Rain Only Postpones Desolatio...

De AuroraLights

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Stevie Erickson is a 16 year old white girl with black hair, and radiant green eyes who is a mix between bein... Mai multe

Rain Only Postpones Desolation (GirlXGirl)
Chapter two - Waking up with him :p
Chapter three - Regained!
Chapter four - Stupid Kindergarten Crush
Chapter five - Amazing . . . Only For A Moment
Chapter six - And then I knew (Contains Some Sexual Content)
Chapter seven - Can't Believe I'm Losing Him
Chapter eight - What The Hell Happened?
Chapter nine - Back To The Begging
Chapter ten - Playing Games with Death
Chapter eleven - . . . Perfect timing
Chapter twelve - Can't Lose Her Too!
Chapter thirteen - Why all at once?
Chapter fourteen - Damnit Justine!!!
Chapter sixteen - Glad You Understand
Chapter seventeen - It's Party Time!!!

Chapter fifteen - How Didn't I know!?

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De AuroraLights

Author's note: Hey there! So what did you think of the ending of last chapter? Let me know what you think. It really helps me to write better. Well For this chapter I'm going to be testing out some more points of view. Let me know what you think. And vote if you've ever had an awesome ninja friend. I know I have one right now!!! You should check out her story it's called A Life Away. Or just look up her user ZarthDraco. She just started writing it but I can assure you it's really good. Haha well anyways, here's chapter fifteen. :D

So even though it's been a few years I'm adding this update to all my chapters :) I started a fundraising campaign for 'I just want to be me. (Top surgery)  the link will take you to my page. Just reading it means a lot to me as well as spreading the link around. Don't feel the need to donate just trying to get it out there -




My mother was about to speak, but by this point I am already furious and I don't wanna hear her bull shit, so I cut her off, "No mom I don't wanna hear it! You don't deserve great children like Jess, or Jordan!!" The more I screamed at my mother the more the fire flamed inside of me. "I can't believe you thought it was ok to just send her away when she was one of the only people I had in my life because I sure didn't have you!!!" For the first time my mother stayed quite which was good cus I wasn't done, "You know I have no father, but now I don't even have a mother! Just stay out of my life! I never want to see you again!"

I could tell she was pissed that I stood up to her, and she wanted to say something but I just left the room before she got the chance. I walked out of the room and the doctor told me he was looking for me. I was supposed to get my cast taken off today. After it was taken off I was able to walk. The pain went away when I exploded at my mother. "Hey Jess can I come over so I can see Aunt Roni? And can we talk on the way there?"

She looked at me and smiled even though my expression said I wanted to kill someone, "I herd everything you said to mom. Thanks for sticking up for me. I didn't know you would figure out why she sent me away. None of it was your fault, but do you want to know why she sent me to live with Aunt Roni?"

So I was right about what happened with Jess and my mom, "Why did she?"

"Aunt Roni was the first one to tell dad about dad hitting you and Jordan. You guys were about four and she had walked in on him back pushing you to the floor because you didn't bring him his soup fast enough and it spilled all over you and Jordan because he was blowing it off while you walked it over to dad. He was trying to cool it off for him and you were walking slow because you didn't want to spill it." I saw the tears build in her eyes, but she fought them, "I remember that day so well. It was my twelfth birthday and I remember spending the whole day in the emergency room with third degree burns all over your little bodies, but mom wouldn't tell me how you got them."

"But why did she send her away?" I knew because the thing I do remember about that day was I never saw my Aunty again after that. I don't remember getting burned though.

"She saw it happen and ran in and punched dad out and took you two to the hospital, after crying out you guys were past out from the pain." She began to look really sad again, "She tried to tell mom what happened, but dad lied and got Aunt Roni send to California just like I was when you were ten. The only difference was, is when I punched dad he didn't get knocked out."

Did I just hear what I think I herd? Jess, Daddy's little girl actually punched him for Jordan and I. Jess was always like a true mom to me. She was all the good parts of my mother without the bad and she actually stuck up for me when she could. Even sometimes when she knew she couldn't win she would still try. "I'm sorry Jess, I lied and said I fell because I was afraid of him. It's all my fault and I'm . . ."

"Don't even go there Stevie I mean it. This was all mom and dad. And Jordan and I were talking while you were getting your cast off and he doesn't wanna talk to mom either. So no matter what you'll always have Jordy and I ok? Don't you ever forget that. it's us three against the world. Ohh and did you wanna get some driving time in? I bet Bumble bee would have fun being driven. He's never been before. I had the car towed so you could be the first to drive it." She smiled and I waved for Jordan to come with us.

Jess drove us from the hospital to my house so we could pick up my car. I then drove to where my sister told and the first thought in my mind was 'Dammmmnnnnn'. Her house was huge. I knew she was a Multimillionaire but dang. She lived in a mansion. "Hey sis are you sure this is the right house?" I played.

"Ohh I never told you, I'm not a million heir anymore." She laughed at the sight of my puzzled expression, "I'm a billionaire now."

"Wow Jess, how did you get so successful?"

