granger, I know what it's like," He said testing the waters.

"How did you know I had a nightmare Malfoy" She said scowling at him

"I didn't, I just assumed that's why you couldn't sleep, I think that's the reason many of us can't sleep after the war," He said reasoning with her. She narrowed her eyes at him then looked away.

"Did you dye your hair?" She asked "It's darker than usual" She said looking at it. She felt the need to run her fingers threw it at how soft it looked.

"No, it's just started to get darker, I can't say I mind the dirty blond. The fewer similarities to my father the better." He told her which caused a small smile to grace her lips.

"Hermione is he bothering you?" Harry asked as he stormed down the hill and over to them. He grabbed Malfoy's arm and pulled him off the wall. "Who do you think you are Malfoy, you have no right to talk to Hermione," Harry said getting in his face.

"Need I remind you Scarface that last time you picked a fight with me your blood-traitor friend ended up with a black eye on the ground," Malfoy said towering over Harry, much more muscular than I remember.

"Don't you dare say that, there is no difference in blood status now that Voldemort is done" Harry said clenching his jaw.

"Once dirty, always dirty. It will take much more than the dark lord falling to get rid of all the rubbish this world calls wizards. Your friend included" Draco seethed feeling intense pleasure that he had so much power over Potter.

"Let's not forget Ferret, Hermione is one of those people you want to get rid of," Harry said smiling. That's when he felt it, pain seared in his chest as he looked back to see tears streaming down her face. He caused that and now he would have to fix it.

The day was extremely slow, to say the least. Hermione took note of the fact that Harry and Ginny were not at lunch and she couldn't help but wonder if today was the day she was going to do it.

She had also noticed two particular things during that lunch in the great hall. Firstly Ron had not said a word to her since this morning. Second, she knew Draco was watching her and she couldn't help but be caught looking back from time to time as well. She knew she should be mad at him but her heart was leading her down a much different road. When he pulled her hair back this morning an electric shock-like feeling tingled around her ear and down her neck. She wanted more than anything to feel that touch again. She found herself thinking still about running her fingers through his hair.

Suddenly, she got an odd feeling in her chest. She could only describe it as a burst of pleasure. She looked over to see a big grin spread across Malfoy's face... did he know she was thinking about him? Feeling slightly embraced she go up and quickly left the great hall making her way to the potions room. After what seemed like forever the room started to fill up with the students from her morning classes.

"Now, if you could all please stand, I have decided this year that I will be assigning you partners to work with for the remainder of this term. It should come as no surprise that a Gryffindor will be paired with a Slytherin as well as a male paired with a female." Slughorn announced. Great Hermione thought, with her luck, she would get paired with Malfoy.

"Now lets start... Theodore Nott with Lavender Brown, Ron Weasley with Pansy Parkinson, Draco Malfoy with Hermione Granger, Harry Potter with Astoria Greengrass..."Slughorn continued as the students moved to join their new lab partners, much to the distaste of most of them.

"Listen Malfoy I want a good grade in this class so don't fool around" Hermione warned him sternly when she took her seat beside him.

"I think you forget Granger, I'm top of this class" He said with a smug smile as he turned his attention back to the front. Boy he really knew how to get under her skin, she thought as she to tuned in to what the professor was saying. The class moved slowly as they started off with a lecture on the newest potion they would be creating at the end of class.

"Now, this year will focus on honing your potion-making abilities. As such, we will be remaking potions from the 6th year, with a couple of new addition to work on advancing your skills and accuracy in potion-making. We will make 7 potions this term, Amortania (9days), Wolfsbane, Felix Felicis(6M), Draught of Living Death(1H), Draught of Peace (10min), Polyjuice Potion(1M) and Veritaserum(28Days). The first potion we will be brewing this year is Felix Felicis, since it takes the longest to brew. Now, there will be two components to this assignment. Firstly, a sample of the potion itself, secondly an essay on the research you have done about this potion, including where it originated, who created it, what it is used for, and anything else you can find on it. I expect no less than 7 feet of parchment for each of this term's potions. Now I expect each of the partners to contribute to both of the steps and I will follow up with your participation." Slughorn told them

"You will have two periods to finish your essay and begin brewing your potion. Your essay will be due at the beginning of class two days from today and your potion will be due next term with the expectation that you monitor it with field notes at the beginning of each class. You should start your research today and tomorrow's class should be used to make the potion. Expect to have homework in this project" Slughorn said dismissing them to start their work.

"So I was thinking, maybe any research we don't finish in class we could start again in the library after dinner and before rounds? Maybe get a jump start on the essay if we have time" Malfoy suggested, much to her dismay she had to agree.

"Fine, let's go there now to begin. This is one of the more difficult potions, I would prefer not to leave it to the last minute" she said gathering her things and walking towards the library. Draco jogged to keep up with her at first but caught pace quickly.

