Dealing with Davion

By LaurelWhitley

692 27 16

Jayla: lives a not so great life, but once mom steals money from a bank where she works and gets arrested for... More

New Friends
Davion's Friends Invade
New Friendships
The Dare
The Struggle
Phone Calls
The Trip to the Woods
Meeting the Family
Revealing Secrets

Unexpected Arrivals & Unwelcome welcomes

163 8 1
By LaurelWhitley

"Could you watch where you're going?" I asked quite angrily, it was mostly my fault but I was actually going to say that out loud.

I looked up from my phone and saw Davion Carter, the schools bad boy, he was so full of himself and he never thought about others. But let me tell you, he was hot, hotter than 105 degree weather in a summer day, but I will never admit that out loud, ever. That would mean the tourists have won and I'm not giving Davion and his crew of dipwods that satisfaction.

"You know sweetheart, you bumped into me, you should watch how you talk to me because most girls would kill to be having this conversation" Davion said seductively, are you kidding me? I'd rather stick pins in my eyes and be gutted with a knife than to be talking to this dipshit. I chuckled and saw Davion's eyes scrunch, probably wondering why I chuckled, he's so clueless, not every girl is absolutely in love with Davion Carter. Idiot.

"I'd rather be raped by criminals and sleep on a bed of sharp nails than be seen talking to the biggest asshole and man whore" I said walking towards him and pointing at his chest but keeping full eye contact, Davion looked astonished at what I said but then he smirked and looked at me flirtatiously.

Davion started to walk towards me so that we could feel each other's breath,I was beginning to become uncomfortable and Davion was two inches taller than me, kind of intimidating but not so much at the same time.

"You sure have a sharp tongue to you, do you know what people do to girls like you?" Davion asked lifting his eyebrows, I broke contact a little and looked around me.

People were staring but I didn't really care, I'm not a person for caring what others thought and neither was Davion. I saw multiple phones out as well, recording us, if they wanted a show than that's what they'll get. I turn back to Davion.

"Are you flirting with me Davion and think about what you're about to say?" I said, he doesn't want to mess with me, not today...

"Babe, I've been flirting with you since the 2nd grade but you're always a bitch so than I usually decided to give you the middle finger" Davion said while lifting up his middle finger from his left hand and gave me a cocky smile. He made a bad choice, this bitch is pissed now, I smiled brightly back but it was definitely fake and then I did what no one expected.

I grabbed Davion's forearm while he was looking at the crowd being a cocky son-of-a-bitch and I twisted his left arm and flipped him over, basically a back flip and let me tell you he hit the floor with a loud thud. It was fucking priceless, people were looking at me with their eyes widened and eyebrows raised, I bent down to where I was on my knees next to Davion and said to him.

"You know flirting and insulting a girl, especially me, your most hated fan, not the best move you've had, keep that in mind for next time" I said slowly as if he was deaf so he could understand because to be honest he's not the brightest person. I got back up and looked at everyone and smiled at the camera and stuck my tongue out like a four year old.

"Davion and Jayla to the counselor's office, now" one of the staff said and left the double door but held the door waiting for us, I growled, rolled my eyes and followed her and I heard Davion getting up and sighing as well and following me.

"You know this is all your fault, if you hadn't of bumped into me than we wouldn't be going to the dumb ass counselor's office" Davion said with a deepened voice and a pissed off voice, as soon as I knew it Davion was walking beside me, someone just kill me now before I attempt murder.

"Your the dumbest person alive, Jesus, this is about something else you dumbshit, the school wouldn't care if I ran naked around the school" I said jokingly but I heard Davion snickering, he thinks everything is a fucking joke. I'm basically saying that our school doesn't give a living hell about us, how is that relatively funny but it might be the fact that I said I would run naked around the school but who cares it's not that big of a deal.

"That'd be a sight to see and it'd be unbelievably funny" Davion said quietly for me to hear but not for everyone around us to hear as we were walking around the office following this preppy old teacher.

