Friendship that blossomed int...

Oleh Lucinda_love39

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This is the sequel to the bonds of a genuine friendship, but this is PG 13 more characters are added also Ko... Lebih Banyak

Friendship that blossomed into true love (A Josh Hutcherson love story)
Chapter 11 still at their interview on enews.
Chapter 12 The promise.
Chapter 13 their first time .
Chapter 15 Koretta and Amelia's first meeting.
The return of Josh and Koretta doctor's appointment.chappie 16.
Chapter 17 Josh Arrival and Koretta hidden talents.
Author's Note Important read before please!!"
CHAPTER 18 Koretta's next appointment with Dr Shaw.
Chapter 19 the unexpected phonecall.
Chapter 20 (getting ready for the double date with Ben and Amelia)
Chapter 21 ( on the date)
Chapter 22 ( the tragic accident of young actor Conner Hutcherson!!)
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 (Koretta's P.o.v.)
Chapter 25 (Koretta and her mom's convo)
Chapter 26 (Josh reaction)
Chapter 27 (later that night and next morning)
Chappie 28 (Josh wedding proposal and Zendaya's P.o.V.)
Chapter 29 (both Michelle's and Conner discharge and Conner P.O.V.)
Chapter 30 Connor's P.o.v. and his his gift for Zendaya.
CHAPTER 31(still Connor p.o.v On my way home and Koretta and Josh text convo)
Chapter 32( five months later and Koretta getting contraction pains)
Chapter 33( K and J old school friend maddison Gates p.o.v.& the hospital)
Chapter 34( One week later and Koretta's and the twins discharge)
Chapter 35 ( Zendaya babysits London and Paris while K&J on their date))
Chapter 36( The wedding Invitations and Bridal shopping)
Chapter 37 (Koretta's Father and family visit from barbados and P.O.V.)
Chapter 38 ( Jason's P.O.V. and Katherine and Koretta visit to bridal store)
Title: Chapter 39 (Koretta Hen night and Josh stag do and Elena's P.o.v)
Chapter 40 Koretta and Josh Wedding day!!:)
Chapter 41 ( Wedding Reception(aka)the after party
Chapter 43 (EPILOGUE(AKA) THE END OF My Sequel.!!!! :(

Chapter 14 the next morning Josh P.O.V.

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Oleh Lucinda_love39

Chapter 14 the next morning  Josh P.O.V.

The next morning i woke  up  to  a beautiful,peaceful and sweet Koretta beside me 

she's so beautiful and sweet she looked so peaceful sleeping  so i gave her a light kiss on the lips careful not to wake her  i had to go   i was a little  sad leaving Koretta  but as i told her before i'll 

definately  stay in touch with text messages and phonecalls too and i would leave her a note too.

The End of Josh P.O.V.

i  went  and took a shower  after i was finished in the shower i step out  and  brush my teeth  after i was finish brushing my teeth i took  off a towel off the towel rack and wrap it around my hips and went back in my bedroom   i took out a pair of white skinny jeans and  a red and black tee shirt  and  and my black hoodie  and a pair of  white  supras  i  got dressed in my outfit  and blow dried my hair i comb it  i took up my  iphone4s and my blackberry bold  but then i remember that i have'nt written the note for Koretta yet   so i got my small note pad and a pen  and started writing the note  after i was finish writing it  i signed it  and put it down on the night stand with her iphone4s and bb curve 9300 then i blew her a kiss and whisper i love you Koretta  then i left my bedroom  i went downstairs i saw mom and dad  in the living room  mom was drinking a cup of her famous nescafe coffee as usual and dad was drinking  a starbucks greentea latte "goodmorning mom and  dad " i greeted them  "hi morning Josh how are you this morning?" they both greeted me and ask  "i'm great " i replied   but i lied i was'nt great at all i was still a little sad about leaving Koretta   but acting is my job and i got to shoot my movie,  i went in the kitchen and made myself a cappucino i walk back in the living room  and waited for colin my chauffer but soon he was here  with the limo  "bye mom and dad  cya friday" i told them " bye son dad said "bye Josh take care now friday" mom said  i got in the limo Colin brought  me to the airport   soon my flight to new york was here i boarded the plane   i sat in first class  i took out my bb bold and the earphones and started listening to my songs some of my favourite songs  like boulevard of broken dreams,contagious,goodlife,you can have whatever you wan't and the list goes on these songs calm my nerves for me

Koretta P.O.V.

