Truly Sincere [Part 1]

De etuphb

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Is it possible for a broken person to fall in love all over again? Can a broken person be fixed? do soulmate... Mais

Authors Note


55 6 2
De etuphb

"get up! We're going shopping" Alex stood there in her sun dress and I was laying down on the bed with the mask on my face wearing bathrobe

"No we're relaxing here, come on hop in" I said munching on strawberries

"We have a lot of baby shopping to do" Alex said annoyingly when I didn't move an inch from bed

"As my maid of honor, it's your duty to go on shopping with me" Alex sat down next to me as she tapped the mask on my face and sniffed her finger tips "it smells yummy"

"Strawberry and milk goat" I said

"Please" Alex pleaded with her grey puppy eyes and I flared at her

"Fine, I'll wash my face and get dressed up" I got up from bed and Alex squealed playfully clapping her hands

"Just tell me when you're tired, Harry would kill me" Alex said after buying a hat only which I'm sure she won't wear at her wedding and baby won't even fit in that for next eighteen years, we entered third shop

"I'm fine, just feed me afterwards okay" I laughed and she giggled disappearing into the forever twenty one section, I sighed as I followed her, I walked pass by the cute tops while touching them silently telling myself I won't be able to fit in those ever again

"Look at this one" Alex squealed as holding a tank top with the shredded shoulders which said kill me softly

"You aren't gonna wear this on your wedding, are you?" I laughed

"But I'm getting this, it's cute" Alex said in a fetch accent and I almost scrunched my nose, she disappeared into another aisle and I stood there like a goof, I walked into another aisle and looked for some decent clothing and found none

"Jasmin!" A feminine voice called my name and I had to turn around, a young girl standing there wearing denims her hair in bun and liner on fleek

"Yes" I said, squinting my eyes analyzing her profile

"I'm Hala, I knew you wouldn't recognize me" she threw her arms at me and I hugged her back

"Of course I didn't recognize you, you're all grown up" I smiled at her silently thinking to myself that I grew up in the right time, I can't even imagine this amount of makeup on my face in my teenage years

"It's been so long" she said, of course it is, since I broke up with your brother, our families almost went apart, but my mother couldn't stay away from her cousin or their kids, I had to rebel against everyone, I'm surprised that she's glad to see me

"Yeah it is, how's aunt Amber?" I asked the only  conversation I can keep on going that moment

"She's fine, actually she's really happy, Ray got out of the prison, just six months ago" she said and her dark eyes looked at me, the way Rayyan's do

"Oh! Okay" I dropped the shirt from my hand which I nervously held at the mention of her brother's name

"Oh let me.." she quickly jumped forward to pick the shirt up and she looked at my belly "you're pregnant, congratulations" her face wore off instantly but she managed to keep a smile, what an actress

"Thank you" I smiled as she hung the shirt back in stand

"Let's go bitch" two teenage girls same of her age called her from behind and I raised my eyebrows in judgement, pregnancy hormones really makes you want to babysit everyone and teach them basic manners

"It was nice seeing you Jasmin, I gotta go now" she gave a last hug before leaving

"Hey! Let's check out" Alex came holding lots of unnecessary stuff, she didn't aim to get those before, but that's how Alex's shopping goes

"You seem distracted, what did that little girl say to you?" Alex asked when we were eating ice cream, I too realized that I went quiet, I sighed, I finally decided to tell her what was really going on

"She was Rayyan's little sister" I sighed and she shoved the wooden spoon back in the ice cream cup

"She was what!" She gulped down her mouthful of vanilla ice cream down her throat and made weird face her brain freezing, "Rayyan as in your ex finacé, that jerk, who's in jail" she blurted out as she squinted her eyes at me

"Got out six months ago, he completed the sentence" I added and her mouth wide agape in surprise, her ice cream started to melt but she leaned back at her seat and she was looking at me

"I saw him, last week, but I didn't tell anyone, because Harry would have stayed here, jeopardizing his dreams is not even the last thing on my mind" I said and she licked her spoon

"I understand" she nodded

"I'm a bit scared, what if he does something again" I said

"He won't, I admit that he's a heartless monster, but he wouldn't harm your baby" Alex tried her best to distract me and I nodded

"I won't think about it again" I smiled continued eating my ice cream

When I reached back at home, there was an unusual silence, I looked in the kitchen and peeked in mum's room but I heard no one, and when I was walking up the stairs I heard voices from baby's nursery room, I was surprised to see the door unlocked, as it has only been painted and not even been decorated completely.