She began to explain how she had been selling a lot of houses lately and all of her apartments are being rented out and with the extra money coming in she opened her own hotel making her a billionaire. She explained a bit more as we were walking inside. We spent the day catching up, her Jordan, my Aunt Roni, and I until it was about time for me to head home. I had school the next day and plus I would eventually have to face Tanya and Miyabi. Not really looking forward to that so much, but it would have to be done.

We also decided Jordan would live with us seeing as we would both be seventeen in what was it about a week? I always lose track of how long till our birthday. Anyways, we would have to disscus sleeping arrangements when we got home. He was most likely going to be sleeping on the pull out couch. "Hey Jordan, you ready to go? We need to get your stuff from mom's house, do you have a key?" I asked from across the house becuase he was saying one last goodbye to our Aunty.

"Yeah Steves, and I got my own key so we can just go and it's not like mom can really stop me," Well really she could stop him by calling the police because she was still legally his gardian. Jordan and I made our way home laughing and singing to the radio. We were laughing at some of the events that occured at Jess's house earlier that day.

Change it POV - Jordan

I looked around the house for a bit trying to find my mom, but she wasn't here. I went into her room and All her stuff was gone. The room was empty. The only thing I found was a note on the floor. Stevie was in my room laying on my bed because her leg was still a bit sore from just getting the cast removed and she was resting it for a little bit. I went to the middle of the room and picked up the note.

Dear Jordan

I called your dad and we have decided to get back together.

I know you think what he did was wrong, but he apologized for

it and told me if I gave him another chance he would never

do anything to hurt me or ever have me wanting to leave ever

again. I do love you sweaty and if you want, tell your sisters

where I have gone. I'm sure it won't matter to them. Well the

place is yours to do with what you will. I already talked to the

landlord and he said it would be fine if you took over for me.

I'm sorry I had to leave like this. And by the way tell Stevie

your phones are no longer in service becuse I canceld our

cell phone plan. I'll contanct you once your dad and I are done

settling in. I'm moving in with your dad. Well that's all I need

to say.

Sincearly, Mom

I couldn't believe what I had just read. The part that puzzled me the most is when she said 'if I gave him another chance he would never do anything to hurt me'. . . It got me thinking what the hell did he ever do to her? It was Stevie and I that he abused. It was Justine that he got sent away. That was just starting to piss me off. I had to show stevie this. I couldn't believe after all this shit my dad did, she still is going back to him. He sent us to the hospital for crying out loud. I walked into my bedroom to see stevie laying down right where I had left her.

"Hey Steves, you gotta read this," I handed her the note. While she was reading it, I could see the anger building up inside of her as it did when we were at the hospital before she went off on our mom.

"Where the fuck does she get off with this kind of bull shit! Sorry excuse my language," I couldn't help but to smile. Stevie never really cussed in front of people unless she was mad or joking and even then she still apologized.

The smile left my face before I replied, "I have no clue, but I know I'm done with her, and I know you and Jess are too. What kind of woman is ok with just leaving her kids and being ok with the fact that she just lost all three of us for good?" She turned over and hid her face in my pillow. She always hid her face when she didn't want people to see what emotion she has. "Hey look at the bright side. Mom said I could have the place and in two days we can have our birthday party here." Knowing Stevie she had probably mixed up the dates in her head and didn't realize how close it was.

"What?!" She sat up as I laughed slightly, "How do I always do that??? I thought it was a week or so away." She looked down blushing slightly. I could tell she was embarrased.

I just smiled and changed the subject, "Hey wanna come with me to ask if Wallace and Damien want to move in with me tomorrow?? It's as nice as his place, but it's way cheeper." The upstairs half of the duplex had two rooms on first floor which was really the second floor and one big bedroom on the top floor. "Ohh and do you think we could go see Justine too? You got to start your new job for her that you told me about and I got to ask if she can help me find one seeing as we no longer have a provider now that mom's gone."

"Yeah let's go tomorrow morning because she told me when we were at her house that I could start after her job and I need the details and what I'm going to be doing. I'll just call in to the school and tell them I had a Doctor's appointment or something"

"Alright, sounds like a plan."

"Hey wanna just sleep here tonight? It's late and I don't feel like explaining things to Tanya and Miybi." I smiled and nodded. As we layed down in my bed to go to sleep we cought up on some of the details of what had happened while I was in my coma.

The Next Morning

As Stevie was driving us to Wallace's house, I had completely forgotten that I would be starting school tomorrow. Tomorrow was Thursday so maybe I'll just start on monday. We got to his house and we talked a little, Damien, Wallace, and I and they were stoked to be moving in. The guys followed Stevie as we made our way over to Justine's house. She didn't have a job for me but luckily my Aunt Roni did. She had been doing some investing in a resteraunt in town that was actually quite nice and popular.

She wanted me to be the manager seeing as the old one had just quit. She said I'd start training after mine and Stevie's birthday. After talking things over, the guys and I went to go move their stuff into my place while Stevie went home. I bet you Tanya and Miya would be worried sick about her. I couldn't help but to find it funny. They were either going to explode from worry, be pissed she avoied them for about the past day and a half, or they would get all emotional becuase all that matters is that Stevies ok. I was going to make her tell me about it later.