When i woke up Josh was'nt  beside  me in the bed  i  drag myself out of bed   and took up my phone to call him and see where he was but i saw a note with my name on it  beside my phones so i took up the note open it and it was from Josh Josh's note read :: goodmorning  lovergirl  you looked so peaceful and sweet sleeping so i did'nt want to wake you Koretta i'm so sad that i  won't be seeing you for a whole two days and nights but we both have to look on the bright side  ok and i'm a actor so i have go shoot my movies but hey ! you'll soon find out what it is like to be  famous cause your dream is to be a singer  anyway we'll see eachother friday  ok  love you  sweetheart xxx   the end of note.

after i was finish reading the note i smiled  big remembering  when me and Josh used to have  singing  competitions  to see who could sing better and i would win all the time  then after my little flashback  i went downstairs  but Michelle Josh mom was in the kitchen  " hello Michelle i greeted her  " hey  Koretta  i see you slept over here lastnight " she said  " yes  cause mom was'nt home lastnight and me alone was'nt gonna sleep in the empty house  anything could happen to me there and no one would'nt know  so i  reckon here would be the best place for me to spend the night "you did the right thing sweetie " she said  " well yeh i think so too  i'm gonna go now   so bye  later " i said  and went to my house  my mom was back home now  cause her car was here so i rang the bell  when  a woman  opened the door  i looked at her closely  and  realise that it was no one else but my aunt Roselyn Desilva "Roselyn!!!"i shouted while giving her a huge hug  "Koretta!" she yell back  you're so grown up now  little ,little Koretta that i used to give piggy back " she said   i made my way inside my house  me and Roselyn went upstairs  where mom was in her bedroom  "hi mom i greeted her " where were you lastnight ?" i ask  "i went for your aunt Roselyn at the airport  and we never came back here until  4:30 in the morning  anyway " she said  "well anyway  i slept over at Josh ok" i said   then i went and took a shower  after i was finished in the shower  i got out and brush my teeth and wash my face  i took a towel and  wrap  myself went back to my room i walk in my closet  i took out  my purple and black empire waist dress  which look more like a  top  on me now and a pair  of  black tights in other words leggings   i got dress and blow dried my hair  i curl it then after i went to my laptop desk i sat down on my chair i open my laptop  sign in then i sign into facebook   i saw that Amelia Shaw  and Jason Fisher was online  so i clicked on Amelia's name then  the chat box came up i wrote hello  in it and press the enter button on my laptop

 Amelia's and Koretta's fb convo

Amelia : hello  Koretta  thanks for the addy

Koretta : that is ok and you're welcome too so where do you  live?"

Amelia: california i live on delaney avenue" 

Koretta : that's just  four streets  away from  lakeland avenue where i live 

would you like to meet in person then?"

Amelia :sure i would love to  we could meet up at the park or the mall"

Koretta : cool  that sounds like a plan  how about meeting up at the mall then  about 2:30 today 

Amelia : thats great  but how will i know its you?" 

Koretta : thats a good question lets meet in the food court i will be wearing a purple and black empire waist dress that looks like a top now and black leggings and white and purple supras ok

Amelia  :  thats great  ok cya then Koretta bye"

Koretta : ok cya at the mall then bye.

and with that both of us logged out but before i logged out i saw Justin online so i clicked on his name and  the chat box came up then we started chatting but i had to go so i gave him my bbm pin which was 284f87ff and told him that i had to go  he gave me his pin too  so i told him goodbye and logged out

after i logged out i check the  time  and it was still early it was only 1:34 but i remember that  the media and everyone knew  about me and Josh being in a relationship or just starting a relationship now  and the papparazi  is gonna give me a head ache and get on top of my last nerves  cause they're gonna be asking so much stupid questions  maybe they won't be at the mall" i said to myself then i check the time again it was 2 :26 now  so i had to barrow mom  lomborgini car i reverse out of the driveway and  and drove straight to the mall  soon i arrived at the mall i park my car in the huge car park  i got out of the car and was walking over  to the food court when i bumped into someone i look to see who it was and was about to say sorry "sor- but i did'nt bother to apoligize  "hey!!" look where you're going  b***h or should i say boyfriend stealer!" she said it was Kayla  "hey!!" why don't you look where you're going whore!!" and you are more of a b***h  more than me and you are also a great  actress too so i would say well done! and fyi (aka)for your information  Josh never love you  and you never love him but he love me so much he even lost his virginity to me  lastnight  go suck a a lemon gold digger!!"i told her  then i carry on walking over to the food court soon i reach i went inside then a girl with wavy blonde hair  came up to me  "are you Koretta Desilva?" she ask  "yes i am " i said  sounding sad  " i am Amelia Shaw  and please to meet you Koretta "oh please to meet you too Amelia  hey lets go to the park   i said "ok lets go then  then we left and got in my car and drove us both to the park 

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