"Hermione..." He said catching her by surprise with the use of her first name. "I really didn't mean what I said this morning about the whole blood thing... blood status doesn't matter to me anymore, truthfully it never really did" He said trying to make amends with her.

"Ya I'm sure Malfoy, if you didn't mean it you wouldn't have said it" She said dryly

"It's not that, it's just I feel... I don't know, I just don't like it when I'm told I can't do something and when Potter told me I couldn't talk to you, I kinda lost it, cause I do" He told her "Wanna talk to you I mean" he clarified

"Honestly, I don't get why, you've been mean to me for the last 7 years, why stop now?" She asked as they got to the library.

"That wasn't me, I mean it was me but I was influenced completely by my father, and now that he's not in my life, I can be the person I truly want to be. Plus, it hurts me to be mean to you" Malfoy said earning a shhh from Madam Pince as they walked into the library. He rolled his eyes and then looked back at Hermione who was looking at him with what could only have a mix of curiosity and shock.

"I'm going to start researching, I'll talk to you later" She said going her own way and over to the restricted section. Draco stayed in the main part of the library wandering through any section that could contain information. Every so often he would peak around the stack of books and watch her with her forehead scrunched and her hand scribbling madly as she concentrated. His heart beat quickened at the sight of it and he couldn't take it anymore, he needed to be closer to her.

"Hey, what did you find?" He said walking up to her and taking a seat beside her at the table. He scooted his chair over getting closer as he pretended to look at the paper she had been scribbling on.

"Well I've answered almost all the questions he gave us, so if you wanna do the additional research that would really help" She answered, so distracted with her work that she didn't have time for a rude remark.

"Of course, I couldn't find much outside this section though, are there any books you haven't read in this pile?" Draco asked glancing at what must have been a dozen books sprawled out on the table.

"No not the two on the end, you should be able to find something in those,there is also some additional information outside the questions in a few of the tombs I've already been through" She said going back to reading. Draco reached across her grabbing the books and making sure his chest was close to her face so she could smell his cologne.

She visibly inhaled, clearly trying to hide it when she realized what she had done. Draco sat back in his chair with the book open on his lap, one leg crossed over the other. He pulled an extra piece of parchment from Hermione's bag and began to write as he read.

"Hey that's mine!" she exclaimed crossing her arms over her chest and scrunching up her nose

"You're cute when you're mad you know that?" Draco said and her face went blank. She opened her mouth to say something but shut it again when she couldn't find the words. She turned back to her book which earned a husky albit even sexy chuckle from Malfoy. He knew his plan was working.

"Oh shut it Malfoy" Hermione said not looking at him because of the blush on her face.

"Mione" Draco said which caught her attention. She looked at him then and he closed his book setting it on the table.

"What?" She asked looking defeated from the confusion he was causing.

"You have something stuck to the back of your robe," he said leaning in as if he was going to get it off. Without hesitation, he grasped his hands on each hip and pulled her tiny body over to his lap.

"Malfoy what the bloody hell do you think you're doing" She growl trying to get up but he pulled her back down.

"Just sit for a second Hermione please" He cooed in her ear. He turned her sideways and pulled her closer to him, snaking his arms around her waist and holding her tight. He could feel her heart beating in excitement and feel her body relaxing.

"I'm sorry, I just really needed this," he said, confusing the hell out of her. Her body tingled all over at his touch and she was mad at herself for wanting to be even closer to him. She felt something almost pulling her to him.

"Please hug me, I just need to feel you holding me" He whispered huskily in her ear, which sent shivers down her spine and a haze over her mind.

"Malfoy this is too weird, why are you doing this," she said but she knew that's not how she really felt.

"Draco, Hermione, call me Draco, and please" He cooed to her, tightening his hold again. She gave in and wrapped her arms around his neck, not entirely sure what got into her. She was the perfect height sitting on his lap and her shoulders just fit over his so that she didn't have to reach up. He turned her torso slightly towards him and tightened her arms around him, resting her head next to his. This made the veela part of his go crazy, he's never felt the way he did when he was holding her, it was like a drug and his head turned fuzzy.

He moved his hand up her back so he could pull her torso towards him and he placed a light kiss on the inside of her shoulder hoping she wouldn't notice, and she didn't.

"Draco we missed dinner and we have rounds in an hour, we really need to start this essay" she whispered in his ear. He nodded in consent and she tried to get up but once again he pulled her down.

"No just sit here with me, you can write your part, and ill write mine right here" he motioned to the chair they were both on.

