TANGLED -overprotective famou...

By MusicMyLife

235K 2.2K 432

what happens when fame, gymnastics, music, overprotective celebrity brothers, adoption, past, friends and ene... More

TANGLED - Introduction
The Flight
Mumbai...I'm back!!
First Day of New School
A Date with a life-death situation
Back to (not so pleasant) present
Kicks and Punches
Live Chat
I'm With You
One week before wedding = Hectic
You Don't Know How It Feels Like
Giggle Monster
Together, Forever
Getting Ready
The big day
He hates me...why?!
Christmas and Traditions
Twitter Goes Crazy!
Girls Day In
Premiere Night
Arrested, Saved And Threatened.
The Troublesome Twosome Date
Gossip and Guy Drama
Jerk Brother or Protective brother?
Golden Globes
Niagara Tears
Security check
Antiquates? What are they?
Don't Forget
My Custom, Personalized Hell
Catching Up
Only Friend - Not
Going Back There
The Pay-Back day
Baby Pops Out
What's the name?
Face the Facts
Author's Note: IMPORTANT!!!

They call it a House...I call it a Palace!

4.4K 45 7
By MusicMyLife

So, now that everyone is in the year 2012...here is my NEW YEAR GIFT!!! i was gonna upload it at 1am my time, but i thought many of you would still be in 2011. So I delayed the upload!!

the pic is of the house/palace!! :P hope you like it!!!

again HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! :D



I stepped cautiously on the milk white marble. I looked around the place, my eyes sparkling. What did my brother say? That we were going to ‘just another house we bought?’ House? This was a stunning mansion! It seemed to radiate power and dominance. I walked out and around the house, to find a huge pool in the middle of a green, lush lawn. Flowers of rainbow colors waved with the light breeze, as if to welcome me here.

I walked towards the pool and plopped down on a beach side chair. This was beautiful. The house, the city, the country. Oh, did I forget to mention that my brother thought it would be a good idea to buy a house, no villa, oh no mansion in Dubai?

Ever since the black day, everyone has been on the edge. It is getting better, but we never got the opportunity to just sit down, relax and let go. Almost everyone was busy about something. Salman had two new movies ready for release, and the director of one movie decided he wanted changes. So, he was juggling with promotions, shoots, events, and opening an NGO. His ex-Aish thought it would be her shot at fame to accuse my bro of abuse. That is just low! Salman was so depressed ever since she called a press meet to bash him in public. It disgusted me that I liked her once. But atleast, he was moving on…slowly.

Arbaaz was nervous because of the baby. Getting married is not stress free, let me warn you. He was nervous because he was getting married next month. He wanted to get married-he loved Malaika and his baby more than his life. But he was still nervous. Not getting movie gigs wasn’t helping either. Malaika was tired of managing constant shoots, wild parties and being a mom.

Sohail was working day and night for the new company our family was opening. We were also working on starting a new NGO called ‘Being Human.’ The company would deal with the modeling business, where as Being Human would help the people who needed us, needed the support and money. I really liked the cause, so I wanted to help too.

But what could an eleven year old help with when opening a company and NGO? All I was allowed to do was give ideas, and designing with Hailie. One of our ideas was designing clothes, selling them and using the income for the ones who needed it. And it was accepted. Of course, professional designers were roped in, but we worked as side-kicks.

Me, on the other hand wanted to go back to my gym, to train. Every gymnast I knew wanted too. Some tried to sneak in, but were busted by the FIG, and were banned. So, that wasn’t a chance I could take. The FIG had its sources that informed them if we were training. But, every gymnast had to endure so guess we all were together in this. I did get to condition every day though, so I didn’t lose any skills. Didn’t learn any however, and that got me anxious.

Anyways, on the other hand, the media was choking me. And just somehow, I turned out to be in the ‘top ten most influential tweens’ list, and ‘top ten best dressed list’. I could not believe the magazines…how did this even happen?! And that led to more paparazzi, more attention, yada yada yada. I was getting better at it, but it did successfully piss me off at times.

So in a nutshell, everyone around had a short fuse.

And Arbaaz decided to solve it. He bought this palace-yup that was a good way to describe it-in Dubai as an investment and for a much needed vacation. And all this while, we had no idea about this. Only Arbaaz knew. I smiled as I thought about him. Always the kind, caring one. The one who would step between fights, control the craziness around. He was a father I never had.

My father…

I shook my head at his thought. What happened, happened. I couldn’t change it, so better accept and live with it. He probably doesn’t care, so why should I? I have three incredible male figures in my life to look up to. They were what every girl would want her father and brothers to be. I’d never admit it in front of them, but I did admire them the most in my life. My idols, my heroes. What would I be without them?

I was holding on to the Amethyst and Diamond pendant Salman had gifted me for my sixth birthday-my first birthday in the family. I still vividly remember the words on the card. It said,

“See how hard that diamond is? That’s how strong my love is for you. See that beautiful color of Amethyst? That’s what you are to me.”

