Burning Passion

By GabyJauregui

19.3K 517 356

Isabella has suffered ever since her mother left her and her two younger brothers. Things only getting worse... More

Comment from the Author
The Race - Ch. 1
More Than Desired- Ch. 3
A Moment of Desire - Ch. 4
A Home of Chaos - Ch. 5
Another Race, Another Passionate Encounter - Ch. 6
No Regrets - Ch. 7
Scandalous - Ch. 8
Stranded - Ch. 9
Surprises - Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Superheros and a Night Out- Ch. 2

2K 76 44
By GabyJauregui

Ok here is a little more insight to Isabellas life, the next chapter will include some more Jace and Isabella so wait for that! Please comment because it would really help me if I got feedback to this story. Thanks!!!



I made it just in time and headed to my room before my father could come and check to see if I was asleep. He began doing that when he caught me one night sneaking in at 4 in the morning. Now I just make sure to be in my bed before three a.m. since that is the time he usually got home

There are short periods of time where he doesn't work so he stays home and that is when he drinks and gambles. He brings his lousy friends over and orders Leonardo and I to bring them food and drinks.

I actually prefer when his friends are here because he refrains from hitting us but when they leave he seems to become frustrated and infuriated with us. If we do anything that he deems wrong he takes it out on us by hitting and slapping. I usually take the blow because I don't want him to harm my brothers, but sometimes he is angrier than other days and I can't protect my brothers. 

When mom was still here, dad used to be so loving, I was even a daddy's girl. I used to want to be around him twenty-four seven but that all changed after she left. He began to drink and to wallow in his misery while I had to take care of a newborn and a 10 year old. I was only sixteen at the time and had no idea what to do. I had no other option but to learn and it eventually became easier to raise two boys. 

The thing that got harder was dealing with my dad. 

I would always put Gabe down and instruct Leo to go to his room so that they were away from him and couldn't see him hitting me. He used to love me, but now he hated me because I looked so much like mom. 

The only reason I didn't leave was because I couldn't leave behind my siblings. He had already told me I wouldn't be able to see them if I left. I couldn't live without them and so I stayed, preferring to be here to care for them and also be subject to our father's drunken behavior. 

Once I heard the door close down the hallway I let out a breath that I hadn't realized I was holding. Happy he had headed straight to his room and hadn't woken up Gabe. That was the last thought before I drifted into sleep. 


I slightly registered something moving around me, making me wake up from my foggy dream that seemed to included green eyes. I was completely jostled out of my dreamlike state and awakened to reality.

At first all I registered was a long cape before I heard the voice that I awakened to every morning at the crack of dawn. I love my little brother but sometimes I just want to lock him in a room for an entire day, okay who am I kidding I would probably get bored of not having that little booger around me all the time.

I opened my eyes to see those large, vibrant green eyes and a mess of chocolate brown hair. His face was round and he had a cute button nose and the most adorable cheeks, which I always had the urge to pinch (now I know why all the adults would do that to me when I was younger, its so irresistible).

"Momma wake up, wake up! I'm hungy!" He said while still jumping on my bed.

Gabriel began calling me mom since he first learned how to talk and I tried telling him to say my name, which he sometimes used but often preferred not to use. 

"Alright Gabe I'm up, I'm up," and before he could jump off the bed I grabbed him by the waist and tackled him down so I could tickle him. " Oh the tickle monster came out early! You better run before he gets to you."

With that, Gabe began running out of my room and to the kitchen where Leo was eating cereal.

He just glanced at us and rolled his eyes, I guess he is at that stage where he is too cool for us and I don't blame him, we do act like a strange bunch sometimes. He also had short brown hair and green eyes and even though he was just fourteen he seemed a lot older because he had strong features like our dad, who I noticed was already gone by the empty driveway.

Although we had similar features, I stood out with blue eyes and a paler complexion, which I had received from my mothers family. Something my dad seemed to remind me of as he stared at me in what seemed like disgust. 

"Hey L, I don't even get a 'hello sis' anymore? What's going on with you lately?" I didn't want him to think that I was attacking him but I rarely saw him and I was beginning to get worried.

"Nothings wrong?" He scoffed and got up leaving the kitchen before I could say anything else. I sighed to myself as I thought that he would get over this face, hopefully.

I turned my attention back to Gabe, he was distracted at the moment playing with his Batman and spiderman action figures and had climbed up on the table. He has been going through superheros for the past 2 months, last month he was spiderman and this month he turned to Batman. I'm not sure what he will be next month but it sure is cute, especially when he's just in his cape and underwear. Sometimes, however, he doesn't have his undies in the right place and I have to go chasing him around before he runs outside for everyone to see everything hanging out.

I suddenly heard my phone ring so I told Gabe I would be right back to start breakfast. It was almost like he didn't hear me and kept playing. I ran to my room to try to find it. Although my room wasn't messy, I struggled but finally grabbed it from under my covers.

"Hello?" I answered out of breath as I made my way back to the kitchen but not before seeing Gabe sitting on the couch watching cartoons. I let it slide since it would give me an opportunity to make his breakfast. 

"Wow what a beautiful voice to be waking up to."

"Aiden stop playing, I had to run up the stairs to get my phone." I replied back. Aiden always liked to make me feel special. I always told him that he was the only guy who could think that. He had to since he felt responsible having known me for so long.

"Thanks for leaving me behind yesterday." I heard Aiden laugh on the other end.

