7. Jealousy

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After Roman freaking found me he made me come with him back to the hotel room, so I had to leave Randy and I didn't want to but there's not really much that can be done, I said good bye to Randy and told him to come by around 11:00. And then Roman pulled me out of the room and we walked back to the other room.

"You didn't have to do that!" I snapped at him.

"You're not supposed to see him at all Carrington!" He yelled at me.

"He's my boyfriend you can't keep us separated!" I yelled back at him and he didn't say anything, he's probably gonna be jealous now.

He kept silent and we walked back into the hotel room, I went back into the room I was in last night and slammed the door shut. He can't just keep me away from Randy it's not fair, Roman needs to just move on from me and get over it. He blew every chance he had with me, it's his fault we were never together.

Maybe if he wasn't so focused on that blonde bimbo Summer Rae, we would have been together and I'm sure we would be happy but we'll never know now.

I wish I could forgive Roman, and change everything but it would be pointless, yes we would be friends again and everything but Summer and Layla are still around to, and they would be in our way, plus Eva Marie is there to but i dont have any problems with her, shes probably the only real friend that i have here. And Its not like Summer will just let me go a head and have Roman back, that would be a big war.

10:56 pm

I was in the living room doing my own thing and no one dared to bother me. I was rolling joints to, no one even noticed. I've been getting high the last two years and it's not to different from getting drunk, you just react to things differently. Besides I'm a lot of fun when I'm high.

And Randy should be here any minute now with Paige, Aj and Hunter. I know I'm gonna get high with my boss, oh well I've done stranger things.

I heard a knock on the door and I think Layla answered it, I looked over and Paige just pushed her out of the way, followed by Aj, Hunter and Randy.

"Hey boo." I said standing up and giving the girls a hug, followed by Hunter and Randy.

"I don't think I wanna get high babe." Randy whispered to and I smirked.

"You've never been high before have you?" I asked him.

"Uh no." He answered, I smirked and leaned in to his neck and left a little love bite.

"Trust me it's fun, especially with me around, you'll get a little surprise." I whispered to him and and kissed his neck before turning back to everyone.

"Let's light these suckers." Paige said, we all lit our own joints and before we knew it we were all out of it. I could barley finish a thought, I was a little loopy and in another world to.

That's why I love getting high, it takes me straight out of reality, and sometimes that's all you need.

One hour later

About 5 minutes ago I made everyone leave and Carrington went with Randy. I made them all leave not just because they were smoking weed, but because Randy had Carrington stripping for him and I couldn't watch it.

"I don't understand why your so worried about her, she's old enough to make her own choices." Summer said, I was talking about being worried about what Carrington was doing, I guess I'm gonna always be to worried about her.

"I'm always gonna worry about her." I said, and summer looked discussed.

"What's so special about that whore." She shot back and crossed her arms looking at me for an answer.

"Summer she's not a whore, and we aren't even really together." I explained and she looked at me very angry.

"It doesn't matter on TV your my boyfriend and since we can't really get together because you refuse to, look she's not taking my spot in your life." She said and walked into the loving room all mad and stuff.

I turned the lamp on and laid back in the bed and tried going to sleep but I could hear Randy and Carrington a few doors down, I could hear them having sex.

He's in there with my Carrington, screwing her, I feel like he's using my girl and I can't stop it either, she won't listen to me. And she doesn't even know how bad I feel about how things went down with that storyline 4 Years ago, I tried switching it around so Carrington could still be with.

Believe me, me and the guys tried everything to change it and we couldn't, and it sucks, over a stupid storyline I lost the best girl to ever walk in my life and it makes me so upset. I never stopped thinking about her at all, I wished I could changed everything that happened between us.

Never Forget You - Roman Reigns Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora