6. No Escape, Yeah Right

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I woke up and rolled over and looked at the clock, it's freaking 3:00 in the afternoon, this isn't surprising that I slept in. I sighed and got out of the bed and grabbed some clothes I put a black tank top on and then a hoodie that said " Love will tear us apart" on and I put head shorts on. I brushed out my messy hair and left it down.

I wonder what it's gonna be like having to hang out with these losers now, I can't really see Paige, Aj or Randy. But we are gonna have to sneak around to see each other, we might just have some alone time in his room tonight, I really don't feel like going out anywhere today so.

I went out into the living and didn't see anyone so I headed for the door and it was freaking locked, I couldn't get it opened. Wonderful.

I tried kicking the door but it didn't work, so I went back into the bedroom and grabbed my phone and texted Randy to come to the room, and since Roman is dumb enough to give me the room number I gave it to him and told him to come quick and get me out of here for a while.

I kept texting him until he told me he found the room, I told to do what ever he had to do, just get me out of here, and heard a loud noise and then the door opened.

"Randy." I said and jumped in his arms, I looked over his shoulder and seen he broke the lock off of the door.

"Thank you." I said to him and he put me back down.

"Your welcome, now let's get you out of here for a little while" he said and we both walked out of the room and went back to his room. We both went into the bedroom and turned on the tv.

"I missed you." He said as we laid in the bed.

"I was only gone for one night. You just missed cuddling with me." I said and we both chuckled.

"I missed that to." He said and held me tighter. I smiled and closed my eyes and before I knew it I was fast asleep.

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