When I peeked through the half opened room door, I saw Anne smiling at two stuff toys she was holding

"What do you think gem? Rabbit or cat?" She asked

"Both of them" she said as she groaned

"Be careful with that" I heard Hoor and I couldn't keep the suspense and I entered the room to see Gemma and Hoor struggling with a huge delivery box

"What's going on?" I laughed and Anne walked towards me putting her arm across my shoulder "we were planning on to surprise you with this" she pointed on the box and Gemma stood up dusting off her hands

"It's a crib, Harry sent it and ordered us to make it a surprise for you, delivery guys luckily brought it upstairs but we seem to have problem while dealing with that" Gemma said and I smiled as wide as I could thinking about Harry

"It's white" Hoor finally opened the tapes and Gemma squealed, somehow they managed to fix the crib on the particular spot, and I wasn't allowed to do anything, they didn't even let me fluff the pillows. I was tired, my whole body was aching, but I tried not to sound needy that I stayed there

"You should get some rest, my child" Hoor said as she tapped my shoulder

"Take a nap, we will try to keep it down" Anne smiled at me

"I don't want to leave all the work on you guys" I said with a guilt in my tone, I swear I felt guilty

"Are you kidding, we love it here, and besides, we're almost done for today" Gemma said as she tugged in the bedsheet into the headboard of the crib, and I got up smiling at them and went to my room, I decided to take a quick shower before my prayer to hit the bed afterwards for a nap. As I walked towards the closet, I again observed people behind the wall leaning on it, holding somewhat seemed like huge cameras, I felt insecure even in my own room, they should put a security system on that wall. I pulled the blinds back on and I went to shower

"What do you want from me? please! Have mercy on me" I pleaded as I cried on my knees, I looked around I was surrounded by fire, the house was on fire

"you killed everyone, don't kill my baby" I held my belly, and when I looked down at my arms they were covered in blood

"You killed your own baby Jasmin" Rayyan's eyes met mine, his pupils ablaze with fire as he leans down on my face "I am here to take you" his smile grows filthier

"No! I didn't kill my baby" I looked down at my arms and cried

"You killed your own baby" his hands reached my arms and I gasped for air and I sat down, I found myself at the foot side edge of the bed, it took me a while to realize that I was dreaming, my heartbeat didn't seem to come back to normal state, I dug my face into my palms, I gathered strength and stepped on my feet, my feet were swollen and heavy, I walked towards the nightstand and poured myself the glass of water

I looked down at my belly and put my palms on it and felt it closing my eyes, I sat down weakly at the edge of the bed and tears start to roll down my face, I was scared and lonely

Nightmares have been so hard on me without Harry by my side

My phone buzz on the nightstand and I smiled looking at the caller ID it was Harry, I wiped my face quickly and took a sip of water before answer the video call

"Hi Jasmin" hearing his voice just made me realize how much I'm addicted to him

"Hi" I smiled my biggest smile and he took a sip from his coffee cup, his face had mud on it "what happened to your face" I smiled knowingly it was makeup

"I had to fight with pretty huge dudes, I'm at war Jas" he winked at me taking another sip as I laughed my heart out

"Hazel got your present today daddy" I said and he leaned in closer to the lens of the camera and smirked

"I love it when you say that" Harry whispered and I laughed, I realized that I was craving for his hug

"I have to tell you something" he said ruffling his hair as another dude stepped in, I recognized him from the pictures Harry sent me, he was another co-actor

"That's your wife, hi Jasmin" he smiled toothily, honestly all I could see was his teeth, I waved at him smiling back "Harry misses you a lot" he said

"I know, he does" I said and Harry smiled

"I'm telling you he misses you a lot so that you don't get mad at him, cause my wife just got really upset" he added again and Harry pushed him aside politely as he smiled at him

"Dude! I'm talking" Harry said and he moved out of the camera "bye Jasmin, it was nice talking to you" we waved each other and Harry cleared his throat before licking his lips, he remained silent for a few seconds

"What is it Harry?" I asked politely

"We're going to a place a bit far, there's no network, and I hate to tell you that we won't be able to talk for whole week" he said pausing within the sentence and I looked at him quietly

"Okay!" I said, with no expression

"Really?" He asked, as if he expected any other reaction from me "you are not mad at me?" He asked concerned

"It's not your fault, that there's no network, I've waited this long, I could wait more" I said playing with the hem of my shirt to avoid eye contact while talking, I'd hate to tell him the truth that I'm really not okay

"Look at me" he said in a low voice and I looked at him, he smiled at my quick response "I know it's hard, but  you have Hazel, you're not alone" his face softened more

"I know, I'll just miss hearing your voice" I said and I felt my voice cracking up, I pursed my lips to take a hold on my tears, the heaviness in my throat urged to burst down, but I just wouldn't break down in front of him

"I miss you" he said and I smiled looking at him, a loud voice on a speaker called everyone at the set "that's my cue" he said looking at me for a few seconds, as if he wanted to pause the moment, he wanted to say something

"I love you" I blew a kiss on him

"I love you" he said in return, seeing him catching my kiss and kissing at his fist made me chuckle

"be brave Jas" he waved before hanging up the call. I stared at ceiling for God knows how long as I cried the silent tears.

