Falling For You

By JustStayGold

10.1K 429 114

Nadia Grace Collins knew little about love, but just as every girl she thrived to feel it. Moving out of her... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two - Part 1

Chapter Thirty Two - Part 2

299 11 2
By JustStayGold

Make sure you've reread the end of part 1 if you read it before I added more.

The greeter was dressing black dress pants and button up with a white toweled and after giving him Justin's name he lead me to an area in the back that was secluded which was good and bad. Other people around would've helped to calm my nerves but I erased the thought when we finally made it to the table where Justin was already sat.

Looking at me he smiled and instantly stood to give me a hug, "Hey babe, you look good. Wanna tell me what this is all about?"

"I will. Let's just at least order first, yeah?" I laughed, trying to be my normal self because if I wasn't he'd know.

I sat down looking at Justin as the greeter handed him a menu and announced that our waiter would be with us soon. Looking at his face I suddenly felt like this wasn't the right place to be telling him. He didn't deserve to find out in the public, although it was more comfortable for me would it be for me?

I erased my thoughts as Justin began to small talk. Apparently, Za and Ryan were currently on Justin's private jet heading to Miami for the weekend. I filled with guilt remembering that he was supposed to go.

Minutes later the waiter showed up and quickly took our orders, leaving me to talk with Justin for awhile. I wanted to disappear and fix everything to be anywhere but here but no, "I'm sorry you couldn't go to Miami."

"It's cool. Ky said this was important and I wouldn't go anywhere if you don't want me to." His face was obviously curious and concerned about what I possibly had to say.

I nodded and looked down at the napkin that I had spread across my lap, letting my eyes wonder to my stomach that in 8 months time would be ready to pop. Justin's voice broke my thoughts, "Hey, I'm gonna go to the bathroom, okay?"

"Mhmm." I let out a shaky breath as Justin walked to the bathroom. My nerves were almost too much making me a little nauseous, although that could have been the baby. Just that thought alone make me want to run to the bathroom but before I could head there my phone vibrated in my lap.

Looking down at my screen Martin's number flashed across the lock screen displaying the message: I got something to tell you that I should have just told you when you called but the condom broke. Thought you should know. Sorry.

I reread the words and instantly stood up, more shaky than before and went to the bathroom. I opened on the of stall doors rapidly and bent over the toilet but as much as I wanted to throw up there was nothing in my system to come up except dry heaves. I sighed and covered my mouth with my arm, sobbing into it.

I should have checked if there were people in here, but I ignored that thought and worked on calming my self. Standing up I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked like absolute shit even under the layer of makeup. My eyes had circles under them and my face was contorted into a frown. I tried my best to but a fake happy face back on before heading back out.

Getting back to the table Justin was already back and looking for me, "Where'd you go?"

"I needed to use the bathroom too." I weakly smiled while taking a sip on my water.

Justin furrowed his eyes, staring at me. I smiled at him again as an attempt to break his focus but it didn't work and he instead shook his head, "What the hell is going on, Nadia? This isn't cool anymore."

"Justin, I will tell you I swear. I just think we should eat first." I begged him because I now knew that I needed to tell him not only about the pregnancy but Martin as well. 

When out food finally arrived Justin quickly ate his food in silence. He had told me before that he hated the feeling of not knowing things so I knew the reason for his plate being empty now was so that I would just tell him. I, on the other hand, ate slowly because the truth was I didn't know how long this food would be in my stomach. 

Once I did finish Justin looked at me expectantly, "Nadia?"

I sighed, "Justin, please." I pushed my plate away from me and rested my head in my hands. To him it looked like I was irritated but I was really stopping the tears that again were threatening to fall. 

I breathed in before looking back up at him, "I love you."

His face softened, "I love you too, I've told you that enough. Nadia, please tell me I can't take this feeling. I have a huge knot in my stomach and a headache."

You and me both, Justin. I looked away from his eyes because I wouldn't be able to tell him if I looked at him, "When I went to the doctor they asked me a few questions and with my symptoms and everything they thought I might have had an STD," When I said this I could hear an intake of breath coming from him, "They took my blood and ran tests and I don't, but-"

I stopped and wiped my tears away angrily because this was the worse time to be crying. Damn it. I continued, "I'm pregnant, Justin."

I stopped because I needed to hear his reaction before telling him about Martin. My heart was beating too fast as I waited for him to talk. It was my turn to get that feeling. 

After what seemed like minutes, Justin kept silence and I finally met his gaze. He looked at me blankly and it caused me to suck in a breath, "Say something?"

