Chapter 17

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It only takes a moment to say you love someone, but a lifetime of regret if you let the moment slip away . 


  I sat in front of the vanity, sticking small, diamond studded earrings into my ears. Taking a deep breath, I stood from my seat and looked into the mirror, staring at my reflection. My hair was slightly curled, simple but fancy enough. I smoothed my dress skirt out. It was a light, navy blue lace dress that reached just above my knees. It was an open back dress too, with sleeve reaching above my elbow that were a slight, see-through lace. I paired it with a pair of nude heels and clutch. I smiled, feeling very well put together. Before leaving, I grabbed my trench coat and draped it over my arms.

Tonight Leah and I were going out to dinner for a little girl's night out. She had convinced Blaine to take care of Nash while she had a little fun for once, taking a break from motherly duties. And as always, Luke was home tonight so I didn't have to worry about the kids. It'd been a long while since Leah and I actually spent time together, alone, without her holding Nash at her side, changing diapers, and burping him, cleaning up baby goo. I was looked forward to catching up.

My heels clicked against the wood floor as I made my way down the steps. Luke was sitting on the sofa, scrolling through his phone. He looked up as I emerged from the shadows, his eyes lingering a bit longer than usual. I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, trying my best to ignore him. I walked into the kitchen, past where Luke was sitting, to where Tate sat perched at the island watching a video on his iPad.

"Hey Tot," I said, ruffling his hair from behind. "You be good now. Okay?"

  Tate looked up from his video and smiled. "Where ya goin' Miss Caroline?"

  I smiled and thought for a moment. "I am going out tonight."

That satisfied his little mind and he nodded. "Have fun Miss Caroline!"

  I chuckled. "I will little man, I will."

  I walked away and towards the door. Luke stood by it, leaning against the door frame. I reached for the door handle only to be stopped by Luke. He reached his hand out and touched my arm.

  "Where are you going?" He asked.

  I turned towards him, taken aback a little by his question. He straightened his posture. "Excuse me? Are you my father now? I have a right to leave the house." I laughed.

Luke shoved his hands into his pockets and searched the floor near his boots. I stared at him quizzically wondering what was going on. "It's just that you, um," He stuttered for a moment before looking up into my eyes. "Look really nice tonight and I was wondering where you could be going looking like that."

My cheeks blazed and looked away for a moment, avoiding eye contact with Luke. "I'm going out tonight." I said quietly. "I'm going out to dinner actually. Now if you'd excuse me, I really need to go."

  Luke stepped aside, his face falling. "Oh." Was all he mumbled.

  The rest of the night went smoothly. Leah and I ate and sipped our wine, engaging in thoughtful conversation, catching up on life. It was an amazing night.

"So, how's things going with the guy who's got your heart captured?" Leah asked, reaching for the stem of her wine glass.

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