Truly Sincere [Part 1]

By etuphb

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Is it possible for a broken person to fall in love all over again? Can a broken person be fixed? do soulmate... More

Authors Note


47 6 3
By etuphb

The day was here, when Harry finally had to leave for the sets of Dunkirk.
Luggage was already loaded into his private car which had arrived early that morning, and at that time I was helping him to get ready.

"I can't find my watch" Harry said looking at nightstand

"its on your wrist" I chuckled before taking a final look at the hand carry
"Don't forget face timing with us daily" I reminded him

"I'll make time for you, don't worry" he said as he ran his fingers through his short hair peeking at the mirror

"Are you sure that they won't force you to do the stunts yourself" I asked again, feeling dumb of myself as I handed over him his jacket

"Of course not" he laughed adorably as he pulled me closer, his hands were on my hips as he planted a soft kiss on my forehead "I'll miss you" he mumbled

"We'll miss you" I said and Harry placed his hands on my belly as he bent down "grow well, my Hazel" he spoke to my belly, making me almost laugh through my tears

"Take proper sleep, no matter what" I instructed him as he held the jacket on his shoulder

"I'll just tell the crew that I've strict  orders to take proper sleep and while they can continue working without me" he laughed, I pouted

"And also..."

"Shh!" Before I could say anything he placed his finger on my lips, "don't worry about anything, I know you got this, just take care" he raised my chin above before placing his lips against mine, the kiss lasted for a few seconds, but I just couldn't let go of him, I placed my head on his chest hearing his pulse as I held back the heavy weight of tears

"The driver is waiting" Gemma knocked slightly on the door and I see him off downstairs as the car sped off through the giant gates. I went to my room and lay down on the bed, I looked at Harry's side of bed, I never felt so lonely before. I sobbed a little bit and the next thing I knew I was comforting myself counting the tiles of the ceiling, I fell asleep.

I woke up from a weird dream where I was having tea with a cartoon when my phone rang, I got up at once and frantically searched for my phone on the bed, I had to jump across the bed to pick up my phone from Harry's nightstand, it was Alex. Contented enough I slid to answer

"Hello!" Her cheerful voice made my day

"Hi!" I sounded jovial enough for waking up from a weird dream

"How are my girls? Any progress?" Alex asked and laughed

"We're fine, and I don't know about progress, I just had the appointment two days ago" I said, which reminded me of Rayyan, I ran into him too the same day, I was deciding whether to tell her or not, what if I get kidnapped, and what if he kills me, someone has to know about him, I was dying to keep the news to myself

"I'm back in town and I  have a news" Alex said and I let my decision to tell her depend on her news

"What's the news?" I asked walking towards the balcony of the room

"Harry's gone already?" Alex asked a bit distracted as if finding it on news

"Yes! Just this morning" I answered and I noticed something unusual at the back wall of the lawn, I tried to focus on it and I realized that some paps are perhaps lurking there, I rolled my eyes and pulled the curtains back

"Too bad, we could have grabbed the lunch together, I wanted to show you my engagement ring" she said in a normal tone

"You what!" I squealed walking back to my bed and we both laughed together "no way, shut up" I laid down on the bed and I was giggling merrily

"Yes way, and I won't" she laughed, "James proposed to me last evening, we were out there at a romantic dinner and he proposed" she giggled

"Congratulations! I'm so happy, I can't even put it into words" I laughed through tears

"Oh come on! But you can always put it in a lunch" she laughed

"Of course" I laughed along with her

"I'm hungry right now, we could grab lunch right now" Alex said

"Okay! I'll get changed and call you in ten minutes" I hanged up the phone and ran towards the closet and slipped into a loose shirt, carried a hang bag to hide my baby bump and I called Alex before jumping into the car

"I missed my roasted potato" Alex squealed as she hugged me, I couldn't be mad at her for calling me that, I missed her too

"It's gorgeous" I looked at her ring while we munched on the perogies
"I had no idea I was craving for this" I chewed on the bite as I looked behind Alex, some paps were practically skulking on the glass window of the restaurant

"What is up with them today" I scoffed as I picked up the napkin and dabbed the corner of my mouth

"You're pregnant and they are desperate for news" Alex said, "maybe I should show them my engagement ring and they'll leave you" we both laughed

I decided not to tell Alex about running into Rayyan the other day, I didn't want to spoil her day and we had other stuff to discuss about, and besides I thought maybe I was making a big deal out of it, maybe he's not after me after all, he has completed a six month prison sentence, maybe he's changed for good, he didn't hurt me or didn't say anything to me that day either

I was trying to divert my mind to think optimistically, because thoughts reflects on health, for which I needed to be in the best state. We stepped outside the restaurant and walked towards the rover through the pack of paps

"Jasmin, how are ya"

"Where's Harry!"

"Look here"

"Over hear"

I just had enough of them, they were following me, I tried stay to composed when I tried my best to cover the baby bump with the handbag as I adjusted my jacket to cover myself more

"She's pregnant" I heard a loud voice from behind the cameras flashing at me blindly, I froze in my steps and looked towards the source of voice, I spotted the same hand tattoo as it held the lens of camera which was covering his face, same tall hoodie guy


"This can't be" I mumbled when he lowered the camera and smirked at me, I gasped. Paps loaded me with more questions

"Is it true" "when are you due" "show us the bump"

"What are you doing dumbjass" Alex held my hand and steered me into the car and I realized he was after me after all, he's here to take revenge

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