My brothers best friend is my...

By KamisamaKissFreak

180K 4K 250

Spencer is a werewolf living in a werewolf town. Her whole family is a werewolf. She's an average girl. She's... More

My brothers best friend is my mate!
I found my mate!
First fight
Pack business
Family affairs
Resolving the issue
We need to talk
I'm sorry
A newbie
Why? Just why?
The pain
The Battle
Negotiating (also last chapter)
Update on sequel

Just us

5.7K 141 5
By KamisamaKissFreak

Okay my friend has asked me if you would read her story on wattpad. It's a pretty good story so if you could please take time and read it i'd be super grateful. Spread the word about it if you like it too :) I know I keep asking favors about reading stories but I really do appreciate every read I get and I'm happy to write for everyone! My friends story is called Protect Me <3. You an also look up her username. She goes by the name Dmsspc1 thanks everyone! Now enjoy the next chapter!

Waking up I felt beside me, noticing how I had no extra warmth. Feeling nothing I opened my eyes and saw an empty space. Frowning I sat up and looked around the room. Empty. I sighed and got up. What time is it? Reaching for the alarm clock I saw that it was 6:30. I groaned. So early in the morning! What day is it again? Getting up and walking to the door I heard Kyle's voice in his office. Concentrating I listened in on the conversation. I think eavesdropping is becoming a bad habit of mine. "Mom like I said spencer is my mate. Theres no Undoing it." Kyle stated sternly. He's talking about me?! I listened in more. "She's a young girl and your a young man. She might influence you to do bad things. She's a half breed after all. Your mating won't be able to work. She can't handle it. She'll ruin the alpha blood line." His mother replied, her voice ice cold. Okay his mother seriously hates me. Is it just because I'm a half breed? I rolled my eyes. "Mother you know perfectly well that we can't live without our mates! I don't care what or who spencer is! She's my mate and she's a girl who deserves to be loved!" He raised his voice against her. My eyes widened. Kyle.... I clutched at my heart. He's so sweet. "Don't you dare raise your voice at me young man!!!" She roared. "Enough of this! I'm going to go wake her up. She needs to go to school today." Kyle stated. My eyes shot wide open. Crap! Running back to the bedroom I closed the door and jumped on the bed, covering myself back up and pretending to fall asleep. The door creaked open and I was greeted with Kyle's scent. He walked over to bed and sat beside me, stroking my face a couple of times before sighing. "I'll protect you forever spencer..." He whispered. He'll protect me forever? What does he mean by that? I'm not in any danger. "Hey babe, wake up time for school." He coed to me. I groaned at the mention of it. Rolling over I faced away from Kyle. He laughed. "Come on spencer." He pulled on my shoulder. Opening my eyes I rolled over to look at him. "But I don't wanna." I pouted, sitting up. He kneeled in front of me, right between my legs too. I blushed what's he doing?! "Spencer. Please I want you to have a successful life. I don't want you to be sucked into the pack business." He stated, grabbing my hands. I blinked. "What?" I asked confused. What's he saying? It's like he doesn't want me around. But... "Spenc please just listen to me. I want the best for you. Okay?" He looked at me a pleading look stressed on his face. I caved. He looks so sincere. But why? Why is he saying all of this? "Kyle what's going on?" I asked. He sighed and hugged me. "I love you spencer." Trying to lighten the mood I went for a joke. "I love me too! Ha get it..." Getting no reaction I blushed and wrapped my arms around him as well. "Kyle you know I love you too. I'd do anything to be with you. You know that right? I'm glad we're mates. I wouldn't want anyone else!" I nuzzled my face into the crook of his neck. His scent rushes into my nose and I inhale it, closing my eyes as I did so. "Kyle I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don't ever want to lose you. We're mates. Mates for life." I say. Kyle pulls away and kisses me. Kissing back I smiled. I love Kyle with all my heart. I may keep repeating myself but I can't help it. When you love someone like this you can't help but say it out loud all the time to tell everyone that your so happy to have that special someone. Kyle pulled away and we stared at each other for a moment. I really don't want to go to school now! Hey what if me and Kyle had a day to ourselves?! We haven't had anytime to our selves I mean with this stuff wth Liam and