Grizzilla by pandasgirls8

By pandasgirls8

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My first story about three brothers, a chemistry set and a giant problem More

Grizzilla chapter 1
Grizzilla chapter two
Grizzilla chapter three
Grizzilla chapter four
Grizzilla chapter five
Grizzilla chapter six
Grizzilla chapter eight
Grizzilla chapter nine
Grizzilla chapter ten
Grizzilla chapter eleven

Grizzilla chapter seven

125 2 6
By pandasgirls8

Meanwhile, Elmore, Gumball, Darwin, and Anais were eating lunch when all of the sudden the teleporter appeared right in front of them. "Hey, guys check out that cool rocketship!" cried Gumball. "Dude, that's not a rocketship!" said Darwin. "It's a time machine-shaped phone booth!" "You're both wrong!" cried Anais. "It's a teleportation device that takes you from one place to another." "What does that mean in English?" asked Gumball. "A teleporter, Gumball." said Anais. Gumball and Darwin started to laugh. But as her brothers were laughing, Anais noticed the teleporter door opened, and out came ten strangers. "Guys, we have company!" said Anais. Gumball and Darwin stopped laughing and said, "Hello!" "Hello there!" said the ten strangers. "Who are you, people?" asked Anais. "My name is Panda." said the black and white bear. "And these are my friends: Ice Bear, Chloe, Charlie, Nom Nom, Jake, Finn, Clarence, Jeff, and Sumo." "Nice to meet you!" said Gumball. "My name is Gumball and this is my brother Darwin and my little sister Anais." "Nice to meet you too!" said Chloe. "What brings you here in Elmore?" asked Darwin. "We're looking for my brother Grizz." said Panda taking his phone out. "Have you seen him?" Gumball, Darwin, and Anais looked at the picture. "Grizz was here for a few days but he had to leave." said Gumball. "What happened?" asked Panda. "Well, we'll tell you what happened to Grizz." said Darwin. "If you tell us how your brother got this way." said Anais. "Okay but it's a long story." said Panda. "We like long stories!" said Gumball. So twenty minutes after explaining to the kids what happened to Grizz Darwin said, "Why didn't he read the instructions?" "Yeah, I mean I don't go drinking a vile of serum and turn myself into a 50ft tall grizzly!" said Gumball. "That's crazy!" "But Gumball, a few days ago, you, Darwin, and Grizz were doing crazy stuff while Mom and Dad were out shopping." said Anais. "I have a list of ten crazy things that my brothers and Grizz did while I had to clean up all the mess that they made before Mom and Dad got home from shopping." "Nobody wants to hear that, Anais!" protested Gumball and Darwin. "Ice Bear wants to hear it." said Ice Bear. "Okay, Ice Bear." said Anais giving the list to Ice Bear. "I want you and your friends to take turns reading each crazy thing that my brothers did with Grizz when he was with us." Ice Bear began to read the list. " #1: Gumball drawing a mural of Grizz on the wall in the living room!" said Ice Bear giving the list to Panda. "#2: Darwin pouring root beer in the bathtub because Grizz wanted a soda fountain!" cried Panda giving the list to Chloe. "#3: Grizz dyeing his fur orange!" said Chloe giving the list to Jake. "#4: Gumball playing paintball in the house!" said Jake giving the list to Finn. "#5: Darwin making a super giant-sized sandwich because Grizz was hungry and wanted a super giant-sized sandwich!" said Finn giving the list to Jeff. "#6: Grizz turning on the sprinklers and the entire lawn turned into a lake!" said Jeff giving the list to Clarence. "#7: Gumball making a super giant-sized chocolate milkshake because Grizz was thirsty and wanted a super giant-sized chocolate milkshake!" said Clarence giving the list to Sumo. "#8: Darwin making a super giant-sized bowl of Special k™ cereal because Grizz was hungry and wanted Special k ™ cereal for a snack!" said Sumo giving the list to Nom Nom. "#9: Grizz meeting our two friends from school, Hector the giant and Tina the T-Rex but they ran away screaming because Grizz scared them with his sonic boom voice!" said Nom Nom giving the list to Charlie. "#10: Gumball, Darwin, and Grizz helping Anais clean up all the mess before Mom and Dad come home because it's the right thing to do!" said Charlie giving the list back to Anais. "So what's the point, Anais?" asked Gumball. "The point is that everyone makes mistakes!" said Anais. "The important thing is to learn not to repeat the same thing." "What happened next, Gumball?" asked Panda. "Grizz left just as soon our parents came home." "Did Grizz say where he was going?" asked Chloe. "Grizz said he was going to a place called Townsville." said Darwin. "He sure loves to travel." said Charlie. "We need to find Grizz before the angry mob gets him!" said Panda. "There's an angry mob after Grizz?" asked Anais. "Yeah, they're going to tar and feathered his hide!" said Charlie. "And make barbeque bear 🍔 out of him!" said Clarence. "Not on my watch!" said Gumball. "You're not wearing a watch, Gumball." said Darwin. "Dude, it's an expression." said Gumball. "It means that they won't get away with it." "Oh, okay sorry." said Darwin. "Can we help you find Grizz?" "Well, sure but what about your parents?" asked Panda. "I've got this." said Gumball taking out his notepad ✒. "Dear Mom and Dad, Darwin, Anais, and I are going to Townsville with our new friends to find a giant grizzly bear before the angry mob gets him." "Gumball, you forgot to put love Gumball, Darwin, and Anais." said Darwin. "And don't forget the PS.," said Anais. "Okay love Gumball, Darwin, and Anais." said Gumball. "PS it's going to be a long journey so don't worry we'll be back home in a few days." When Gumball finished writing the note, he gave it to Panda. Panda read the note and said, "Works for me!" "What are we waiting for?" asked Jake. "Townsville here we come!" As soon Gumball's note was on the door, the thirteen friends went inside the teleporter. They were on their way to Townsville. Well, my dear readers what do you think of my story so far? Stay tuned for chapter 8 when Panda and his friends meet the cast of The Powerpuff Girls!

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