Never Forget You - Roman Reig...

By harleyreigns

132K 3.3K 151

They abandoned her once she's worried they'll do it again. She disappeared for 4 years, no one heard from her... More

1. Returning to WWE
2. First Appearance
3. New Love Intrest
4. Kidnapped
5. No Forgiveness
6. No Escape, Yeah Right
7. Jealousy
8. Changed
9. Suspicious
10. Betrayed.... Again
11. Back to Each other
12. All Better
13. Back together
14. Don't Be Embarrassed
15. Getting along
16. Poisoned
17. 911!!!
18. At The Hospital
19. Back at the hotel
20. Old Video, Good Memory
21. Scars
22. You'll never Be Alone Again
23. Smackdown
24. Nothing, Nothing at all
25. Everything's better now
26. Have Fun Last Night
27. Wasted
28. Afterwards
29. 2 Months Later
30. Pregnant
31. Where's Carrington
32. Do You know Where She Is?
33. He Found Me
34. We can leave in the morning
35. At Wrestle Mania
36. Jail
37. A much more terrible day
38. Luck
39. Home

40. New Beginning

2.4K 64 7
By harleyreigns

1 week later

Right now I'm laying down in bed, Romans in the shower right now, it's also 3:00 in the morning as well. And I'm tired as hell, I haven't been sleeping well these past few days and I feel completely exhausted. The baby is also keeping me up a lot to, it likes kicking a lot when I'm trying to sleep, but I'm hoping that I finally get some rest tonight, I'm not sure how much longer I can take this.

"You okay baby?" Roman asked as he walked out of the bathroom.

"Yeah I'm okay." I answered, he crawled in bed with me.

"I hope you get some rest tonight baby, can't stand seeing you as tired as you are." He said and kissed my head.

"I know, and I'm started have back pains to." I explained.

"Are you gonna be alright?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine, it'll probably pass." I answered.

"Maybe we should go to the hospital just in case." He suggested.

"No, I'm sure it's nothing." I said.

"Okay, but if it gets worse you better wake me up, okay?" He asked.

"Don't worry I will." I answered and snuggled into his chest, I closed my eyes and we both fell asleep for a bit.

2 hours later

I rolled over and felt that pain in my back again but this time it was worse, I signed and carefully got out of bed, as soon as I stood up I felt a bunch of liquid running down my legs, damm it, my water just broke. I immediately woke Roman up.

"Roman my water just broke." I told him, he quickly got out of bed and grabbed the baby bag we needed, we both slipped shows on Roman helped me and we both walked out of the house, we got in the car and Roman drove us to the hospital, and I could already feel a contraction starting, Roman grabbed my hand, after a minute it went away and I stopped squeezing his hand.

"Are you alright?" Roman asked.

"I think so, I think I'm starting to rethink this whole baby thing." I winced at the pain as another contraction started already, god this fucking hurts so bad.

"A little to late for that baby." Roman said and the contraction stopped.

"Very very late." I corrected him as he pulled up to the hospital. We got out and Roman went to go get the doctors and a nurse brought a wheel chair out for me. I didn't really need it but if I didn't sit down Roman would give me that 'you better behave yourself ' look he gives me when I'm bad.

They took me in and put me in a bed and got everything ready, the doctors checked on me and seen how I was doing.

"How you holding up?" Roman asked me.

"Fine, just fine." I answered. And tried relaxing and calming myself, I'm really getting nervous about all of this.

"Okay she's ready to start pushing any time now." One of the nurses said.

"Come on baby you can do this." Roman said and I started pushing. I only pushed for 20 minutes before it was finally over.

"Congratulations it's a boy." The nurse said and handed me my son, he looked just like Roman. It was so amazing being able to hold my son for the very first time.

"He's perfect." I said and me and Roman shared a kiss.

"He sure is." He said and kissed my head.

"Now there's only more thing we both need." Roman said and pulled out a little box and got down on one knee.

"Carrington, Will you marry me?"


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