the eastern pack we've been super busy. "Hey Kyle? Can we have a day just to ourselves? Just you and me. No pack meetings or business or anyone. Just you and me." I say looking up at him. He looks back at me. His eyes searched my face and he smiled slightly and nodded. I smiled and stood up. "You mean it?" I double check. He laughs and stand up as well. "I'm serious. Your right we haven't had time to strengthen our relationship and I want us to understand everything about each other." He explains. I smile happily and hug him. "Can that day be today?" I ask. Please say yes! Please say yes! "Alright get dressed and meet me down stairs." He says, pulling away and kissing my forehead. I smile and nod as I watch him leave. Wait I don't have clothes here! "Hey wait Kyle I don't have any clothes here yet!" I shout. He turns around a smirk on his face. He walks back over and opens his closet. My mouth drops as I see my clothes hanging next to his. When did he...? "When did you...?" I start but trail off as I walk toward the closet. "I did it while you were investigating Liam's aunt and uncle." He shrugged. I looked at him. Does he know how much this means to me?! I'm finally living with Kyle! "Kyle thank you so much!" I exclaim before jumping on him and hugging him to death. "Um it's not that big of a deal..." Kyle muttered. I let go of him and gaped at him. "Yes it is! Kyle this is huge! We're living together now! I get to sleep next to you every night and I get to wake up and see your face first thing in the morning. I get to be with you!" I explain. He blushed. "I guess I never thought about it that way..." I blushed. Kyle is blushing which makes me blush! "Um... Well you should get dressed then." He quickly exits the room, closing the door behind him. Standing there embarrassedly for a second I then quickly get dressed. After that was done I went downstairs to meet Kyle and lucky me his parents were down there talking to him about you guessed it- me. His mother quieted when she noticed me. I clenched my hands and walked over to Kyle. "What's going on?" I asked. Kyle sighed and glared at his mother. "Come on Spencer we're leaving." Kyle stated before grabbing my arm and pulling me away. "Kyle!" His mother warned. Kyle stopped. "I looked between them. Kyle and his mother are at odds because of me... "Um... If I may Mrs. Knight." I let go of Kyle's hand and walked over to his mother. "Hello. I'm Spencer Mills and I'm Kyle's mate. I'm sorry to have not introduced myself earlier but things get busy as you must know. You are a very amazing Luna and I'm not sure how I will for full my duty as next in line to be Luna but I know for sure that I'll follow in your footsteps. I'll do everything I can to help this pack and to love Kyle. So please... Will you accept me?" I closed my eyes and bowed. Please let this work!! "Hmp! Just make sure you don't screw up! I don't see why you were chosen for my son but maybe you'll be of some use." She turned her nose up high and briskly walked away. I stood up in shock. She might have given me a chance to prove myself!!! "My wife can be a handful but she only wants what's best for the packs and for our son so she's skeptical of letting in a girl of your background. Although I think your very well fitted for the job. Guess that's why she's my mate." Kyle's dad spoke. I looked at him and he smiled before walking off. I have hope of becoming part of their family! I'm so happy! I must definitely work hard to meet their expectations!! "Spencer..." Kyle's voice enters my thoughts and I turned to him, a big smile spreading across my face. He laughs and smiles before stretching out his hand. I take it and we head off. Exiting the pack we wander through the woods. "I think I may have earned a chance to prove myself with your mother!" I exclaimed. He smiled. "Yeah... I think you surprised her by suddenly calling her out like that. She was being rude right? And so you made her feel embarrassed by bowing like that however she could tell the meaning behind your words and she thought that maybe it was worth seeing what you would do as a Luna and mate to me." Kyle explained. I groaned. "I'm nervous! What if I can't live up to her expectations?! She'll hate me! Not to mention the pack would hate me too..." Kyle rolled his eyes. "You think too negatively. You'll do fine." I smiled. Kyle's always there to support me. Which begs the question... Why does he do this? I mean I'm a half breed and no body wanted me around yet Kyle immediately welcomed me. Finding a clearing in the woods we sat down. I laid on my back and stretched out, staring up at the blue sky and taking