"Shut up Carter before I rip off your balls and feed them to the squirrels" I said aggressively and with a straight face trying not to laugh at my own joke, My mother hated my aggressive, sarcastic, mean jokes, she would always tell me to be more proper,more human whatever that means.

"Could you two stop bickering and get in my office before I quit from what I can't possibly forget from what you just said" Ms. Avery said disgustedly, oh crap, I guess I zoned out and forgot there were teachers around me.

I walked through Ms. Avery's door and sat in her leather violet fancy chairs and as well did Davion but on the right side of me, I looked around and it was hippy themed, all kinds of different symbols I didn't understand but when I looked to my right I was a guy in a suit, a dark blue suit, black straight tye and black fancy dress shoes. Both of his hands rested on his lap but elbows on both of the arm rests, what is going on? What is this preppy golden old guy doing here? Somebody better explain like right now!!!

"Dad? What are you doing here?" Davion said confused, okay if my mom isn't here than I shouldn't be here, what the hell is going on?

"I have something that I had to tell you that couldn't wait till you got home or you would have a surprise you wouldn't understand" Mr. Carter said as softly as possible, why the fuck is he so calm? Usually when parents are this way they have something seriously bad that happened and know that their kids are going to freak out so the parents need to be strong. But the question still remains to be unanswered, what am I doing here if this is about Davion?

"But what does that have to do with me?" I asked with a edgy tone, my parents were never this calm, always yelling and freaking out,so that's how I am now a days. I looked at Ms. Avery and she tensed up and walked over to her desk to kneel down and sit in her spiny chair, I always loved those chairs when I was younger, I still do. Haha. Ms. Avery straightened her body, she was like a pencil, it creeped me out, she looked down at her clothing and straightened it all out, she even flattened her hair out. She must have like OCD or something because she is freakishly organized, her clothing is completely straight, her rug, even her pencils on her desk were straight and pointy, her pencils could easily kill someone in a heartbeat.

"Listen Jayla, we have got some bad news for you, it has come to our attention that you and your mother live a life where you have only beer in your fridge, and you only have a mattress at home. Unfortunately your mother got into some big trouble, when she went to work she stole 10,000 grand and she was caught and she was taken to jail yesterday morning. Your mother will be in jail for more than ten years and you won't be staying in the house you will be staying at, I'm so sorry Ms. Benson" Ms. Avery said with a sympathetic look on her face, to tell you the truth I'm glad she's in jail as sad as that is, she was always gone but when she did come home at night she would get drunk and when I got home she would hit me, a lot, she would scar me with cutting knives.

One night she got so drunk that she made me into her own throwing machine, she would have me stand against the wall ad she grabbed her knives and threw them at me. I hate my mom, I cried and cried, I have so many scars and infections. I won't be visiting my mother, she doesn't even deserve the title for mother, the news didn't even faze me at all I just smiled. They all probably think I'm some bitch who doesn't care about their mother or what happens to her but they can think that if they want, whatever.

"Sweet, so where am I going to stay?" I asked in a calm tone, just knowing the fact that I don't ever have to go back to that is such a relief that it made me way happier.

I looked around me and they all looked at me like I just killed a baby donkey but it's probably because their confused on why I'm so unfazed about my mother being in jail for a long time. If they knew they would completely understand why's my being this way and why I am this way.

"What your not even sad that your mothers in jail? that's super cold Jay, to not care about your mother and be sad that she's in a jail cell wearing a orange jumpsuit and making a cake out of muddy dirt and rocks, even for you" Davion said looking at me with his forehead scrunched up and a disapproving look on his face, he doesn't understand at all, I've been abused for fourteen years, I doubt he understands how that feels.

"If you want me to be honest, I'm thrilled she's in jail, it's better for me Carter, I care about my mom just not like I should, not everything for everyone is rainbows and unicorns, some people have it harder than others" I said looking at Davion, they all looked concerned and surprised and I don't really blame them for it.

"Jayla, has there been things going on at home, things that parents could go to jail for?" Mr. Carter asked with a questioningly look, I looked back at Davion and his mouth was slightly open but I don't expect anything less people ask all the time but unfortunately I have to lie because that's what I have to do all the time or else I really have to hear it from my mom and her stupid boyfriend.

