Temporarily Yours

By LifeIsLukeBryan

158K 5.9K 867

Caroline Boyer can never seem to find her place in this world. Whether it be a career or one single job, noth... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39


4.4K 130 9
By LifeIsLukeBryan

I rock back and forth in the rocking chair, cradling baby Grace in my arms. My eyes gaze upon her admiringly, taking in every pink, chubby wrinkle and those few light-brown hairs sprouting atop her head. Her nursery door was cracked open, allowing the light from the hallway to flood the room. My ears were tuned, waiting for Tate or Bo to call for me. Yet I realized then that neither of them would. They'd grown older and no longer needed me as much. Tate is now nine and Bo is now ten, just itching to turn eleven in March. They turned to Til now for advice and help rather than I.

Luke and I have been married now for two years. We conceived Grace Lynn on our wedding anniversary. She was born September 6 and is about to be four months old in a few days.

I hear the familiar sound of Luke's boots clicking across the hardwood floor in my direction. Silently I chuckle, he still hadn't learned how to do that quietly at night. He appeared in the doorway and tiptoed towards me. I stood up, gently handing off Grace to him, knowing that's what he wanted. I watched as he cradled her in his arms, staring down at her with the same awe he had when he first held her the day she was born, amazement that never seemed to fade. His smile was nonetheless as heartwarming. I'd come to learn each and every laugh line and crease etched in his face.

Slowly, Luke inched towards her crib and gently laid her down.

"Come here, I have something to show you." He whispered, reaching for my hand.

I grasped it, following his footsteps down the hall and then down the steps towards the family room. The fireplace had a fire burning and crackling in it, radiating hear throughout the room. I took a seat on the sofa and waited as Luke grabbed something atop the mantle. He took a seat next to me and looked over a small card in his hands; I couldn't quite make out what it was in the dim light.

Luke spoke, still staring at the card he held in his hand. "So I was organizing my office today and you'd never guess what I found."

"What is it?" I asked, curious as to what was so special.

Luke handed it to me and it was then that I realized what it was: my old Temporarily Yours nanny service card. The one I'd given Luke the first time I'd stepped foot in his home... our home now.

"I found it behind my desk, it must've fallen. When I was rearranging furniture in there, I came across it. I just thought it was pretty cool." Luke explained.

  My eyes dipped back up to meet Luke's gaze. "Isn't it crazy? I was only supposed to be your name for a little while and now we're married. I consider Bo, Tate, and Til mine and now we a child of our own together, Grace."

  "It is crazy, but I wouldn't want it any other way, baby." Luke smiled before leaning in to place a kiss on my lips.

Temporarily Yours
A temporary nanny service

Caroline Boyer
Franklin, Tennessee
(615) 612-7129

The name stuck out to me. Temporarily. It was no longer true. I was no longer temporarily Luke's, but forever his.

I used to say to myself , "stay away from the man in the cowboy boots and ball cap, he doesn't love you.", but oh how wrong was I.

  "I love you, Luke, from the ends of the Earth-" I whispered softly.

   "To the moon and back a billion times." Luke finished for me.

Author's Note

And that's a wrap!  Thank you so so so much for all of the support I got throughout this entire book! It was by far one of my favorites to write. And to answer all of your questions: no there will NOT be a sequel! Also, I'd like to thank two people personally for always helping me when I was stuck on something with this book: Shelby and Bethany. Bless y'all's hearts ❤️

By the way, my favorite chapter EVER, out of this entire book, will always be Chapter 9 so go check that out for reminiscing!

  Love you guys ttmab, much love homies!!!

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