"Draco I can't, this is wrong, I'm with Ron and we are supposed to hate each other," She told him. He could feel the pain welling up to rip across his chest but it quickly disappeared as her hand fell on it. "I don't know what's gotten into you, and I don't know how long it's going to last so please don't make a mess I'll have to clean up" she pleaded

"It's not like that Hermione, I really truly am so sorry for everything I've done to you, I promise I've changed, I'm a better man now and I want to show you that." He told her studying her eyes for a hint of what she was thinking.

"Thank you for apologizing but that doesn't change the fact that I'm with Ron and I can't be here sitting on your lap." She said and got up moving to her own chair. His heart hurt and he knew she could feel just a tiny part of that, he hung his head and continued reading. Soon both had finished their parts of the essay and packed up for rounds.

"I told the prefects to meet us outside the library for their assignments," Hermione's said motioning towards the corridor and they both started walking. It wasn't long before everyone was there and prepared for their duties. "Now, each of you will take two floors,  please remember that there are no exceptions for friends, if someone is caught out after curfew it is immediately points off, the amount of points depends on the act not on how much you like or dislike the people. If you have nothing to report go immediately back to your dormitory when you finish. If you do, owl us and we will keep track of the points to hand in tomorrow. Your floor will be in the following order, starting at the top floor and working your way down - Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. We will take care of the astronomy tower, the library, and the grounds. Thanks, everyone and get to it" Hermione said as she and Draco headed off to the grounds. They knew no one would be in the library yet because they had just come from there.

"Can we talk" Draco asked Hermione as they walked towards the black lake

"I guess, that depends on what you want to talk about" She said looking over at him and stuffing her hands in her pockets a little chilly.

"Are you cold?" He asked knowing the answer cause he could feel it in his own body.

"No, I'm fine" She said lying

"You know it's not polite to lie" He said undoing his cloak and fastening it around her. She snuggled into it finding it much warmer than her Gryffindor one, and this one smelt like him which made the butterflies in her stomach go crazy.

"Thank you Draco, but now you're going to be cold" she said with a look of worry on her face which made him smile.

"I'm fine, I'm a naturally warm person" he said smirking at her and she laughed a little "I want to talk about general 'stuff', I want to know who Hermione Granger is," He said looking her in the eyes.

"What do you wanna know?" She asked taking a seat on the grass by the lake

"Everything. I wanna know what you were like as a kid, I wanna know what it was like growing up in the muggle world and how it's different from this world. I wanna know about your parents and about your relationship with them. Then I wanna know the good stuff like what's important to you and what kinda stuff you value, what you see in your future, hell I wanna know how you want to raise your children. I also want to know the small things though like your favorite colour and animal and what you like for breakfast in the morning or how you take your hot chocolate in the winter" He said smiling, his heart beating wildly as he thought about his future with her and all those little things making him fall for her again each day.

"Wow that's a lot, why do you even care about all that? Can't I just be 'Bookworm, Gryffindor Princess, Mudblood Granger'?" She asked and he felt a stab in his chest at her name for herself

"Don't ever call yourself that awful word, if anything you are more special than any of us for having that blood because you will understand both worlds like none of us can or will ever be able to" He said looking at her seriously and scooting closer to her. He brought his knees up and rested his arms loosely around them.

She moved closer welcoming the warmth his body gave off and leaned her head on his shoulder apprehensively. His breath quickened and he closed his eyes enjoying the feeling of her voluntarily being this close, with the beautiful lake and the starry sky reflecting off of it as the moon glow above.

"Thank you Draco, I needed that," She said and he could feel their connection strengthening.
"I'm happy to spend some time getting to know each other, but I don't want to rush through all that, let's take our time. We are starting as enemies. After all, Rome was not built in a day." She said smirking up at him.

"Valid point let's start with our childhoods then, that is if you want to hear about mine" Draco offered and Hermione smiled and nodded silently. "You start" He offered and she launched into the details of her past.

"I was really just an ordinary child. As you can imagine, I started reading at a young age. The thought of expanding my knowledge has always made me positively giddy so I gravitated towards books most often. I also have loved history from a young age. My parents toured me through Scotland when I was 6 and ever since it's been my favorite place on earth. I would love to live in the highlands one day. The Scottish have such a rich history. Anyway, every year after that we selected a different location to travel to and I've been able to see a lot, I feel very fortunate for that." She told him and he could see the fondness in her eyes from reminiscing about the past.  "I was an eager child, so my parents enjoyed fostering that eagerness" She added, laughing to herself.

"I've always been very close with my mum, she is my best mate, so we did a lot together growing up. I was never really interested in toys, I much preferred to experience things. I baked and cooked often with my parents, I loved to be outside in our gardens or swimming and playing at the park. In the winter we ski, which is a muggle snow sport" She said looking at him to gauge his reaction.

"Sounds like you were a cute kid" He added quickly, letting her continue.

