Cute Little Psycho (Plutia x...

By Starblaster2000

17.2K 313 130

WARNING BEFORE YOU START READING: This is a story that is, essentially, a story about the writer, me, "hookin... More

First Encounter
Complete Change (2 weeks later)
A Sister?!
The Past Revealed (3 months later)
Trapped (1 month later)
Plans Revealed (1 week later)
Ready To Stir Up A Hornet's Nest?
Too Close For Comfort
Win Something But Forget Everything Else
Erased Mind
Lights Out (1 month later)
New Arrivals (2 weeks later)
The Truth (8 years later)
The Core
On The Edge of Death (5 years later)
Does This Count? (5 days later)
Both Kinds Of Heat (4 months later) (Lemon Warning)
The Game (7 months later)
This Is War (2 days later)

Her Interest

1.1K 19 5
By Starblaster2000

     This was the first day of my return. Fresh recruits were ready for my training regiment. Before I quit the military, I had made a title for myself. People knew me as "The Lawless Attacker". The reason for that was, as the others described, my "Intense capabilities in battle" and my "speed unlike any other human". It is true that I'm more agile and fast in battle. I've always wondered why but never got an answer. I arrived at the training site and all of the new recruits watched as I entered the room. I stopped in front of some controls.

-"This is a warm up first. Kill the targets." I said as I activated the holographic battlefield. 

     The new recruits just aimed and fired at anyone in sight. Some of the holograms got hit, but others shot back. I turned off the simulation and went over to the troops.

-"Recruits, what do you think you did wrong?" I asked.

-"We...didn't hit the targets?" One of them said.

-"WRONG! The first thing you did wrong was not take cover! After that you should've counted your bullets so you know exactly how many there are in your clips. Then use strategic planning and movements to flank the enemy. I didn't expect you to get it on your first try anyway. Think about what I said and apply that tomorrow! Am I understood?!" I said.

-"Yes sir!" They all said.


     They all left the room and I booted up the simulation myself. I took out my Ripper and took cover. I felt bullets hit the top of my cover and I started counting. I already know my clip size anyway but I did just to be sure.


     I had a full clip of ammo and I heard footsteps coming towards me. I jumped in the air while doing a back flip and fired at 5 guys coming for me. I landed and rolled out of cover while still firing. Someone came around the corner and I jumped straight for him. I tripped him, turned him around and used him as a shield from the barrage of bullets coming towards me. I ran towards everyone else while they reloaded and took them out one by one. Eventually they were all just broken coding. I heard the speaker say something.

-"HARD MODE INITIATING." The speaker said.

     I looked over to the control panel to see my recruits from earlier manning the controls. I smirked at them as I saw the coding of a tank being formed.

-"Finally, I have a challenge." I said to myself.

     I ran towards the tank, dodging its shots while shooting at other holograms. I jumped on top of it and knocked on the hatch. It opened and I shot the hologram in the face. I tossed a grenade inside and jumped off. I looked back at the tank. There was a short delay before the whole thing exploded. The new recruits were cheering my name then started up something else. I saw an attack helicopter being formed. I immediately took cover behind a piece of a wall. I ran around the arena trying to shoot the pilot. The cockpit was reinforced with steel. I saw an opportunity and ran straight for the chopper. I grabbed onto the landing skids and climbed up. I shot the pilot and threw him out. I took the controls and took out the rest of the enemies. I planted an explosive on the controls and landed. I got out of the chopper and detonated the explosive.

-"Now that's how you do it!" I said.

Iris Heart P.O.V.

     Amazing, I haven't see a human move that fast before. He should've been finished going up against the tank. Again proving to be very capable. I wonder if he has anything else that he hasn't shown me. I'll have to keep watching.

Mike P.O.V.

     I was on my way home after the training session today. I learned that you can only be a super soldier if you go by a very strict and difficult training routine. I have to make sure to never give them a break. If I do, their minds won't be strong. Having a strong mind is key to obtaining strength. You can react faster and have better decisive skills. I was almost at my house when I heard someone calling my name.

-"Hello Mike~." The voice said.

     I got ready to pull out The Ripper in case it was someone undesirable. 

-"No need to be so hasty dear~. I just wanted to ask you something~." The voice said again.

-"I'm listening." I said.

-"What do you think of Iris Heart~?"

     I took a second to think about my response.

-"She' On one side she's cute and innocent and on the other, she's a brave warrior with a bit of a sadistic nature. But I think that's actually what I like about her. I think that's why people are always nervous when they see her. Her sudden personality shift between normal and CPU mode makes it difficult to anticipate her next move." I said.

-"I see, well, see you tomorrow dear~." The voice said.

     I saw something rush past my face. I couldn't make out what it was though.

-"Holy shit!" I said to myself.

     I waited a bit before continuing down the road home.

-"Whatever, probably just some thug wanting information about Iris Heart." I said to myself.

Iris Heart P.O.V.

     So that's what he thinks of me. Brave warrior, cute and innocent. I still haven't learned anything about his abilities yet. But I will soon. I got back to the Basilicom and went to Mike's boss.

-"Hey there Carl~." I said.

-"Hello Lady Iris Heart! How may I be of assistance?" He asked.

-"I need the one under your command known as Mike as a guard inside my room from now on."

-"I don't mean anything offensive madam but, why is that?"

-"Given the recent events that have occurred, I'm worried that someone will try to attack the Basilicom again and I need someone in my room that can call for backup if needed. I think that Mike has proven himself to be a very powerful soldier, don't you?"

-"I agree madam. You have a point, I'll assign him to be a sentry outside your room."

-"I said INSIDE, commander." I said angrily.

-"But madam, wouldn't you want your privacy?"

-"I don't mind, assign him inside...NOW!"

-"U-understood madam!" He said as he ran off.

     This will be my opportunity to learn his secret. I just wonder how he'll feel about being with me aaaaaaall day~. 

Mike P.O.V.

     I got home and went inside my room. I put down my stuff and flopped down on the bed. I was about to turn off the lights when I heard a knock at my door. 

-"Hold on." I said as I lazily got up.

     I went over to the door and opened it to see my older sister Maria standing outside the room. 

-"Hey Maria, what's up?" I asked.

-"I heard that you're back in the military Mike." She said, sounding a bit annoyed.

-"I've made up my mind. I may not know anything else, but I know this: I want to live."

-"If you really wanted to live, you'd keep your old job."

     She walked in and sat on the bed.

-"I would but, I recently got the inspiration to rejoin." I said.

     I laid down on the opposite side of the bed facing upwards

-"Working at the lab was much better and safer though!" She said.

-"If you're worried that I'm gonna get hurt, don't be. I'm fully capable to serve the nation as a soldier." I said.

-"I'm still going to be worried about you."

     She laid down facing me.

-"You don't need to. My determination to keep Planeptune safe is stronger than most." I said.

-"If you say so. Just promise me one thing." She said.

-"What's that?"

-"Don't get hurt. If you do, I'll never forgive you!"

-"Okay okay, I won't. I promise, and if I do, you get to punch the wound if you want."

-"Then you'd better be ready for the hardest punch of your life."

-"Alright well, if you don't mind, I need to get some sleep now."

-"Sure, I'll let you relax."

     She got out of the bed and went to the door. Just before leaving, she turned back to me.

-"By the way, I'm telling Amy about our promise."

-"Go ahead."

-"Well, goodnight Mike."

     She closed the door as she left and I just thought about the possibilities of tomorrow in my sleep.

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