Maybe I don't have to lie anymore, I could stop lying to everyone about what happens and who I really am. But I don't think I can because I don't want Davion to know about my history, my awful, abusive history. Then Davion would tell everyone about it and I'd be screwed, everyone would give me so much shit about my shitty life and so would Gabe, my moms boyfriend.

"Jay, does stuff happen at your home?" Davion asks, how did we talk about my mom to talking about me being abused? And how did that subject come to be? It just literally means no sense, I swear their on some serious drugs if they think I'm going to tell them the actual truth.

"Are you shitting me? You think that you can drag me into this office with this douchebag and tell me I'll be living somewhere else and then ask if I'm being screwed over by my mom, how stupid are you?" I asked pissed, I leaned against the arm rest and scowled Davion, the principal, and Mr. Carter. I wish I could just leave because this is bullshit, I shouldn't have to explain to them what life is like for me. No, I won't do it, I can't.

"Jay, their only trying to help, if things are happening in your house than they can do things about it, what about your dad or relatives?" Davion asked, he actually sounded like he cared he better watch it or else I might think he's beginning to go soft. I looked at Davion and he looked curious, and worried, he had the most prettiest ocean blue eyes and long eyelashes, aww.

"Unfortunately, Jayla can't live with her father or anyone, we already know who she is living with" Ms. Avery said with a straight and calm face, I hate those type of people, the people who try to stay calm even though they want to be mad or sad, the fake people and I find principals fake. Why are we talking about this? Can't we just get to the point already? This conversation is going nowhere at all, people just don't get it can't they just stay out of my personal life is that so hard to ask?

"Why can't she stay with any of her relatives?" Davion asked, why does he have to ask so many damn questions? Its getting so annoying. Right now I just want to punch him in the face, maybe Davion will get it through his tiny little head when I punch him that he'll actually get that.

Ms. Avery glanced at me and raised her eyebrows as if I was going to give her permission to tell Davion why I have no father or relatives, as if... But I had a feeling that Ms. Avery was going to say anyway even though it is not her place to tell him. If I want to tell him then I will but I don't want him to know, it's bad enough that he knows that my mom is in jail for robbery. But I was right she is going to tell him, man why does god hate me?!!

"Well, you see when Jay was born she had a family and than she got leukemia when she was little and her father-" Ms. Avery begun but I cut her off, I was pissed and angry because she had no right to talk about this. She may be my moms best friend but that doesn't mean she can tell everyone my whole life story so I said.

"You have no right to tell strangers about my past, no right at all, you may be my god mother and my moms best friend but she's in jail now so that makes you no longer liable for me, my father is scared ground, you aren't allowed to talk about my father, what part of 'never speak about my father' do you not understand? And I don't want Davion and Mr. Carter to know about my past" I said, I got up in the middle of the sentence and leaned over to wear I had both of my hands on her desk and I inched my face towards hers so she could clearly hear me. I don't think the hearing part would be a hard thing, I think all of China could hear me.

I saw the look on Ms. Avery's face, but I usually call her Sara, she looked like she was going to pee her pants and that's the look that I was expecting from her. But at the same time she also looked calm and astonished, I loved my godmother, she took care of me when I was a baby and my parents were douchebags, I called her momma for a while until mom got pissed and started getting mad at me.

"If you will be living with Mr. Carter and Davion than they shall know what-" my godmother said but I cut her off, what does she mean by if I will be living with them? Does she seriously think I will be living with Davion? The bad boy, are you kidding me?

"Wait what? What are you talking about?" Davion asked curiously and glanced over at me once I sat back down and his eyebrows were raised as well with mine with curiosity and scareous. And we had the right to be, I just wish that they would move forward with this whole discussion thing they have going on.

"Since Jayla doesn't have any fitable guardian thats actually here and can take care of her than I'm leaving it to Mr. Carter to decide whether or not Jay will go in the foster system or join your household" my godmother said, so now I'm a teeter totter. Why am I always the one that gets bounced back and forth like a hot potato? Am I really that awful that no one wants me?