my phone chimed placed beside me, I picked it up lazily, it was an attached email I couldn't read the ID, it was a blocked ID, I assumed it must be Alex sending me bridal dresses for discussion, but the blocked ID made me suspicious, Alex barely emails me. I opened the email, and clicked the download option, opening the folder I was left in a bolt of the blue, they were various pictures, my pictures, laying naked on the bed of my room, walking naked in my room, being cozy with Harry. panic washed on over me as I realized that I've observed people on the wall, they had accessible cameras to take private photos, and none of them was edited, I recalled myself of all the times I walked around my room in my undies, I felt exposed, I was fidgeting nervously and I couldn't think of anything to say or do, I wasn't even sure what should a person do in such circumstances

I was holding my head as I shifted anxiously on my bed throwing the phone on bed in front of me, I received another email, and I froze for a while, scared enough, my hand reached out to the phone and I clicked the email open, it was a type email

My dear Jasmin!
I know it's been a long while, since we've talked, we met a few days ago but we didn't talk. Well! I am sending you this email to let you know that how well you can sense me that it is me, how nearly you can smell me, I'm in your room, I'm in your dreams, I'm everywhere but in your heart. You've known me well enough to tell that if I aim on you, I'll make you mine.

I can release these photos of you, but I won't, I want to keep them to myself. I sent these pictures to you to remind you, that I have control over you
Your Ray

Phone slid through my hands and I started to tremble, I yearned for air to breathe, as tears started to roll down my cheeks in terror, I wasn't sure what was happening to me, I wanted to hide myself, I don't remember for how long I stayed in that state, but I couldn't sleep the whole night, I felt sick and couldn't move or say anything. I wanted to hug Harry, and wanted him to tell me that everything will be alright.

Dawn! Took over the sky and I laid there on the bed lifelessly, just when I was about to dose off I heard a soft knock at the door, entered in Hoor

"Good morning Jasmin" she greeted me with the pile of fresh laundry

"Good morning" I shifted feebly as I tried to sit down, Hoor sit the laundry at the edge of the bed and walked towards the closet

"It's okay, I'll do it myself" I told her politely and she nodded smiling at me

"Are you okay? You don't seem fine" Hoor asked as she walked towards me

"I'm restless and tired" I answered and she quickly poured me a glass of water and I realized that I wasn't even able to drink water through out the night.

I tried to take a sip of water over my dried throat, but I felt sick, I tried to get up from bed to rush towards the bathroom, but as soon as my feet hit the floor a blinding pain shoots across my abdominal region into my crotch, I couldn't help myself but bent down on my knees on the ground

"Jasmin! Are you okay?" Hoor worriedly rushed towards me and gasped "you're bleeding"

I looked down at my knees, the blood was flowing through my dress, and another bolt of pain shoots and I groaned, one hand on my belly and another on ground, I was weak. Terror filled my senses, Hoor hurriedly screamed Anne's name, they rushed in

I was in so much pain, the kind of pain I never experienced in my entire life, if it wasn't near to death, I can't tell what was it, the pain was literally insufferable and I can hear my heart beat in my ears. Ambulance came and I was transferred to the stretcher, my life was flashing through my eyes, I just mumbled one name


I was given drugs during the ride to hospital to dose off, I was half numb and half faint when I reached hospital, I opened my eyes when I was being rushed to the operation theater, I looked at Anne and Gemma, they were running along with my stretcher

"Mum.. Harry!" I wanted to talk to her, I needed to be soothed through ache, But I couldn't speak, due to so much pressure on my lower abdomen, I just felt like that someone have cut down my body into pieces, another bolt of pain shoots and I groaned painfully

I heard doctors telling Anne and Gemma that they can't come inside, they have to sign some papers immediately and one doctor was blabbered about the pints of blood I lost and the other one just held my hand quietly telling me that it'll be alright

I screamed Harry's name, before being rushed inside the operation theater, I remember the terrifying lights above my head before dosing off completely

"Jasmin! You don't have to worry about Hazel, she's fine" Harry smiled at me as he was holding her wrapped up in sheets in his arms

"Can I hold her?" I asked and he rocked her in his arms before giving it to me "she's sleeping so peacefully" I smiled looking at her precious face, and I felt a pat on my shoulder

"Jasmin! Give her to me, I have a better and safer place for her" an old man standing there in white attire smiled at me delightfully, and I without a second thought gave her to him, and he walks through the door

A gasp left my throat, when I tried to open my swollen eyes, my head spun badly on the amount of morphine, I realized I was in another room when I opened my eyes to the ceiling, I tried to move but a weak whimper left my throat, I was in mild discomfort and I couldn't move my legs, my body was numb as if I got paralyzed

"Jasmin, my child" Anne walked towards me, as she held my hand, her eyes were swollen red and her eyes were filled with tears

"Mum!" I mumbled, trying to give a squeeze to her hand

"His phone is off, I can't reach him" Gemma walked in the room and went silent looking at my state

"Hey! How are you?" She gently patted my head and I tried to nod but my head spun badly under anesthesia

"Baby!" I mumbled and they went silent for a moment

"We lost her" Anne said in a low voice

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