"Shit, sorry Aiden that jackass was getting on my last nerve and I wasn't thinking properly." No way was I going to tell him that the Jaxon had stared at me left me feeling nervous and 

"Well I know how you can make it up to me," and even though I couldn't see him I knew he had an evil little grin that always got me into trouble.

"I don't know, every time I have to make up something you end up getting me in trouble. Remember last time? I had to flirt my way out of getting arrested and it really isn't something I want to repeat." I knew that in the end I would agree to whatever his crazy plan were and he knew it too.

"It isn't anything like that, we are going to go to the new club that opened up yesterday. I heard it's one of the sickest clubs out there and only a few can get in but I have some pretty good contacts, me being me."

"God, you are such a cocky son of a bitch but fine. I guess I could use some time away but first I have to find someone to take care of Leo and Gabe. I already had Leo take care of Gabe last night and-" but before I could finish he stopped me.

"Don't worry I can get my sis to take care of them and i'll pay her a few bucks so its good! I will see you at 10," and with that he hung up.

As I out my phone down and began making pancakes. I already knew I was going to regret going out tonight. 


My Saturday passed by with me and Gabe watching t.v., playing superheros, where I was forced to be the itchy scratchy villain and finally when it was around 4 he got tired and went down for a much needed nap.

I was just getting out of his room when I saw Leo pass by me. He had been in his room most of the day playing video games and only coming out to eat and snack. 

"Hey Bella I wanted to ask you if I could go out next Saturday with some friends?" He asked nervously.

"Where to?" I'm sure I would let him go because I did trust him but I also wanted to make sure it was somewhere safe, where nothing bad would happen to him.

"Just to a friends house, we were going to hang out and stuff."

"Sure but you can't stay late, just be here before 7, I will be out until late and will call at that time, okay?" Leo and Gabe didn't know I raced either and I wanted to keep it that way. It was a dangerous thing to be doing and I had more than a few enemies that didn't like to be beat, especially by some pathetic girl like me or so I've been told. That is another reason I had to take some fighting classes, my mom also had gotten into martial arts, insisting that I might need it some day. "Oh by they way, I'm going out with Aiden tonight and Claire is going to stay and watch over you guys and before you start, yes I know you are 14 and can probably take care of yourself but I also know that you won't want to do everything Gabe wants to do and you don't like to babysit him so with that said she will babysit Gabe, not you," I took a long breath after that rant.

"I was just going to ask what time she was coming over," he stated like I was an idiot and when he walked away I just stood their wondering who had kidnapped my obnoxious brother and replaced him with this person. I guess all I had to do was give him what he wanted and he would be cool with whatever.

I just decided to go and watch t.v. until it was time to get ready.

It was 9:00 when the doorbell rang and in came Claire followed by Leo who seemed to be checking her out. Ohh okay I think I know why he was so nonchalant about her coming over, my little brother had a crush. When he looked my way I gave him a look sayin 'I know your little secret' and I swear I saw his cheeks turn faint pink before he turned away muttering something to himself.

"Hey Bella, why aren't you getting ready? My brother is going to be here soon, come one go!" She practically yelled me out of the room to get ready.

I never take long I usually just pick a simple dress and barely put any make up on. I got to my room and decided to take a shower first, after I did that I went over to my closet and picked out a simple black dress. I put it on and saw that it was actually quite revealing, it reached just under my butt and showed a lot of cleavage, with c-cup boobs spilling out I was already regretting putting it on.

With that in mind I went over to my vanity mirror and added a thin line of eyeliner and a coat of mascara. I blow dried my  black hair and added some wave to it. When I stepped back, I must admit, I didn't feel terrible about myself. 

I heard voices downstairs and automatically knew that Aiden was here, he was the loudest after all. As I walked down Aiden turned and looked at me, his jaw seemed to be hitting the floor with that expression of amazement and lust written all over him. Even if he was my best friend he was also still a guy so I was used to this whenever we went out.

"Damn baby girl you look smoking hot! I would so do-" but before he could continue with that statement I gave him a hard glare and motioned to Gabe and Leo who were just looking between us. Of course, Leo had a very good idea what he was going to say by the look on his face.

'Jeez he spends too much time with Aiden' I thought to myself.

"You look pweety!" Gabe said running to me and hugging my very bare leg. 'God I love this kid.'

"Thanks Gabbo," I picked him up and began telling him, "Okay so I'm going to go out but i'll be back soon. Listen to Claire and don't burn the house down. Love you guys!" I then turned to Claire before heading out and whispered, "He isn't coming home tonight so don't worry and thanks again. Oh and just sleep in my room, I know Aiden won't want to come home early. I also left money for anything-" Claire cut me off before I could continue to babble.

"Bella just go and have fun!" She chastised like I was the kid. Claire was only 17 but she acted much older sometimes and that is why I trusted her so much. I have no idea how her and Aiden were related to each other.

"Ok, ok! I'm going," and with that I walked out of the house with Aiden following. A always he opened the passenger side door for me. "Shit Bella I'm going to have to kill every guy in the club. They won't be able to keep their eyes off of you." 

I regretted wearing the dress after he said this, beginning to feel more and more self-conscious. "I should go change. I don't want to wear this dress anymore." 

"No, there's no way you're changing." with that he closed the door after I had already climbed in."

Sitting in the silent car I thought, 'what have I gotten myself into, "Fuck." 


Updated June 2019

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