Falling For You

By JustStayGold

10.1K 429 114

Nadia Grace Collins knew little about love, but just as every girl she thrived to feel it. Moving out of her... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two - Part 2

Chapter Thirty Two - Part 1

257 12 3
By JustStayGold

REREAD - I added more

I laid quietly on my bed listening to the mumbled voices of Tessa, Kylie, and Kendall who were still downstairs watching tv. They wanted to talk but I didn't have the energy so I went to my room after the phone call. Looking at the clock I noticed that it was just now six o'clock meaning it was nine on the east coast so my mom was just off work.

Any normal person would be terrified to tell their mother the news I was about to, not to say I wasn't, but I knew she would be there for me. I was an adult now and although this was far from a good situation I knew she would help me, she'd love me. I brought my hand up, wiping the tears that were still falling from my face off and grabbing my phone.

My eyes were too blurry and my head was hurting too bad to dial her number on my own so I used Siri. She answered in what seemed like seconds and I sighed at the sound of her voice, "Hey baby."

"Momma." Although I tried to sound as normal as possible my voice was still dry from the crying and I knew she had picked up on it.

"Tesoro? What's wrong?" There was now an urgency to her voice and I sucked in a breathe. There was nothing more than I wanted right now than to be with her, to be able to tell her face to face and have one of her embracing hugs, "Nadia, tell me what is wrong? Are you okay?"

"I'm okay for the most part, I just need to talk to you."

The urgency in her voice disappeared a fraction, "Is it about Justin? Did you tell him?"

"Momma, I messed up. I decided not to tell him because things were going really good, but that was really dumb. I should have just listened to you and now I don't know what to do. I gotta tell you something, mom." I wiped more tears from my face and sat up against the headboard of the bed.

"Okay, tell me. Nadia, what happened?"

I sighed, "Momma, I'm pregnant." My stomach turned when those words exited my mouth because they didn't sound right. My heart was beating slow but heard as there was a long pause on the other end of the phone.

I knew she would need to process this, who wouldn't? But that didn't make it less nerve wrecking. Finally she spoke, "Nadia, what did you get yourself into?"

I wasn't expecting those words, not that I was expecting her to jump in joy at first but my heart sank at those words. She continued, "This all so soon you have been in California for all but two months and you're moving there, found someone that happens to be Justin Bieber, fell in love with him, then the stuff with his friend and now this?"

She sighed and my tears fell harder and this time I couldn't hold back the sob that escaped my mouth.

"Nadia, don't cry. Baby, I am not saying that I'm disappointed in you. This is just a lot, takes some processing more than this phone call can provide. I love you, this doesn't change that and I will be there for you during this but I'm going to assume you haven't told Justin yet. And you not telling him about his friend isn't going to just go away, you still have to especially now. It is his, right?"

"Of course. Martin, his friend, used a condom." I spoke through my sobs that were uncontrollable at this point.

"I wasn't trying to doubt you, I just needed to know. You need to talk to Justin as soon as possible. Then we will figure this out, okay baby?"

I nodded and listened to the words my mother was saying through my tears. After hanging up I was finally able to bring myself together, enough to head back downstairs and to the back where they all sat around the fire pit.

The three of them each held a beer in their hand and smiled at me when I made my way to them. Tessa was the first to say anything, "Hey, how are you?"

"If I said I was okay I would be lying, but I have had worse days believe it or not. This whole thing is just a shock to my system and even though I am not near ready for this I know this was in God's plan for me so yeah."

Tessa smiled proudly at me, "Nadia, you are incredible. I'm proud of you and I can't wait to be the aunt to an incredible little nugget."

I laughed, "Nugget? I like it, I think I'm going to tell Justin tonight."

"Yeah?" Kylie set her beer on the table and leaned in.

"Yeah, all these secrets they're stressing me out. The doctor even said that so I gotta tell him." I sighed and quickly popped one the beers open for myself before realizing what I was doing, "Fuck."

The three of them started to laugh and shake their heads. Taking the beer out of my hands Tessa spoke, "Kylie text Justin and tell him to drop whatever the hell he's doing and have him get them in at that place you guys went for Khloe's birthday for him and Nadia at eight. Nadia, let's go find you something to wear, we might as well make this a good night if you're gonna tell him this."

Tessa and Kendall quickly headed to her closet to find an outfit for me to wear and Kylie got some of her products out her car to do my make up. They were incredible.


I sat on the couch in the living room, waiting for Tessa who was changing so that we could leave. They were going to drop me off at the restaurant and then go to the restaurant across the street to wait for me. Looking at them I was never more thankful to have the friends I did because I didn't know many people that would do something like this for someone.

I smiled at the thought and smoothed out my pink, tight fitting skirt that Tessa and Kendall had picked out. I listened as Tessa made her way down the stairs with her keys in her hand, "I'm ready, let's go."

During the drive to the restaurant the girls tried their best to distract me from thinking about telling Justin. As far as they knew it was working but really it was all I could think about and how could I not? I was going to be a mom.

When we finally pulled up to the restaurant I noticed it was small, but still nice. There were rocks built into the structure and the trees that surrounded the path to the door were covered in lights. Kylie turned in the front seat where she sat to talk to me, "He text me and said he's already here."

I nodded slowly and looked at Tessa who was ready to speak, "You got this girly. We'll be right across the street, just come over or call when your done. Or don't if you end up staying with Justin."

"Doubt that'll happen. Bye guys." I didn't give them a chance to say anything else as I got out and headed inside.


This is part one because this chapter was going to be over 2,000 words other wise. Lol.

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