"Ya I've been told that," She said and they both chuckled

"We should get going, we have to finish rounds," She said standing up and offering her hand to pull him up. Once he was up he kept hold of her hand and she liked the feeling of it so she didn't make a move to change that. Shocks ran all the way up their arms as they continued to search the grounds.

"Anyway, my parents are both dentists, so they fix teeth, not an exciting profession but it pays well and allows them enough vacation that they have been able to travel at least 4 times a year.  I dream of continuing to travel the world, in fact, I envy Ginny Weasley because of all the adventures she went on this past summer, I would like to do that one day" She said looking down at her feet, thinking about it.

"You will do it, I promise... I'll even take you myself, we can see all the wonders of the world and spend hours in all the historical places, we can go anywhere your heart wants to go," He told her squeezing her hand.

"You would really do that for me?" She asked looking up at him with curiosity.

"I'd probably do just about anything for you Hermione" He said and he could feel her heart flutter

"What has gotten into you Draco Malfoy?" She asked shaking her head and smiling as they walked into the school.

"Hermione!" She heard from behind her as Cho Chang jogged towards her. She let go of Draco's hand regretting it immediately but not taking it back, conscious of the fact that she was still in a relationship.

"I know it's not our area but as we were finishing the first floor we saw two people sneak into the library, I just thought you should know," Cho said and turned away "Goodnight you two" she yelled as she walked to the stairs, presumably to retire to bed. Hermione and Draco searched the dungeon and the astronomy tower before heading to the library for their last stop, all the while talking about Hermione's life story and eventually Draco's too.

"Come here" Draco whispered barely audible as he pulled her to his side and slightly behind him, his protective veela coming out. He noticed a small shadow of light coming from a stack of books at the back of the restricted section and they made their way there. Draco was the first to see what was going on and the sight made him sick.

"Stay right here, I don't want you to see this, I don't want them to even know you're here" Draco whispered in her ear giving her more shivers. He slowly walked away and disappeared between the book stacks.

"I know you're not the smartest people, but I should think you're not stupid enough to be in the library at this hour on the verge of shagging when you know its not only past curfew but also that you both have significant others that are innocently in bed sleeping right now while you filthy arseholes are here cheating on them," Draco said venom dripping from his voice

"It's not like that I swear we were just talking" A female voice came which Hermione recognized as Astoria Greengrass from Slytherin house.

"Talking half-naked Astoria, no one is daft enough to believe that, especially when your skanky legs are wrapped around his waist and your neck is stained in hickies" Draco pointed out

"Draky please, don't be mad, it's not our fault we aren't getting any from our partners, you must know what it's like to be deprived of something so good. You wouldn't want to be with a boring prude either" Astoria pleaded

"You're both pathetic, you deserve each other, 100 points from each of your houses, and a week's detention in the dungeon with Mcgonnagal, you can explain to her how hard life is when you can't get laid so you have to cheat on someone.

"Listen here you ferret, you better not go spreading this around so help me, those will be the last words you say you git" Another voice came. It felt like a stab in the chest to Hermione as she gripped the bookcase, feeling her knees weaken and a snob welling up in her chest, now she knew why he didn't want her to see it.

"Screw your head on straight Weasley, you are truly pathetic you know that, you have a beautiful, incredibly smart, brave, and trusting girlfriend and you betray her by sleeping with this cow. You're are the epitome of rubbish, the literal bottom of the damn pile" Malfoy said "And if you don't tell her what you did, then I will and I promise those will be the last words she will ever care to hear come out of your mouth." Malfoy added,  "Now get out and get back to you're dormitories!" He yelled sending them off.

Hermione could hear clothes being gathered and she moved to hide herself behind a bookcase while they raced past her. Not seconds later Draco was there with his arms around her as she sunk to the ground, snobs retching from her chest as her heart was broken into pieces. Draco moved her onto his lap as he sat against the bookcase and held her tight letting her cry her eyes out.

"I know I shouldn't be this heartbroken because I wasn't happy anyway, but it just feels so awful to hear that you're not good enough and your boyfriend has to go somewhere else because you won't put out" Hermione said as the crying slowed and the hiccups started.

"Listen to me, you are good enough, hell it won't ever get better than you, not for him and not for anyone. You deserve to be loved Hermione, you deserve to be loved properly. By someone who wants to be with you because of who you are, regardless if you ever sleep with them in their lifetime" He told her holding her tight and her arms wounds around his back as her face cuddled into his chest. She breathed in deeply letting his smell comfort her. She felt safe in his arms, it just felt right.

"Thank you Draco" She said

"Always" He whispered placing a light kiss on her forehead, it was that moment that she knew she just might be getting feelings for Draco Malfoy. They sat there for about 10 more minutes before finally going their own ways back to their dormitories, both falling into dreamless slumbers.

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