It may sound cheesy, but to me the words were beautiful. I remember reading it again and again, not believing the words. I remember hugging all of them and crying. I remember sleeping in the lawn itself, because we wouldn’t stop gazing at the stars. I remember that day, crystal clear. That’s when I promised myself to let go of my past, to stop beating up myself about ‘what if’ and live in the present. Because it was perfect the way it was.

I kissed the pendant, before getting up to get inside. But before I placed my foot on the floor inside, I was picked up, bridal style. I was about to punch the person, when I saw Joe.

“Joey Bear!” I squealed, hugging him awkwardly, seeing how he was still walking…towards the pool.


“Joey Bear!!”  She exclaimed, and hugged me, or rather tried to. It was weird seeing how I was still carrying her towards the pool.

“Please no, Joe. Put me dow…” her words were cut short by her scream as I threw her into the pool, and she hit the water with a loud splash. I burst into laughter, along with Malaika who was also present.

Her head appeared above the water, and she was gasping for air. The moment she recovered, she launched herself towards me. I ran off with full speed. She was fast, and when she was angry, her hidden superpowers arose. I ran and hid behind Kevin who just came out with the rest of the family.

“Kev. My dear elder brother! Stop her!” I begged.

“Joseph Adam Jonas! How dare you?!”  She demanded, staring me down.

“Awww. What did you do now Joe?” Nick asked with sympathy evident in his voice.

“Nothing dude, just took her to the pool to have some fun.” I replied, trying to catch my breath.

“By that he means throwing me into the pool, and laughing at me! Joe, you better come out and stop trying to hide behind Kevy.” She warned.

“Dude! You didn’t!” Sohail said in a serious voice. Ok, getting her brothers angry wasn’t the best idea.

“Yes he did!”  She exclaimed, pointing up and down towards herself, “why would I do this to myself?”

“How could you?” Salman said, wrapping her in his arms.

“I-I didn’t mean to…It w-was…” I couldn’t even speak now. Great! It was official. It was my last day on this planet. Protective brothers +angry brothers = death. I know the best, I tend to be protective too.

I gulped as Sohail wrapped another hand around her. I got ready for the punches. The guys were like friends, almost. But when they are angry, it’s not wise to be the one in trouble.

“Do not try to defend yourself, young man! How could you do this to our baby sister? Without inviting us for some fun?” Salman yelled. I looked up to see all her brothers, as well as mine, grinning wide mischievously.

Alisha? She was terrified. Frozen. All she could do was look from me, to Sohail, to Salman, to Nick and then towards Kevin and Arbaaz. Then Salman just hauled the already wet Lee on his shoulders. She yelped and punched him, but it didn’t work. And she was into the pool-again.

We all were rolling on the ground with laughter. Wow, the guys have got some serious acting skills! We high fived each other, and then as if by instinct, jumped into the pool too. Liz promised us that we all would regret it. She was the ones who loved to take revenge. I didn’t want to think about it now.


*two hours later*

Everyone was showered now, visibly tired. We were having dinner, when I realized that the Jonas were here. In Dubai. With us. How?

“You are here.” I said, pointing towards Nick, Joe and Kevin.

“Glad you realized it.” Nick nodded, fake serious.

“How? You were busy with your album ‘it’s about time’, right?”

“Yup. But we didn’t have the inspiration. And that’s when he” Kevy replied, pointing at Arbaaz, “called explaining us about the lil surprise. And we decided to join in.” He smiled.

“Glad you did.” I smiled back.

“They weren’t the only ones invited. Amrita-Malaika’s sis is invited over too. She’ll be here by tomorrow. Also, Eminem was, but he was too busy, and Hailie wanted to go on tour with her dad, so she opted out. Selena has a family vacation planned too, so yea. SRK is in Austria busy with shoots and his kids have school, and so on everyone we decided to invite is busy. Guess it was short notice, so it didn’t work out well. I wanted everyone to have their close friends with them here. Oh, by the way Sohail, Samuel decided to drop in, too.”

Arbaaz completed his mini-rant about invites. Of course he wanted everyone to come. He loved to see us all smiling.

“You did a great job. And it’s not a house, it’s a flipping palace. Thought you should know.”  I smiled at him across the table.

“Oh, whho is your coohk? I’d lhove to hhire him ohn thour.” Joe asked, his mouth jammed with food. He couldn’t even pronounce properly! That is Joe Jonas for you guys. The silly, lovable dude.

“Easy, bro. And sorry, he is too busy to come on tour with you.” Salman answered.

“Who is he? Tell me his name atleast. I could learn a thing or two from him.”

“He’s sitting right here.”

“No way! You cooked this? It’s awesome man!” Joe exclaimed, like an excited little kid. We all giggled at his childishness.

We were done eating, and the maids took care of the dishes while we watched a random movie. All I remember after that is everything getting a fainter and lighter. Then, strong, warm arms wrapped around me, and lips kissed my forehead. I didn’t need to be awake to know it was Salman. I snuggled into his chest and drifted off. 


COMMENT FAN and VOTE if you guys like it!!

and sorry for the delay, I hope you understand! :) love you!

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