Adopted By Who? Adopted By TØ...

By Memelton

13.8K 355 243

Lillie Burgin is a 14 year old girl who has a not-so-good past and struggles with anorexia. Her dad got in a... More

1. Last Day & First Day
2. New Stuff
3. Shopping Trip
4. Road Trip!
5. A New Friend For Lillie?
6. Bad Moods Everyday
7. Runaways
8. Actresses
9. Secrets Unfolded
10. Meeting The Wife
11. "Best" Day Ever
12. I don't wanna go
13. I'm hungry
14. Bad News & Time Skips
15. Happy Birthday!
17. First Day of School
18.Glad We're Friends Again
19.Just A Guy
20. New Kid
21. They'll Find Me, Right?
22. I Do

16. Don't Leave

370 9 2
By Memelton


One Week Later

"Josh? What are you doing?" I called out, tired. It was currently 7 in the morning, and Josh was making too much noise.

"Morning," He told me, giving me a quick side hug. "And I'm packing for the tour," He said.

"I thought you packed last night? Did you forget a few things?"

"Well, I kinda unpacked and repacked. 3 times," I shook my head.

"Yeah okay," I told him as I sat on the couch. "Remind me why I can't go again?"

"Lillie, I've told you why four times. I want you to make high school friends and have that experience," he said.

Josh and I sat in silence after that as we waited for Tyler to come pick him up, as they were carpooling to the bus.

"Do I have to stay with Jenna? I can just stay here at the house and go to school!" I tried. I didn't really want to stay with Jenna. I like her, but I'd rather be alone.

"No, Lillie. You're not staying home alone for seven months. Now I told Jenna the rules, so don't try to do anything," He warned, and I put my hands up in defense.

Tyler got here a few minutes later and him and Jenna walked in the door. 

"Later kiddo," Josh said to me, and he hugged me.

I hugged him back and didn't want to let go.  Eventually, I broke the hug and went to hug Tyler. 

"I'll cya in 7 months." He said and broke the hug.

As they drove away, Jenna turned to me. 

"So.. what do you want to do?" She asked cheerfully.

"Sleep. It's only 7:30," I said, heading back upstairs.

"Right.." I heard her mumble.


"Ah, 11. Good time to wake up," I told myself as I got out of bed for the second time that morning.

"Hey, Lillie?" Jenna called for me.

"Yeah?" I replied, walking downstairs and into the kitchen.

"Would you mind staying home alone for awhile? I've got to go to a doctors appointment for this thing," She said whilst patting her belly.

"Yeah, I don't mind," I told her.

"Great! I'm gonna leave now, and I'll be back in about an hour," She told me.

"Okay, have fun!" I called as she walked outside. "C'mon in Emma!" I called towards the stairs.

Emma came down the stairs in black skinny jeans, a black Twenty-Øne Piløts shirt and a red and black flannel around her waist, along with black boots.

"Not gonna lie, you look pretty Tumblr," I told her as she sat down.

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked, playfully glaring.

"It means you look adorable," I said, kissing her.

As we pulled away, she laid on the couch as we started watching a TV show. We watched it for about 45 minutes. Maybe a little more.

"So.. I'm going to California," Emma said, breaking the silence.

"Cool. When?" I asked her, not taking my eyes off the screen.

"Next month," She replied.

"How long?" I asked again.

"Forever," She said quietly. This answer made my take my eyes off the screen and look at her.

"You're moving to California?" I asked her, just to clarify. She nodded slowly. "When did you find out?"

"That's not important," She said quickly. She tried to get up, but I pulled her back down to the couch and got on top of her.

"When did you find out?" I asked her as I looked in her eyes.

"Yesterday," She told me. I got off her and sat on the opposite side of the couch, staring back at the TV.

"You okay?" She asked me. I looked at her.

"Oh yeah, Emma, after finding out my girlfriend is moving to another state, I'm great," She gave me a sympathetic look.