Change In POV - Stevie

I wasn't too excited to see how the Miyabi and Tanya were going to react. I can't really blame them for however they take it becuase I did promise the day to both of them and I never came home after getting taken by my sister. It was about twelve thirty and so it would be more than three hours before they would come home. I didn't really get good sleep last night after what my mother wrote. I can't believe she didn't love us at all. She may have said it in the note to Jordan but those are just empty words.

Anyway after last night I was still tired so I decided to lay down for a nap. It was hard for me to fall asleep with the various thoughts of what would happen once they got home from school. I thought about something else. There was only one car gone and that was Miyabi's. Either Tanya didn't go to school today or they went to school together. I am getting tired of thinking so I think I'm going to try and make my min grow blank. It was only a few more seconds until I drifted off.

I woke to the words, "Miya Stevies in her bed!" It must have been Tanya. I turned over to see them rushing into my room, Tanya looked worried and so did Miyabi, but Tanya was the one who had tears in her eyes. She fought them back as she said in choked words, "Where have you been? I tried Calling you and texing you and the boys said they didn't know where you were!" She tried to hide her worry with anger.

Miyabi decided to cut in before I could answer Tanya, "Is Jordan Ok? What happened?"

I could see them eager for answers, "Ok everything is fine try and calm down," That was my mistake right there. You never want to tell a girl to calm down. I noticed what I had said before they did and quickly began speaking again, "Jordan is actually awake, and Jess was just playing a trick on me. You guys saw that new car outside right? Well Jess got it for me. Yeah my sister is actually a billionaire who gets kicks out of doing stuff like that." I could see I wasn't done talking yet by their expressions, "Ohh and as for not answering calls or texts, yeah my mom decided to leave us and go back with my dad and cancel our phone plan."

They didn't look satisfied yet so I thought for a moment and kept explaining myself, "I wanted to spend time with Jordan, just jordan and so we spent the night upstairs in his apartment. Ohh and the boys are going to be moving in with him upstairs." They both remained scilent. What was I forgetting? Then it hit me. I needed to explain why I had promised to spend the day with both of them. Really it was just me not thinking, I had forgotten and just mixed everything up. "I'm sorry for not telling you guys where I was, and I know I still need to talk with you two about stuff and I'm sorry. I didn't mean to plan the same day for both of you."

"Hey what if you and Miya talk today and you and I can talk tomorrow?" Tanya suggested helpfully.

I smiled awkwardly, and nodded, "That's fine with me. Are you ok with that Miya?"

"yeah that's ok umm so talk right now?"

"I'll just be watching a movie," Tanya added and left the room.

I couldn't help but notice how beautiful both of those girls looked right now. They always did and I was always distracted by them. Miyabi climbed onto the bed and sat next to me. I layed my head in her lap and looked up at her with a fake pouty face. She couldn't help but to smile whenever I made that face. Ever since we were little even. I couldn't help, but to remember all the good times we had when we were little. "Hey Steves, what goes through your mind when you think of me, that is if you do?"

That's when I couldn't stop the words that were leaving my lips, "Miya I think about you all the time. Every time I'm alone, when I see you, unless I'm distracted by something else I think about you."

"But what about Tanya?" She asked implying she already knew what I was going to say but had to ask anyways with the expression on her face.

I couldn't lie to her. That was one thing I never really did was lie to anyone. "Well see that's the thing. . ."

"You think about her just as much huh?" Her eyes trailed down and looked to the floor. She understood that I loved Tanya, but the thing both of them were trying to figure out is who I loved more and who I wanted to be with. To be honset, I was still trying to figure that out for myself.

"I guess yeah. I'm just really confused right now and I don't know what to do," I really didn't know what to say.

She stroked her fingers through my hair. Damn that relaxes me so much. I almost wanna fall asleep. "I just love you so much Stevie." I hated that I was bad with my words, "Maybe you should just go with Ta. . ."

I stoped her, "Ok just stop, I'm confused I told you that. I need time to think ok. You know that I love you and you know that I love Tanya. I don't feel like I deserve either of you and I'm trying to figure out some stuff. Just please don't start counting yourself out." I really didn't want her to distance herself because first of all, I had more history with her. Second I truely do love her, I just need to firgure out if I was In Love with her.

I sat up and looked her in the eye and that's when she went in to kiss me. It was just a kiss. We weren't making out, just a kiss. I hugged her after breaking away and she gave me one last kiss on the cheek and said goodnight. Only a few moments later Tanya turned on the night light and my fan, turned off the big light and shut the door. She climbed into bed with me and asked one question.

"Will you give me the chance to show you that I love you in two different ways?"

A bit confused I nodded, and that's when she kissed me. Just a kiss like what Miyabi had done. Her kiss and Miyabi's kiss didn't feel the same. I broke from the kiss, "I need till morning, I'm really sleepy and . . . just can we talk in the morning." She looked a bit sad but she knew I needed to think. One of those kisses was more powerful and right now I know for a fact which girl I am in love with. I was going to need to tell one of them how I felt. But I guess that will have to wait till morning. I actually am tired.

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