I glanced back over to Mr. Carter and his jaw was tightened and firm. He had no emotion to the look on his face, Mr. Carter must be one hard-ass of a father to Davion but thats just my opinion, I might be wrong but it sure does look like it. Mr. Carter closed his eyelids and breathed heavily, I don't want to go in the foster system. I've been in it before and I could take it, my life has been one hell of a roller coaster mostly upside down and very rarely have I been on a rollar coaster that goes straight for very long. But I also dont want to live in a house with Davion, but in my case this isn't my decision.

"What about you? She literally doesn't have anyone? I find it hard to believe that she has no one to take care of her, love her, help her through her problems" Davion asked and questioned with his eyebrows arched downward. I just rested my right arm on the chair and I could feel my eyes swelling up, getting red, feeling the water well up in my eyelids.

It hurt to feel, it hurts to cry, to think about what my life is like. I dont want Davion to see me cry or even my godmother but I dont care, i can't hold it in any longer. I could feel the salty tears reach the edge of my lips on both sides I my face. I looked at my principal/godmother and she lifted her eyebrows with concern and acceptance. She'sasking me if she can answer his question, I really don't want him to know but apparently he has to know.

"Just tell them, it's not like they wont find out in the future, I dont got anything else to lose" I said while sobbing and pausing every now and then. Davion looked at me, he's never seen me cry before and he looks surprised, astonished, and scared. I would be too, the person that ive seen go through stuff but their your enemy and their tough and strong but they never put down their guard, never but then all of a sudden they let their guard down. It's like a rush when you go bunjee jumping or jump of a tall tree and into water or even death, it's all a rush. Life is constantly a rush.

"No she doesn't, her mom is in jail as you very well know, her father left when she was a child, none of her relatives want her because they said they have better things to do than take care of their daughters problem, meaning that her mom conceived when she was sixteen and her parents pushed her away so they pushed away their grandchild. DHS wont let me take care of her because I already have many children, so no she has no one. Life has not been an easy thing for her, whatsoever" my godmother said, as she told her story well my story to Davion and his father I felt more tears and I rested my hand on my forehead feeling the rush, the pain that I was feeling.

I saw Davion lingering my way and I didn't like getting stared at, not at all. But I knew why he was staring, and I deserved it, I deserved everything I got.

"If Jayla is as bad as you say she is than send her to the foster system because I don't want her influencing my son to rebel against people and talk back, she needs to go to the foster system maybe that'll do her some good as a person, a troubled delinquent" Mr. Carter said, that's when I felt it all, this time I actually sobbed full on, I could feel myself breath hardly, harshly. It hurt to sob and breath in and sob even more.

I got up from my chair and ran my hands through my hair and turned around. I walked towards what seems like a blank white wall, with my hands still on my face and sobbing into them. I could feel my hands getting soaked in my tears, I hated this feeling so much. I need to breath, I slowed down my breathing and slid down the wall behind me and brought my knees to my chest and leaned my head on my knees to set aside the pain for a little while.

"Dad, I've known Jay my whole life and she is no low life, she is an actual person, like you, like me and she deserves a house to live in and not to be thrown from house to house, she doesn't deserve to be treat the way she has so whether you like it or not she is staying with us. Jay and I may not be best of friends but she deserves at the very least this" I heard Davion say loudly and firmly, I heard thumps. I can't believe Davion stood up for me, he's never done that for me before but he's never been in this type of situation with me before.

I felt hands on my knees and than I looked up and saw Davion reaching to my hands, he lifted me up to my feet and dragged me out the door. Well this was one interesting scene, things just got ultimately weird but I'm cool with weird.

"Just because I stuck up for you doesnt mean I'm going to do it all the time so son get used to it Jay" David said cockily, haha, there he is.

"There's the cocky, arrogant son of a bitch that I know" I said laughing a little, and followed him within a few seconds.

"Watch it Jay".

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