The Last Time We Met [Markipl...

By annie_quill

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Part 1: The Nightmares
Part 2: The Protective Side
Part 3: The First Night and Day
Part 4: The Jealousy and First
Part 6: The Rescue [Part 1]
Part 7: The Rescue [Part 2]
Part 8: The Epilogue

Part 5: The Question

1.2K 49 4
By annie_quill

Nate's POV

Mark's kisses left me in a daze. After that first one in the car, we were like an iron nail and magnet. He was by my side that entire day, leaving little kisses on my cheek, lips, and neck. And for the next three days after, he stayed by my side. We only separated when I left for my shifts, but when I returned at 6:15 am, he was there, waiting with open arms.

Friday evening, we sat in my recording room as I tried that notes to "No More" on electric, which did sound pretty good. It was really late, though I wasn't checking the time, too focused on my music and the fact that Mark was right beside me, occasionally leaning over to grab one of my papers and make a suggestion. He had grew silent after a while, head laying in my lap as I played.

"Nate," he said, after some time. "Can you... talk to your friend? I'd like to do the musical thingy." I grinned, hoping this was a step out of the cage he had built for himself. I nodded, and began to type out an email to the RE email address, saying I had a promising friend who could do the male part.

Only after I sent it did I notice that Mark had left his spot and was leaning over my shoulder. "You didn't have to say all that. I can sing, but that was unnecessary." I shrugged, my shoulder grazing his chin. "Why don't I sing for you then? Prove it," he whispered, breath warm against my ear. Shaking my head, my voice came out a little lower than I expected, a little sultry. "I'd rather you do this," I said, and spun in my chair to face him, bringing him down and our lips together.

By comparison, this kiss was fierce. My fingers knotted in his hair and Mark was so close that he was nearly in my lap. He pulled me out of the chair, and next thing I knew, my back was pressed against the wall. My lips parted and I could feel his tongue slip between them. A little moan escaped me, trying to close the distance between us by pushing our bodies together.

"Nate," he groaned, breaking the kiss. His head hung, and I could hear his breath coming out in pants, just like mine. He drew his body away from me, much to my disappointment. "I can't do that. I'm sorry.just. I frowned, asking, "What do you mean?" He looked up, a weary smile on his face. "You know what, you little devil." I felt a shiver run up my spine when he straightened up, regaining those inches he had on me. "I can't do that, though I'd love to."

"Why not?" I felt like I was being pushy, but after today, I found myself becoming really out of character.

Mark nodded towards the computer, and at a glance, I saw nothing. Then I noticed the time:11:39. His hands rested on my sides, right above my hips. "We've been up all night, and you need to go to work." I sighed and pulled him against me for another kiss. "I know," I whispered when we parted. "I just thought... if you were ready..."

"I don't know if I'll ever be ready. If anything, you just gave me something to worry about."

"And that is?" I rose an eyebrow at his only half joking expression. "Impressing you," Mark sighed, hands warm against my sides, even through the t shirt. "I've never done that with another guy. I'm a gay virgin."

"Don't worry, so am I." I tried to pull him back down, but he stood firmly. "That's something you can only do with someone you love, Nathan." I frowned, both because of what he had said, and because he had never called me by my full first name before. "Don't you love me?" I asked, looking down slightly. Mark's hands tightened on my sides and he sighed again. A conflicted smile, one that made me wonder if it was real or not, stretched across his face.

"That's something I'm trying to figure out."

Mark's POV

Nate left for work without bringing the subject up again. I felt awful for answering him like that. He deserved better than me, a jerk who couldn't make up his mind. I could've easily said "yes", and we could've been lying together in bed, warm and with one another. I could've had him in my arms, kissing him the way he  liked it. But, I couldn't say "yes".

I cared so much about him, and yet I couldn't bring myself to say that I loved him. Did I? Was I just feeling lust, or was this really love? People often used "love" in an incorrect sense, but I didn't even know how to see if I truly was in love with him.

I remembered the way he smiled so caringly at me, how it felt when he tried to calm me by brushing my hair back. As I sat on the bed, I remembered how he held me close after assuring me that nothing was coming to hurt me. Tears stung my eyes and I swiped at them before laying on the sheets in my jeans and t shirt.

As I slowly drifted off, my phone buzzed, alerting me of a text. I grabbed it, pushing back sleep to read the message:

Nate <3

'Forget about earlier. I don't want things to be weird between us. If you don't feel the same, it's okay. We're still friends.'

My heart didn't just hurt; it fucking broke. I sighed and typed back a response:


'This evening isn't the end. I promise, I'll give you a straight answer when I've had some time to think. Now, focus on your work, K?'

I hit 'send' and within a second I was passed out, not waiting for his response.

"Welcome back, Mark." My eyes flew open, but I didn't see Nate's ceiling. I saw the screen to a computer, monitoring the cameras. My chest ached at the scary familiarity, and I looked down. I was wearing that awful blue uniform, and had a flashlight in my. That was new, thank God. I looked at the cameras. Of course, the animatronics weren't onstage.

I glanced at the door, and saw Bonnie standing there. He pounded his fists on the glass, and I flinched at the cracks his paws created. A remixed version of my mantra played in my mind: "They aren't real. This is a dream, and I still have some control." I stood and closed the door. "You can't come in!" I shouted over the pounding.

Within the time span of a heartbeat, the glass shattered. My arms flew over my face to shield it from the shards. He climbed through the window, claws scraping at the cheap wallpaper. My heart pounded, but my mind put two and two together, and this situation didn't equal four.

"Bonnie doesn't have claws," I stated. "None of them do." I turned to face the other window, where Chica stood there, blood dripping from her beak. "Chica never bit a child." Slowly, my mind was keeping me together. I saw how my fears were making them look different, amplifying the nightmares. I still had control of my own dream, and I used that control to change the scenery.

The office slowly materialized into Nate's living room. I looked at the terrifying robots, and grinned. "You don't look like that..." I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, the animatronics looked like they had: little adorable hand puppets.

And I saw the addition I had unintentionally brought into the dream: Nate. He stood at the other side of the room, in the same uniform as me. His eyes were magnified by those glasses, and he looked perfectly adorable with his black hair falling over them.

I watched his eyes fall onto the tiny bots, and he smiled widely. "Come here, guys!" he called, kneeling and holding out his arms. The four of them ran into his embrace, and I smiled. He held them like they were pets, or children. He cared about them with that kind of love.

When they pulled away, he looked up at me. "Mark!" he said, with the same excitement as he had for the little guys, if not more. I opened my own arms, and he ran into them. Holding him, my earlier hesitation disappeared. "I love you," I told him, kissing his forehead. "I love you too." He smiled up at me, and I tightened my grip on him. "I hope you say that when I'm awake."

Speaking of which, I could see the world around me begin to fade as I was being woken up. My eyes opened slowly and I yawned, trying to take in Nate's widened eyes and his tight grip on my arms. "Mark!" he shouted, and I had the feeling that it wasn't the first time he had said it. "Hmm? What is it?" I sat up, hoping I'd have the chance to say those three words. I was ready now.

"Mark," Nate said, and a glance at the clock showed me it was only 11: 46 pm. He hadn't gotten to work.

"What is it?" I asked again, now more alert. Is he hurt? Did something happened? Did he get into a crash on the way? "Nate, tell me."

"It's the pizzeria. They're closing it down, we have to go!"

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