in all types of scents. Rabbits, flowers, grass, the trees, and even a deer. "Hey Kyle..." I asked. "Hmm?" He responds. I reach out my hand and grasp his. We lace or hands together and then I continue. "I've been wondering. Before we knew we were mates I was a complete no body. No one wanted me around because I was a half breed but then we became mates and you instantly welcomed me. Why is that? I mean your mother obviously didn't care for me but you and your dad did." I say. He takes a moment before answering. "Well I guess it's because I would watch them hurt you everyday at school and I would watch how you just took it. With out crying out for help or shedding so much as tear. You took it all and I marveled at how strong you were. I thought to myself. That's the kind of person you want to be. I wanted myself to become strong and be able to protect the things I love the most. As I continued to watch you from a far I guess I developed a sort of crush on you but I was a coward and figured if we were to become public people would judge us but then my father told me about this little girl who watched as the whole pack turned against her because she wasn't like them. He told me about how that little girl had to deal with this guilt and shame brought on by her birth. That little girl was you Spencer and that fact shook me to my core. I thought it over for days and finally I came to a conclusion. I loved you. You were my hero. You were the person I wanted to become. Here you were with hardly a family left to love you and a whole pack disowning you yet you stayed and took it in and even had the slightest bit of happiness. You had no friends yet you were content with watching others. You had no family love yet you came home to them every night and sat down and ate with them. You had this hurtful past yet your still able to deal with it and move on. I was moved by you and when I found out you were my mate I decided then and there that I would do my utmost to make you happy. To make you feel loved. To make you feel special. I wanted you to have the world.  I vowed that I would do anything to make your life happier and more beautiful." My heart had almost stopped. He cared so deeply about me! He watched me and admired me. He wanted to be like me. He thought of me as strong. "Kyle." I sat up and climbed on top of him, straddling his waist. Kyle looked up at me, waiting for what I was going to do next. My eyes filled with tears. He says all this stuff about me and yet those are all the qualities I love about him. "Kyle each day I watched you in school and thought about what a luxury life you must have. But then one day I saw you at a pack meeting and saw the anger in your eyes when your mother didn't agree with your idea. It moved me because I was with you on that idea." His eyes widened. "You were my one vote...!" I nodded. "I wanted you to win so bad yet your mother convinced everyone that a child like you had no right to be spouting ideas. After that meeting I thought to myself. He doesn't have some high class life. He's just like me. He has to live with this guilt of being alpha one day. He has to live with a disapproving mother and the difficult task off making everyone happy. I admired you because no matter what you were so nice to everyone and I just knew you were a natural born leader. So Kyle don't go beating yourself up over your mother or trying to make me happy because I'm already the happiest girl in the world. I get to love someone as strong and loving as you." He smiled "Spencer... I love you." I smiled and my tears spilled, dropping onto Kyle's cheeks. "I love you too Kyle." I muttered before leaning down and kissing him. Kyle is my mate and now I know why he loves me so deeply. We've shared our deepest selves to one another. Our deepest emotions have been expressed and I couldn't be happier than I am right now. Just wait Kyle Knight. One day I'll go above and beyond your expectations just like you'll do to mine. I love you Kyle and I don't think I'll ever stop. My love for you will only grow.

Tada! It's done! I have finally finished the chapter! I figured I better give Spencer a rest from her stressful life. All this tif with Liam and Kyle's mother and being alpha and her half breed business can get hurtful so I gave you a nice relaxing chapter that hopefully brings Kyle and Spencer closer! I think it was goo they got to share who they grew to love each other so passionately so quickly. :) anyways! Until next time my lovely readers! Again thank for all the reads I've been getting I appreciate them! Keep it up!

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