"I'm sorry," She told me, leaning on my shoulder.

"You shouldn't be sorry. It's not your fault. It's not like it was your idea," I said to her. She stayed quiet, and I looked at her. She had a guilty look on her face.

"It wasn't your idea, right?" I asked her. 

"Of course it wasn't. If I could, I would never move," she told me. I looked back at the TV and continued watching and she went to the bathroom. Her phone dinged and I opened it. A text from her dad, and I read up a little in their conversation.

10:47 Dad: So, Bree told you about the move?

10:48 Emma: Yeah

10:48 Dad: Are you upset?

10: 49 Emma: I couldn't care less, honestly. It's just Lillie, though. I don't want to leave her.

10:51 Dad: I told you not to see her anyway; she's a bad influence

10:52 Emma: Whatever. But moving to Cali would be cool! We'd be living on the beach, right?

10:58 Dad: Actually, we're moving to Mission Creek. It's a few towns away from the beach

11:00 Emma: Eh. Still better than Columbus

11:01 Dad: Okay. Where are you right now?

11:01 Emma: Lillie's

11:02 Dad: Emma! Is she awake?

11:02 Emma: No, she's asleep. I'm going to wake her up though. I'll be back by 2, I promise

11:04 Dad: Emma, come home right now. 

11:05 Dad: Emma!

11:57 Dad: Emma, I'm serious

That was the last text of the conversation. Tears were streaming down my face. She didn't care about moving. She wanted to leave. 

She walked back into the living room and gasped. 

"Lillie! What happened?" She asked.

"You! You happened! I thought you loved it here!" I exclaimed.

"What? I do-" she started.

"Then why did you want to leave!" I yelled, cutting her off. She was about to respond but Jenna's car drove up to the house, and I pointed to the door.

"Get out.." I murmured. She looked at me with tears down her face.

"Lillie, please don't make me go," She begged.

"Get out!" I growled. She looked at me one last time before running out the door. Jenna walked in as she ran and looked at me with shock. I just looked at her and ran up the stairs to my room and slammed the door.


"Lillie? You wanna talk?" Jenna asked me through the door.

"No. Just leave me alone," I grumbled. I was staring out my window, looking at the spot where Emma used to stand when she waited for me to sneak out.

"Lillie come on. I don't want you to be moping around for the next seven months," She told me.

"No. I won't be for the next seven months. Just for a few minutes. Getting over people isn't that hard," I said aloud. I wasn't much trying to convince her, more myself.

Jenna opened the door and sat next to me, staring out the window. 

"Lillie, are you really okay?" She asked me.

"I-I'm okay.." I mumbled. My eyes started to water, and before I knew it I was crying into Jenna's shoulder.

"Sweetie.. wanna talk about it?" She asked me. I just shook my head in response, not wanting to talk at all. "Well, if you wont talk, we're going to hang out."

"I don't want to leave the house," I mumbled.

"Then we won't. Can you stay here alone for 15 minutes?" She asked me. I nodded my head, wondering what she was going at.

"Good. Now, go to the living room, stock it with pillows, blankets, movies, popcorn, anything you want. I'll be back soon," She told me and we both got up.

When she left, I gathered everything she said and put them on the couch. Just like she said, she came back 15 minutes later, but with 4 bags.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Well, I didn't know what kind of ice cream you wanted, so I got chocolate and strawberry. I also got two huge tubs of cookie dough and two giant spoons. Just cause," She told me.

"Well, I like strawberry, but not chocolate," I told her as we sat on the couch with the ice cream.

"You don't like chocolate ice cream?" She asked me, shocked. I shook my head.

"Well, I'll have chocolate then. And you'll get strawberry," she said. Now hand me a tub of cookie dough, please."

"Okay," I said and handed her a tub of cookie dough.

After watching movies for a few hours and stuffing our faces with ice cream and cookie dough, we eventually fell asleep. We fell asleep happy, and that's the important thing.

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