He shook his head again looking around the room, "I'm getting the check, I need to go home."

"Justin, please don't. I need you to talk to me, I have to talk to you still. I have things I need to say." He waved his hand at me to continue but before I did I studied him. I couldn't see what he was feeling and it terrified me. Was he scared? Mad?

I blurted out my next words before even I could process them, "I had sex with Martin after Stassie's party." 

Justin's eyes snapped to look at me and I regretted saying it like that or at all. His eyes flashed with hurt, but that was quickly replaced but anger, "What?"

"I was drunk and -"

"Don't fucking continue, Nadia," The way he said my name was full of venom as opposed to the beginning of dinner, "I- I don't even know what to fucking say to you. When did you think it was a good idea to tell me this all in one night? I- I-"

His face turned red and his eyes glossed over before he pressed on the corned of them, getting rid of the tears, "Why?"

"I was drunk." My breathing was heavy again and my tears fell continuously. I could feel the eyes that were on us and I couldn't blame them. This was quite the show. Justin Bieber and his crying girlfriend, yelling in a restaurant. 

"You were drunk," He let out a bitter laugh that barely covered his sob, "You were fucking drunk." He shook his head and rested it in he hands on the table. There was now a silence that was suffocating that lasted for minutes.

I wanted desperately to disappear or to take back what had just happened. Go back and say it differently because what kind of idiot was I?

Finally he spoke, "Tell me, you got pregnant on purpose didn't you?"

His voice was now low and his words stabbed at me, "No, Justin, I swear to you I wouldn't do that. I love you, I wouldn't get pregnant on purpose. I-"

"I don't know why I try anymore. With one of my best friends, too? You're fucked up, I actually loved you. So you're fucking pregnant and it could either be mine or one of my best friends'? Only fucking me would this happen to." Looking down at his hand I could see that they were shaking and I wanted to reach across and touch them but held back.

I tried my best to calm myself enough to speak, "Justin, it's -" I was about to say that it was his, it had to be, but the truth was I didn't know not that Martin told me the condom broke.

"Just stop. We're done, don't worry I'll pay for dinner and anything else for this fucking child after you get a DNA test. As far as we go, I'm done with you Nadia. My management will call you." He quickly left the table before I could say anything else. Not that I would have been about to speak anyway, my throat was too tight from the crying and the panic I was feeling. 

Watching him leave the restaurant I just sat at the table. I wasn't sure how much time was passing but I could only assure from the amount of people that filtered out that it was awhile. After what felt like could have been an hour the waiter came back. 

"Ma'am, Mr. Bieber paid for your meals but it's been nearly an hour and a half." Ah, an hour and a half. I was clear that he was asking me to leave without actually saying the words so I slowly stood and walked outside. The fresh air was a welcome feeling to my lungs and I quietly looked around. 

Tessa's car was still parked at the restaurant across the street but instead of calling her, I ordered an Uber. 


Rosie tugged on the end of her leash, excited by the people that rushed by us. LAX was only an hour drive from Calabasas but with all that was going through my mind had seemed like more. I quickly picked Rosie up, petting her to calm her.

I had been on a plane only twice in my life, but neither one of those times did I have to do any of the work. This could have possibly been the stupidest thing I had ever done but I needed my mom, I needed my family. I needed for someone to tell me that everything would be okay and be there for me. 

Walking into the airport, the commotion didn't stop and I rapidly looked around for the ticket sales counter. After I found it I quickly walked into a line that was the shortest of the line but still held about 4 people in it. 

Once it was mine turn the women behind the desk smiled. Giving my appearance a once over her smiled faltered a little, but I ignored it. 

"Hello, where are you headed tonight?" She asked politely, causing me to look over my head at the flights. The one to Ohio was not for another hour, but was fairly cheap. 

Before I could answer the women, Rosie barked in my arms to the person next to me who spoke quietly to her clerk, "Just one ticket to New York City."

Without thinking I shushed Rosie and looked back to my clerk, blurting out my next words, "New York City."


Still 2,000 words but better than 3,500 I feel like. 

So guys, that's it. Done. Finito. Like I said before there will be a sequel but I can't really tell you when that will be ready. I got back to college in a little over a week so I will do my best to make it soon. With that being said since I am going back to school updates will be less frequent maybe one a week (or on a good week, two). I'm sorry. 😞❤

Final note: There is one more day to take the gender poll so make sure you do so! I'm not even sure if it's a full day. So far boy is winning.

 https://twitter.com/Nadiaa_Babee/status/765058984604798976  or Nadiaa_Babee on Twitter

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